players online

Banking System Rework


Level 0
What's your Minecraft Username?: celexaprozac
What's the title of your suggestion?: Banking System Rework

What's your suggestion?:
Multifaceted suggestion to breathe a little life and possibly even relevance into a system I see no one talking about. Listed in order of personal priority and general ability to integrate;

Multiple accounts, multiple cards:
I think the creation of multiple bank accounts (maybe 3 tops) could be very useful for roleplay reasons. Whether it be you get a life-partner for you romance rpers or for those of you who adopt pet greenies and have a household of 19 children, none of whom you're biologically related to, they could be used as a separate 'family' account. For example, it is very common, at least in the US, for married partners to have separate accounts for their expenses with a joint account, usually for taking care of the home or the kids. Or with kids, they often get added as sub-users to accounts with limits, and while an actual limit system implemented with the cards is way too convoluted, opening a second account with a separate card that you just grab swipe and deposit into that they also have a copy of works just as well. You want your kid to be able to afford vital amenities, such as water, snacks, alcohol from sketchy Year 12s, but you certainly don't want them blowing it on a Prius. Sure the bank transfer feature exists and its "realistic" but one thing I'll tell you is that I never witnessed my parents send one another money to go buy groceries via wire transfer, nor was I ever wire transferred money for snacks at school (though, lunches are free at Karakura HS.)

Smartphone Integration:
An app for the smartphone could be implemented to remotely view your account balance maybe, since the numbers are just linked account to account, a similar system could be implemented wherein you can view your accounts, which you can rename at the bank itself to differentiate the accounts apart online. The app could also show guidance to the nearest ATM as it feels like some parts of the city are just entirely devoid of ATMs. Whether it be just saying the building its in, if its a complex, or a description of the location if its a large area. Something such as "East Kaigan Pier" (its actually just called Karakura as far as location bounding boxes are concerned but you get the idea.)

ATM Deposit Feature:
I understand the lack of this, seeing as combat is not a designated feature system, you cant combat lock someone from depositing into an ATM after they go on a lovely crime spree, whether it be scamming or mugging, cause then you can't get anything back can you? I think this could probably be circumvented with a cash minimum requirement. A simple message that just says "You can't have less than 5,000 after depositing." It is a little contrived I'll admit but frankly I'd like to be able to just deposit into my account and let it sit there. I personally find it a lot less tempting to spend money if I don't see the massive number down there staring me in the eyes. Also it just adds a very real aspect of ATM usage that doesn't currently exist in-game.

I was initially just asking a help question but I realised I had questions about why some of these systems don't exist, or if they will exist in the future but that didn't really fit the scope of the help section, plus no one would really be able to comment on it aside from staff, n a player oriented discussion about the banking system wouldn't fit there very well.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
"Required" ok well i wrote it all and neatly formatted it above before i knew this existed so nuh uh its not required today (dont crucify me staff thx)

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