Level 36
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I acknowledge that my past with the police force is not the best in the world, but the behaviour that I once had disappeared quite a while ago. I like to think I have no quarrel with anyone that is currently in the police force and if I do then please message me so that it can be sorted out.
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IGN (In-Game Name): My In-Game Name is Deformities, I have no past IGNs. My alternate accounts are Birti and Exultants. My main account is Berttie.
Previous bans: I have never been banned on the server and I do not plan on it. I follow the rules like everyone should.
Describe your activity on the server:
I am extremely active on the server. I am on the server all day and every day. To be exact, I normally log on the server at 9am and log off at 11pm because of the fact it is the summer holidays. However, when school comes back my schedule will be 4pm till 9pm on Monday to Friday and then 9am - 9pm on Saturdays and Sundays. So as you can see from the number of hours I go on the server for, I am pretty active.
I make sure to be active on all three of my accounts - but I understand that the police account needs the most attention and so if I do get accepted for this role then I will make sure to be the most active on it. I know I didn't evenly distribute my time on my police account and my shop-owner account in the past but there are two reasons as too why that has changed. The first reason is that I have developed and I am more responsible with my time and my organisational skills. I also do not own a store anymore, so I have more time to spend on the account of the police officer.
I am also active on the discord server. I have the application on my phone and my computer as well. I am on discord almost 24/7 - checking it always. This meaning that I will have access to #police-chat, #guidelines, #wanted, etc.. At all times so I will not miss anything. I will make sure to check the police discord regularly so that I am up-to-date on everything that a standard police officer should be.
Do you have Discord?: Yes, I have discord. My discord name and number is Berttie#3413.
Do you have a microphone?: I do, however it is very bad. At times I sometimes just use my phone to speak but sometimes I have to use the bad microphone. I hope this does not change anything - I am currently saving up for a better one. If I do use my phone, you will hear me more clearly.
List your current and past applications: So I do not space out the application, I will only post my role applications and not applications such as character authorisations:
- [Drama-Teacher][QTLS] ACCEPTED
- [Shop-Owner] ACCEPTED
- [Police-Officer] ACCEPTED
- [English-Teacher][HD] ACCEPTED
- [Black-Market] DENIED
- [Lawyer] ACCEPTED
- [Doctor] DENIED
- [Forensic-Coroner][Temp Lead] ACCEPTED
- [Tour-Guide] / [Helper] ACCEPTED
- [Sociology-Teacher][NQT] ACCEPTED
- [Shop-Owner] ACCEPTED
- [Police-Officer] ACCEPTED
- [English-Teacher][HD] ACCEPTED
- [Black-Market] DENIED
- [Lawyer] ACCEPTED
- [Doctor] DENIED
- [Forensic-Coroner][Temp Lead] ACCEPTED
- [Tour-Guide] / [Helper] ACCEPTED
- [Sociology-Teacher][NQT] ACCEPTED
Well, I firstly want to become a police officer again due to the fact I hate how I left off last time. I quit because I didn't think I was going to get anywhere and I regret that so much. I gave up when I should've kept trying and if I kept trying maybe I wouldn't be applying again today. I want to be able to complete what I started and make my way up the ranks and this time I won't cop out. I intend to be extremely active on the police account and work exceedingly hard.
The second reason I want to be a police officer is that I plan to request training to become a police investigator as soon as I pass the cadet test. Being a forensic has really made me love DetectiveRP and pursuing investigations - I didn't know that I liked it this much but it turns out it really suits me. I enjoy interrogations, crime scene investigations, checking criminal records and medical files, etc.. It makes the server more fun for me. I feel like actually becoming an investigator would be amazing for me. So, I am gonna try to work my way up to an investigator.
Finally, my motivation for applying is that I really enjoyed myself last time. Being a policeman was actually really fun and I really wish to do it again. But like I said in my first point, I won't give up this time. The police force has updated so much since I was an officer and I want to learn more about it all. I want to learn more about SAT, the radios, the new station and everything else that has come in since I left. I think it would be really interesting and cool to know more about all of this new stuff.
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?: I do understand Japanese Laws and the Basic Conduct. I couldn't find it on the forums and then I was told it got deleted but I remember most of it from last time. And then to follow through with that, I did some research to make sure I understand everything.
What are the Police ranks?:
Commissioner: The commissioner is assigned by the mayor. They are in charge of the local police force and they make sure everything is under control. You message the commissioner on discord if you need a warrant as the commissioner and the captain are the only people who can give you one. The commissioner has access to the armoury.
Captain: The Police-Captain is assigned by the commissioner. They are assigned acting commissioner if the commissioner is off ill or killed on-duty. They normally deal with the rest of the officers whilst the commissioner is making the big decisions and dealing with other things. The captain works alongside the commissioner. The captain has access to the armoury.
Lieutenant: The lieutenant is a superior officer. They have worked their way up the ranks. There is a Head-Lieutenant, who is in charge of the lieutenants and then there is a Vice-Head Lieutenant who is the step in for the head if they ever strike ill or get killed on-duty. The lieutenants do not have access to the armoury - but they do own a gun.
Sergeant: The Seargent is a uniformed senior officer of the force. They are above corporal and just below a lieutenant. This is an important role as they have to oversee the training of the future officers and must make sure their inferiors are doing their job correctly. They do not have access to the armoury and they do not own a gun.
Corporal: The corporal is in charge of the patrol officers and cadets. It is a pretty low down rank but it is the first rank which actually gives you some responsibility to watch over others and gives you a taster of leadership. The corporal must be a good role model towards the patrol officers and cadets. They do not have access to the armoury or firearm.
Patrol Officer: The patrol officer has just passed the cadet test, they are ready to patrol without a higher up and they are allowed to leave the station. This role has very little leadership involved but the patrol officers must be a good role model towards the cadets. They do not have access to the armoury or firearm.
Investigator: The investigator has passed their trainee period and taken the test. They get to use firearm and their rank equals to a lieutenant. They must be a good role model for the trainee investigators. They do not have access to the armoury.
Trainee Investigator: The trainee investigator has requested this role. They must be at least a patrol officer to get this role. They are currently being trained by the head-lieutenant and to progress to being investigator they must pass the test. They do not have access to the armoury or have a firearm. Their role is equal to corporal.
S.A.T Operators: They have passed the test and are full-time operators. They take orders from the SAT Commander and are ahead of the recruits. They don't have access to the armoury but they do have access to firearm.
RECRUITS: Recruits are volunteers who work for the special assault team. They constantly get trained and occasionally have access to firearm when in training. They need to pass the test in order to progress to a SAT Operator.
Captain: The Police-Captain is assigned by the commissioner. They are assigned acting commissioner if the commissioner is off ill or killed on-duty. They normally deal with the rest of the officers whilst the commissioner is making the big decisions and dealing with other things. The captain works alongside the commissioner. The captain has access to the armoury.
Lieutenant: The lieutenant is a superior officer. They have worked their way up the ranks. There is a Head-Lieutenant, who is in charge of the lieutenants and then there is a Vice-Head Lieutenant who is the step in for the head if they ever strike ill or get killed on-duty. The lieutenants do not have access to the armoury - but they do own a gun.
Sergeant: The Seargent is a uniformed senior officer of the force. They are above corporal and just below a lieutenant. This is an important role as they have to oversee the training of the future officers and must make sure their inferiors are doing their job correctly. They do not have access to the armoury and they do not own a gun.
Corporal: The corporal is in charge of the patrol officers and cadets. It is a pretty low down rank but it is the first rank which actually gives you some responsibility to watch over others and gives you a taster of leadership. The corporal must be a good role model towards the patrol officers and cadets. They do not have access to the armoury or firearm.
Patrol Officer: The patrol officer has just passed the cadet test, they are ready to patrol without a higher up and they are allowed to leave the station. This role has very little leadership involved but the patrol officers must be a good role model towards the cadets. They do not have access to the armoury or firearm.
Cadet: This role has only just joined the force or they have only just come back to the force. They have a silver badge instead of a gold one and they are not allowed to leave the station without a patrol officer or higher. They must pass the test to move up to patrol officer. They do not have access to the armoury or firearm.
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Head Investigator: This is an extremely high rank, equal to or higher than the head lieutenant role. They are in charge of training the trainee investigators and they are in charge of the normal ones. They do have access to the armoury and they own firearm.
Investigator: The investigator has passed their trainee period and taken the test. They get to use firearm and their rank equals to a lieutenant. They must be a good role model for the trainee investigators. They do not have access to the armoury.
Trainee Investigator: The trainee investigator has requested this role. They must be at least a patrol officer to get this role. They are currently being trained by the head-lieutenant and to progress to being investigator they must pass the test. They do not have access to the armoury or have a firearm. Their role is equal to corporal.
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S.A.T Commander / HSO: The HSO is in charge of the special forces operation. They are in charge of training the recruits and making sure their physical ability is top-notch. They are extremely high in the hierarchy and are equal to or higher than the head lieutenant. They have access to the armoury and firearm.
S.A.T Operators: They have passed the test and are full-time operators. They take orders from the SAT Commander and are ahead of the recruits. They don't have access to the armoury but they do have access to firearm.
RECRUITS: Recruits are volunteers who work for the special assault team. They constantly get trained and occasionally have access to firearm when in training. They need to pass the test in order to progress to a SAT Operator.
What knowledge do you have of Police Work?:
As I have mentioned a couple of times now, I used to be an officer on the force and do I know a lot about police work that is done here on the server. I will give a few examples of what police work is done.
Police officers must log their arrests with the jailed's roleplay name and in-game name, the officer must give their roleplay name and their IGN, the bail must be set, the release date must be set and then it must say either "JAILED" or "BAILED." The arrest reason must be logged as well as the arrest duration. This is all logged for if something involving the prisoner is brought up, say they need bailing for example or someone wants to know their release date - they can check the logs for their name.
You can fine someone for the following reasons, J-Walking, loitering and skipping school. There are other minor reasons but those are the main three. The fine for J-Walking and loitering is from ¥5,000 - ¥10,000 and the fine for skipping school is ¥10,000. If anyone was to forget this, they can check #guidelines on the police discord server as there are jail times and fine amounts listed there. Failure to pay a fine leads to an arrest of 2 weeks, the bail will be how much the fine cost.
Wearing a mask (excluding the surgical mask) is a probable cause to search. When searching the perimeter tactic should be used so that someone always has the other's' persons six. If they are alone then they must search them at an angle so their back is not exposed. Police officers do not have to search someone if it seems shady. (For example, there's a massive group of people waiting for you to search them). Openly carrying legal weapons such as bats are also a probable cause to search someone. If someone has a legal weapon on them then it should be sprayed with luminol (something that reveals any blood substances) and any dints on the weapon. The person should have a reasonable excuse for having it. (For example, "I play baseball.") and then have proof of their statement. If blood or dints are found on the weapon and there is not a reasonable explanation then the weapon gets confiscated and the person gets submitted for questioning.
Why is Police important to SchoolRP?:
The first reason as to why police are important to SchoolRP is that it enforces students to go to school. This impacts the server as it means students will actually attend classes and it puts the School back in SchoolRP. Without the police, so many people would be on the streets probably at the family store just hanging around or in an alleyway GangRP'ing. So, because police are here it means students will actually be able to pass exams and proceed to college, do school events and make more friends. Everything that should be done in a SchoolRP server.
Police are also important to SchoolRP because police are needed for emergencies. As we all know, GangRP has died down but it isn't extinct. If the police weren't here then GangRP would be extremely high and students would either be in a gang or be dead. Now, that isn't very good for a SchoolRP server. We want alive students who act like teenagers, not kids that are either dead or act like mafia bosses. So the fact the police are here to put an end to that means that the SchoolRP server can actually be a SchoolRP server.
Finally, police are important to the server because it adds realism. The server is a roleplay server that is based on real-life and so having police there makes it seem even more realistic. In real life, you see police patrolling all the time and so it is only right that you see police doing it in the server all the time as well. This makes the experience of roleplay better for the players.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject of being demoted if accepted at any given time?:
I acknowledge that I am subject to being demoted if accepted at any time.
As I have mentioned a couple of times now, I used to be an officer on the force and do I know a lot about police work that is done here on the server. I will give a few examples of what police work is done.
Police officers must log their arrests with the jailed's roleplay name and in-game name, the officer must give their roleplay name and their IGN, the bail must be set, the release date must be set and then it must say either "JAILED" or "BAILED." The arrest reason must be logged as well as the arrest duration. This is all logged for if something involving the prisoner is brought up, say they need bailing for example or someone wants to know their release date - they can check the logs for their name.
You can fine someone for the following reasons, J-Walking, loitering and skipping school. There are other minor reasons but those are the main three. The fine for J-Walking and loitering is from ¥5,000 - ¥10,000 and the fine for skipping school is ¥10,000. If anyone was to forget this, they can check #guidelines on the police discord server as there are jail times and fine amounts listed there. Failure to pay a fine leads to an arrest of 2 weeks, the bail will be how much the fine cost.
Wearing a mask (excluding the surgical mask) is a probable cause to search. When searching the perimeter tactic should be used so that someone always has the other's' persons six. If they are alone then they must search them at an angle so their back is not exposed. Police officers do not have to search someone if it seems shady. (For example, there's a massive group of people waiting for you to search them). Openly carrying legal weapons such as bats are also a probable cause to search someone. If someone has a legal weapon on them then it should be sprayed with luminol (something that reveals any blood substances) and any dints on the weapon. The person should have a reasonable excuse for having it. (For example, "I play baseball.") and then have proof of their statement. If blood or dints are found on the weapon and there is not a reasonable explanation then the weapon gets confiscated and the person gets submitted for questioning.
Why is Police important to SchoolRP?:
The first reason as to why police are important to SchoolRP is that it enforces students to go to school. This impacts the server as it means students will actually attend classes and it puts the School back in SchoolRP. Without the police, so many people would be on the streets probably at the family store just hanging around or in an alleyway GangRP'ing. So, because police are here it means students will actually be able to pass exams and proceed to college, do school events and make more friends. Everything that should be done in a SchoolRP server.
Police are also important to SchoolRP because police are needed for emergencies. As we all know, GangRP has died down but it isn't extinct. If the police weren't here then GangRP would be extremely high and students would either be in a gang or be dead. Now, that isn't very good for a SchoolRP server. We want alive students who act like teenagers, not kids that are either dead or act like mafia bosses. So the fact the police are here to put an end to that means that the SchoolRP server can actually be a SchoolRP server.
Finally, police are important to the server because it adds realism. The server is a roleplay server that is based on real-life and so having police there makes it seem even more realistic. In real life, you see police patrolling all the time and so it is only right that you see police doing it in the server all the time as well. This makes the experience of roleplay better for the players.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject of being demoted if accepted at any given time?:
I acknowledge that I am subject to being demoted if accepted at any time.

Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?:
Jaguar Valézquez is an olive-skinned male, who stands at 5'10". He is quite muscley and broad-chested. He weighs 120lbs and has a tattoo on his wrist that says "Valesca" in black curved writing. He has a strong Spanish accent and his voice is very deep. He has many small pin-point holes in ears from old piercings he got as a teenager.
Jaguar was a patrol-officer for the KPD once before, but he had to move back to Spain when his Papa fell ill. But now he's back and is ready for his job back - he wants to meet up with old colleagues and get back to saving lives and enforcing the law. He wishes to become a trainee investigator and deal with the more major crimes as he wants to make more of an impact for the city. He enjoys putting families to rest when the killer finally gets arrested, or the relief when he finally finishes a case, or the feeling of accomplishment when he writes down the culprit's name on the paperwork.
At the end of a shift, Jaguar likes to take off his badge and head to the bar. He likes to have a drink and talk about his job with the bartender. Obviously, he doesn't talk about anything confidential, but he talks about it generally. After that, he likes to go home and relax - getting enough sleep for his shift the next day.
What he's like on the and off the job?:
When Jaguar is on-duty, he is professional with civilians at all times. He isn't rude and he isn't obnoxious, he is polite no matter how much they annoy him. When he is with colleagues he will joke around but manage to stay serious when it is needed. For example, if they're in the break-room having a coffee then he will joke around but if they were in a meeting he would be mature. He knows how to adapt his outlook on things in different scenarios so that he fits the right mood.
However, when Jaguar is off-duty he is little more casual and leaned back. He will still be mature and not make a scene but his mouth and vocabulary will be less restrained. He is still as alert as he is when he is on-duty, always checking his surroundings, etc.. If he ever sees crime he will still call it in and if it's major (say someone is about to be killed) he WILL step in.
Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?:
He has respect for every single one of his co-workers. He values their courage and bravery for being on the force and everything they do for it. The time they spend, the paperwork they do, the criminals they put away, the life-risking scenarios they put themselves in, etc.. He respects the cadets for their decision to join the force and he respects the captain and the commissioner for all the work they have done to get that far up the ranks. Like I said before, Jaguar's plans for the future is to become an investigator. He really wants to solve mysteries and cases, put away murderers, etc..
Jaguar was born in Madrid, Spain. He was born on August 2nd 1991. This all happened in a hospital called "HM University Sanchinarro Hospital." Jaguar grew up in a rich home, he got everything he wanted, everything is done for him, food cooked for him, etc.. One day, Jaguar was in his house alone (at the age of 9) and he hears a window smash. He runs down to see everything gone. His family ended up becoming poor and they had to sell the house to end up living in an apartment. It was at that time that Jaguar decided he wanted to stop criminal scum like this person from ever doing the same to others - it was at that moment he decided to become a police officer.

At the age of 18, Jaguar moved to Karakura in Japan to pursue his dream of becoming a police officer. He went to college to get an A-Level in Criminology and Law and then carried on to university to get a degree in Criminal Justice and Criminology. Before he could become an official officer, he had to undergo training. He trained for two years and finally sent in an application for the KPD. He got accepted and joined the force. It was there, when he trained as a cadet. He took the test and got full marks and carried on as a patrol-officer. Everything was good, until Jaguar gets a call. It was his father, he had fallen ill and Jaguar needed to go back to Madrid to the hospital named "HM University Sanchinarro Hospital" and visit him. Unfortunately, his father did not make it. Jaguar spent a year to grieve and then travelled back to Karakura where he sent in his application for the police force. He is currently awaiting a response.
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name: Jaguar Valézquez
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr
Given Name(s): Jag, Val.
Preferred Name: Jaguar, Jag, Val.
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: Athiest
Marital Status: Divorced
Nationality: Spanish
Current Location: Karakura, Japan
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training: 2 years.
Working Experience: 6 years
Academic Degree: Criminology, Criminal Justice
Year of Graduation: 2017
Major(s): Criminology
Minor(s): Criminal Justice
Native Languages: Spanish
Other Languages: Japanese
Other notes: As I said in the disclaimer, I know I have caused trouble in the past but I have changed quite a lot. I have even become staff, which must show that I have gained some sort of maturity level. Thank you for reading.
Working Experience: 6 years
Academic Degree: Criminology, Criminal Justice
Year of Graduation: 2017
Major(s): Criminology
Minor(s): Criminal Justice
Native Languages: Spanish
Other Languages: Japanese
Other notes: As I said in the disclaimer, I know I have caused trouble in the past but I have changed quite a lot. I have even become staff, which must show that I have gained some sort of maturity level. Thank you for reading.
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