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Baseball Information, Rules & More


Level 146
Baseball Guide.png
Made by kustomzero

Baseball is one of SRPs many sports that are played by a variety of players on the server with its plug-in features. This thread will help guide you through the basics of baseball, such as terms, the main objective of the game, the rules and positions. If you’re just playing for fun then you do not have to follow any of this information.

What is Baseball?
Baseball is a bat-and-ball game played by two teams of nine. The objective of the sport is to score by hitting the ball with a bat and run around four bases in a diamond shaped field. The team with the most runs at the end of nine innings wins the game.

Baseball Terminology
Strike: When a batter fails to hit the ball. The batter gets three attempts if they fail to hit all three attempts then they’d be out.
Foul Ball: When the batter hits the baseball and it ends up behind the home plate.
Ball: When the pitcher throws the ball too high or too low making the batter unable to hit it. If the pitcher throws four balls in one setting then the batters would advance by one base.
Homerun: When the batter hits the baseball and it manages to go out of the field.
Fastball: When the pitcher throws a ball as fast as they can.
Pitcher: A player that is on the mound in the center of the diamond field. Their goal is to throw the ball to the batter and strike them out.
Batter: A player that stands at home base with a bat and tries to hit the ball the pitcher throws them.
Basemen: Three players that stand at each three bases trying to tag the batter out when going to a base.
Outfielder: Three players that are out in the field outside of the diamond. One at left, right, and center outfield.
Infielder: Players that play inside the diamond. These include the pitcher, basemen, and shortstop.
Shortstop: A player that is between second and third base.
Run: A score that is made by a player when getting to home plate safely.
Tag: A player that touches a runner with the ball getting them out.
Curve Ball: When the pitcher throws the ball making it unexpectedly curve either right or left.

The Rules of Baseball

The Field

Bases: There are four bases formed as a diamond (first base, second base, third base, and home plate).
Pitcher’s Mound: Located in the center of the diamond from home plate.
Infield and Outfield: The infield is the area inside the diamond within the bases, while the outfield extends beyond the bases.

(Light Blue = Home plate, first base, second base, third base, and pitcher’s mound. Red = The direction where the batter needs to run after hitting the ball. Orange = Where the infielders (I) are and where the outfielders (O) are.)

Each team is made up of nine players for each side. Positions include batter, pitcher, first baseman, second baseman, shortstop, third baseman, and three outfielders (left fielder, center fielder, and right fielder).

How the Game Works
Batting: When holding the bat, hold down right click, like how a bow works, and wait for the pitcher to throw the ball attempting to hit it.

Pitching: When on the pitcher's mound aim above the batter and right click to throw the ball. (1).gif

Picking Up the Ball: To pick up the ball left click it when it’s on the ground.
Passing the Ball: Shift right click to pass the ball. (Example in Picking up the ball preview). (1).gif

Catching an Air Ball: When the ball is in the air shift left click, unshift and then left click again to catch the ball.


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