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Accepted Bambi's Teacher Application.


Level 9

Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?: megauwu

How old are you?: 16

Do you have any previous bans?: Yes, but bans are at most 2 years old and I don't do anything rule breaking now.

What Country are you from?: US

Do you have Discord (if so, what is your discord username?): jessu#6666

Do you understand that most answers are found in the roleplay documents?: Yes I do understand that most answers are found in the roleplay documents.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: Yes, I will try to be active as possible.

Do you understand that all classroom activity must be documented on the "Teacher Roster" thread?: Of course.

Describe your activity on the server & on the forums?:
My activity starts right after school, the moment I enter home I get on the server as much as I can, whenever I get bored and either just want to see what's going on, I'll eventually check the forms to see any sort of updates, I genuinely check discord the most as I have been using discord since 2017.

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server?:
- Not a real role.******-application.19238/
[Accepted] - Language Application.
[No Replies Yet] - Shop Application.
[No Replies Yet] - School Mentor Application (DENIED) -


What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:
My motivation for becoming a teacher is to help teach students new things, maybe achieve future goals or skills they'd want to have to possibly help their resume, work habits, learn new things, and grow. Being a teacher is actually pretty fun as roleplaying as a student, I figured that I love teaching new things that could help benefit themselves or the people around them. Not to mention; I have taken a liking to one of my OOC teachers from school. Mr. Fabian, his teaching skills are beyond that of sufficiently adequate, and he inspires me to hopefully become a teacher one day in the mere future of my adulthood. I find this experience, as SRP's teaching faction is ostensibly very realistic, will give me the adequate experience to maybe fulfill that wanted career of being a teacher. You can host field trips, grade assignments, basically, do all the necessary work that of a teacher in real life would do. Thus, me taking high interest into actually becoming a teacher on the server. I also find that many of the student characters on the server are very enlightening, and unique. Many would be entertaining to teach IC. In conclusion; teaching not only would assists me to have knowledge of just what the career would look like in real life terminology, encouraging me to fulfill it. It also seems like much fun to do because of the student player-base, and the expectations of responsibilities a teacher has on the server. I am fully aware of the stress being a teacher comes with though, and I am ready to endure, and surpass it accordingly if I make the requirements of becoming one. Thank you for reading.

Do you have any experience in Roleplaying?:
Yes, I have gained tons of experience roleplaying on the server and different platforms.

Have you read the Faculty Handbook?:
Yes, I have read the Faculty handbook.

What are the classroom logs and why is it important?:
Classroom logs are important to show what is the teacher doing and if they're doing their job correctly. It shows if they can fulfill the requirements and what they are required to do. It helps if they are qualified enough for their job, or maybe could gain a promotion.

You want to start a school field trip; how do you do that?:
It is to schedule a meeting with the principal or vice principal to get approval before anything else. During the meeting, I'll explain is what is happening, why it's happening, what it could benefit, how long the trip it would be, and where it's going to take place, there could be extra things such as how many are attending and who are helping out, and what is being brought on the trip.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
- Eating when it is unnecessary is not needed, leaving a mess in the class will have the student's eating time taken away. Students can eat whenever the teacher is not teaching like class work time. Food is allowed to also explain projects and examples. Drinking is class is fine as long as there is no spill on the floor or the people around them, any sort of alcohol beverages are not allowed. Smoking is not allowed near the classroom or in the classroom. Food and Drinks are not allowed to be near the computers and should be eaten away from any sort of technology, if the student is eating while the teacher is teaching, the student must proceed to pay attention to the teacher.
- Cell phone use is absolutely forbidden, unless given permission (granted) to, but it's unnecessary due to the fact Graphic Design is a technology based class. Cell phones could be used for projects, recording, taking photos of (photography) but students must ask before doing anything. We might also just use professional cameras rather than a cellphone. Using cell phones without permission will have their cell phone confiscated until the end of the period, if the student refuses to hand over the phone they will be sent to the vice principals or principal's office with a referral. Students using cellphones during tests or quizzes will be confiscated and sent to the vice/principal’s office with a referral.
- Any sort of form of harassing or bullying students will be reported to the administrators nonetheless, they will be handled with the deserved punishment. Attacking students will lead to a referral and a suspension. Horse play is not allowed as it could also mess up any sort of equipment. If a student decides to pick on a classmate they will be moved away from the student and be placed in front of my desk, in front of the classroom. If this continues they will be sent to detention, and proceeding will lead them to have a referral and sent to the vice principal.
- Any sort of weapons being held on the student is not allowed, having the chance to harm the student or teacher is not allowed, if weapons are on the student the student will be reported to higher authorities.
- If students are given class time to work on class work, they must finish the time given, any sort of copied homework will be reported to the principal with a referral. Copying things such as classwork or homework is not allowed and it is academic dishonesty, and it shows that the student isn't showing their best work, I believe with even just a bit of effort, the student could gain a good grade in the class.
- Communicating with other students is completely fine, making new friends or group up projects. It is not okay when someone is talking, for example the teacher or a classmate. It is extremely rude and disrespectful if the student decides to interrupt the student or teacher from talking. Whenever the teacher is teaching a lesson or a student has an answer or question to ask, everyone in the classroom must be quiet. Students are always welcomed to walk around the classroom when it is independent or group time, but never when someone is teaching or asking questions. Students can get up to get a tissue, or to walk to the trash can, passing notes in class is forbidden.
- The class goes by "If you break it, you pay for it" this will be signed by each of the student that attends the class. We will not tolerate students who will break equipment that could have been handled in a more careful way. If it is bound to break or close to break then it is understandable, most equipment should be repairable. Students are responsible for any sort of equipment that is damaged, if the student sees something wrong with the equipment before hand, they must notify the teacher right when they receive the equipment.
- When designing a piece of art, anything related to NSFW or things such as drugs, alcohol, or anything that is prohibited on school grounds are not allowed. Drawing any of the following will be given a warning before given to the vice principal and a referral. If it is needed to said project, the student MUST clarify why it is needed before doing anything.

Summarize your previous RP experience (both in general and on SchoolRP):
My experiences on RP has been pretty fun, from ROBLOX roleplay (Anime High School), discord roleplay, and even all sorts of Minecraft roleplay has been fun. Different sorts of genres to explore and try out, I never really had difficulty doing so. I met new people and got along with others easily, of course meeting new friends could give off social anxiety, but getting new people is a whole ride of fun. I had my ups and downs being a role player, but I still enjoyed every aspect of it. Of course there’s many types of people with different types of humor and personalities to go around with, from the rowdy to the fraternity people, to even some edgy or emotional people. Everyone creates their own little humans in a different world, it’s like living a second life, a restart.

Describe the ranking system of teachers:

- HD: Head Department. - Can freely teach and should be notified if a teacher in their subject should teach. The head department selects who and how it should be taught in their own manner.

- QTLS: Qualified teacher with Learning Skills. - Who understands the subject such as HD and has taught before, having knowledge of how a lesson plan should go.

- NQT: Newly Qualified Teacher. - They are new to the teaching career, they must consult the head department when they are teaching and how they are teaching. They will be watched by the Head Department during the lessons.

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

Teachers in game and out of games are important as it helps develop skills that could possibly be used in the future, or now. Teachers help the student’s mind as they mature into adults learning new things trying to get a grasp of the outside world. Teachers would work in their own teaching style, of course the teaching style they might give off might not be keen to others but students could always ask teachers. Teachers should be a bit laid back enough where the student is comfortable with the teacher, if the student is uneasy with the teacher, it would be harder to learn the subject. Teachers in their freetime would grade papers or live their 2nd life being a parent. Teachers work extremely hard having to take away their spare time doing things, assigning lesson plans and projects for the class. In game payment is 250k while out-of-game teachers are paid 57.2k on average.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:

Teachers are important to the SRP server as it’s a school based but it could also help out for extra curriculums or electives. Normally when students sign up for a class, they’re liking the class and would take their time to possibly teach what they learned or experienced from. Teachers are used to guide students and help them succeed to be a better person mentally, physically, and possibly emotionally. Teachers are used to help the students grow as a person and mature to help the people around themselves and their own being.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:

Lesson planning system goes by the must have, should have, and could have system.

Character Knowledge

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. How does she look like? What makes her unique and different? What is her outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is her personality like? What is her plan for the future?

Bambi has lived in a Korean-Japanese household. (Dad is Korean and Mom is Japanese) She always learned a lot from her struggles dealing with toxic friends and harassment from her peers. Bambi has struggled with schools getting C’s and B’s. She doesn’t exactly have a smart brain but she is a slow learner, she learns more of a visual than a Auditory, Writer / Reader, or Kinesthetic Learner. She learns by visual effects like photos, images, drawings, or any sort of visual that could possibly help her learning environment. She usually struggled at English and Math, though History and Technology was the best bet she had. History had photos, backstories, Bambi was always fascinated by what people did back then, what people do now, just listening people or hearing about what how people were was amazing. She absolutely loved art, she loved creating content. When she found out about graphic designing, creating logos, she realized that with it she could help create brands, businesses, advertisements, just about anyone would need to help grow their needs. She always thought if people could even just pay to make a design for something, it could turn into something big, graphic design is just like art, the only limitation is your imagination. Bambi learned over the past years that she enjoyed listening to people and she’s able to communicate with others well, she’s no professional the****** but she can try to help out as much as she can for her time being.
Bambi doesn’t do a lot while growing up, she could be talkative at times but she is always approachable. She is outgoing and more extroverted. Her communication skills are outstanding when it comes to situations and problems. She doesn’t really do anything hands on unless something goes physical. She’s always inspired by herself or by her fellow peers, everyone will never seem to fail her when it comes to imagination.
What does she look like?
She’s seen more of a tomboy than a girly girl, a quite preppy person looking like you’d see them in fraternity. She’d be seen in a black sweatshirt tucked in under tan shorts. There would be a white polo with a black tie being tucked in. Her hair would be a chestnut being down to her hip bones. Her shoes would be the classic adidas’ grey striped.
Outlook on students.
She always tries her best when helping someone in need, a student or a classmate or a fellow friend. She will go out of her way to try to make the teaching environment the best for the class, even if it takes a couple trials to get the right setup, she’s determined to help those in need.
She has mad respect for the people around her, from simple strangers that could be someone close. Every teacher has to deal with a little stress perhaps while dealing with something like a deadline. She doesn’t like to start a feud or something foolish between the teachers as they’re like her coworkers meaning she’s going and have to deal with them most of the time.
Future Plans
Bambi doesn’t exactly have a plan, all she wants is at least a life that could satisfy her needs. She loves creativity and the people around her, even if she doesn’t have much, just enough to do an impact to her or to impact others is her best goal that she honestly obtains right now.


You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:
She’d tell them to drop the act and behave properly, self respect does not come with a rowdy personality, perhaps being nicer before they earn detention. If they proceed to continue I will report to the Vice Principal with a referral.
No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
She'd clap her hands or she’d slam her hand against the board, she’s a serious teacher as she’s pretty easy to pass. She doesn’t genuinely really want her students to be in trouble but paying attention is the way to go. She might even just grab a ruler and tap the students desk lightly to attempt to grab their attention.
When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:
She’d act mentally and emotionally calm, I’ll be a bit busy possibly by printing papers, grading papers, just doing any extra work that needs to be finished.

Provide at least 5 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

/me She’d turn on the elmo as she began the lesson, on the screen would show a powerpoint containing 3 different apps. Each one having a different structure than the other. It would be the introduction of a new beginning.
/me She’d walk around the room looking at everyone’s screen, seeing if there’s students using their phone or are off task. Those who are doing either will have their names written down, will be talked during or after the period.
/me She’d walk up to the front of the class, as everyone was gathering to their seats and settled down, she carefully looked around the room before slamming her hand against the board to stop any sort of talking or communication across the classroom before speaking any sort of word. This would grab everyone’s attention.
/me She’d go over to the students desk before raising her arm, her finger would do the “come here” pose, she would be referring to the phone that the student is using without permission.
/me She’d carefully scan the classroom before proceeding to the next step in the lesson. She’d be looking for students who would have their hand raised for any sort of questions or comments that might be answered in the powerpoint.


As being an only child in her family, she was determined to try her hardest, from grades K-6, her grades were easy come and go, she passed most of her classes. She had a passion as drawing where she’d doodle or draw little things on her notes to quizzes. Her doodles would explain if she was confused or knew the subject, she always cared for her friends at the time. She was nice to everyone, a bit too nice. People took advantage of this and manipulated her. Through her elementary years she was emotionally abused. There weren't words being told to her, there wasn’t actions thrown at her, the girls she hung out gave off a vibe where it felt like she wasn’t invited. She’d occasionally check her social media and see her friends having fun without her. She wanted to be apart of it, she wanted to feel like she felt in. She tried her hardest as from grades 6-9. At grade 10, she gave up, she wanted something different, she wanted something more. At a young age from drawing little doodles, she became so creative trying to create brands or logos that she will never produce in the end. People loved her ideas, they thought she could be such a great business owner one day. She didn’t love the idea of figuring out a brand and not knowing what to do best, but she loved teaching others how to do certain things, try new things, even to create something special. It made her feel worthy than those friends from elementary. She wanted to become a teacher, but what sort of teacher? A teacher who does digital art? Maybe be a business teacher, but there was something that involved both, where she can intervene both items at once, graphic designing. She could teach people what do they want their business as, build it from there, creativity sparked. She knew this would be the next big thing, more and better ideas, where it could impact a community to the world. Where you could create your own branding, your own banner, design, posters, just anything. She loved it. She loved the fact where you could turn a simple black triangle to a masterpiece for something that could be big. She quickly majored in graphic designing, she tried drawing icons for small companies or for companions and they worked out well. She wanted others to learn about what she did, she wanted people to know that this could help other people or themselves. To teach tricks and things that people could simple learn by taking their time.

In-Character Information

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Full Name: Bambi Tysuki.
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Miss.
Given Name(s): “Babey” “Bambi”
Preferred Name: Tysuki.

Age: 25
Gender: Female - She / Her
Religious Denomination: None.
Marital Status: Unmarried.

Nationality: Asian
Current Location: Karakura, Japan

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years): 2 years.
Working Experience (# of years): 3 years.

Academic Degree: Bachelors

Year of Graduation: 2012
Major(s): Graphic Designing, Art
Minors: Business and Marketing

Native Languages: Korean / Japanese
Other Languages: None.

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?: Yes, CELTA
Preferred Teaching Subject: Graphic Design

Extra: N/A

Additional notes about your application (if any): N/A

Do you have any questions?: N/A
Last edited:

Deleted member 5455

- This application is just full of detail and your responses are wonderful. Welcome to the team!

Please DM me on discord - melody#0429.

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