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Bald1 Reporter Application


Level 6

OOC (Out-Of-Character) Information:

What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)? Please include ALL your alternative accounts:


Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?:
Yes to both! my discord is bald7594

List your timezone and country:
England GMT

Describe your activity:
As of late i have lost a lot of motivation within srp, this is mainly to do with my dedication towards Gang/Crimerp, however i have made the decision to step away from that side of srp for now, as it only caused stress and at times didn't provide great RP, i am looking at applying for a few factions and i am designing a new character! so i in around a weeks time i will be way more active within the SRP community

Link any significant applications (e.g., Roles/Teams, exclude languages):
Lawyer App! Reporter App!

What is your motivation to apply for reporter?:

Within Srp there are plenty of factions, and many opportunities to engage within srp, however i think before applying towards EMS KPD and Teaching id like to try out the reporter faction, the reason because of this is i have had many people tell me that being a reporter gives people fun rp opportunities within the server itself, and since i moved away from the gang side of srp i wish to find something that can help me gain more enjoyment from roleplaying with people i haven't reached out from before! I have attempted to apply for the reporter faction in the past, but unfortunately it was denied, but i am glad it was as it gave me plenty of time to attempt to improve my writing and my figure out new ways to detail my actions within the server, I am hoping that if i am accepted into the faction that i can show that i am more than a Mr gangy person, i know that i have a lot of potential within SRP and its just a matter of applying myself to certain projects, and with this faction i believe i could do that.

Do you have any experience with writing? What is your relationship with writing?:
At the start of my SRP journey i wasn't the best writer and didn't add much detail within my actions, applications and writing projects within discord, however now after over 2 years of playing on the server i do believe my writing skills have improved and id like to show that within SRP through my reports actions and roleplaying with other people.

Are you aware of - and will follow - the set of rules provided to you?:
Yes, within the rules of SRP as a hole i do refresh myself with what is not and what is allowed within SRP, i have taken a look over the Reporter faction rules and i agree with these also.

Why should we accept you over others?:
I hope to show my skill within writing through my application below, but towards others I always try make a unique experience that others differ from, I have shown this within the Gangrp community but now I wish to show this towards the more peaceful side of SRP, I try to engage in rp scenes that cause enjoyment for both me and the other people I enter a scene with, with the goal of having as much fun as possible and making it memorable for all players involved. Now I know that out in the SRP community there are so many talented people and their skill set is truly amazing to see, however everyone has their own unique skill set and I wish to show my own to other people. Within the ooc part of SRP I am a caring person and always open myself to listen and talk to others who may have had a hard time in their life, and simply need to get some problems off their chest, I hope to show that I do have talent and that if given a opportunity I am able to show what I am capable of and hopefully make myself and others proud :)

Do you understand you have to stay completely neutral with all reports? (Your report can't have any OOC or IC bias towards a specific group.)
Yes, i do agree than when creating reports on players i cannot have any biased towards them when writing about there characters, including iclly feelings that my character may hold.

Do you trust that you will be able to stay active and complete the monthly quota?:
Yes, if nothing comes up oocly and i am able to hop onto srp i do believe i will push out good quality reports to full my quota.

Summarise what you imagine work as a reporter is:
A lot of people seem to believe that being a reporter is easy, however sometimes its not quite the case, sometimes a reporter would take hours or even days to find a subject that can be entertaining enough and is interesting enough to actually make a report about. However that would just be the start, after choosing a subject to write about reporters have to dedicate a large amount of time to write and make their report unique to others, this is so people will find interest and be hooked by the report so that they take time out of their day to read through and give their opinions within the end, and the hardest part is that a reporter has to repeat this process five times within a month!

IC (In-Character) Information:

Full Name:
"Bjorn Helvig"

Preferred Name/Nickname and Title :
"I wish to be called Mr please"

Current Age (25+):

Past job/work experience:
"Over my time before arriving to Karukura i lived in England, where i worked as a Supermarket worker for around a yeah and a half saving up money to afford a place in Karukura where i hear the job opportunities are better here. However while i was in England before i landed a job within a Supermarket, i worked part time at a youth centre helping stop teenagers getting brought into gang and knife crimes, the youth centre was a great success having children from all over London come to enjoy their weekdays and weekends I worked as a personal tutor there helping Children with their writing skills and homework."

"I have a major degree in English,"

Nationality and born location:

"I was born in whales, however at a young child me and my family made the move to London for a more 'Fancy' lifestyle, My nationality is welsh"

Phone Number:

How would you describe yourself in under 150 words?:
"Within my family we are well respected of each other, we take care of our appearances and we believe that first impressions are everything, Hence why i decide to take care of my self and attempt to help take care of others. I stand at 6'7 and weigh around 230 pounds which i can only thank my genetics for these so called 'super powers'. I like to engage with people and try make as much of a social impact as possible, hoping to make good impressions and impress people with my skill set, I also take pride in attempting to help others with their own personal issues if they take my advice, i am a honest man and will not lie to simple make someone feel better, as lying about the truth simply makes it worse when it eventually comes out."

What are you interested in writing about? How will you achieve this, and would you consider going out of your comfort zone?:
"Writing for me has always been a way of expressing my emotions, i find it easier to write something down and let someone read it, rather than simply one on one conversations, If i succeed in becoming one of the great reporters of Karukura i would focus on what could be improved within the city, but also the Bright side of karukura, Focusing on the animals, nature and new structures being built within the city"

"Id also hope to conduct interviews with successful people around the city to hopefully inspire and turn around the young youth of Karukura, with the knowledge that a lot of young adults turn to crime to make some quick and easy money i hope with my writing it may have some affect on the youth turning them on the right paths before they head too far"

What are your expectations for the job?:
"From my own research and asking the public, I have been told the reporters are like their own little family, helping each other when needed and providing a loving and calm workspace, which i personally look forward to, i hope to enjoy my time within the reporters as one big thing i believe is that having a job is more than just earning money, You also need to be happy, You could earn millions but is it worth it if your not truly happy? This is why i picked to apply and attempt to become a reporter as i believe it is a amazing Job and i look forward to making some memorable memories"

Do you have a criminal record? If so, list the crimes below:
"I have not been convicted of any crimes"

Fluent Languages (Underline your native):
"Japanese Italian and English"

You will have to write two reports about a topic of your choice. Here we can see how pronounced your writing is and how creative you are. Use your own formatting and your own report idea. (If you're found plagiarizing an actual report or another applicant, you will be denied.)

#1 - General report. Report about a topic, informing players about an event or significant issues to Karakura.

Brown Modern Fashion Newspaper Blog post Pinterest Pin .png

"Vending Machines of Karukura! Change for the better? or worse?"

[ooc] I do apologise if the newspaper looks choppy, its my first time using canva and tried my best to recreate a newspaper [ooc]

#2 - Interview. It's important to have well-rounded questions. Create your own interview with ten questions or more. And answer them yourself.

Mr Helvig would take out a small hand held microphone and attach it to the student aka Mr Sikoas shirt he would click a button turning the microphone on, and then take out his recording device

Mr Helvig
Mr Sikoa

"Thank you for allowing me to ask you some questions, we will start the interview now, please state your last name into the microphone "

"Of course! im always happy to help, Id like to be referred as Mr Sikoa please"

"Amazing, now i will ask you a series of questions and all i ask for is complete honesty!"

Q1 : "Now as most people know there are numerous vending machines around Karukura, but unfortunately some people believe that the options are very limited and don't provide a lot of options for the students, workers, and adults of the city, What are your opinions on this?"

A1 : "I do believe that the vending machines are pretty boring, working part time it doesn't give me a lot of options for food, and using the vending machine from time to time makes for a quick and easy snack, but it would be nice if me and others, saw more of a variety within the machines something for everyone, you know? Like instead of simple marshmallow treats why not have a Ramen cup, More options of sweets? Instead of several types of energy drinks why not more variety's of fruit and fizzy drinks?

Q2 : "Amazing! i appreciate the honesty, for my next question i want to ask about their appearance, the vending machines are like any other big and pink! but some students and adults believe that if the machines had more graphics on them and made them less 'boring' it would bring in more sales? So my question is as you are a student yourself how would you design them?"

A2 : "Hm, I have never really been the so called artist type, however i can agree with the fact they do look sort of bland, all they are big blocks scattered around the city nothing on them to really hook a customer in you know? If they had maybe some cartoon art on them, or some art of the latest trends going around, maybe they'd receive more attention, as of late they've just been left and barley get used."

Q3 : "So you believe that adding more of a young approach adding graphic designs to the machines would gain them more attention? interesting, You also said that they are scattered around the city that leads me onto my next question, do you believe that in karukura the amount of vending machines installed are enough for everyone to go and access?"

A3 : "With this i can say that around the city there are plenty and i mean plenty of vending machines, there's almost one at every single apartment block! however they are really used much as people simply have food in their homes and don't need to walk down flights of stairs just to purchase fruit or treats."

Q4 : "Interesting, would you say if the vending machines had more to go food relating to the first question that people instead of cooking a long meal, they would instead come to buy a meal that can be made in minutes? or in some cases is ready to eat straight out of the machine?"

A4 : "Yes! you see myself i get home very late at times, sometimes i have plans or a side job to help me get some more money in my pocket, and eventually when i arrive home it is so late that im too tired to actually make a good meal, so if i could simple walk downstairs and purchase a few items that served as meals it would be amazing for myself and others."

Q5 : "Staying on the topic of students such as yourself arriving home late, what would you think if useful items like pens, pencils, chargers or even paper being added to the machine?"

A5 : "That's a great question, it would be interesting to see those items added, personally all my work i upload onto a computer safer to keep track of it that way, but some people cant really afford computers so for them to be able to buy pens pencils and other equipment from a vending machine would be really cool to see"

Q6 : "Hm, moving onto some other topics how are the conditions of most of the machines? i understand that there is large amounts of crime at time, i wonder if that has any impact on them?"

A6 : "That is a really good point, i do believe that what stops people from leaving their homes to purchase something from the machines is the constant violence that happens around here, it sounds silly to say but some criminals even watch the machines looking for anyone to come out to purchase something, and when they do they are harassed and potentially stolen from!."

Q7 : "That sounds horrible, do you think criminals attempt to destroy these machines? maybe in a way of costing the government money? "

A7 : "They have damaged them in the past, i remember seeing one smashed to pieces and all the stuff inside was stolen, luckily it was repaired within days and was able to be used again."

Q8 : "What would you say if the government decided to add more cameras behind the machines, or maybe even improve the quality of them?"

A8 : "I don't think they should use more money installing cameras around the machines, as they wont really stop them, all someone would do would wear a dark outfit and a mask and simply get away with it, i do agree that maybe with a improvement of the build quality it could stop people from being successful in stealing the products and money that is inside the machines"

Q9 : "Well we are getting towards the final question so we will make this quick so you can get on with your day, since it has been a while since something was added to the machines, would it be fair for some people to think that the government has forgotten about the machines?"

A9 : "Unfortunately yes, i do believe that the machines have simply been left, being stocked and taking their profit but not investing to make the machines better, i do understand that the city has issues more important than vending machines but it would be nice to see a improvement with the machines."

Q10 : "Now for my final question, all i ask is do you have a message, for the government regarding the machines?"

A10 : "All i have is a small request, please take care of what you have built, you have created these machines yet you have not made a effort to make them greater than they could be, don't let us waist our money and upgrade them, Thank you."

"Thank you very much for answering my questions ill make sure these answers are published."

Mr Helvig would take the microphone back and end the recording parting ways with the student


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