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Accepted Ayanami B. Helvete |History Teacher Application|


Level 38
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:


Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
Yes, Morke#4929

Do you have a microphone?:

How old are you? (Optional):

What is your time zone?:

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
I am fully aware that I could be sanctioned if I am inactive for a long time.

Describe your activity on the server:
My activity on the server is very positive. I connect all or almost every day with an average of 2 to 10 hours per day.

Do you have any previous bans?:
I’m clean!

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
Ayanami Beaulieu Russian App> > DENIED
Ayanami Beaulieu Russian App> > ACCEPTED
Ayanami Beaulieu HS Council App> >PENDING >ACCEPTED
Ayanami B. Helvete HS Council role request> > ACCEPTED
Ayanami B. Helvete French App> > DENIED
Ayanami B. Helvete French App> > ACCEPTED

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
main and apply: [Grade-12][Councillor] Ayanami B. Helvete (secretary of Litterature Club)
alt: [Grade-7] Adella J. Hansen


What subject are you applying to teach?:


What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:
I always wanted to know why teachers are so passionate about explaining the subject, and now I know why!
My motivation to be a teacher ,is the knowledge of my own weakness, sounds strange no? Basically I want to convey what I love to students who want to know why life is like this! I always wanted to discover the power to transmit new cultures to others and to be able to tell me at the end "I am honored to have been the fruit of knowledge of my students"
If one day they ask me what was my motivation to be a teacher I will tell them "My motivation? Is simple! know the world grain by grain."

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT & If your application is accepted, you may have to undergo teacher training?:
I fully understand this situation and I agree with it! Learning is very important to level up and obviously to learn from your mistakes. And even more, to have the luck to learn next to teachers with a great wealth of knowledge.

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:
The teacher class logs is a function that is obligatory for ALL types of teachers in which you must fill a paper with the following information (via Discord):
This function is a way of seeing the activity of each teacher, summarizing, is a source of information for the STAFF when, for example, paying the appropriate salary or monitoring teachers to see who fulfills their duties and who does not.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
The strict rules to follow in a class are:
Electronic devices
Electronic devices, such as mobile phones, laptops, mp3 or nintendos must be switched off and stored when entering a classroom.

In a class, as well as within the school, must have appropriate language without the use of swearing, or words that could harm students and teachers.

Use of Japanese
Within the class, you should only speak the language of the country, Japanese, that serves when students whisper in another language or in Japanese during the class, which you can not!

In class no kind of bullying is allowed to students, such as insults and gestures displaced, if in that case you see harassment, the or students will be severely punished.

illegal/ not allowed items
On the school grounds and in classes it is formally forbidden to carry illegal items such as cigarettes, alcohol or weapons. If a student is seen with these items, everything will be confiscated and thrown away.

First of all, please do not shout in the corridors and in the classes, if that happens, give the student a warning, if they persist until they have three warnings, they will be sent in detention after the classes.

Respect between teacher and student is one of the most important rules! you have to treat each other with respect, that is, have a proper language, do not disturb , and above all, do not insult or harass anyone. That applies when the teacher tries to explain his class and the students listen and do not do nonsense.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I consider my experience in the world of Roleplay to be quite good. I started in 2018 in typical Roleplay games such as: Guild Wars, Star Wars The Old Republic, Minecraft and a few more.
My experience in minecraft is very varied, I made roleplay on fantastic servers and cities servers such as HogwartsRP, where I was a student and teacher for two years, DemonSlayerRP, I had roles of demon and pillar in another account, CityRP, I was a simple citizen, aotRP, I had several roles but lost them because they closed the server, SchoolRP and FantasyRP where I currently play the following roles: Grade-12 x2 and councillor in SchoolRP, and in FantasyRP I am elf. That means I have the basics of how Roleplay works and I consider myself fit in that domen.
(Some of those servers are currently closed or are French).

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:
- HD
↳ Meaning:
Head of Department
↳ Description: Is the official teacher in charge of an specific subject (Sciences, P.E, English etc...). Department heads focus on managing their area: they distribute activities, organise people, make decisions and give orders, set up processes, set criteria and rules, and in some cases even formalise procedures.

- QT
↳ Meaning:
Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: It means having an academic qualification and adequate pedagogical level. Also recognize that teaching is a full profession that requires specialized training. A qualified teacher is recognized when you have good communication with students, management of new technologies and a lot of creativity and innovation, these characteristics are the pillars to have the skills needed to be a QT.

↳ Meaning:
Newly Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: It requires a minimum of academic level and a previous training along with HD or QT. Although in certain cases, not only requires a minimum of academic level, but also a pedagogical level and a lot of desire to want to work. Many times, they are advised to have classes prepared from the beginning to the end (other teachers such as HD or QT are advised that although less than NQT) so that students have fun while learning and do not get bored.

- UT
↳ Meaning:
Unqualified Teacher
↳ Description: Previously, the UT had to have made an application and be accepted by the STAFF. When that process is completed, they will have specialized training in the subject matter along with your HD. Unqualified teachers will not be able to host any classes until they finish their training and the HD or QT considers that they are suitable to teach students.

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

[IN-GAME] Teachers have a duty to teach Karakura students, make the rules respected inside and outside their classes and obviously, make it find a good atmosphere among all. They have to have their classes ready for when the time comes, so that the class is fun and that everyone participates. On the other hand, it is also their duties to take care of and help their students.

[OUT-OF-GAME] Teachers have very big responsibilities such as good teaching, mutual respect or empathy. But I’m going to focus on my own experience that I had with certain teachers: empathy, being human: Some teachers do not take seriously the problems that a student may have when studying, but , there are some, who understand perfectly and do everything to help the students. When a student presents difficulties to attend in class or fails to do the exercises, the duty of the teacher is to come and ask if he needs help, the vast majority of times, the students will answer "I do not need help" or "I already understand". We, teachers, have to consider the situation and the student in particular, and there, when we do our examination, we have to intervene and help completely, that is, not go several ways, go straight to the point with the student and say "look, I have seen that you have difficulties, and I want to help you" So, it is like you have to intervene with the student, you have to understand him, be patient and above all, listen to him,and it’s with that method that he’s gonna open up to you and let you help him.

to summarize , the purpose of the teachers in both cases, is to help the student to be on the right path of life and learn.

IN-Game Teachers earn a total of ¥350,000 for completing 10 classes within the month, in addition to this teachers can claim a bonus of ¥50,000 for completing 5 extra classes per month.

In SRP each teacher has a different way to teach students, that in part, depends heavily on the personality. There are teachers, who focus more on giving classes and have almost no contact with the student, will be explaining the subject, asking questions and some test. And on the other hand, we will have teachers with a very open personality, that is, they will maintain contact with students to improve the work environment, they will do very creative activities, and games for a simpler learning.

And like any other citizen of Karakura, the teachers have a private life that must be respected, they will go out with their friends and couples to have a drink, they will go to the beach, they will go out to walk with their families and they will even be present at parties where they were invited. Being a teacher, it doesn’t stop you from having a private life, nothing happens that you cross with your students when you are in a restaurant with your girlfriend/ boyfriend, always remember that the teachers ARE ALSO HUMANS.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:
teachers are important to the server because it offers a realistic RP, also , allows to make good times on the server and not stay AFK as usual! Then, at a more academic point, teachers are the key to graduating from grade 12 to College B. and to finish, do not forget that the server is called SchoolRP and that as the name says, it is based on a roleplay of life in a Japanese school (in that case). And without teachers, there would be no school RP.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:
Must have, Should have, Could have and Won't have!

Character Knowledge

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. How does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What are their plan for the future?
(Probably the appearance of my character will change, it will not be big changes, it will only be the length of the hair.)
Ayanami is a 5'3 tall person who weighs 132lb. she has a small slim body, her shoulders are small and thin. Her arms are thin and long that reach up to her hips that are well curbed. Her chest is medium with a well-drawn round shape and her legs are short and she has small feet. Her skin is pale white, she has large eyes of light blue, almost transparent! She has short hair that reaches down to the shoulders, she has a long hairless bangs, just like all the hair,her hair color is a balance between light blue and some dark blue highlights. She has a long red streak on the left side that runs from the tip of her head to just below the shoulder.

Aya’s appearance is, at first glance cute! She is a girl of small stature, with a short blue hair. She usually wears a green sweatshirt or a blue dress. When she wears her green sweatshirt, she usually accompanies with a kaki-colored skirt, a pair of black socks and a pair of dark brown shoes. and on the other hand, when she wears her blue dress she usually accompanies with a red jacket that wears the insigna of Karakura HS or the jacket of Litterature Club along with some black boots that reaches up to her ankles.

Aya is a reserved girl with others, she doesn’t talk much, that is, she is shy. It is very difficult to anger her, she is very quiet and does not usually bother, most of the time, she sits aside to read or listen to music. With her friends, she’s a different person! she talks a lot, she likes to be with them and party with them. She likes to tease them affectionately. Oh, and also, she jumps around them a lot! It’s like an excited animal! At a professional level, she doesn’t wait a second to talk and help. Take things calmly and always have a neutral opinion, so as not to hurt anyone. She spends much of her time working and finding solutions to their problems or meet people.

Aya is different from the others because every day, in her grows a passion to learn even more! She takes her work very seriously and wants to do everything perfectly, as I mentioned before, Aya has a tendency to have a neutral opinion of all kinds of situation and does not get carried away by feelings, which is very difficult for some. She considers that she makes many mistakes and accepts them, so every day she corrects them and she is not ashamed of it, on the contrary, she learns from her own mistakes, examines them and sets in motion rules to not repeat them again.

For her, the students are young people who need to be guided by trustworthy people, helping them to understand everything they do not understand and guiding them on the right path. She keeps in mind that some students can be very complicated, but does not give her reason not to take care of them! on the contrary, it makes her want to help them and teach them other points of view about what life is. Her students are very important to her, and she wants to see them reach their dreams, because that makes her cry with joy.
Teachers for Aya are very cultured and incredible people, Talking with them about things that they love is something that makes you open your mouth big and have an expression of surprise in your face! Teachers are the future and the solution to all problems related to the study of the human being because they have the answer in the hand. They are also people who must be respected, because they are the people that Aya knows most respectable with everyone and that under no time have insulted or treated a student badly.

Her plans for the future are very varied, she wants to start a family together with her girlfriend and be able to live in a house quietly. At the academic level, she wants to be a history teacher and archaeologist at the same time, to be able to continue researching in historical cases where no answer has yet been found and be able to pass on what she knows to students who want to learn.

/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:
The first thing I would do is approach the conversation and examine what they are saying. Once I had enough information, I would quickly intervene and tell them "please control your language while at school" and I will give them a first warning. if in any case, they do not listen to me, I would raise my voice in a firm way to say: "second warning, if you do not control your language I will put you and your classmates in detention"

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
When I give my class, I notice a slight noise on my back, the students are talking and not attending. What I would do is stop explaining and saying to stop talking and to be attentive, after that I would continue giving my class. If the problem persists, I would approach the loudest ones and tell them that if they do not remain silent I will do some tests ( prepare before ) so that they do it and they will have a note. Normally there, they will listen to me and stop bothering the class. if I give them 3 warnings, thats would be a detention.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:
When I finish my first class, I go to the teachers' lounge to advance in my work, the first thing I do is to enter without making much noise so as not to disturb, if I see one or more teachers, I greet them with a "hello" almost whispering so as not to disturb their concentration. I would sit at a table and start taking out my books, sheets and work schedule, I would start scheduling my classes for the next day, and writing the next exams I will do to my students. I would be absorbed by my work and not bother anyone. 10 minutes before the bell rings, I would pick up my things and I would say goodbye to the teachers who are with me, I would go directly to my class to prepare the last things I need and I could start my second class of the day!

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

/me She would get up from the chair, fixing her hair and skirt a little, would start to go around the table to get to the first table in front of her and begin to inspect the work that the students are doing. she would take a few steps to the next table to see how they work and with all the tables of the classroom.

/me She would take out of her pink bag a small statue depicting the Greek goddess Athena. She would pose the statue on the table so that all the students could see it and examine it and call the students one by one, to explain what they are seeing in front of them, while she takes out her fourth to take notes.

/me She would begin to draw with a white chalk on the slate a pyramid made of a triangle and several squares and rectangular inside it, so that it remains asymmetrical. After having drawn it, she places the chalk on the table and turns to the students smiling and with wide open eyes asking them "Could anyone tell me what I drew on the board and why I drew it?".

/me She would open the drawer under the table with papers containing questions about the French Revolution and pose them on the table. She would look at the students and with a sweet and calm voice she would say "Today, we are going to do a small exam of the French Revolution, remember that you must have your phones turned off, if I see someone cheat, talk or look at someone else’s exam automatically you’ll get a zero, good luck guys!". Just by saying that, she would start calling the students to take their exams.

The Karanov neighborhood of Moscow is reputed for having an incredible natural environment, it is one of the neighborhoods that is located north of the city. The vast majority of the houses are located next to the forest, where small animals of all kinds reside. There, there is a house apart from others, it is located right at the entrance of the forest.It is a two-story house made of stone, has an immense garden and ornate of many plants. In that house lives a pregnant mother of 9 months with a small child, they are very reputed in the neighborhood for having a blond hair almost white and very blue eyes. The mother, Eufelia, is waiting for a little girl who should arrive in a very short time. . .
On the night of March 31, 1992, while a terrible rain falls, Eufelia wakes up with belly pains, quickly, understands that she will give birth to the baby, without thinking twice, She calls her youngest son telling him to call a doctor right now. Soon after, a doctor arrives and begins to prepare the bed for the mother and the baby. The mother does not wait a second, she already gave birth to a little something, a girl, silver-blond hair with glacial blue eyes. The mother, seeing that little creature, begins to cry with joy along with her other son. Now, there are three in the family! Welcome to the family Ayanami!
A light runs through Aya’s room, the little girl, with silver blond hair, wakes up to get up and go to school. As she comes down the stairs, she sees her older brother who is now 18, sitting at the table with her mother. She sits in the chair, and just her mother begins to say " I decided to send you to Japan, with your father" What was that coming to? Why? Aya never knew her father, she only knows that he is French and that he moved to Japan for work reasons. So, Aya asks her mother, "Why?" does my older brother come with me?" to which the mother replies: "No, your brother stays here with me, he will help me in certain things". As she hears this, Aya slowly begins to understand the situation, then, with nothing to say, she goes up to her room to pack her suitcase. At last, Aya arrived in Japan, precisely in Tokyo. At the airport, her father was waiting to take her. On the way they do not speak, let alone say that she would be in a French host family in a town near the beach. . .
Upon reaching the town, Karakura, her father explains that he will leave her in the hands of her new family, Beaulieu.It is a family where there are several teenagers, it is very convivial and the stepbrothers understand each other very well. At first, Aya was afraid, because she didn’t know a word of French, she only knew Russian and a little Japanese, but her stepbrothers quickly comforted her by telling her to learn quickly!

It’s been 8 years since Aya moved. She already has friends, shes in a club and even lives alone! Aya learned a lot from the life she lived, she missed her mother and her brother, who still live in Russia, rarely sees her father who is in Tokyo, but, who cares? She wants to live her youth to the fullest!
When Aya graduated from school at the age of 18, She decided to integrate the University of History and Archaeology of Japan specialized in Youth Teaching, she studied the Knowledge of the Educational System, the Sculpts, Teaching , Teaching work in the Historical and Social context and obviously History (all ages) for 5 years. at the age of 23, she began training in France, which was based on the archaeology of the Middle Ages, and working as a guide at the Louvre Museum in Paris for 3 years. There , she found her passion, the power to transmit what she knows and learn about history. Then, from her 26 years until her 28 years, she worked at the school "Luis Pasteur" as a teacher assistant of History and Geography. She could learn how to properly prepare classes, even, she was lucky enough to host some classes to talk about medieval history, Roman and Greek mythology and the history of Spain such as the "Al-Andalus". She took advantage of that time to acquire new degrees such as Foreign Languages, where she acquired an official diploma in Russian, French and Japanese for having taken the maximum grade in exams level C. Even , she had the possibility to acquire a degree in Geography where the environment and meteorology are studied , for example.
At the end of her training, she decided to return to Karakura to continue her career, at the age of 29 she went to the north of the country to investigate about historical phenomenons that occurred, and also, went for a few months to China to study the history of the Great Wall of China and transmit their knowledge to young people of 14 and 18 years old. Currently, at the age of 30, she already considers that it is time to make known everything she knows since graduating from school until now, she applies for the position of history teacher and already has in mind how to start teaching!

In-Character Information
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only):

Ayanami Beaulieu Helvete

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Miss Beaulieu

Given Name(s):
Ayanami or Aya

Preferred Name:

Age (Minimum is 27):


Religious Denomination:

Marital Status:

Russian and French

Current Location:
Karakura, Japan

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years):

Academic Degree:

Bachelors and university diplomas

Year of Graduation:
2008 and 2013

History , archaeology , youth teaching, knowledge of the educational system,
the sculpts, teaching and teaching work in the historical and social context.

Geography and Foreign languages.

Native Languages:

Other Languages:
French and Japanese

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?:

I keep in mind that if I am accepted, I will lose my roles as a counselor and secretary, and that it can harm some, therefore, I will occupy (if they allow me to do it) the position of secretary with my other character and I will make another application for counselor.
Have a nice day/night!

Additional notes about your application: N/A
Do you have any questions?: N/A
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