Hälsningar, friend.
Astred Ogawa

Basic Information:
Name: Astred Ogawa
Aliases & Nicknames:
Hälsningar, friend.
Astred Ogawa

Basic Information:
Name: Astred Ogawa
Aliases & Nicknames:
- Oracle by ??? ????
- Child by ?????? and others
- Asterisk by "An Idiot"
- Red by Dad and friends
- Next-In-Line by ??????? and ??????
- Mother's Favourite by herself and others
- The Flower Whisperer by herself and others
- Witch by the faith-lackers and the disrespectful ones and witches (and ur mom, hahahah)
- Diogenes Wannabe by fuckin'... weirdos
Gender: Female
Pronouns: she/her, they/them
Sexuality: Lesbian
Date of Birth: ???, 2003
Age: 20
Place of Birth: Tokyo, Japan
Nationality: Japanese
Ethnicity: Scandinavian (Swedish)
Clothing: Trenchoat, kimono, flower gown, jeans and sweater, cloak
Accessories: Sunglasses, earrings, flower crown, glasses
Hair: Short, dark ginger
Eyes: Deep, gray
Skin: Light, a bit pale
Height: About 6'1 or 6'2
Build: Slim, lithe, agile
Voice: Soft, smooth, silky
Physical Abnormalities:
- Extraordinary Aligity
- Hightened Eyesight
- Hightened Sense of Taste
??? (Others Unknown)

Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral or Lawful Evil
Personality Traits: Secretive, "Kind", Manipulative, Awkward, "Welcoming", (Others TBA)
Mental Illnesses: Not diagnosed, but something is probably wrong with her. I mean, she is a- . . .
Religion: "Spring-Gift"
Occupation: College Bachelors, ???? ??????
Hobbies: Botany, Theology, Drawing, Storytelling / Writing, Cooking
Likes: Mythology, Plants, Cooking, Friends, ??? ????, (Others TBA)
Dislikes: Rude people, Winter, (Others TBA)
Aspirations & Goals: To become ?????? ?? ?????? and get a degree in Psychology or Theology
Affiliations: "Spring Gift" ???? (Ally, Leader)
Order of the Psychocomps (???)
HPPS (Employee, Director)
Botany Satchel
A satchel full of flowers, herbs, seeds, and other.... things.
Pocket Knife
It's a ceremonial thing, she swears.
Bamboo Staff
You can certainly hit people over the head with that.
Religious Scriptures
Scriptures of mythological and religious text.
Fungal Staff
A carved wooden stick covered in fungus and overgrown plants.
(More TBA)
Attributes & Traits:
Astred is unusually agile and lithe, able to climb fast, run fast, jump high, and other things of that sort.
Astred carries a lot of knowledge to share with those who need it.
Astred is mentally strong but isn't as strong physically.
Astred is quite smart and well-educated, even being called a person of "higher caliber" by some people.
Astred is hyper-observant and notices very small things about people.
Astred follows a moral code of being kind and welcoming to everyone she meets.
Sometimes, although being kind, Astred can be manipulative, this is for an "unknown cause".
[Lack of Sleep]
At times, Astred does not get enough sleep.
[Too Nice]
Astred can be far too nice to people at times, letting people off too easily, or trusting people too much.

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