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BabyDingo Student Council Application


Level 4
General Information

What is your Minecraft username?:
Baby Dingo

Any previous warns/kicks/bans?:
I have had 1 to 3 warnings when first entering game due to not understanding.

What is your timezone GMT?
During daylight and night times.

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your Discord username)?:

Yes, Dingo#6370

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server?:

I have not yet applied for any applications on the server.

Describe your activity on the server & on the forums?:
I role-play on a daily bases and take roleplaying seriously. I role-play for about 4 hours a day at least. I usually go around to new students to the server and help them out when they seems stressed or lost about something.

Trivia Questions

What is the student council?:
The student council, I say is the representatives of the school. They keep a steady and safe learning environment for the students. They keep the school steady and in order, they help with whatever is possible, whether it comes to helping new students or senior
students. The student council is a team and work as a team, though there are many positions in the student council they work as one to
orginise things such as hosting events or coming up with new safe rules for the school environment. They're the eyes of the school.

Who or what brought you to applying for the student council? (e.g. a friend, colleague, etc):
The thing that brought be to apply for the school council was wanting to be apart of the school, I wanted to be of help more than
just helping lost students. I wanted to help improve the school, to
create a safe environment for the students, to help students study peacefully and without a worry. I also wanted to get more students
involved in school activities such as sports or clubs. I want to motivate the students to work harder and for the right reasons.

What does the school council of Karakura do?:

I say that the school council represents the school by encouraging education and responsibility. The school council in my words organise events and are the eyes of the school, they monitor the students as well as help them. The school council work as a team to improve the school, they help not only the students but each other out as well.

How would you describe your work ethic?:

I believe that I am a hard worker, as well as dedicated, reasonable, kind, respectful, cheerful, positive, productive, and a team worker as well as a leader.

Do you have past experience in roleplaying (if so, summarise your experience)?:
I have had about 5 years of roleplaying experience, not just on Schoolrp but on many other servers before.


You are on the student council and a member submits an awful idea. What do you do?

I would politely explain the issues with the idea and give my personal opinion on the matter/issue. I would then ask the person if they had any other ideas they would like to share.

You submit an idea - everyone hates it. How do you deal with it?:

I would apologise for the idea, I'd attempt to make a new idea if possible. I'd move on with a smile on my face not allowing it to hold me back.

There is a split decision on an idea. The councillors begin to debate if the idea should be accepted. As time goes on, the debate turns into an argument! How do you handle the situation?:
I would calming ask for the members to settle down and ask them to quiet down. I would then proceed to settle the argument with a vote.

A councillor is stirring up problems and abusing their position on school grounds! What do you do?:
I would address the person in question and explain to the councillor the issue in what they're doing and explain that it wasn't right, I would then warn them not to do it. I would then go to the student council president and explain the issue.

The Council president says something you completely disagree with, how would you combat this?:
I would politely explain that I do not agree with what he had said, I would then go on to explain why I disagreed with it.

There's a staggering amount of tension/drama between two councillors. It's beginning to affect their work ethic; how would you try to help?:

I would ask the two individually their sides of the story to the issue. I would then go onto explaining why the matter can not affect their work. I would try to find ways to how they can resolve it between the two.

In-character Perspective Questions

Character Name:

April Fox

Character gender:


Character age:

17 years of age

Character Phone-number:


Brief summary of how they act- your characters personality:

April is a bubbly character, she is the social butterfly of the group and is not afraid to give someone a helping hand. She can never leave a person sitting by themselves, she likes to get everyone involved. April is defiantly not shy character and is a leader. She respects everyone, including those younger than herself. She loves getting involved and making new friends daily. She is an extremely hard worker and never misses class. She encourages others to learn and to participate in group activities. She is respectful towards teachers and is not afraid to ask questions when she is stuck. She loves work and is competitive. April finds it easy to resolve situations, either it be friends in a fight or complicated work. April can easily read her surroundings and the mood. You can usually find April in the library trying to organise study groups. April is also very creative.

Character appearance/attire:

April's height is around 5'2, she has pearl coloured hair and always wears her flower crown. April often wears a beanie as well a pink checkered skirt and white shirt. You never see April without a bright smile on her face. April would have pale skin as well as brown eyes. Her build is slim, she would have a small but healthy build.

What separates you from other applications seeking your position?:

I am hard working and works well as a team, I keep to my word and is applying for this position to make a difference. I apply to help all grades and hope to encourage more people to participate in more school activities as well as encouraging more students to join school activities. I hope to give the student a fun and rewarding learning experience at the school and I believe I would be an excilent representative for the school.

Why do you want this position?:
I want to create a vibrant learning environment for both students and teacher. I want to help students get involved and I want to guide students to the right choices. I want to encourage more students to get involved. I want to teach students as well as teaching myself, I want to learn leadership skills, and I wish to learn how to be apart of a team as well as to learn how to get people involved. Most of all I want to help the student council improve our school for the better. I believe I have some wonderful ideas for the school.

What interests you the most about the student council?:

What interests me about the student council is how they are able to make a change, I once saw a member of the student council helping a lost grade 7 and I remember wanting to be like that. Helping students is my aim. I would like to share my ideas of how to improve the students attitude on school and encourage more students to turn up to class and to take class seriously.

What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:

I believe I can share my skills and thoughts in meetings. I will also help keep an eye on students within the school and help any students who are lost or struggling. I will also help encourage students to participate in school activities.


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