Level 4
IGN: Bc11a
VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Lavender BRZ, 'Blue Heart' phone, 'Pink Ribbon' phone, 'Pink Panda' phone, spartan basketball bag, hello kitty earrings, lighter, watergun, black pearl bow (i forgot the name), white bow, turtle plushie, glossier lipgloss, purple carnation, and a basketball.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:I took this screenshot before getting onto the basketball courts to practice during the server crashes earlier/now! if i got any of the item names mixed up for instance, i forgot the names of the bows i apologize.
VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Lavender BRZ, 'Blue Heart' phone, 'Pink Ribbon' phone, 'Pink Panda' phone, spartan basketball bag, hello kitty earrings, lighter, watergun, black pearl bow (i forgot the name), white bow, turtle plushie, glossier lipgloss, purple carnation, and a basketball.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:I took this screenshot before getting onto the basketball courts to practice during the server crashes earlier/now! if i got any of the item names mixed up for instance, i forgot the names of the bows i apologize.