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Accepted Asukai Mikai's English Teacher Application.


Level 3
Out-Of-Character Information:

What is your Minecraft Username?: SmellyBiss

How old are you?: I am 16.

Do you have any previous bans?: Yes, I have been banned from SchoolRp for Minge-Stealing + Malicious behavior and OOC harassment. I can now understand the stupidity of my actions and, being maybe a year or two ago, I have definitely learned from my mistakes and I am certain that it will not happen again.

What Country are you from?: I am from Wales, in the United Kingdom.

Do you have Discord (if so, what is your discord username?): Yes I do, the username and code for my discord is: ♡~ ~♡#8870

Do you understand that most answers are found in the roleplay documents?: Yes, I understand.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: Of course, I fully understand that. Shortly after I applied got accepted as an English teacher about 2 years ago, I became inactive for reasons including being banned from my laptop and going on holiday, which lead me to be inactive for 1 month. Now that we're in quarantine, I found this to be the perfect opportunity for me to apply for this position once again, as I will probably be the most active during these times.

Do you understand that all classroom activity must be documented on the "Teacher Roster" thread?: Yes, when I was las a teacher I made the mistake last time of forgetting to take screenshots while I was holding classes, but I ensure you I will not make that mistake again.

Describe your activity on the server & on the forums?: My activity on the servers hasn't been very good the last couple of months because of school, but now that we're in quarantine, I can't find much else to do other than go on Minecraft and roam around SchoolRp. So a little insight on my activity for the past couple of weeks - to be honest it hasn't been too great because none of my friends play anymore, but I'm hoping that this will change that, I'm hoping to go on at about 3-4 pm (only because I have trouble sleeping at night and I get up late in the afternoon) and stay on until about 12-3 am. (I'm hoping to improve my sleeping schedule so I might get on earlier than this soon). And for the Forums I'm going to be honest, I haven't been on here for the longest time, and I'm not sure many people do come on here, maybe just to check up on things and to write applications? But I will try to come on here every now and again just to check up on things and such.

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server?:
French Lang Application - (accepted).
Swedish Lang Application - (accepted).
Shop Application - (denied).
Ban Appeal -✘.12832/ (denied)
Ban Appeal - (Accepted).
English Teacher Application - - (Accepted)

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?
: My motivation for becoming a teacher once again, is to experience more to the roleplay community than I ever have before and to learn new things along the way. I know you're probably thinking 'but you've been a teacher before, haven't you?' the answer is yes. When I was an English teacher I basically went into this new topic of roleplay blindly, not knowing what to do, who I was working alongside, and most importantly, I had no idea what I was getting myself into, I hadn't prepared at all. I made a lot of mistakes through my experience of becoming a teacher and hoping that this gets accepted, I'm hoping to learn from those mistakes, move on, and become a better teacher then I ever was before.

Do you have any experience in Roleplaying?: I said last time that I do have some experience of roleplay because I had been on the server for so long, but honestly, I had no idea what I was doing. I was going with the flow, yeah I've had many different characters and many different personalities, but all of those personalities didn't shine through because the only personality that was being shown was my own. I was not a great roleplayer or actor, but I'm hoping to better experience myself through the new opportunity of becoming a teacher once again, and hoping to improve my roleplaying skills to extend the possibilities I could have, and the journey I could lead myself into.

Have you read the Faculty Handbook?: Last time I answered this question I said something along the lines of 'yes I have read it twice to make sure I understand it properly' or something, but to make sure that I do understand, ill list some things I've learned from reading it. I've learned that teachers may have up to 2 days absent from school with pay for holidays, movements or any other activities, but if they're absent because of an illness, they may have up to 5 days, with no pay. Another thing I've learned from reading the faculty handbook is that no animals are allowed on school property unless authorization is given to the student strictly from the principal. One more thing I've learned from reading the handbook is that if somebody in the school breaks the law, and it must be dealt with by the teacher(s) unless they're in any kind of danger and have to evacuate the school.

What are the classroom logs and why is it important?: The classroom logs are a log where you write down the date and time of the lesson you conducted, what the lesson was about, a picture or two as proof you conducted the lesson, and if you want, you can write down what you liked about the lesson, and what you could possibly improve in your next lesson. For example, I just conducted a science lesson, and I write down the date and the time of the lesson and provide picture proof of me actually conducting it, I would then go on to say - I liked the way I kept calm when the students were talking over me and not listening, but I would like to improve on how I actually get the students attention, how I could make the lesson more interesting and engaging for the students.

You want to start a school field trip: how do you do that?: Firstly, I would send a letter or an email or speak to the principal in person suggesting my idea to go on a class trip, I would tell him the benefits of the trip, and how it relates to my lesson. I would make sure to visit the principal or send them a letter/email at least 3 days to a week before the trip is to be scheduled. I would then make sure I write a letter to send home to the parents of the children asking them to sign a piece of paper giving their child permission to go on the trip, and if their child is unable, they must add a reason why their child cannot go, and I will schedule a substitute teacher to teach them, or ask if they can join another class for the time being. I would ask for a couple of substitute teachers or parents to volunteer in helping me take care of the children, make sure they're behaving and none of them wander off ensuring everyone's safety. I would make sure to bring a book with me to write down a summary of the trip, a list of all the students to make sure nobody goes missing and a camera to show the students working.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
1 - The students must not speak over me while I am speaking, and must not speak amongst their classmates unless they have permission to do so for a group discussion or for helping eachother during a piece of work.
2 - Students are not allowed to roam the halls of the school or to go to the bathroom during lessons unless they have permission to do so.
3 - Students will not be allowed to eat or drink during a class, unless they have permission for example, if they are feeling unwell or if they are dehydrated etc.
4 -Students must not carry anything dangerous around or in their bags during school hours, which could cause harm to themselves, other students, or teachers.
5 - Students should raise their hand if they want to ask a question, shouting out loud and failing to raise their hand, can lead to punishment.
6 -Students must put their phones off and out of reach during classes.
7 - Students should complete classwork and homework on time, if not it could lead to punishment such as after school detention.
8 - Students must be kind to one another, no bullying, for example, Making fun of them for their appearance, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, etc.
9 - Students must not enter the restricted areas such as Teacher’s Lounge (Unless it’s the school council team doing a meeting there.), Storage Facility, Stage, Teachers Offices, Principal’s Office, Chefs Office, Kitchen, Faculty Restrooms.
10 - Students must be in class on time, if not, teachers have permission to deny access into the classroom, or they are allowed in but should be kept in after class explaining why they were late. Students are not allowed to roam the halls of the school or to go to the bathroom during lessons unless they have permission to do so.

Summarize your previous RP experience (both in general and on SchoolRP): Before I joined SchoolRp, I was on another server, Which has since been changed to another server (I don't want to say the name of it as it is a form of advertising). When I was on this server, I really enjoyed roleplay and it was so fun, but when I heard about SchoolRp I joined to see what it was all about and I realized that it was so much more realistic in everything the server had and started going on there instead. I thought that I was good at roleplaying certain character when I was on the other server, but when I got on SchoolRp, I realised i had a lot of improving to do, and to this day, I don't think I'm a great roleplayer, but i try my best.

Describe the ranking system of teachers:
- HD: The Head of Department is the person in charge of a certain subject like English or math or science. They are there to make sure the teacher in their department is doing their job and teaching the kids the right things.
- QTLS: Qualified Teacher Learning and Skills are teachers who are qualified enough to plan their own lessons without the help of their head of department.
- NQT: Newly Qualified Teachers are teachers who have only just started and they need the help of the Head of Department in planning lessons and conducting lessons.

Teacher Knowledge:
Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general:

Teachers are like second parents to the students, they are there to present them the knowledge they need to succeed in life, and they're there to guide them in the right direction for life, such as not getting into drugs, not drinking too much alcohol, what you need to get into college, how are you going to get a job? preparing them for life outside of school.

The teacher's salaries change depending on how hard they work, and how much work they get done, for example, I have completed 15 lessons in a month, whereas another teacher has only completed 2, I'm obviously putting more work into teaching kids, but not only that, how much work you put into your lessons. So I've completed 15 lessons while the other teacher only completed 5, the other teacher could have put more work into their lessons than I did. Teachers get paid between 100,000¥ and 200,000¥ each month. Teachers could start by getting paid 100k but then as they get more qualified, they get paid more and more each month, but if they're not putting in as much effort as other teachers, their pay can get lower and lower and lower each month.

Teachers have many different forms of conducting their lessons, depending on what subject they teach, for example, you're a maths teacher and you teach more strategically and logically, whereas if you're a woodworking teacher, you teach more freely and creatively. So depending on what subject you're learning you have different skillsets and learning techniques to any other teacher.
Teachers, when they're not teaching, are probably like any other person, they do what they enjoy in their spare time whether that's spending time with their family and friends, or chilling at home watching T.V, or just going on a walk along the beach. But if teachers are getting involved with gang-related stuff in their free time, they could get fired, and even arrested.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRp server?: Teachers are the heart of SchoolRp, without the teachers, there would be no school, and with no school, would be no SchoolRp. They are there to learn their students on how to progress further into their lives after school or college, whether the teacher made any mistakes in life and wants to share with the class to make sure their students don't make the same mistakes, or if they want to teach them how to get a job, how to take care of their money, how to speak properly with proper grammar and much more.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?: MoSCo which stands for must-have, should have, could have.

Character Knowledge:
Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does she look like? What makes her unique and different? What is her outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is her personality like? What is her plan for the future?:

Asuka Mikai Sama... She is a female that was born and raised in Tokyo Japan but, recently moved to Karakura as she has heard of their school 'Karakura Highschool'. She stands at around 5 and a half foot tall, with hazel brown eyes, long ashy brown hair down to her waist, and a very beautiful hourglass body. Her clothing style is very formal, even when she goes out to parties, she loves the colors green red and white, and shows off those very beautiful colors in her outfit every day. What makes her unique from any other person is her personality and her hobbies. She has a large variety in her personality going from very professional to very goofy, very outgoing to very lazy, all depending on how she feels on that day. Now, her hobbies, some would say they are very strange because you usually only see boys doing such things such as gaming. She is very competitive when it comes to gaming, and loves to play with her friends (which of course are mostly guys), but now that she's growing up and concentrating on her school work, she dropped that hobby so she could thrive to her success.

Asuka's outlook on students isn't very different from any other person. She thinks that some students can be careless, whereas others can be very diligent. They don't know any better, that's why they're there to learn, and when they fail, they learn from their mistakes and try again and again, whereas the careless ones, they don't care (obviously). The careless ones don't complete their work, they don't listen to the teachers, they don't hand in their homework, they just want to mess about and have a good time, but that's just not what schools about.

Asuka loves her fellow teachers, when she makes a mistake she can seek a more trained teacher to help her out, and learn from her mistakes, in a way, she sees other teachers as her 'role models' if you will. Teachers are always there for each other when they need it because they're all in the same situation and can relate to each other, whether they had a bad day teacher, or great day teaching, teachers can always relate to one another because they all have nearly the same students.

When Asuka feels the time is right, she would like to seek out her true love, have 2 children, no more because she would have to deal with enough of them in the school, and she would love to get married one day, to show her love to the city of Karakura.

You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?: If I was to find a gang of those delinquent swearing the hallway, I would go up to them calmly asking them kindly to stop, giving them a chance to leave to go to their lesson, if they fail to listen, I would keep them in at break time, if they fail to listen yet again, I would send them to the principal's office for further punishment.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?: If the students in my class were not to listen to a single word I was saying, I would ask them all to listen and warn them that the next people to talk will be punished. If they do not listen to my warning, I would give them one more chance to listen, and if they still fail to do so, I would send them out of the class to the principal's office to think upon their actions.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?: In the teacher's lounge, Asuka would be very kind towards the other teachers, marking her work, she would ask for another teacher's opinion if she was stuck and needed any help. She would be quick to help any other teacher that needed it as well, even if it didn't seem as though nobody needed help, she would still offer her help to all the teachers there. If nobody was doing any work, she'd strike up a conversation, making sure everyone was included in it.

Provide at least 5 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:
/me She'd smile at everybody she'd walk by in the corridor, saying 'good morning'. (or good afternoon if it was the afternoon)

/me She'd ask the class to sit in silence while she explains the topic of discussion for the class.

/me She'd ask if anybody had any questions, waiting patiently for somebody to raise their hand.

/me She'd walk around the classroom, checking everybody is doing their work assigned to them.

/me She’d hear the bell alerting everyone that the class had just ended, opening the door for the students to rush out, smiling, and saying goodbye to every student, before locking the door and marking the work her students had just completed.

Asuka Mikai Sama was Born on the 16th of October 1992, in Tokyo, Japan. Asuka never knew her birth parents, and has been moving around houses from a little age because of foster care, so to her she doesn't really have any parents. When she was younger, she heard of a place called Karakura and that is when she wanted to go to Karakura high school, so when she was in middle school, she worked really hard to impress her foster parents at the time and persuade them to move to Karakura. Asuka was disappointed when they said no and when Asuka asked why their answer didn't surprise her at all... 'you're going to your new family next month remember? I'm sorry we can't go Asu'. Asuka thought her dreams had been crushed, but when she was in high school, she got a job, and she remembered Karakura and started to save money so she could buy a plane ticket to go to Karakura.

When she arrived at Karakura, she was so happy to be there and almost immediately applied to go to the science course in college, in which she was so excited to start. She made a lot of friends and was doing very well in her classes, and thought that she was going to be able to graduate successfully. When it came to graduation, she found out that she had to take another 2 years to graduate college, she was gutted.. She tried her best in the next two years of college, revising every minute she could. She was so happy when she found out that she could finally graduate! as soon as she graduated, she applied for a job at the Karakura high school to become a science or English teacher, and she's still waiting on an interview following up her application.

In-Character Information:
Personal Details:
Full Name: Asuka Mikai Sama.
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Miss.
Given Name(s): Asuka.
Preferred Name: Students: Miss Mikai, Other Teachers: Asu, Asuka.
Age: 25.
Gender: Female.
Religious Denomination: Non-Religious.
Marital Status: Single.
Nationality: Japanese.
Current Location: Karakura, Japan

SECTION 2: Academic Details:
Teaching Experience (# of years): 0
Working Experience (# of years): 2
Academic Degree: Bachelor's degree in English and Science.
Year of Graduation: 2014.
Major(s): Science, English
Minor(s): Financial studies.
Native Languages: Japanese.
Other languages: English.
Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?: No.
Preferred Teaching Subject: Science (Chemistry) or English.

Additional notes about your application (if any):
When I last applied I made a lot of mistakes along the way, the experience of becoming a teacher was really nice and I'd hope for it to never end. I hope that all the mistakes I made last time don't affect your opinion on me, and this application, thank you.
Do you have any questions?: No, thank you.
Last edited:

Deleted member 5455

- It's clear to see the tremendous amount of detail and effort that went into writing this application. I have faith that you will succeed in this position this time around.

Please DM me on Discord to have your roles sorted out - melody#0429.

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