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Accepted Benspudgydad | Fine Arts Professor App!


Level 16

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What is your Minecraft username?


What is your time zone?


What is your Discord username? (eg @muffincats)


Link all previous applications you made on the server: -Denied -Accepted -Accepted -Denied -Accepted -Accepted -Accepted -Accepted

Describe your activity on SchoolRP:

My activity varies due to having a life out of SRP, but it roughly follows a similar manner daily, but during school days there's less time on SRP compared to now during the summer holidays. It's usually 9 a.m.–5 p.m. BST on weekdays, and on weekends it's usually far longer.

Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:


My Minecraft RP experience is mixed regarding servers, from private to public or lore. The key point is that I have taken part in many roleplay variations and types, just to name one of them. Stoneworks was one of the greatest literary experiences I had where I took part in the Kharithian nation where we rp'ed/made lore about the nation, its origins and the idealism of the nation and its political participation and involvement in history with Kharithians hands laying over the palm of the womb, which was tremons, ever waiting to explode. I played an exuberant role in the story, being the leader who defeated many but was killed in ambition and pride plus stride, leaving his people in death and ashes. Another key example is one of the private, more refined friend groups of a roleplay I joined when I was young, where it was a clash, a fight, a stride over bad for the betterment of the people and the guidance of the heavens and love. Where the plot was for a short while, many gods were dissatisfied with the idea of the birth, and when having kin, a new was born under two banners meant to unite the two factions from dissatisfaction to order and prosperity in the idealism of the main group.


In Enlisted, I was associated with a Milsim group that was based in the Italian Army during WW2, where we researched how to operate as a soldier in a group of Milsimers. This heavily impacted my roleplay to be more strict and loyal to a certain group or man. We always researched how the weapons were used along with how they were acting during the war.


SRP deserves its own section as it's essential to my roleplay. Even though many quit, I stayed due to my intrigue in roleplay, as it felt as if it was its own independent game in it. SRP assisted in social skills in negative and positive manners, which made detail appear further to me in the world of writing. Even though it's a relative discussion in the community, it created a safe place for me to RP as whatever I wished to.

What are your current roles on SchoolRP?

Gabriella 'Gabs' Watcher Grade 12

Benicious A, Watcher Grade 12

What is the subject you want to teach?

Fine Art


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What is your motivation for becoming a professor?

I've had a grand passion for teaching since I was a kid. I looked up the people around me due to their successes in life and stride to make students better. Its to make the students deepen their lore through the ambition to do well in the class of fine arts and refine their skill in the craft, which is ever creative and expansive in a multicultural of subjects to learn in the school. Of course you always need layers to the cake in a character, so it makes sense that a class or two should change an individual's lore by being inspired by the professor due to their work.

Even though I have been locked into student RP, I have always found an interest in the idea of teaching a class or lecturing. It's something I stride towards, just sharing my knowledge with the masses of players and students in SRP. I've found myself in this loophole in wanting to apply for a teaching role of any kind. This role gives me the chance to attempt to play a different role from my others and peers.

Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:


Landscape Drawing Class

This class will include various exercises that consider the student's current location on campus. For instance, if we are drawing one of the many trees on campus, we will spread the exercise over several lessons, capturing the weather as a key element on the canvas. This will involve depicting the lush and dim aspects of the tree or bush, accounting for changes in weather and the direction of the wind. We will observe how the leaves move, the direction they take, and how the sun's projection alters the perception of the scene. I will assign each student a different area to work within, encouraging them to capture unique perspectives. Simultaneously, I will provide a similar example to guide the class.


Artistic Style Debate

Students will be divided into two teams with differing opinions on which medium is better for landscape drawing: watercolours or coloured pencils, covering a range of tones from light to dark. The debate will focus on which medium is more effective for drawing a small section of a hill. The debate will begin with a 15-minute preparation period for the students to formulate their arguments. The first speaker from the opposition will present their key ideas, followed by a speaker from the defending team presenting their ideas. The second speaker from the opposition will then address the points raised by the defence, followed by the defence responding to these points. Each side will then summarise their arguments and address any remaining queries. As the teacher, I will evaluate the arguments based on their merit, awarding points for strong arguments. The team that accumulates 10 or more points or surpasses the opponent will be declared the winner.

Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:

The students would be tasked with a simple task, which is to find a location that they like the look of and the idea of drawing, sketching, painting, et cetera. The students names would be noted in a notebook by Mr. Watcher, and they would be supervised in a small location in the forest where they would draw a natural part of the local wildlife where they would make a base drawing and add on the detail with the assistance of Mr. Watcher. They would be graded from a very simple system similar to high school given to them. Students would strive to find a location that is within the allocated area where they were at the time.

If anything were to occur, such as nuisances or missing people, it would be a simple call to SLT or KPD if needed. If these students lose themselves, then we will go immediately to the school. If needed in the case of an emergency, my character would search for the students in the fast haste so he could return to the site or school to continue the lesson.


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Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock. What would your character do?

Benicious would watch from afar to observe the situation with more precision so he doesn't misunderstand what is occurring. After he had seen what was going on, he would approach and ask these people one by one to get the actual story, not the majority's idea. If required. Benicious would hand out a detention to both parties. Of course he would give a firm warning that if he saw them do it again, it would be detention. If ignored after several warnings, SLT will come into play in the scenario.

I would also inform them that bullying is heavily disallowed on school grounds and is easily punishable by any standards or a hint of it occurring. Detention overall, though, would be heavily likely in this scenario. But if they tell the truth, it could be avoided if they were not to do it again and if they would respect each other and stop the fight immediately. I would, if I had the time, do a quick lecture on why fighting is the worst way to resolve your problems so they are informed what to do next in such a situation.

Your character would be supervising detention; one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions. What would your character do?

Benicious would offer a calm and collected warning, stating clearly that they should probably stop their current behaviour. This would follow a 3-warning system, so if they continued, they might be suspended. If they do their work, then no punishment shall be given to that person. If needed, I will call SLT to deal with that person. I would also explain the consequences of their actions and that they are in here for a reason. I would also remind them that I can keep them here until 17:45, and if they don't do the work, it will be discussed further at a later time.

I would also tell them why I disallow such actions in detention and why the school does too. As they are here due to their actions, they need to make up for it. If they had further questions, Benicious would allow for them after the detention so they could get their work done quickly.
Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class. What would your character do?

Benicious would stop teaching immediately as soon as he heard the tune. He would turn around and locate the cheerleaders and mention that he'd enjoy it if they would stop disturbing his lesson with music, as they are disturbing the rest of the people in the class. Benicious would give out a warning to these people, and if they continued past two warnings, he would call SLT to deal with them and give punishment where punishment is needed. He would add on to the rest of the students to make sure phones are off or on silent so disturbances like this would not happen again. He would also mention that things such as this could result in detention, which no one wants.

From that moment on, Benicious would constantly remind students to turn off their cellular devices or put them on silent so it didn't disturb his teaching once more.

Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students. Your character tried to break it up, but it didn't help. What would your character do?

Benicious would be casually walking down the hallway when he sees a certain event that he wouldn't usually see—a fight. He would rush to the scene and would fail to break it up. He would call down the radio in a rushed, uncertain voice, mentioning how there was a fight in the hallway and he needed urgent assistance in breaking it up and preventing an escalation. In the meantime, as SLT attempted to come to his location, he would try to break up the fight by getting both parties off each other.



Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What do they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?


Benicious is a 6'5 man with a calm, careful perfectionist expression on his faithfully carved face, having pearl white skin with the tint of a brownish skin tone and the littlest of colour to the young individual; he has brown eyes as gleeful and lifeful as the sun and eternally dead in a sense to the naked eye. His outfit would be similar to a detectives look with a white shirt and a brownish dirt-like trench coat over it with black trousers just under his belt, which was not visible from his look. His hands are within gloves, similarly coloured to a brown colour. Hair as light as the sun but darker bits in many areas. It looks unwashed for a few days, but a fragrance of lavender follows the man.


Benicious is and will always be a simple but boring sort of half-dead man. Having no real humour and only being a workaholic, being attached to his work and not his family. He is always doing something, though hyper fixing to one job at a time, focussing on every miniscule detail within that aspect of a canvas in life. He would have a calm tone, and even in situations of mass danger, he would 'keep his cool' and make sure no one around him was worried. Mystery is one word to describe the man. He stares into people often as if they were books and needed to be read to be intrigued into them as if they were in plentiful love with the mercy of happiness. He even though being okay teaching children. He lacks compassion and barely smiles due to his crimpling self-esteem.

Outlook on the students

Benicious' outlook on the students does change heavily from time to time. But it's mostly positive as long as they don't disturb classes and disturb learning in the school, especially in his class. He hopes that they strive for a good life free from any of the evils of the world, such as crime and poverty. He hopes that the students understand what they learn and use it in practical's during life, work, and class.

Opinion on other teachers

Benicious is very cold to people his age due to the constant presence of being exiled by society as an 'over-obsessive man-child.' Even though he hated immaturity, he liked his co-workers due to their teaching the students further in other subjects and parts. He is overall okay with his co-workers but prefers being alone and not in a group a within a faction.


The persona is of a simple man trying to live in a normal, casual, busy city in Japan. He always tries to be friendly but fails in a trade-off similar to going up and down in a cycle within the faculty faction in any way to attempt to interact. Even though he is extremely introverted, he attempts to interact with a multitude of people. His mind is a blur, never really advancing much in the world, but always tries to give a social interaction to the mass when the conversation is as dead as ash.

Plan for future

Benicious' plan for his vast future is to continue on with his family and maybe bring his European relatives to Karakura one day and bring them over for a holiday. Plus, he wishes to give his family a full trip to Italy one day, all of them going to one location at the same time.

Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.

Make sure this is over 100 words.

Benicious was born in a Catholic Italian-British family in Naples (Southern Italy) in the dead slums of a sad neighbourhood that robbed him blind of his childhood and infancy. He was born with a multitude of siblings, him being one of the older ones at the time, but he was removed from the family and treated as if he were subhuman or non-existent, only used for manpower and the pursuit of greed and money.

Even though he had a harsh, unforgiving, and oppressing childhood, there were two factors that influenced him heavily. His grandparents, who were religious, and his educators in primary school taught him what his parents should've taught him far long ago. That seemed like an eternity after an art teacher took him under her wing, teaching him maturity at a young age and how to stay calm and collective in many situations. She had a massive influence on the young boy.

Even though he struggled at home, his life was changing with the looming idea of Secondary School and its dim aurora stalking him. When he left primary school, his grandparents paid with the little money they had to send him to Karakura. The flight was scary to put at the lightest for the young boy testing his patience over the long flight. He was sitting near a few people, but one was a professor of physics going to Karakura to get a job there for a while, then transferring back to Russia. They talked a lot during that flight about life and the education of the youth. It was as if he was the one person he was missing in life, just a person to assist the masses.

The flight spins around like physics. Soon the destination, Karakura, here he came. He quickly had gotten a dorm with enough food from his slightly older roommates. Even though he was without his parents, he was happy due to being in a new place entirely. Even though he had come to Japan, he didn't know the language, and that was a key need for school life.

But that psychology professor approached him after school, and he said ''Come'' in Italian as he picked the young boy up and carried him like a little boy with his father. The professor took him back to his apartment, and he said, ''See, what was your name again?'' In almost fluent Italian, ''Benicious,'' the young boy said. ''Ah, ey, I think its time you learn Japanese. Don't you think so?''

So there it was. Benicious would learn the language with that professor, the one on the flight. He had roughly a year to learn before the professor left. Of course he learnt the language and made a little friend group with his fellow European Art Enthusiasts. Sure, they were just 13-year-olds, but they understood everything they needed to know about the subject.

After the professor left, the young Benicious learnt as if he were from Karakura before graduating and working for a year, then saving up enough money to go back to Europe. But not Italy, but Greece to study fine art. At the time, he didn't know Greek, but there was a perfect way for him to fit in. Go to an Italian major college. He studied at college for a bit longer than others, repeating the first year to learn more in the study. He also took a few minors sure but made sure that what he was doing was great and perfectionist in its own way.

He had done it. Through all the trial and error, he had graduated with great grades and a perfect future in front of him. Now he thought to himself, What should he do? Well, his idea was to go back to Naples and study to become a preacher in the Catholic church, but. He found that when he went to Naples, he had a tarnished reputation and had to stay with his ill grandparents, who were nearly dying. Even though that was the case, he studies papal hierarchy and life, along with the Catholic history and hierarchy plus how the religious denomination operates.

After a short period of papal study, he was enthusiastic to enter the Catholic Church and learn about being a priest or preacher, but he remembered something. This wasn't his dream nor anyone else's, but his grandparents dream for him. Sure, it was good, but it wasn't what he wanted. He decided it was time to return to something that assisted in childhood and his begging stage in life. The education system

He thought aimlessly in his small cramped room of thought, his bedroom. What would he go for? Teacher? Very tempting, but maybe not. Professor? Yes, I think that would go well. So he sent his application through. Awaiting a response.


(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you; replace the underscores [_]] with your answers.)

1: Personal data

Full Name:

Benicious A. Watcher

Title (Mr., Mrs., Miss):


Given Name(s):


Preferred Name:




Gender & pronouns:

Male He/hm

Religious Denomination:


Marital Status:




Current Location:


Section 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years):


Working Experience (number of years):

9 Years

Academic Degree:


Year of Graduation:

Class of 2006


Education, Fine Art


European History, Theology, and Psychology

Native Languages:


Other Languages:


Preferred Teaching Subject:

Fine Art


Additional notes about your application (if any):

This is very similar to my teaching application due to being the same character, which you need to take into consideration when reviewing this application. I have used a website called Quill Bot to correct any grammar mistakes, I should also mention that it automatically converts everything to British English.. So that's why this application may be tweaked!​


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Level 99
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
Congratulations, please make sure you're in the Karakura Academics discord, and ping me in #help (@muffincats) to receive your role. You can request your role in game by making a ticket. If you are not in the discord please make sure to join

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