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Accepted Application For Student Council Treasurer ✔

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Level 0
IGN: Oni_Otaku

Role in School Council: Treasurer

Expected activity (out of ten): 7

RL Age (note that it does not matter how old you are): 13

Previous Applications: None

Motivation for joining: My friend LelouchiVii (one of the two vice presidents) was talking to me about joining and the way he described student council seemed very fun. I am also apart of student council in real-life so I can use those experiences in game when attending meetings and organizing events.

What is the School Council?:

Student Council is a group of students from multiple grades who try their hardest to make their school a better place to benefit the whole student body.

What happens in the School Council?:

Student Council discusses major issues such as bullying and try to make school a warm and happy place. They also annalyse the school budget for dances, fundraisers, and special assemblies to please the whole student body.


You are a councillor, the chairman submits an awful idea, what do you do?:

No idea is entirely awful. I personally would listen to the full idea respectively and try to add onto the idea to make it better. If that isn’t exactly what I could do I would listen for other ideas to find the greatest idea.

You submit an idea, everyone hates it, how do you react?:

I would brush it off and try again harder. Not every idea will be accepted by all; we just have to move on but if I think this idea will be extremely beneficial I would try to explain my reasoning on why this idea is good.

You have become the school president, what is your first speech:

Hello fellow students of Yandere High. I am your President, Oni_Otaku. I have been in the School for a short time but I’ve witnessed a lot such as: fights, swearing, illegal substances, failed RPs, and most importantly bullying. But before we get into those subjects I want to tell you a story. Yes a story. I was walking though the old school and saw this boy with white hair and a beard. I whispered and said that he looked ugly. My friends and I gossiped and laughed about this one guy for the rest of the day. At the time I was in the moment but I later felt extremely bad about bullying this poor person and I never got to say sorry. I also made an oath to myself to never discriminate others again. You may ask ‘why are you telling us this?’ and that is a great question. I wanted to show you I’m not a perfect person but I strive to be better than I was. I want to make the school a happy warm place for the new students to enjoy, make friends, and most importantly have fun. Now that I am president I will do my best to stop fights, correct others when they are doing wrong and stop bullying to create a peaceful oasis in Yandere High School.

You fail to attend 5 meetings with the school council, how do you apologize?

I would apologize sincerely and attend the meetings. I would also work harder to make up for the lost time I have missed.

You are being removed from your position, how do you react:

I would find out why I’m being removed and ask if there is any other way to stay in Student Council; if not I would say “I completely understand is there anything I can do to help without being in Student Council?”

You are writing a letter to the school principal, how do you convince him to let you be his role?

Dear Principal FilthyDuck,

I am coming forth to write you about a very important job I am more than capable to take on; student council treasurer. By being in student council I want to help the student body in every way possible. I will pursue this by helping out my fellow peers, cleaning up the school as much as possible, and helping out staff members with their work. I would also attempt to attend meetings as often as possible and if I know I am unable to attend I will make sure someone is informed with my reason why I couldn’t make it. I will also treat everyone with positivity, give clear and honest feedback, and express my ideas respectfully to everyone in student council when needed. Finally, I would help the council in by helping to set up meetings, providing information (when needed), and helping to organize and manage funds as it is the job of a treasurer. To finalize, I would be the most suitable choice for treasurer for the various reasons.


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