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Pending BarelyMarc | Psychiatrist Application!


Level 10

Who is this guy??

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

<< ★ IGN (In-Game Name): ★ >>

YoMarc: [Main Account]
BarelyMarc: [Alt Account] (Applying)

<< ★ What is your discord username? ★ >>


<< ★ Describe your activity on the server: ★ >>

My activity on the server honestly varies from time to time. But, if I had to rate my activity on the server here, it would sit at a simple 8/10. I do have a life outside of this server; that consists of having a job and going back to College soon but I am capable of balancing time to where I can make time for my IRL duties along with being able to hop on SRP.

<< ★ What is your timezone?: ★ >>

My current timezone is Pacific Standard Time or for short, just PST. Being in this time zone, I know I am a bit behind the other time zones but I believe that to be beneficial as I can get on earlier than most to be able to do my duties.

<< ★ List your current and past applications: ★ >>

YoMarc | Mandarin Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server

<< ★ List your current roles on the server: ★ >>
Though I have many varying characters within different grades, I have only been playing my Marcello Akori character as of late. As of now with Marcello, I sit in the sports faction as the Co-Captain of the Bobcat Male Football Team.

<< ★ What experiences do you have with roleplay?: ★ >>
I have quite a bit of experience with roleplay as I have done so many times when I was younger, albeit it wasn’t serious roleplay. I’ve started out my roleplays on an old minecraft bedrock server called Lifeboat. Now as I type it out I can’t help but get reminded of that past. . .
Though, it would be this way until I joined SRP for the first time 1 and a half years ago, which upon doing so has pushed me to my limits in roleplay which has allowed me to grow my skills in that department drastically. Situations and scenarios varying from planned out family roleplay amongst a group of friends, up to basic Gang Roleplay among peers.

<< ★ What is your motivation for applying? ★ >>
My motivation for applying would appear to be simple though to me it's much more. Being on the server for almost 2 years now consistently, I have only dipped my toes into what roleplay can really be. I would like to grow my skills even further whilst being in this completely new environment. As I have only resided in the sports faction, I believe EMS would be a great addition to helping with my roleplay while being amongst the faction. I hope to help other roleplayers increase their skills as well among interactions with them.

<< ★ Which role are you applying for? ★ >>
(Doctor or Psychiatrist)


<< ★ What knowledge do you have of the roles within the Hospital Faction? ★ >>

Hospital Director:

The Director sits at the top of the roster as the leader. When a problem gets severe enough, it goes to him to be dealt with.

Clinical Supervisor + Clinical Lead:
Clinical Managers are your second in command who deal with problems within the hospital that aren’t severe enough to be taken to the Director themselves, but still severe.
Clinical Leads are the ones who mainly watch over the trainees and are in charge of the training.​


Employees who manage the physical wellbeing of the patients. Taking care of their physical pains or illnesses is the main duty of this job. Though it is not the only one as they must also be able to perform surgeries, scans or cast placement onto patients.

Contrary to the duties of the Doctors, the Psychiatrists are the employees who have the duty of managing the patients’ mental health and wellbeing. They must evaluate and monitor the mental health of patients while being able to offer assistance should something ever go wrong.​
Other Employees:


A veterinarian or vet for short has the job of looking over and taking care of the animals. If a problem were to ever arise with an animal, they would be the ones to go to with said problem. They are basically doctors for pets.

A paramedic is a doctor who works on humans just the same, but they head out of the hospital and deal with calls about a situation that cannot be dealt with at the hospital.


<< ★ Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished? ★ >>

Yes, I am fully aware and acknowledge that if training is going on while I am online, I will be punished if I am not attending.

In-Character (IC) Section

Character’s Full Name:

A deep bow would be performed towards the individual as he spoke in a light French accent
“My name is Keith Bastien. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

<< ★ Character’s Gender and Pronouns: ★ >>
Male | He/Him

<< ★ Character’s Age (if accepted): ★ >>

“I don’t like mentioning my age much as the younger people like to call me ‘Old Man’ but I am 26 years old.” A small shudder escaped him as he was reminded of it

<< ★ Character’s Academic Background: ★ >>

“Ah, my background? I have managed to graduate with a Bachelor’s in Psychology and a Pre-Med.” With an astute response, his voice had a nonchalant - ness to it.

<< ★ Character’s Nationality: ★ >>

“My nationality. . .I guess I would be identified as Creole, with a French mom and an African-American father. . you get me. Kind of cool. Am I right?” A bit of an ego slipped through as he responded. He’d clear his throat at the end as he himself noticed it

<< ★ Character’s Marital Status: ★ >>
“Can you believe it? I have been single my whole life despite my background! Usually women would dig a hot guy like me. . .right?” More of his ego slipped through as he said that, letting out a sigh as he shook his head, showing disappointment on his face, maybe in himself.

<< ★ Character’s Religious Denomination: ★ >>
“As of now, I don’t follow any specific religion. Though that doesn’t mean I’m not interested in learning, I hope to learn all about Japan and its wonders here!”

<< ★ Character’s Spoken Languages: ★ >>

“Ever since moving here a bit ago, I seem to have forgotten my root languages, that being French and Russian, but I will relearn them soon, do not worry.” His french accent came out in full display on that response, a smug grin showed on his face as he did so.

<< ★ Character Backstory: ★ >>

To say Keith had humble beginnings may or may not be far from the truth, especially with him and his siblings growing up. To be born with a golden spoon one would say; it could be the perfect description for Keith as he had been born in a very large and comfortable home surrounded by many enjoyments.

Being born in the ‘Bastien’ family which was famous in its area allowed him to enjoy privileges many others around his age couldn’t even dream of having.
As he rose in age and size from an infant to small child, this lavish life would allow that power to get to his head at a young age which was a bad thing of course, he knew he could get away with many things which is why he picked up on bullying others and even his own siblings for the fun of it. Boredom would do that to a rich snobby kid.

As the maids and even his parents let this go unchecked, it would develop into a nasty habit of his as he grew older.
Though despite his nefarious actions as a child, he would be quite the studious child as he always excelled in whatever subject he worked in, further adding onto his ego.

While he was growing up into a teen, his childish and just plain disrespectful antics would not stop even while he graduated over into High school. Though it was not just any high school as it was the top High School in his area. He would cause terror onto the students for reasons as simple as him being wealthier to even just not liking the way they dressed. It ranged from vocal teasing to even physical violence, it would seem to never end for them. That is until he decided to follow his friends home and on the way there they would all spot a victim of theirs that they bullied earlier.

Hanging with friends who seemed to be just as uncaring as him didn't help his case as they all decided to go to him and make fun of him, though Keith would see him scrounging for change in front of a store. Seeing this made him a little upset, but more so confused as he wasn’t used to seeing people in such a poor state.

Though as his mind was elsewhere his friends had already begun tormenting the man with insults and light shoves. Keith, deciding that maybe this didn’t feel as good as he thought anymore, tried to encourage his friends to leave him alone and continue walking home with him, though to his surprise, his friends denied and even threw an insult towards Keith which definitely hurt his pride.
Of course with how things were going, a fight would’ve broken out, which it did actually. Keith threw a punch then his friends threw one back. . then two. .then several more at him and to his surprise, these people actually fought back unlike his victims. So as he stumbled around getting his butt handed to him, he started to think about why this all started.

Even all the way back to his childhood, he would wonder why he was doing this, thinking over all of his actions and what could be the cause of them. Back to the fight though he of course had been knocked down along with the previous victim by his so called “friends”, though as he laid there he thought, and soon as he started thinking, he wanted to go and study it and learn more about it. Maybe this was when he had a change of heart and decided to pursue his career in Psychology. Going home that day, he would study it and started to learn bits and pieces about the mind and how complicated it was.

Throughout the rest of his high school days, he’d spend time studying it and not even bothering with the other kids anymore of the ones that beat him up and as time passed. His main focus was trying to understand why people act the way they do and how he could help with that. . maybe he did have some sense knocked into him after all.
Though it came to a brief end as he would graduate, of course at the top of his class, he was a smart boy. As his interests were now mainly Psychology and little bits of medicine, he’d apologize to each of the classmates and go on his merry way. Signing up to and getting accepted into “Université PSL (Paris Sciences & Lettres)” which was the top University in his area took only a bit of time as the hardest part now was getting through it.

Fast forward several years later, He would graduate from the Université PSL (Paris Sciences & Lettres) with surprisingly good grades despite the difficulty and effort he had to go through to do so. He had earned himself a Bachelor’s in Psychology and Pre-Med and decided to take a bit of time off to let himself relax. Though as soon as he got home, he hung around his family for a bit; who were proud of him but decided it was time for him to go out into the world on his own. Though for some reason, his siblings weren’t included in this.

Seeing as he didn’t really have a choice, he left and made his way to Karakura, a town that had piqued his interest almost immediately which was his reason for coming.

<< ★ What is your character’s medical speciality? Why did they choose this focus? ★ >>

Psychiatry | Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

Psychiatrists are medical doctors that specialize in the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of addictive, adjustment, anxiety, behavioral, emotional, mental, mood, psychotic, and s**ual or gender identity disorders. What made Keith want to focus specifically on this path of Psychiatry was what happened in his adolescent age, that one fight caused him to want to pursue knowledge in this area of how kids could act this way and why, even taking into question his actions from earlier dates. He hopes to get them the help they need to change for the better, to avoid going down the path that he has.
“Maybe those punches to my head really did help. . .good thing no one was around to hear that.”

<< ★ What medical residencies did your character take after medical school? ★ >>

After graduating from college and medical school, he would spend his time taking a medical residency at a local Clinic near his home. Unlike his rich and lavish upbringing the Clinic was anything but was actually very shabby. Though Keith would still make due with what he had though, as he took and completed his Medical Residency, and although after completion; he had the choice to, he chose not to pursue a postgraduate medical degree as he felt it would take up too much time from his loved ones. Even if he did decide to go through with it, because he was In France, he was unable to as he had to have a Master’s degree due to all of the competition and that was something he didn’t have.

<< ★ Does your character have any work experience in medical positions? ★ >>

Keith has racked up quite a bit of experience himself as he had studied with a fellow Medical Resident during his time over at the clinic. That alone made his time at that shabby Clinic just a bit more bearable for him. With those study sessions on their off time and him constantly researching information about his Medical focus, he would gather up some information on what he needed to do, though there is only so much that could do for him as he needed the hands-on experience.

<< ★ Has your character completed any additional schooling? ★ >>

Nope. He has not decided to do any additional schooling.


<< ★ Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique? How would they be perceived by others? ★ >>

Keith Bastien is quite the male with a personality that would only befit someone of his status, though he does his best not to let his family background and upbringing affect how he treats others, well mostly. This tall male would walk around with his head held high and confidence protruding from him. Despite his past, he has grown into what one could call “Someone Respectable.” Standing at an immodest 6’2” in height, he would actually sit on the taller side of the spectrum. His dirty blonde hair paired well with the light-skinned tone of his skin, which shone along with the sun which indicated how clear and glossy it was. Dishonest of his lack of activity, his body dawned a tone build that only one could possess with good genetics or years of working out and exercising. Though normally one wouldn’t be able to see due to the type of clothes he wears which is of the more ‘baggy’ or loose variety. Even amongst the Bastien family, Keith was always one who stood out more with his peculiar clothing style and looks.


<< ★ How does your character act on and off duty? ★ >>
On duty, Keith is a pretty outgoing fellow though sometimes he likes to keep quiet and focus on studying things, still carrying that studious nature from childhood with him. His outgoing personality and desire to be better would inspire others whether it be for the better or worse. Regardless of that, even though during conversation his ego may slip through, he is a caring individual and beyond that, he will go out of his way to support others, no matter who they may be, with a rich elegance.
Off duty, Keith is the same even while off duty. He keeps a consistent personality and does it with consistent actions that doesn’t betray his character no matter the time or place.

<< ★ Does your character function better on their own or with others? ★ >>

Even though Keith likes to enjoy his alone time by studying or doing other actions, he is quite the outgoing individual so whether it be when he wants to be alone or not, he is able to and functions better within a group than on his own. Though he is also more than capable of functioning in work or any other activity on his own if the time calls for it. Keith is able to work under pressure or even in moments of laziness, a strong work ethic is what he has as he will ensure the job will be able to be completed regardless of whether he has company to help him along or not. His strong versatility is one that would be commended.

<< ★ What plans does your character have for the future? ★ >>
Keith himself is not one to really think of what he would like to do or how things will go in the future type of person. He much rather prefers to live in the moment and enjoy the many things life has to offer with his own eyes at that very moment. Though that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have goals, I mean after all, what kind of person doesn’t have any goals. At least that's what he would think. But anyways he has always had this one goal on his mind for a few years now and that goal would be a simple one. It is simply to find a girl who he likes and likes him back for a relationship. Surprisingly, Keith who thought so highly of himself had not been in a single relationship his entire life. Even though that may be a long-time goal of his, it’s not one he would rush into or force his way into. He would much rather take his time with things and enjoy the moment than rush past it, not being able to enjoy a single second. But, if by some way Keith was forced to make a decision about his future, he would either focus on moving up the ranks in the hospital and becoming someone his siblings and parents would be proud of, even if they don’t pay him much anymore. Or he would decide to go out into the world again and see all of its wonders, finally making use of a bucket list he had made of the places he would like to travel to.

“I’m only 26, right? Why not enjoy life to the fullest. . .at least until I begin balding."
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Level 263
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator

Thank you for taking the time to apply, however, we have decided to place your application on pending, as we do not currently have any open slots within the faction.

When more slots are opened, your application will be re-reviewed, meaning you are not required to submit a new application when the next wave is announced. Nonetheless, we recommend you spend time editing your application if you are still interested in joining the faction. If in this time you decide you no longer wish to apply, change the title of this thread to "REMOVE"

This decision was made as a collective among a group of individuals. rather than a single individual. If you need any further assistance, feel free to privately message me - @6Pancake - via discord and we will solve any inquiries you may have.

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