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Aureus Sky BIO | WIP


Level 0
Aureus Sky

Basic Information
First Name: Aureus
Preferred Name: Aureus
Aliases: “Au”, “Aurey”, "Aur"
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Height: 5’8
Weight: 135lbs
Build: Slim-Average
Skin Color: Light
Eye Color: Blue and Gold
Hair Style: Right Swoop
Hair Color: Golden Blond
Fashion: Grey Shirt, Faded white jacket with hood, faded blue jeans, dark grey shoes.
Abnormalities: Heterochromia
Date of Birth: July 12th
Place of Birth: Arkansas, United States
Nationality: United States
Race: White
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Religious Beliefs: None
Political Beliefs: Dislikes Politics, but generally liberal

General Appearance
: Average height, left-swooped blond hair, white jacket, blue jeans, dark grey shoes
Personality: A tad bit shy around new people, but easy to get along with. Generally avoids starting conversations with people he doesn't know, but won't hesitate to talk to someone if they start one with him. Once you get to know him, he's a lot more outgoing, although he gives only an average amount of effort into most things, save for things he's truly passionate about.
Diseases/Illness: None
Character Voice: His voice is a little on the quieter side, but a mid-ranged frequency.
Equipment: Backpack, satchel
Clothes: White jacket, Blue jeans, dark grey shoes
Hobbies: Singing, writing poetry, playing trombone
Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: Nothing serious, but does get slightly shy around new people.
Skills: Can sing really well, can also play Trombone like his father
Quirks: Loves romance novels
Family: Daniel Sky(Father), mother(unknown)

Inherited most physical traits from his father, even his blond hair and blue-gold heterochromia. Born and raised in the US, learned Japanese back in America while he was still young, so it’s always been a second language for him. He was sent to study in Japan to hopefully improve his social skills. It's been 5 years, and he's no longer a complete hermit thanks to his friend Haven, of whom he has began to crush on. He does still generally get shy around those he doesn't know, but his kind personality helps him get along with anyone who talks to him. He is no pushover, and is known to get in front of people he cares about to protect them from both physical and social threats.
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