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Denied Art Teacher Application

What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
Yes, its Ginaisreallycool

Do you have a microphone?:
Yep! but I am quite shy..

How old are you? (Optional):

What is your time zone?:
Eastern Daylight time, (GMT-4)

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Of course!

Describe your activity on the server:
Although this does sound weird, I actually was on a lot for three years, up until January where I had a house fire which absolutely destroyed my PC (worst thing to go [Kidding!]) And I have been saving up since then to get myself an adequate set up, which I have just recently been able to buy. But with my PC ruined and the amount of time it took to get back, I lost my Minecraft login and had to restart all over again. If I remember correctly, My old characters name was Mazikeen (Mazi) Smith or something along those lines if thats relative. But I am hoping on getting back to where I am!

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
None, Not applicable .

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
For the reasons stated above, I am in eighth grade now.


What subject are you applying to teach?:

Although I would love to teach an academic such as science, english, or history, those spots are filled, so I am applying for an Art Teacher.

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:
Out of character and in real life, I am actually really interested in becoming a teacher. In college, I want education as my major, but I won't go too far in my real life. In my old account, I really enjoyed being a student for a long time, but I absolutely adore everything about being a teacher whether it is in game or not! :)

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT & If your application is accepted, you may have to undergo teacher training?:
Yes I do.

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:
Logos show what classes a teacher is teaching, how active they are, if they are online or not, and their general performance on the server. It Is important to know how a teacher is doing and what they are doing in order to keep tabs and retain a nice environment for all.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:


Although I stand by the fact that respect is earned, I fully respect each and every one of my students, so I want this to be mutual. You don't have to like me, hell, you can even hate me, but you still have to respect me. This goes for each student as well. I do not tolerate any disrespect of ANY sorts when it comes to my class. My motto is "Try not to be an asshole." With an emphasis on try. We all have our bad days, I get it, but you do not have to take it out on anyone else. Come talk to me about it if you need.

Art can be hard!! thats okay! I am never expecting to make every student a potential Picasso when they walk out. All I require is for everyone to try. If I see you give everything your best effort and then hand in what might even be regarded as an insult to some, thats ok. Although I do grade for technique to some extent, I always put effort above all else.

We aren't superhuman, sometimes there isn't enough hours in a day for things. Honesty is key in my classroom. I take that very seriously. If you don't understand something and did it totally wrong, don't copy off of others or act like you did know what you were doing! tell me, chances are, I will understand. If something happened and you aren't able to get an assignment in on time, talk to me beforehand if possible, we will work something out together. This is a team effort!

Im a friend.
Surprising enough, all teachers don't have to be the devil incarnated. I want to be there for you, and I want to help you. If you have outside of school drama, talk to me about it! I aspire to be a role-model and a person who can give advice to all. I am understanding, and I will keep whatever you tell me close to my heart, I wont tell a soul. (unless I deem that your safety is compromised, I am a mandated reporter by law!)

All of the obvious
This rule is literally, all of the obvious! this includes things like;
- Hands to yourself, this isn't a WWE ring, so don't try to make it like one.

- Inappropriate behavior in class is not tolerated. A verbal warning, a physical one, and then a detention with me.
- Inappropriate language, although may be funny, will always be kept at a minimum to none in my class.
- As cringey as it is, have fun :)

What experience, in general, do you have in role-play?:
Well, I don't want to sound like a broken radio, but I played this server on a different account for almost four years until my house fire. This caused me to take quite a break, but i'm back!

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:
- HD
↳ Meaning:
Head of Department
↳ Description:
The top position within the department is held by the Head of Department, who serves as both the highest-ranking authority and an active classroom instructor. This dual role is combines administrative leadership with teaching responsibilities, therefore making them great resources for UT's and NQT's for any questions they may have. In addition to overseeing departmental operations, the head of the department is responsible for curriculum development, setting academic standards, and creating an environment fit for learning. This means that they oversee how other teachers are doing and their performance is at their best, as well as if they are following the rules. As previously mentioned, Another aspect of their role is their involvement in teaching Unqualified Teachers, showing their genuine commitment to helping the UT and NQT's out and supporting them in acquiring the necessary skills for effective teaching. (sorry if this was a bit overboard, I added general information about real life Heads of Departments.)

- QT
↳ Meaning:
Qualified teacher
↳ Description:
Upon completing the rigorous and comprehensive teacher training program, Unqualified Teachers have consistently demonstrated their capacity to proficiently conduct classes, impart knowledge responsibly, and establish a safe and enriching educational atmosphere for all students. Qualified teachers have usually been teaching for some time now, and are able to show thin within their skills. Qualified teachers are also the rank below Heads of Departments.

↳ Meaning:
Newly qualified teacher
↳ Description:
A Newly Qualified Teacher, as the title suggests, is an educator who has recently completed their training program. They have emerged equipped to independently lead a classroom without the need for oversight from an official QT or a seasoned Head of Department. They have a proficient grasp of their subject matter and adept educational skills, they possess the competence to deliver effective lessons. However, it's important to note that their experience in the field is still developing, and they are yet to attain the level of seasoned expertise characteristic of a Qualified Teacher or a Head of Department.

- UT
↳ Meaning:
Unqualified teacher
↳ Description:
A newly accepted teacher, who is required to teach a class alongside or with the aid of a Head of Department of a Qualified teacher. Most often this is where the newest and unexperienced teachers go, due to the fact that they have yet to go through the teacher training. Although inexperienced, this does not take away from the fact that they have enough knowledge to hold down a class.

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

( I want to apologize in advance to whoever has to read my thing, I might go a little extra with this!! I just really like teaching)

Teachers play vital roles both in-game and out-of-game, serving as educators who impart knowledge and skills to their students while also contributing to the overall development of society. In-game, such as in the classroom or educational setting of the server, teachers are responsible for instructing students, helping them acquire academic knowledge, critical thinking abilities, and valuable life skills. They create a structured learning environment, develop lesson plans, assess student progress, and foster a safe and inclusive atmosphere for learning.

Out-of-game, teachers extend their impact by shaping the future through the education they provide. They prepare students to become responsible, informed citizens, equipping them with the tools needed for personal and professional success. Beyond academics, teachers often serve as mentors and role models, instilling values, ethics, and a lifelong love of learning.

In terms of salary, teacher compensation varies significantly depending on factors such as location, level of education, years of experience, and the specific institution or school district. Generally, teachers receive competitive salaries, but they may also enjoy benefits like healthcare and retirement plans! (if thats a thing in this game...)

Regarding teaching methods, teachers employ diverse strategies to cater to the needs and learning styles of their students. These may include lectures, interactive discussions, hands-on activities, technology integration, and individualized instruction. The approach often depends on the subject matter, grade level, and the unique needs of the students.

In their spare time, teachers engage in a wide range of activities, just like any other individuals. Some may pursue hobbies or interests that align with their personal passions, such as art, sports, or music. Others may use their free time for professional development, continuing education, or collaborating with colleagues to enhance their teaching skills. Additionally, many teachers dedicate time to family, friends, and community involvement, contributing to the broader societal fabric in meaningful ways.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:
In real life, teachers are so very important because they play a fundamental role in shaping the future of society as a whole. They are not just providers of information but also mentors, guides, and sources of inspiration. Most kids have their most valuable lessons within school. Teachers impart knowledge and critical thinking skills, equipping students with the tools they need to succeed academically and in life. Beyond academics, teachers also contribute to the social and emotional development of students, helping them become responsible, empathetic, well-rounded individuals, and they most of all become who they are, gain their own personality and independence, etc. Teachers are the backbone of the education system, and their dedication and passion for teaching can have a profound and lasting impact on the lives of their students, influencing future careers, perspectives, and contributions to society. In essence, teachers are the builders of a brighter and more informed future. Within a School RP server, Its in the name, school rp. How can we have a school without the teachers? Teachers immerse each player into an actual school atmosphere, providing entertaining experiences while staying loyal to what the server is about!

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:
The school works on a MoSCoW planning system. This means "Must have, Should have, Could have, Won’t have"
This planning system is broken down like this;
Must have: This is essentially what you must have in your curriculum. The essentials of the time you have to teach.
Should have: Should haves are not totally required, but if time allows, it is always beneficial and highly recommended to have within your classroom curriculum.
Could have: Although this one is slightly debated weather it is can't have or Could have. Could have, Is something that are able to incorporate within your teachings, although not necessary, it is always nice to add your own personal touch to things.
Won't Have: These are the things you will not have in your classroom. It doesn't mean they are bad, just based on your teaching and the allotted time, It may just not not, or you do not want it within your teaching style.

Character Knowledge

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. How does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What are their plan for the future?


August is a charming young teacher with an innate, sun-kissed beauty. Her natural blonde hair cascades down to her waist, complementing her bright green eyes that seem to capture the sunlight. Freckles dot her face, adding to her youthful charm. Standing at 5'7", she maintains a slender yet athletic physique, a testament to her lifelong dedication as a competitive and professional cheerleader.

Her style is versatile, ranging from ripped jeans and fitted shirts to cropped sweaters and cargos, occasionally embracing a more formal look with a flattering pantsuit. For school attire, she will always where a school like uniform, nothing inappropriate. August's unique touch lies in her variety of tattoos, discreetly adorning her hands, neck, sternum, and under-boob, as well as her ankles and back. These tattoos hold deep personal significance, and though she tends to keep them concealed, they are always meaningful to her.
August possesses a soothing, melodic voice that could lull anyone to sleep, despite its slightly higher pitch. Her demeanor is relaxed and somewhat shy outside the classroom, but when she steps into her teaching role, she radiates charisma and a genuine innocence. She takes great pleasure in forming close bonds with her students, and her understanding nature makes her approachable and beloved among those she teaches. In essence, August embodies a captivating blend of outer charm and inner warmth.

August has an enduring passion for music, and her taste is as diverse as it gets. She finds joy in listening to a wide range of artists, from the soulful melodies of SZA to the storytelling prowess of Taylor Swift, Lana Del Rey, Tyler the Creator, and beyond. When she's not in the classroom, August's shy exterior quickly transforms into an upbeat and approachable persona, akin to a friendly German Shepherd. Armed with silly jokes and witty remarks, her aim is always to bring happiness to those around her, even if her occasional resting facial expression might not be the most welcoming. Not married, and always on the market, just single... She Is openly bisexual and has yet to find someone for her, never afraid of the occasional "fling" as long as it doesn't impede on her professional life.

Inside her classroom, August is unwavering in her commitment to creating a safe and inclusive space for all her students. She's more than willing to go the extra mile, even if it means sacrificing her own free time to help her students succeed. August aspires to be every student's favorite teacher, cherishing the sacred bonds she forms with them, regardless of the challenges they may face. In her eyes, every student is a best friend, no matter how demanding or difficult the circumstances may be.

August may have an easy-going demeanor, but that doesn't mean she's a pushover when it comes to rules and standards. She holds her students to high standards and is known for being a tough grader. However, she's always open to lending a helping hand to those who seek guidance. While she values rules and structure, she's also willing to bend them when it's in the best interest of a student. Nevertheless, she's unwavering in her stance against any form of disrespect, both in her classroom and directed toward herself. She knows her worth, where she stands, and what she deserves, and she won't accept anything less.

August is not just an inspiration to her students; she also enjoys building friendships with her colleagues and students alike, fostering a sense of camaraderie and community within her educational environment. Despite her outwardly warm and approachable nature, August keeps her personal background close to her chest. She has faced considerable challenges, primarily navigating her teenage years largely on her own, with two parental figures no longer in the picture. She has a younger sister who is in high school, although not at the same school where August teaches.

/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:
I would approach them and ask them what they're doing, stern, yet soft. Cursing and swearing doesn't make you look cool, just immature. But I keep that to myself for now. Usually when theres bad behavior, a mean scolding might not always work. I may give them a warning, but I will always try to talk about it as well. Sometimes theres a valid reason for cursing, especially when you are in the moment and I understand that, I used to have the mouth of a truck driver! If there is any actual reason that I can understand and get behind, a verbal warning will do just fine, like a heads up. When I was a student, I would have loved to have been given this curtesy, so why are the students now deserving of any less? if it starts to become a repetitive behavior, that is when I will give out a warning that actually has some Merritt to it. Even with my reminder, and warnings the behavior consists, I will issue them a detention slip, with me. But always keep in mind, bad behavior doesn't make a bad student, and a bad student doesn't mean a bad person.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
No one listening? there is always some reason. Listen to what they are saying and talking about, what is it that has their attention? If the students are open to talking about it, then I will address it, maybe even bring it up and talk about it with them for a moment. Students are people to, we all get totally off topic sometimes. Showing that I am human too, and that I am willing to pause my efforts in order to make my class more engaging can easily get my course back on track. Although almost always affective, if it doesn't work, I may need to get more serious. Serious does not equal mean though! less attention now, more work later.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:
Just like a students break, Its a break for me as well. here, I am able to catch my breath and get my thoughts on the right track. Usually put to myself, I will always adore when someone makes conversation with me, as I am too shy to initiate by myself. Talking about curriculum and how my day has went, or catching u p on my work for my classes, I love company.

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

She would be standing right at the door, waiting for each student to come and greet them with a smile. With every person that goes in, She hands them a slip of paper, asking them four things.
1. How are you feeling? How do you want todays class to be?
2. Rose bud and thorn of the day?
3. Who's your favorite artist? It doesn't have to be regular art! it can be music, sport, or any kind of medium artist!
4. anything you want to tell me today? a fun fact? joke? feel free!
the third question will change day to day, always pertaining to something that has to do with the subject.
After receiving each one, she would read and assess each slip as the students are getting their bearings together, dictating how she will hold the class for today.

/me She would sit on her desk instead of the chair, finding it to always be more comfy. "Who's ready to learn about impressionistic painting?!" She would say with a smile plastered on her face. She would ask the students first for any prior knowledge they have to the topic at hand, letting them show what they know. "This is a hands on class today, I want a project for today, you can turn it in when class ends or for next class, but no later. I want you to tell me what impressionistic painting means to you. This can be done in the form of an actual art piece, or if thats not your vibe, A couple paragraphs. Its supposed to be creative. If you are on the fence weather your project idea will meet the criteria, Ask!! this is individual work for today. Now onto the lesson. You guys will be able to work on it as I teach, as long as I can see you guys are paying attention to the lessons as well." She would hand each student the criteria guidelines and get on with the lesson, Hopping off her desk and going up to the board.

/me As she sits on top of one of the students desks after school/class, humming to herself and tapping her feet to the rhythm within her head, focusing on her own piece of artwork she has started while the pile of student papers sits beside her, She would perk her head up as the sound of the door starts to open, a students head peaking out. Snapped back into reality, She would smile warmly at the student, ready to do whatever the student needs. "Hi my love, what's up?"

/me She would blow the hair out of her face and chuckle at the class before her, "Im sorry to say this my lovely’s , but today we will be doing a more serious class. Today we will be doing a little something called a "timed write" I will give you a surprise prompt, some different to others, or some repeats. With this prompt, I want you to write an essay styled paper, showing what you know about this prompt. Although it doesn't have to be a full four page essay, try to make it at least a little structured, not just a mind drain of whatever you want. This will take up most of the class, with about five minutes at the end for any questions or free time until your next period. I would like to remind you, this is a PERSONAL and QUIET activity!" with a little skip off of her desk, she would go around to each students desk and hand each one a prompt and pieces of paper to write on.

In her earlier years, August didn't have a dream-like childhood. She was the daughter of a prostitute and a drug-man. There wasn't much of an adult figure within her life for this reason, so she had to search for others to give her the guidance a child desperately needs, but to no avail. With this, August took to growing herself up. Being her own mentor and advocate when no one else would. She had a tough time getting through grade school. Never the best student, grade wise nor attitude wise. But she prevailed. She got through it, and then high school hit. With this, August never really wanted to become a teacher all her life, although it has always been in the back of her mind for years. the idea truly started to bud in high school, when she was faced with a variety of teachers. Some she loved, others would bring her down. August saw the difference teachers will make in your life, and how much they can truly affect a student. It even happened to her. One teacher really sparked her love in teaching. Its always an english teacher, isn’t it? The way this teacher genuinely loved her job, and made sure each and every one of her students knew how much she valued them, made a great impact on August. This teacher let August confide in her, and helped her out after school, got her grades up, and really was Augusts friend. After that, She would constantly day-dream of teaching her own class, making connections with her own students, truly making friends with each one. When she made her full decision to pursue this new found dream, Nothing else was going to stop her. After getting into Tokyo University and being in the top of her classes, She started out as a TA (teachers assistant) for high schoolers. now, one would think at twenty-two assisting in a classroom full of high-school students would really crush ones dreams, but this just made August more and more passionate. She loved the dynamics within the students, how they had groups, yet always were friends within the classes, She knew she wanted to be the head of the class. With her head always in her books, She finally got there. She achieved what she truly wanted to be.

In-Character Information
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only):
August Qiu
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Miss. August
Given Name(s): August or Auggie
Preferred Name: August or Auggie is fine!

Age (Minimum is 27): 27
Gender: Female, born and raised!
Religious Denomination: not religious! although never I will turn down from a conversation about religion!
Marital Status: Not married, very, very single.. does this need my sexuality as well or am I overcompensating..?

Born in Corinth, Greece.

Current Location:

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years):
Four years of experience, fresh out of prior training!

Academic Degree:
a Bachelor of Fine Arts–(BFA)–in Art Education

Year of Graduation:
From High school- 2015!
Eight years of further education.

Art history

Gender and Sexuality studies

Native Languages:
Greek and Syrian are my first languages
Other Languages:
English- I am perfectly fluent!

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?:
No I do not!

/*You may leave this blank*/

Additional notes about your application: Have a good day :)
Do you have any questions?: Nope!
Last edited:


Level 106
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
Thank you for applying! Your application was wonderful! However,

  • There were other applications that stood out more
  • The subject you applied for is currently capped

Please feel free to work on the application until the next wave of applications!


Level 106
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
Thank you for applying! However, after careful consideration, I have decided to deny your application

  • Your account has been offline for 1+ month. Feel free to reapply when you are active once again

Please feel free to reapply! Any questions regarding your application, please DM me on discord.

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