Ayano Haruki
“A hero is not defined by their wins, they’re defined on how they get back up when they fall”
Preferred Names: Olive
Aliases:”A school student”
Hobbies:Catering, Cooking, and helping
Medical Issues: —
Personality: calm and caring
Problems: Too Forgiving, Gulaible, Sensitive
(The nurse with purplish pinkish hair)
Nationalities: Japanese
Sex: Female
Religion: Christian
Family: Harukis
Dislikes: Voilence, Law breakers, Killing, mugging, anything illegal.
Straight/Bisexual: Straight
Description: A Japanese female standing at 5”11ft, with a soft voice tone, She’d smell like strawberries, she’d have a slim body shape.
Her mother Amali was a good baker and owned a small shop in south of Japan. Her father on the other hand was a farmer and had to live in the country side of America for good buisness.
Ayano had 2sisters, Kokana and victoria. Kokana was in debt meanwhile Victoria was a born dancer. During kokana’s debt, she had dates with older men to boost money.
In time, Ayano realized that her mother wasn’t earning much money to feed everyone, so her mother fed her and her sisters but not herself. As of course her mother was. In her 80s and needed medical attention. On her mother’s 85th birthday, she dropped dead. This left the sisters in debt, homeless, and poor with low rations.
Ayano thought that the south of Japan wasn’t the best place to live because there wasn’t any job vacancies. When her father got back from America, he decided they had to move from the south of Japan. Not only to leave the shop, but to leave bad memories.
That is when Ayano discovered Karakura, she started working there as a teacher to boost things up.
Personal Questions:
Favorite cooking method: Baking
How her dad afforded a bus to karakura: this is supposed to be confidential until I finally release this character to school roleplay
Enemies: no one.
Place of birth: Japan
Did she ever get bullied?:no, because school took up 49% of their family balance. She was sent to a governmental school, which was cheaper than a private school. No one had time to bully there.
Weakness:Roses, as she is allergic to them
Strengths:Controlling a group of people, Cooking
Who she looks up to: Her mom
Favorite Game: Yandere simulator
When did she have her peri—: When she was 13
Where’s her family members now?: Classified until she is released
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