Level 2
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name):
Previous bans:
bypassing a ban x2
These were 2 years ago btw
Describe your activity on the server:
I try to play as much as I can every day. I'd say about 4-5 hours a day depending on the day.
Which timezone are you in?
UTC +12
Do you have Discord?
Yes, my discord is AutismRP#3046 sorry for changing it last minute last time.
Do you have a microphone?
I do.
List your current and past applications:
Polish Application: Accepted
German Application: Accepted
Ban appeal x2: Accepted
Police Application: Denied
What is your motivation for applying?:
As you know, I have GangRP'd in the past and I would like to clear my name to that. I wanted to apply to help my new family grow, so I can actually RP without all this stress on these gangs. I also wanted to raise some extra money and get out of the debt I owe my friends, and doing so I can get a good reputation again, my current reputation is kind of bad because I used to GangRP but now I've quit. I want to apply to get something done of the police force, I want to really change this to a more positive environment.
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
Yes, I've been reading up of the laws and basic conduct of the Japanese law.
What are the Police ranks?
The First rank you get when you join is Cadet: Cadet is the lowest rank you could get, you get it just by joining the police force for the first time. It's the general training rank.
Then is Patrol Officer/Detectives: Detectives, as in real life have different things they have to do depending on the given work. Patrol Officer is the next Promotion, you get to leave the Department, but its not really advised to go alone.
Third, is the Corporal: Corporal's act as Supervisors having the authority over the Patrol Officer/Detectives/Cadets.
Fourth, is the Sergeant: They act as supervisors as well, they also act as liaison's for the higher ups.
Fifth, is the Lieutenants: They are the front lines officer's, Armed with that sexy Glocks.
Sixth, is the Vice Head Lieutenant: They do what the Head Lieutenant does when they are missing, basically a fill in for the Head Lieutenant when they aren't around and look after the force.
Seventh, is the Head Lieutenant: They are in control of the Vice Head Lieutenants and the Lieutenants. They sort of give the lower ranking's information/plans for an operation.
Eighth, is the the Captain/Chief: They go report directly to the Commissioner, train personnel, they watch over budgets and enforce the rules among the police. They also do have a lot of citizen involvement, and hire people for the police job.
Ninth, is the Police Commissioner: The Commissioner is the top Authority of the Police Department. They oversee all the operations and work the rest of the police officers are doing. They also can make special operations, add safety codes and investigators to the operations, and completely rule it.
What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
I have some knowledge of how police work happens, mostly because I've been told by ex cops. You also learn some thing when you GangRP for a long time, but GangRP is behind me now. I've also seen videos on police work and things like that, that I've gathered.
Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
The Police are important to SchoolRP because they need to keep out all of the crimes. They need to do this because its just like real life, you need to get rid of criminals or else no one will feel safe and they would move/leave. It's the police's duty to keep the innocent safe from all of the things that would try to harm them, like ********* etc.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?
Yes I know this
Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?
I would give it all I got to be on this team.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorized to attend or you will be punished [Demoted]?
I do acknowledge this.
Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
Yes, if you take things into OOC it could get people in trouble, or even banned. Things could also get a bit toxic when dealing with GangRPers and what they think is true but actually isn't.
In-Character (IC) Section
Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?
My character stands at a firm 5'9 with a confident, serious demeanour. He holds a near-white hair colour with icy blue eyes, these features paired with his black suit and white shirt create a bold and unique look.
He is unique in his strength and knowledge of intricate details of information while being able to process things quickly. He has a unique emotional strength, this comes from his daunting and quite traumatic past. he holds the ability to keep himself looking tough as he goes through stressful situations - often described as a quick thinker. He can bring forward new and unique ideas frequently and quickly and is loyal to any team he becomes involved with.
What he's like on and off the job?
When Nelan is off the job he is one of those people who would kick back and open a nice cold beer with his friends and family and relax watching tv. He wouldn't be that strict, letting his kids go out to eat with friends, or "Special People" of the sort. On the job he would be that friendly co-worker always thinking of the other people working there, trying to make the place feel enlighten with his presence. Whenever, out patrolling with people he would stand straight and serious trying to look as professional as best as he could possibly do. He likes work/extra work and would stay at work later to finish more work he was given.
Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?
Nelan doesn't judge people, especially his co-workers. As this could be unprofessional and everyone included with this silent judging may be caught and demoted. But, everyone judges at least some people, thought Nelan might judge some people but will keep to himself about these judging's. Nelan will try to get promoted to L.T and try to get as high ranking he could. Nelan will try to stay in the police force as long as he could for his family. Once he retires he plans on dating this girl he has his eyes on, and maybe even marrying?!?..
1983 seemed like an average year, nothing out of the boundaries of normality, though there was one notable event for a small family in a town of Germany: a newborn child. This boy would be named 'Nelan Kramer', a boy believed to succeed in his future - to become something great. The boy ventured home soon after his birth to a family home. The residence was your classic middle-class family house, grand enough to keep two parents and two siblings. Young Nelan settled into his new home quickly, pleased with this new life ahead of him. This feeling would last for a mere four years until it was time for him to begin his education, feelings of doubt beginning to seep through.
Nelan would be learning the German language, as it was mandatory. He chose a second language, Polish, which led to his peers jeering at him and bullying him for his difference in skill and knowledge. The boy was hurt by the sayings and insults, turning out to be quite quiet and reserved to avoid further harm to his mental health. He made few friends during this time, having to fight off his loneliness by studying for exams, he felt isolated.
His education felt like it went quickly: until he grew to be 12 years old. His parents were struck dead in a fatal car crash, sending him straight to a foster home. He remained there in his still isolated state, only gripping onto the friendliness of his education as his grades seemed to calculate his worth. Cold and alone, he'd spend hours cuddled up in his dim room writing and researching in some old books he would be given. Internalising all he felt melancholy about, he ended up adopted into a new household. This new family would mistreat him and cause him more emotional harm than even his peers brought to him.
He would keep to himself still, isolated by the disappointment of his parents, who often would leave him alone in their grand home to work. Depending on his work, the boy continued as he had during his previous years - picking up methods and techniques to support him in coping with his crippling loneliness. After being fully adopted, they moved the family to Japan. He soon reached eighteen, now having to be fully independent. Nelan would meet a girl called Tina, who already seemed to accept him for himself and what language he had learned; Tina also learned Polish as a child, just like him. They grew close and dated for a long five years, before getting married; while in their late 20s, beginning to have children.
Nelan had completely come out of his shell, though still moved by his upsetting traumas he would be helped by Tina's support, which helped him slowly return to his former outgoingness. He spoiled his child greatly and made sure they were receiving the love his foster parents had never given him before. Once happy, he began to worry when his wife went missing one day. Worrying, he presumed she was dead. He began to struggle financially to support him and his child and is now attempting to find work for the sake of his newfound family.
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name:
Nelan Kramer
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Given Name(s):
Preferred Name:
Religious Denomination:
Marital Status:
Current Location:
Japan ?
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training:
3 years.
Working Experience:
None with real work
Academic Degree:
Year of Graduation:
Native Languages:
Other Languages:
Japanese, and Polish.
IGN (In-Game Name):
Previous bans:
bypassing a ban x2
These were 2 years ago btw
Describe your activity on the server:
I try to play as much as I can every day. I'd say about 4-5 hours a day depending on the day.
Which timezone are you in?
UTC +12
Do you have Discord?
Yes, my discord is AutismRP#3046 sorry for changing it last minute last time.
Do you have a microphone?
I do.
List your current and past applications:
Polish Application: Accepted
German Application: Accepted
Ban appeal x2: Accepted
Police Application: Denied
What is your motivation for applying?:
As you know, I have GangRP'd in the past and I would like to clear my name to that. I wanted to apply to help my new family grow, so I can actually RP without all this stress on these gangs. I also wanted to raise some extra money and get out of the debt I owe my friends, and doing so I can get a good reputation again, my current reputation is kind of bad because I used to GangRP but now I've quit. I want to apply to get something done of the police force, I want to really change this to a more positive environment.
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
Yes, I've been reading up of the laws and basic conduct of the Japanese law.
What are the Police ranks?
The First rank you get when you join is Cadet: Cadet is the lowest rank you could get, you get it just by joining the police force for the first time. It's the general training rank.
Then is Patrol Officer/Detectives: Detectives, as in real life have different things they have to do depending on the given work. Patrol Officer is the next Promotion, you get to leave the Department, but its not really advised to go alone.
Third, is the Corporal: Corporal's act as Supervisors having the authority over the Patrol Officer/Detectives/Cadets.
Fourth, is the Sergeant: They act as supervisors as well, they also act as liaison's for the higher ups.
Fifth, is the Lieutenants: They are the front lines officer's, Armed with that sexy Glocks.
Sixth, is the Vice Head Lieutenant: They do what the Head Lieutenant does when they are missing, basically a fill in for the Head Lieutenant when they aren't around and look after the force.
Seventh, is the Head Lieutenant: They are in control of the Vice Head Lieutenants and the Lieutenants. They sort of give the lower ranking's information/plans for an operation.
Eighth, is the the Captain/Chief: They go report directly to the Commissioner, train personnel, they watch over budgets and enforce the rules among the police. They also do have a lot of citizen involvement, and hire people for the police job.
Ninth, is the Police Commissioner: The Commissioner is the top Authority of the Police Department. They oversee all the operations and work the rest of the police officers are doing. They also can make special operations, add safety codes and investigators to the operations, and completely rule it.
What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
I have some knowledge of how police work happens, mostly because I've been told by ex cops. You also learn some thing when you GangRP for a long time, but GangRP is behind me now. I've also seen videos on police work and things like that, that I've gathered.
Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
The Police are important to SchoolRP because they need to keep out all of the crimes. They need to do this because its just like real life, you need to get rid of criminals or else no one will feel safe and they would move/leave. It's the police's duty to keep the innocent safe from all of the things that would try to harm them, like ********* etc.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?
Yes I know this
Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?
I would give it all I got to be on this team.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorized to attend or you will be punished [Demoted]?
I do acknowledge this.
Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
Yes, if you take things into OOC it could get people in trouble, or even banned. Things could also get a bit toxic when dealing with GangRPers and what they think is true but actually isn't.

In-Character (IC) Section
Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?
My character stands at a firm 5'9 with a confident, serious demeanour. He holds a near-white hair colour with icy blue eyes, these features paired with his black suit and white shirt create a bold and unique look.
He is unique in his strength and knowledge of intricate details of information while being able to process things quickly. He has a unique emotional strength, this comes from his daunting and quite traumatic past. he holds the ability to keep himself looking tough as he goes through stressful situations - often described as a quick thinker. He can bring forward new and unique ideas frequently and quickly and is loyal to any team he becomes involved with.
What he's like on and off the job?
When Nelan is off the job he is one of those people who would kick back and open a nice cold beer with his friends and family and relax watching tv. He wouldn't be that strict, letting his kids go out to eat with friends, or "Special People" of the sort. On the job he would be that friendly co-worker always thinking of the other people working there, trying to make the place feel enlighten with his presence. Whenever, out patrolling with people he would stand straight and serious trying to look as professional as best as he could possibly do. He likes work/extra work and would stay at work later to finish more work he was given.
Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?
Nelan doesn't judge people, especially his co-workers. As this could be unprofessional and everyone included with this silent judging may be caught and demoted. But, everyone judges at least some people, thought Nelan might judge some people but will keep to himself about these judging's. Nelan will try to get promoted to L.T and try to get as high ranking he could. Nelan will try to stay in the police force as long as he could for his family. Once he retires he plans on dating this girl he has his eyes on, and maybe even marrying?!?..
1983 seemed like an average year, nothing out of the boundaries of normality, though there was one notable event for a small family in a town of Germany: a newborn child. This boy would be named 'Nelan Kramer', a boy believed to succeed in his future - to become something great. The boy ventured home soon after his birth to a family home. The residence was your classic middle-class family house, grand enough to keep two parents and two siblings. Young Nelan settled into his new home quickly, pleased with this new life ahead of him. This feeling would last for a mere four years until it was time for him to begin his education, feelings of doubt beginning to seep through.
Nelan would be learning the German language, as it was mandatory. He chose a second language, Polish, which led to his peers jeering at him and bullying him for his difference in skill and knowledge. The boy was hurt by the sayings and insults, turning out to be quite quiet and reserved to avoid further harm to his mental health. He made few friends during this time, having to fight off his loneliness by studying for exams, he felt isolated.
His education felt like it went quickly: until he grew to be 12 years old. His parents were struck dead in a fatal car crash, sending him straight to a foster home. He remained there in his still isolated state, only gripping onto the friendliness of his education as his grades seemed to calculate his worth. Cold and alone, he'd spend hours cuddled up in his dim room writing and researching in some old books he would be given. Internalising all he felt melancholy about, he ended up adopted into a new household. This new family would mistreat him and cause him more emotional harm than even his peers brought to him.
He would keep to himself still, isolated by the disappointment of his parents, who often would leave him alone in their grand home to work. Depending on his work, the boy continued as he had during his previous years - picking up methods and techniques to support him in coping with his crippling loneliness. After being fully adopted, they moved the family to Japan. He soon reached eighteen, now having to be fully independent. Nelan would meet a girl called Tina, who already seemed to accept him for himself and what language he had learned; Tina also learned Polish as a child, just like him. They grew close and dated for a long five years, before getting married; while in their late 20s, beginning to have children.
Nelan had completely come out of his shell, though still moved by his upsetting traumas he would be helped by Tina's support, which helped him slowly return to his former outgoingness. He spoiled his child greatly and made sure they were receiving the love his foster parents had never given him before. Once happy, he began to worry when his wife went missing one day. Worrying, he presumed she was dead. He began to struggle financially to support him and his child and is now attempting to find work for the sake of his newfound family.
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name:
Nelan Kramer
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Given Name(s):
Preferred Name:
Religious Denomination:
Marital Status:
Current Location:
Japan ?
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training:
3 years.
Working Experience:
None with real work
Academic Degree:
Year of Graduation:
Native Languages:
Other Languages:
Japanese, and Polish.
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