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Aulliver Character Description.


Level 30
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Something to listen to whilst you read...

Aulliver (Valezquez) Kaderona



Physical Appearance [IRL]:

Hottie Aulli.PNG




Basic Info.

First Name:

Aulliver - James;

(Valezquez) Kaderona.

Preferred Name:
He prefers being called Aulli.

'Lover Boy'
'Hot Headed'
'Aulli Lolli'

He is male.

He's recently turned 17.

He stands at around 5'6.

He weighs 101lbs.

Relationship Status:
Gay Married.

He had a rather muscular top torso, but quite skinny legs which miss matched his top half. He previously was a rather amazing dancer, equipping him with muscular limbs to carry out the certain moves required. He also has acquired himself a rather large backside, in which his husband constantly cat-calls him for.

Skin Color:
His skin colour is white.

Eye Color:
He has sharp, keen, blue eyes. He often gets asked
"How are they that blue?!"

Hair Style:
He hardenly ever styles his hair, and when he does, it's only for family occasions or for fun. Usually, it's more so like this.

Hair Color:
His hair is dyed white, due to the constant ridiculing his father used to do to him every single day of his life. This caused him to become extremely uncomfortable and insecure about himself. As a result of this, he dyed his hair white. His father called him 'shit head' and 'brownie'.

He can normally be seen around wearing his husbands jacket, Aiden Ayoyama's ('FireCracker' @BNOFI) or seen in some sort of mainstream attire. Occasionally, Aulliver can be seen in a suit and tie when on a kill request or simply to attend a formal event.

He has worryingly bad mood swings for his age. His mood can change in an instant, and there's no turning back. He can become very hyper all of a sudden, and drive everyone crazy. The next, he'll be in a corner, completely dissociating from everything, almost becoming numb to his surroundings.

Date of Birth:
His birthday is 3rd September 2001.

Place of Birth:
Harrogate (West Yorkshire) | United Kingdom.

He is completely British, however, he is multi-lingual. He can speak Spanish, fluently, and is learning Italian. @Fire_

Sexual Orientation:
He is completely homosexual. He has a husband for fucks sake.

Religious Beliefs:
He is Agnostic, and simply believes.. "There can't be nothing out there... come on. There must be something.."

Political Beliefs:
Donald Trump should kill himself and Theresa May better not rise the prices of those Freddos.

General Appearance.

"He was a a rather small looking lad, standing at around 5'6, which was no match for his attitude. He would have scars littered across his face and torso. Proudly, this male wore a sapphire ring located on his right ring finger."

20% of the time, Aulliver can be of a very timid nature. He will often feel anxious, scared, in danger or threatened and will respond in this manner. This includes him hiding away, crying in some cases, being very wary and extremely kind.

However, the other 80% Aulliver, can also be of a very aggressive and misbehaving nature. He can be violent, unforgiving, and sly (especially when un-medicated) and this can cause all sorts of problems. He will not hesitate to give grief or verbal abuse to anybody that disagrees with him, and will often use bad behavior as a way of dealing with his bottled up emotions. He will punch walls, kick displays down or maybe even push around people. He's known to spit occasionally as well. When Aulliver's like this, he isn't a pleasant person to be around. His bad behavior often lands him in trouble.

Aulliver only has 1 working lung, due to an incident which happened where he was obliterated on the left side of his chest with a kama.
This can cause him to run out of breath a lot easier, and gives severe problems when it comes to carrying oxygen around his body. He can become faint, and pass out, for no given reason.

Character Voice:
Here is a link to what Aullivers' voice sounds like. He has a very, strong Northern accent, with very sharp pronunciation on all of his words. He often talks using slang, despite his wide vocabulary.

He carries a school bag around with him, normally with a pocket knife or a couple of bats inside. Being a member of the Yakuza, making sure he is mostly always equipped is essential.

He enjoys hanging out with his husband, drawing, putting on makeup, hanging out with friends, and a whole range of other social activities a stereotypical teenager loves. He also loves to get drunk and high of his head, as Aiden finds it terribly amusing.

Serious Problems/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities:
Aulliver has, and always has since he was only 6, ADHD. (Attention, Deficit, Hyper-activity Disorder) - It has only become more severe because his father refused to treat it. He is heavily medicated for it, but often slips and falls.

Aulliver is addicted to smoking and binge drinking. He normally does this whilst listening to Lund, along with Alonzo, who regularly buys drugs from Aulliver.

Main Family:

'Firecracker' A.Y - Husband

Alonzo Bianchi-Kaderona - Brother In Law

Roxy Quinn - Cousin

He was born into a fairly normal, but very content family in Harrogate, Yorkshire, England! He was a happy, overly-hyper kid. At the age of 6, his mother unfortunately lost a terrifically hard battle to cancer. Aulliver, being so young, never ever came to terms with what happened; this caused an uproar between Aulliver's family (The Cossiah's) and split them in half. Due to this event, his father took it upon himself to move countries completely (Dubai being a cheaper option now that he was financially supporting him and Aulliver by himself) and fell into a woe of depression, completely neglecting Aulliver. His father often used heavy drugs, and would hit and kick Aulliver, blaming him for all his own issues. Aulliver thought this was the normal, and learnt to live with it.

His soon to be mother, Cassandra had known Aulliver for a while now, and decided to take it upon herself to visit Aulliver when he was in time of need, putting his needs before herself. His dad would often forget to cook for him, and he would often go hungry, yet not complaining at all. Cassandra would sneak out of her house, and feed Aullie whenever he needed it, and make sure he was warm and had sheltering almost every single night. Cassandra, however, would get beaten brutally for doing this, being in blame for “stealing and using up the food they had left” and often turning up to Aulliver’s house black and blue with bruises littered up and down her body.

As much as Cassandra wanted to help the little boy, she couldn’t always be there. He would often go days without enough food, learning to starve himself for long periods of time, due to Cassandra’s beating injuries being far too interfering with the journey to his house she had to take. No matter how badly injured she was, sometimes including broken bones - e.g ribs and arms – or infected wounds, she would make sure he was well looked after. She would never open up to him about her home life, and as a mother this young, her number one priority was to keep him safe, and away from his father from hell. She often brought medical supplies just in case Aullie's beatings where brutal, which they often where.

After a while, Cassandra’s parents where sick and tired of her using the food on “some measly kid” and her running away at a constant to feed the young male. She eventually packed up her belongings, and ran away to Dubai for good, never to see her parents again. This was after the roughest beating she had received, and it was her pushing point, she realized she was no longer safe, and she needed to evacuate herself from the home. She ran to his home for the last time, and met up with Aullie again, and simply asked him “Would you like to leave here.. live with me?” And with no more words said, Aullie being in desperate need of moving, they took a train and completely started a fresh in Japan!

When he agreed, she took him to Japan and brought him up in Karakura, he was aged 11, and taught him Japanese, and all about the culture, so he could start a fresh new life in the town. Aullie really and truthfully struggled with his work, and often got upset over it, mostly ending in him crying over it. He hates any copy and writing work, and would reject any work that he couldn't do, in fear of failure. He also developed the habit of answering back, once he grew up and learnt profanity he would then use that too. He became a trouble maker, and was rejected to join any elementary or Junior high schools in the area as he had such a bad name for himself.

During this time, Cassandra met her soul mate: Marcelo Kaderona, and also gained a job as Security and a the****** at Happy Pills! She gets paid amazing wages, and still continues to deal with Aulliver and his bullshit every single day. Aulliver's new father is strict on his behavior, and often is the one to scold Aullie when the school rings home about his 'adventurous' antics.

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