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ArtificialRP | Doctor Application!


Level 0


IGN (In-Game Name):

What is your Discord Username?

Describe your activity on the server:
I have been playing SRP for the past 3 years now. When playing I majorly hang out with IC friends, family or those who share the same hobbies as my characters. Sometimes I am working on gathering intel on Karakura individuals. Other times I am out exploring the town itself. Both are IC hobbies of my characters.
I am currently on SRP between 3 and 5 days of the week, though that is because of my college schedule. I am able to up that to even 6 days of the week if necessary. My time on srp ranges from 3+ hours at a given time, and this can really be any day of the week. I am generally free when not consumed with my academics!

What is your timezone?:

List your current and past applications:
Language Application [ Russian ] - ACCEPTED
Psychiatrist Application

List your current roles on the server:

Just the average Grade-12 roles !

What experiences do you have with roleplay?:
The experiences I have had with roleplay are all Minecraft based. Here in SRP I have had the opportunity to get the school and community side of roleplay. Having my characters go to school and find passion in things through learning. As well as meeting friends, having families, specialized hobbies, personalized and community events. That as a whole has been great. I also have my fair share of Gangrp experience. Assisting in introducing a new side of roleplay (intel) to SRP, and being a founder of Man'en was a very amazing experience too. I saw how interested people were and how fun bringing intel into the scene could be. I have had lead/higher-up roles in pretty much every gang I've participated in which I am grateful to have experienced. Acquiring great leadership skills inside roleplay. I have gained a generous amount of Detailrp practice and opportunity within these experiences as well. Recently I have gratefully gotten the opportunity to try a new roleplay experience. Being apart of K.U.E.R.T, an urban exploration group in Karakura.

I am also working towards achieving more experiences with roleplay as of right now.

What is your motivation for applying?
My motivation for applying is to gain a new side of roleplay. I have always found an interest in the medical field, which I am currently interested in pursuing ooc. Though I am aware that Minecraft and reality perform differently and it will not be the same, I feel that I can do it. My passion for helping people expands into my SRP characters. Specifically the one I am applying with. Not only does it follow his background/lore, but it is something that I am heavily determined to get into. I did apply during the last wave and was sadly denied, but I'm not giving up. Since starting SRP, I have found an interest in this faction. With that constant lingering yet growing interest, I can't let it go unnoticed. I also admire the EMS community here and all the wonderful individuals in it. It seems fairly positive and that is something I am looking for. It would be awesome roleplaying alongside those who share a common appeal.

Which role are you applying for?
(Doctor or Psychiatrist)
Doctor !

What knowledge do you have of the roles within the Hospital Faction?
Clinical Lead

A Clinical Lead is a senior healthcare professional who oversees a specific clinical area or department within the hospital. They are responsible for ensuring high standards of patient care, guiding clinical practices, managing staff and often contributing to policy development and strategic planning within their specialized field.
Clinical Supervisor

A Clinical Supervisor is a healthcare professional who oversees the training and performance of less experienced clinicians, such as residents and trainees. They provide guidance, support and feedback to ensure that the supervisees develop their skills and deliver high-quality patient care.

Attending Doctor / Attending Psychiatrist

Both Attending Doctors and Attending Psychiatrists are fully licensed and experienced physicians who have completed all their training. Including medical school and residency. They hold the highest level of responsibility for patient care in the hospital or clinical setting. Also often supervise resident roles.

Senior Doctor / Psychiatrist Resident

Both Senior Doctor Residents and Senior Psychiatrist Residents are residents in the later stages of training. They have more experience and responsibility compared to junior or regular residents. Senior residents often supervise the lower skilled roles and assist them in expanding their knowledge and skills.

Doctor / Psychiatrist Resident

A Doctor Resident is a medical school graduate in training to specialize in the field of medicine. They work in hospitals under supervision, gaining hands-on experience by treating patients and performing procedures.

A Psychiatrist Resident is a medical school graduate in training to specialize in the field of psychiatry. They also work under supervision within hospitals and clinics, gaining experience in diagnosing and treating mental health conditions. Their training further educates them on how to focus on mental health and emotional well-being.


A Paramedic is a medical professional specifically trained in emergency treatment. They assess injuries and illnesses, or other medical concerns, and may transport patients to medical facilities.

Doctors of the animal world are called Veterinarian's. Medical conditions are researched and the animals are diagnosed and treated. They are also generally the individuals who vaccinate animals.

A Surgeon is a doctor who is highly specializes in preforming surgery to patients. They evaluate and treat conditions that may require surgery, or physical changes to your body. They tend to operate on injuries, diseases, abnormal masses, and deformities.

A Trainee is an individual who is undergoing training for a specific profession, in this case, doctoring or psychiatry. This period of training is necessary skills, knowledge and experience to perform their role effectively and successfully.

Trainees often work under the supervision of more experienced practice professionals. The goal is to prepare them to take on their responsibilities independently once training is complete.

Each role should also already have or be acquiring the following knowledge . . .
Organizational Knowledge

All about how medical systems collect, share and utilize information to improve patient care and outcomes. It is the data and information that’s available for providers’ and patients’ access. And often contains information collected from text-based materials, diagnostic systems, and other medical providers.
Provider Knowledge

Typically contains both explicit and tacit knowledge. It refers to the understanding and information that medical professionals have about medical conditions, treatments, procedures, and patient care.
Patient Knowledge

The knowledge patients have about their own health. Any conditions, treatments, self-care practices, etc. Normally tacit knowledge, and is often referred to as a “health status".


Hospital Tools and Machinery:

A medical device for auscultation, or listening to the internal heartbeat and breathing of the patient. It can also be used to hear your lungs and intestinal tract.

An instrument that is used to look into the ear canāl. The ear speculum is slowly inserted into the ear canāl while looking into the otoscope. This helps visualize and examine the condition of the ear canāl and eardrum.
Blood Pressure Monitor

A device used to measure blood pressure, composed of an inflatable cuff to collapse and then release the artery under the cuff in a controlled manner. It is generally placed on your arm while it is at rest and level with your heart.
X-Ray Machine

The machinery uses x-ray waves through the body, producing photos of internal tissues, bones and organs. They are generally used to detect bone fractures, tumors, abnormal masses, dental problems, etc.
CT Scanner

A ‘Computed Tomography Scan’ is a medical imaging technique used to obtain detailed internal images of the body. These machines are used to diagnose disease or injury as well as to plan medical, surgical or radiation treatment.

Medicines and Doctor Prescribed Treatments:
Inhaler [Asthma Treatment]
Insulin /
Insulin Pen
+ many more !

No Prescription Needed:
Wooden Cane
Cough Syrup

Most other medicines and treatments are prescribed by the hospital psychiatrists.

If I remember correctly, all Hospital Faction roles should be knowledgeable on the Emergency Codes as well. I am aware of a few:

Red | Fire or smoke emergency
Black | Bomb Threat or suspicious object
Blue | Medical Emergency
Orange | Evacuation


Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?
Yes, I acknowledge that if training is held whilst I am online, I am expected to attend or a punishment will occur.


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Character’s Age (if accepted):

29 years of age.

Character’s Academic Background


Character’s Nationality:
Primarily Russian with a quarter of Slovak in his blood.

Character’s Marital Status:
Currently, a single man.

Character’s Religious Denomination:
Growing up, Vincent's family was a part of Russian Orthodox Christianity. A very strict religion centralized in Russia. He knew this was never quite what his beliefs were aligned with, hence him now being more spiritual than religious. Opening his mind up to the differences and unique attributes others have. To him, it is a beautiful way of living.

Character’s Spoken Languages:
Fluent Russian. Though, after landing himself in Karakura he has picked up quite a bit of Japanese and is constantly learning more everyday. Practicing his fluency in becoming bi-lingual. His hope is that after he masters Japanese, he can begin studying a third language.

Character Background:
Vincent was born in a Moscow, Russia. From a young age, he felt the weight of the world on his small shoulders. His father, a man of few words and many secrets, was often absent from home, leaving Vincent to be the man of the house far earlier than any boy should have to be. His father's sporadic appearances were wrapped in mystery, and the reasons for his absences were never fully explained to Vincent. Until his father went to prison for being wrapped within the Russian Mod. Leaving a void in his life, a longing for paternal guidance and attendance that was never fulfilled.
Vincent's mother, on the other hand, was a complex figure in his life. She was a woman of fragile mental health, struggling with severe depression and anxiety. Her condition often left her incapacitated, and Vincent found himself taking on the role of caregiver. He learned to cook simple meals, clean the house, and even manage to take care of his siblings, all while trying to keep up with his own priorities. The constant stress and responsibility took a toll on him, physically, mentally and emotionally.

Despite the challenges at home, Vincent found peace in his studies and in his love for books. He was an avid reader, finding escape and comfort in the stories of far-off places and heroic characters. His teachers noticed his keen intellect and encouraged him to pursue his education, seeing in him a potential that could lead to a brighter future. Vincent clung to this hope, dreaming of a life beyond the confines of his small town and the burdens of his family life.

As he grew and fastly matured, Vincent's resilience and determination became some of his defining traits. He worked hard in school, earning top grades and the admiration of his peers and teachers. He also found a sense of community and support among his friends, who provided him with the stability he lacked at home. Through it all, Vincent remained faithful in his goal to create a better life for himself and his mother, holding onto the belief that one day, he would break free from the shadows of his past and build a future filled with promise and possibility.

Vincent's interest in medicine began as he began high school, sparked by the many hours he spent caring for his mother. He became fascinated by the human body and the ways in which it could heal and be healed. This curiosity led him to spend countless hours reading medical books and articles, often borrowing them from the local library. He was particularly drawn to stories of doctors who made groundbreaking discoveries and saved lives, seeing in them a reflection of his own desire to help others.
As he progressed through school, Vincent's passion for medicine only grew stronger. He excelled in science classes, always eager to learn more about biology, chemistry, and anatomy. His teachers recognized his potential and encouraged him to pursue a career in medicine, providing him with additional resources and guidance. Vincent also sought out opportunities to volunteer at local clinics and hospitals, where he could gain practical experience and see firsthand the impact that medical professionals could have on people's lives.

Vincent's dedication to medicine was not just about academic achievement, it was deeply personal. He wanted to make a difference in the lives of people who, like his mother, struggled with health issues and lacked access to adequate care. His own experiences had taught him the importance of compassion, empathy, and resilience, qualities he knew would serve him well in his future career. Because of his excellence, at 16, Vincent was offered an internship program at the Moscow Hospital. Ecstatic, he gratefully accepted, hoping to work towards his dream. To one day open a clinic in his hometown, providing much-needed medical services to the community that had shaped him and giving back to those who had supported him along the way.

Furthering his education, completing high school at 18 and entering college, he found an interest in the human mind. A new subject that he read little about in his youth. He decided this would be his focus for the next two years, eager to master the complexity that came with it. At 20, he finished community college, he received his AA in psychology. A feeling of satisfaction as his determination and resilience once again, shining through in success. But ... he wanted more.
Over the course of the next year he began routinely attending the health events he had over the past 4 years. Becoming an advocate for health and wellness.

Vincent applied to Moscow State University for medical school. With his ripe gpa of 4.0 and selfless reputation, he was in on a full-ride scholarship. The chancellor and admissions staff were pleased to have him as a student attending their college. Knowing his intellect was very special and unique.

At 24, he finished MSU with a major in Human physiology.

He embarked on his medical residency, completing his two focuses at 28 years of age.

After completing his residency, Vincent had far too many job offers from places all over the country, and other countries too. Though none of them appealed to him.. he remembered reading something a while back about a Hospital in Japan. 'Karakura Hospital' was the name. They were hiring and only accepted the best of the best medical professionals. Of course, this didn't seem like an issue. With high confidence and plenty of previous experience he looked into the facility further. THIS was where he wanted to devote his skills to.

This, is where Vincent made his move to Karakura.

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What is your character’s medical speciality? Why did they choose this focus?
(Ensure this is appropriate to the position you have chosen)

Vincent, being quite the psychoanālyst, is very in-tune with others at a physical, emotional and mental level. He's a great conversationalist, and a very compassionate and empathetic individual when needed. With his quick-witted thinking, he understands how a person should be dealt with for the benefit of all. Vincent chose this focus because of his past. He strives to share the knowledge he has gained with as many people as he can. With the hope that he is saving a child from absent parental figures, just as he had growing up.

What medical residencies did your character take after medical school?
After medical school, Vincent focused on two medical residencies to boost his career. One in preventative medicine and one in physical medicine. Both he deemed extremely important as he would use the skills hugely during his future.

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?
He had an intern position back in Russia, where he was studying to someday become licensed in his practice. He was able to assist his community health initiative in Moscow. The program aimed to provide basic medical care and education to underserved populations, and Vincent eagerly joined the team. He found immense satisfaction in helping to organize health fairs, distribute information about preventive care, and assist doctors with routine check-ups. These experiences solidified his commitment to becoming a doctor, as he saw the direct positive impact his efforts had on the well-being of others.

Has your character completed any additional schooling?
Vincent had 2 1/2 years of medical training through the Moscow Hospital.
Following this, he has completed 2 years of community college in Moscow. Earning an associate's degree in psychology.

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Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique?

Vincent is a Russian man with a strong and commanding appearance. He stands at an astounding height of 6’3. A lean but muscular build would be visible. His smooth skin being a warm tan, contrasting beautifully with his vibrant platinum colored hair. Giving him a distinctive and memorable appearance.
Though Vincent’s appearance may not stand out as ‘unique’, his personality does with exceptional intelligence. His sharp mind and keen systematic skills make him a natural problem solver. He has a curious nature, always eager to learn and explore new areas of thinking. His expanded knowledge is complemented by a calm demeanor and thoughtful approach to challenge. Whether simply engaging in conversation or tackling complex tasks, his intellect is very visible, making Vincent a respected and admired individual.

How is your character perceived by others? How does it contrast with their perception of themself?
Vincent would likely perceive others with a mix of curiosity and empathy. He values knowledge and efforts in others, appreciating those who are willing to learn and grow. He understands that everyone has unique qualities and perspectives to offer. Always keeping an open mind in every situation, never allowing judgment or ignorance to get in the way of that.
In contrast, his perception of himself is marked by a quiet confidence. Maintaining a humble frame of mind, he is aware of his own skills and abilities but does not feel the need to boast about them. Vincent prefers to lead by example, using his competence to help and inspire those around him.

How does your character act on and off duty?
On duty, you’d find Vincent doing his respectable duties. He maintains his focus, not allowing distractions to get in the way of being efficient. His demeanor would remain calm and composed. Working with patients and treating them in appropriate ways. He would remain professional throughout every interaction.
Off duty, Vincent may be at home reading a book or playing his guitar. Always saving time for the things he enjoys. If feeling adventurous, you may find him hiking the mountain, exploring the Shopping District, or wandering around the large city of Karakura. Simple but calm things also bring Vincent satisfaction, like hanging out with his friends and colleagues.

Does your character function better on their own or with others?
Independence and being self-sufficient are very important things to Vincent. He prefers to work by himself, acknowledging that he can handle situations on his own and does not need much assistance. He is determined to get any task done, even if that means he makes mistakes on the way. Learning through his own trial and error is where he thrives. Though, he does not mind working with others if needed. Vincent is aware that he does not know everything, and is always willing to learn from those around him. He deals well with peer and instructor feedback and does not mind a tip here and there. Rather, he appreciates it actually.

What plans does your character have for the future?
Vincent plans to apply his studies and gained intellect to pursue a career within the Karakura hospital. After gaining success in this goal, he plans to eventually settle down and begin looking for love. Starting his life as a reserved man. Further in the future children are a want! He's always wanted some of his own, as he adores them. Maybe two, even three kids. Though that is a topic between him and his future mistress. He hopes to maintain his hobbies of exploration and reading. Becoming more knowledgeable as he grows through his adult years. Really, Vincent plans to find a happy balance between all of these lovely things, while staying dedicated to the occupation he loves so dearly. Helping others.

Thank you for your time :)

[IGN] - ArtificialRP
[Grade-12] - Vincent S. Dvořák
[Grade-12] - Arturo U. Ikeda

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