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Aurelian Gwyn Abbot ♱ Information Sheet


Level 12

Aurelian G. Abbot / September 9th 2024

Aurelian stands at 5'5 (165 cm), making him a bit shorter than average. He has a very slim and petite body, weighing just 56 kg (123 lbs). His frame is delicate and light, with very little muscle or fat, giving him a gentle, almost fragile appearance. Overall, his build looks quite feminine and soft, making him seem graceful and elegant in the way he moves.

Hair & Eyes:
Aurelian's hair is one of his most noticeable features. It’s fluffy and messy, yet it moves smoothly and elegantly, almost as if it has a life of its own. The strands are free-spirited, and you can imagine them bouncing gently as he walks. The way his hair flows adds to his delicate and charming look, making him appear relaxed but still well-kept. His light blueish eyes are striking and beautiful, and they shine like mirrors. The color is soft, almost like looking at clear, calm water. These eyes have a certain depth to them, reflecting light in a way that makes them seem alive. They can catch someone’s attention without being too intense, drawing people in with their soft, captivating look.

Other Categories:
Aurelian pays close attention to the details of his appearance. His nails are always perfectly clean, showing that he takes good care of himself. He also has a gentle scent of lemon that follows him wherever he goes. This light, fresh fragrance makes him seem even more approachable and clean, adding to his overall soft and harmless impression. Even though he might look delicate and pretty, Aurelian’s entire presence feels warm, calm, and inviting, like someone you’d feel safe and comfortable around.


Aurelian always carries his phone, covered with a fun chicken phone case that makes him smile. He mostly wears a silver crucifix around his neck, shining softly and representing his strong faith. He also has the Rosary of Our Lady of the Veil, its smooth beads comforting him during tough times. In his bag, he keeps a well-used Bible, its pages filled with notes and highlights from his daily thoughts and prayers. These four things, especially his phone and Bible, are important to him, helping him stay focused and connected each day. He owns a golden Catholic Rosarie, along with fancy glasses.


Vitalitiy - Level of fitness/activity: 6/10
Aurelian maintains a decent level of fitness, engaging in moderate activities that keep him active and energized, though there’s room for improvement.

Endurance - Ability/will to persevere in the face of hardship: 7/10
He possesses a strong will to push through challenges, showing resilience and determination when faced with obstacles.

Strength - Physical Strength/Muscle: 2/10
Aurelian's physical strength is quite limited, reflecting a lack of focus on building muscle or engaging in heavy lifting.

Dexterity - Flexibility, Talent, Fine Motor skills: 8/10
His dexterity is impressive, showcasing flexibility and fine motor skills that allow him to perform tasks with grace and precision.

Resistance - Fighting Aptitude/Ability to physically endure damage: 3/10
Aurelian has some ability to withstand physical challenges, but his resistance to damage is not particularly high, indicating a need for greater resilience.

Intelligence - Ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills: 5/10
He has a balanced intelligence, capable of learning and applying knowledge, though there’s potential for further growth.

Faith - Belief in higher power, the supernatural, and miracles: 10/10
Aurelian's faith is unwavering, reflecting a profound belief in a higher power and the possibility of miracles, which guides his actions and perspectives in life.

First Years:
Aurelian Gwyn Abbot was born in Akita, Japan, into a large family that simply could not afford another child. It was with a heavy heart that his parents entrusted him into the care of the Sisters of Mercy, a group of religious sisters operating an underfunded Catholic orphanage in the region. His early life was quite isolating, but he did get a decent education, learn to read and write, and go on trips outside of the orphanage authorized specifically for educational purposes. As a result, he went, once a year, to a shrine dedicated to the Virgin Mary: the ‘chapel of Seitai Hoshikai’ or ‘Our Lady of Akita’. A statue of the Virgin Mary here had a history of weeping. He did not much care for his religious education, instead spending most of his time on these trips finding somewhere to read in peace, away from the other orphans who found his quiet nature insulting; they believed Aurelian thought he was ‘better than everyone else’. This was hardly true, but it led to him having only a handful of close friends in the orphanage.

Teen Years/The Revelation:
A great sorrow that had been growing in Aurelian’s heart could be contained no longer on the day of his 16th birthday. He could not contain his sadness, and so he did something rather dramatic in the full view of all the employees and residents of the orphanage: almost all new faces, as most of the orphans he had grown up with had since been adopted. When the small lemoncake came out with its modest single-candle and the cheerful singing of ‘Happy Birthday’ began, he simply broke down and curled up into the fetal position. He was completely intransigent and unresponsive for the rest of the day, retiring to his room to read his books and the local newspaper. It was in his room, however, where a Revelation visited him. He had in his room a newsletter from the local church that spoke of Yamato C. Hanazono, a journalist from ‘Karakura, Japan’. He was being mentioned in relation to ‘alleged Marian Apparitions’ from the'special administrative prefecture of Karakura’. He read on to learn of ‘investigations by the Karakura Archdiocese’. He had never heard of this prefecture before, but, eager to get his mind off of the fact he would likely never be adopted at his age, Aurelian quickly darted to the orphanage library to learn more about the prefecture. He was cooking up a plan. The very next day, when he was called into the office of Sr. MacKinnon, an orphanage official (and, coincidentally, ‘vocations director’) to see if Aurelian was alright, he expressed his sorrow about not knowing how to answer ‘God’s Call’. This led to an intense discussion about religious vocation and the possibility of Aurelian becoming a seminarian in the future. After much discussion, Aurelian was able to, over the course of 2 weeks, through pure verbal skill and a whole lot of crocodile tears, convince Sr. MacKinnon to consent to him accompanying her, and an Apostolic Delegation from Rome was touring Japan, investigating the apparitions. Unbeknownst to Sr. MacKinnon, Aurelian was keeping a close eye on the whereabouts of this delegation and knew, on the day of his asking, their next stop: Karakura, Japan.

Arrival in Karakura, Japan:
Upon arriving in Karakura, the Apostolic Delegation was scandalized to learn the ‘Archdiocese of Karakura’ did not, in fact, have any connection whatsoever to Rome. They clearly had not done their due diligence! Regardless, the investigation began and concluded very quickly. No apparition was confirmed due to ‘lack of seers’ and ‘no actual message’ being transmitted. Consequently, Aurelian was told to get ready to return to the orphanage. He did not, in fact, acquiesce to this request and instead simply vanished into the Karakura Sewers until the delegation left. With money and absolutely nowhere to go, Aurelian figured his best bet was to simply approach the Archdiocese of Karakura, specifically random churchgoers, about his situation. He was assured that, under Article 1 of the Karakura Constitution, he would not be ‘dragged back’ to the orphanage and that, in any case, it was ‘extremely unlikely’ that the Church or Mainland Government would seek to compel this. Aurelian began selling seafood to raise small sums to rent and also reached out to Town Hall for assistance enrolling in Karakura High and integrating into society. After enrollment in Karakura High, Aurelian began to notice a small group of students frequenting the Karakura Church. He came to learn of the volunteer program that the Archdiocese of Karakura has. After volunteering at Mass and learning more about what religious sect is actually promoted by the Christian organization: a schismatic one, he was... apprehensive, to say the least. He feared the group was dangerous, but after spending a few months volunteering, he changed his mind.

Encounter with the ‘Discipuli Lux Divina’; Disciples of the Divine Light:

He arranged to meet with the vocations director within the Archdiocese, one ‘Reverend Mother Austen, on his 17th birthday. The pair spoke at length about the ‘vocations’ available. Aurelian decided becoming a religious sister, a nun, was the path God was calling him to and made his interest in joining the Order of Our Lady of the Veil. He would not hear otherwise. Dr. Austen made it clear to him: "The life of a religious, and the life of every Christian, must be a life of work, no matter who you are." Aurelian would not let them down! He applied formally to become a postulant and was duly admitted into the order as such. He would remain a postulant up until his 18th birthday, where he began his novitiate, being given a silver crucifix to mark the occasion. He looks forward to the day where he will be able to take his vows and don the veil, an article of clothing only given to members of the order who have taken vows.

I hope you enjoyed reading this Information Sheet about Aurelian G. Abbot.
My IGN, SirNovox
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