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Denied Benspudgydad's Art Teacher Application


Level 4
Out-Of-Character Information

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What is your Minecraft username?


Do you have Discord? (If so, what is your Discord username?)


Do you have a microphone?


What is your time zone?

BST (British Summer Time)

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive, you will be demoted?


Describe your activity on the server.

Monday, 6:30-ish AM to 7:30 AM and 6 PM-9 PM

Tuesday, 7 AM–7:30 AM and 5 PM–9 PM

Wednesday, 7 AM–7:30 AM and 4:50 PM–9 PM

Thursday, 7 AM–7:30 AM and 4:50 PM–9 PM

Friday, 7 AM–7:30 AM and 4:28 PM–9 PM

Saturday, 7 AM–10 AM (MAYBE), 2 PM–9 PM

Sunday, 10 AM–3 PM (Maybe) 5 PM–9 PM


What are your current roles on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level.)

Benicious A. Watcher (the character I am applying with) Grade 12

Gabriella 'Gabs' Watcher Grade 12


What subject are you applying to teach?


What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?

''I watch daily; everyone has a piece of the jigsaw they shall fill and will fill. To me, my piece of the puzzle is being a teacher and inspiring others to exceed all expectations, lift the boundaries of their imagination, and not only pass their desired class but excel with flying colours and the detail of the finest of art. After studying in Mr. Ichiyama's class for a while, I have always noticed his pure dedication, and I always reflected to myself that dedication is what makes the best pupils, isn't it?''
To me, teaching is an addicting, sweet joy, and I enjoy teaching and sharing my knowledge with those below me. In my experience, students should always admire someone, be it a teacher, a professor, a family member, or an idol. To know that they should be as good as that individual. My main motivation to become a teacher is to assist and help all of the high school students, help them excel in art, let them flourish like flowers, and paint their canvas in a wide variety of colours and details. I remember my enjoyment of training new recruits back in a military setting and their happiness when being taught by me.

Another part of my motivation is that if you look at the tab between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m. or 6 p.m. (BST), there are no teachers online, and that just spoils the fun for the European players like myself and the majority of the server. This makes the SRP experience WAY less enjoyable for a 'greenie' that is from Europe, as they cannot participate in classes until the afternoon or even evening. Now to the average player, this is unjust, and I would like to solve it and let there be classes that are available for people in Europe, not just in North America, when 80% of the staff are online. I'm not saying that all teachers should teach when more players are on, but in my opinion, every time there is school in SRP, teachers should teach. My point is that my motivation is to provide classes at all times and whenever I am available.

A key essential factor in my stride for this position is that I was always one to learn in one way or another or lead the group to success in any way, and I feel as if teaching students just fits naturally, similar to the flow of a stream and the rustle of the wind. I would love to experience new joys in the vast field of unprecinted teaching in any community, as teaching leads many to a future. I wish to do that IC and maybe pursue a similar fate when I am older.

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role at UT?


Do you understand that if your application is accepted, you will have to undergo teacher training?


What are the teacher class logs, and why are they important?
The teacher logs and notes down the classes hosted and the key details that are related to the class, such as how long the class was. Number of students. This ensures and double-checks if the teachers are committing to the quota. These are essential to teaching due to the need for promotions and deserved pay. Another reason why these logs are important is that teachers can easily assist themselves in teaching certain students and self-reflect on how they should teach in their next lesson.

Teacher logs assist in getting Employee of the Month too, as you know how many classes you have held and how much of a great teacher you have been!. These are also very important due to the bot ensuring that you know how many pupils in that year group were online at the time. These logs also help the heads of departments check up on the activity of their staff, which is needed for promotions and demotions.

The main point of class logs is to make sure you are doing your best in your classroom by trying to educate students effectively. These points mainly show who needs a promotion. Plus, the teacher logs show how many classes a student has attended, which helps them pass the exam as that logs down the data of attended classes. This point is essential, as if the class logs were not a thing, these students would not have a higher chance of passing the exam at the end of the session.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?
1) No talking unless spoken to. If a student talks or disrupts a member of staff, it will follow a three-warning system until punishment.

2) No sleeping in class. This includes dozing off because you are not having fun, for whatever reason. Also, this is art, so enjoy it!

3) No devices unless instructed by a member of staff or the teacher himself.

4) No negative comments towards a student. Even if it is justified, please do not. This is a place for learning, not a place for fighting!

5) No fighting of any kind. This includes insults, mocking, blackmail, etc.

6) No food, drinks, or snacks.

7) Ask for bathroom breaks. No walking off, please.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?


Minecraft was one of the first games I ever played, and one of the first communities I joined was a small private roleplay server about gods and mythology. In that group, I learned the basics, such as OOC and IC, and how to act as a character. In that community, I took part in events that changed the lore and added layers daily to it. Soon after a few events, the server died out (2020–2021). The next major roleplay experience I had was on the world-building server Stoneworks. On Stoneworks, I mainly wrote lore about the nation that I joined and participated in events that added to the lore and took part in religious events on the server (God summoning praying IC). Also in that community, I had led Nations IC to have a few of my characters go mentally insane, making my RP experience deeper as I needed to take a deep dive into a life opposite to my own (2023–Present). Then, after Stoneworks, I joined RpHub, where I have been for three months and played a total of two characters. (March-Present)


Every day, I regret roleplaying there.

In Enlisted, I focused on a mil-sim community called EMF (at the time), where I roleplayed in operations. Being a private in the army, I was forced to call my higher-ups by rank rather than their name and formally. In this community, I ranked up quickly due to my skill at the game and commanding. After two months, I was leading my division, teaching my privates just as my teachers did. As General of the Italian Light Infantry Army, I was required to teach in weekly training. When it hit early December, the old owner quit, leading to a string of events that I'd rather not share, which resulted in my removal from the community (for four months). When I was unbanned, the new owner was removed, and another one was put in. By then, I was replaced and put back in as a recruit, slowly progressing to private first class. All through this, I was roleplaying as my rank should.


I've had a total of one year of experience in roleplay.

In detail, describe the ranking system for teachers:

- HD

↳ Meaning:

Head of Department

↳ Description:

These teachers display an extraordinary amount of activity and knowledge on how that subject should be taught to the best of their ability. They have a great knowledge of the Karakura High School system too, and they are highly educated on how the subject is supposed to be taught in the curriculum. As QT can supervise classes under it HD can also do the same.

- QT

↳ Meaning:

Qualified Teacher

↳ Description:

These teachers have displayed over time a positive and good understanding of how to host a class and give a great education to the children of that class. As this is a promotion from NQT, it shows that this teacher has been in the industry for a while and has more experience than his counterpart at NQT. QT similar to HD can supervise classes and assure that they go successfully.


↳ Meaning:

A newly qualified teacher

↳ Description:

These teachers have proven to others that they can educate others and have the necessary knowledge to host classes for students. They can educate themselves alone without supervision from others and do it reasonably effectively. Teachers who have also managed to pass teacher training.

- UT

↳ Meaning:

Untrained Teacher

↳ Description:

An educator who has not gone through teacher training yet and has no experience at all. They have yet to host any education for students. In teacher training, they are taught how to handle and educate students. These teachers have usually just been accepted into the faction and are extremely motivated.

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about teachers in-game and out-of-game and what purpose they serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach and what they do in their spare time in general.

In-game teachers play an essential part in the school experience due to being able to organise classes in subjects and create something to do for the students during the school day in roleplay. This creates a fun experience for the players, making teachers important in the game because they lead all classes or just one at a time. But not only in this massive part, they educate the newer waves of players on how to play and roleplay to a basic understanding, which makes the new players not quit immediately. Without this massive faction, the structure and legacy of the school would not exist, creating anarchy and disorder in a place meant for roleplaying and order. Teachers are usually the main inspiration for 'greenies' and show that if they succeed and pass the college entrance exam, they may end up at the greatest point of their lives teaching.

Teachers teach many subjects to a multitude of students in the educational ground of Karakura, such as history, math, English, art, drama, technology, and physical education. These teachers vary by role, but most of the time they earn a base salary of $350,000. As an UT teacher for NQT, QT, and HD, they can earn a base pay of 500k with an extra 50k for HD.
Teachers methods to teach vary with the subject matter, but mainly teachers focus on two ways of teaching. 1) Most teachers use direct interaction between teacher and student or teacher and class to make sure the student(s) understand the assignment. 2) Others use collaborative work and setup groups between students and tell a designated group leader how and what they will be doing, or just make tasks in between lectures by the teachers to keep the students less bored by the time the class starts and ends.

Out of school hours, teachers sometimes spend marking papers or assignments, but a majority of the time, teachers will spend researching and mapping out the perfect lesson for the next day during school hours. Usually, teachers spend their free time doing what they need to do to live in society without being social outcasts, of course!. Another activity teachers may take part in is learning from other teachers on how they could improve their teaching methods. No one is perfect!
Out-of-game teachers try their best to the best of their capability to make the lessons enjoyable to a certain point and enough to learn from the lecture and prepare the student for the future. Teachers also attempt to make their lessons interactive and effective for learning, making memories that the students won't forget. Plus, teachers out of the game focus on a great lesson consistently for all their classes all day. Teachers out of the game have to go through teacher training (1 year) and an overall education of 12–14 years. Many teachers focus on trying to make the classes enjoyable. As students get very bored quickly, they make activities.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?

Teachers are essential to a schoolRP server due to them being the base for how new players learn how to play and how they should treat people. They are also the most important role in a schoolRP server, creating the main type of roleplay on a schoolRP server. Roleplay in the class creates drama and forms friendships that would sprout into more roleplay when on the school grounds. Now, of course, if there were no teachers in a school, not only would the main source of interest be gone, but every structure of how you progress would be gone, and there would be nothing to do. Teachers don't just educate the students on how to play; they also educate them on the subject itself, assisting them in passing the final exam between each season of the year. This is essential, as it's one of the most important aspects of the year.

One of the key features of RP servers' is that they have a key method one would say to make sure their server stays alive. For SchoolRP servers, it's the idea of school, and to make it more realistic and fun to see the increased drama, teachers make exams and allow interactive sessions between student and student, creating friendships and everything like that in the classroom. Teachers overall play an essential role in the idea of a SchoolRP due to being the thing to keep everything together into a herd of sheep in a pen.

Teachers main goal in roleplay is to prepare them for the future and help them pass the final exam. They teach discipline, how to be good citizens in the real world, and how to be an inspiration.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?

Karakura high runs on the MoSCoW (must have, should have, could have, would have)

Character Information

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Describe the character: How do they look and act? What makes them unique and different?

Mr. Watcher was born in Naples, Italy, with a few other younger siblings. He has brown hair, brown eyes, and not-so-pale skin. He would be 6'2 and have a sort of flat build with not too much strength. He would move and observe what was around him before doing anything, usually trying to get everything over and done with as soon as he could. Trying to avoid any social contact, he wouldn't talk too much out of class. Benicious would be friendly and a work person who focuses on working over all other things in life. He always seems to be doing something too; what might that be, you ask yourself? Oh well, just a person doing something random. Usually, Benicious is a very question-oriented person who always focuses on the task at hand and does not take no for an answer. Benicious would focus on the simple things too, trying to live a simple lifestyle in his life. He would be great with kids, even though, being introverted, he feels as if he can talk to children more easily than his peers, making him more enjoyable to the youth.

The main benefactor that makes him unique is that he is a simple person who wants to live an ideal life. While everyone around him has massive ambition, he has a simple desire to assist the students of Karakura High and to be a good person in general. Another point that makes him different is that he wishes the best for everyone, even the people who have opposed him. showing that he is a forgiving individual who would prefer to resolve things peacefully rather than more harmfully.

What is their outlook on students and their co-workers?

Benicious has strong beliefs that students should succeed at one thing and that everyone can do something, even if it's placing a paintbrush on paper, better than others. He thinks that everyone has a multitude of chances to succeed; they just need to grab them the moment they crack open. To Benicious, an education is a gift, and students need to take the gift and use it to their advantage however they wish. It is getting a degree or just pushing through education. Benicious beliefs state that one must never give up in the face of a challenge. Benicious believes that achieving a student's dreams requires dedication to the art that they wish to commit to. As he was growing up, he always enjoyed drawing as a hobby during the long-lasting, infinite-seeming classes. Benicious deeply believes that students should follow how he educated himself through practice.

Benicious does not really mind or care what his co-workers think of him and just trudges on with whatever life throws at him. Even though he takes steps to be introverted, he does not want to stride into work without a tad bit of joy on his face, does he? So he always makes an effort to socialise if he's comfortable. He understands that people are stressed; he is too much, but he is comforting if you get to know him.

What are their plans for the future?

Benicious' plans for the future are to work valuably and serve the students in their adventure and journey for an education through the forest that is school. Another part of his plan was to have a wife (even though we know that won't happen) and maybe a child of his own someday.


*Do not mention the use of FearRP.*

You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway, cursing and swearing. What do you do?

I will observe the student's behaviour, body language, and how many there are before coming over. I would approach the students casually, trying to make them not notice me. I would casually talk to them calmly, asking what they were discussing and why they were yelling at the top of their lungs. After a brief advice session with the delinquents, I would politely ask them to not do such a thing again on school grounds, as there are children on the school grounds, and if they were them, would they want such profanities in their ears at such a young age? By the end of the conversation, they would have learned to not say such things in public and why it is possibly not the best choice.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say. What do you do?

If my students were being disruptive to their education, I would raise my voice slightly to say, ''I will count from five; from then on, I'll take notes on who is being disruptive, and you will be warned'' I would count down from five. If they continue, I will take notes on the ones who are doing the most harm to the class and warn them not to do it again. If they persist in taking notes, I will kick them. Hopefully, this will stop the class from being disruptive, as they have been warned. Now that the class is calmed down, I will go over the topic of the lesson again.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?
Benicious' would overall enjoy the idea of the staffroom and nice calm relaxing soothing cup of coffee to sip and slutp upon. He would usually be relaxing compared to the other chaotic faculty members, where he would attempt to rekindle after a usual chaotic class of unmotivated children stalking him to learn. His overall plan for the staff room would be to relax and soothe his mind to keep his mind clean of any issues related to life or his job. Even though he was dedicated to his work, he would still attempt to try and improve his health by relaxing on the soft sofas in the room. He would usually be sitting upright as if he were in the military but still laying back while holding a lukewarm cup of coffee.

It would be his ideal paradise for life, as if it were heaven; he would talk if talked to, but stay as silent as a graveyard overall to avoid talking and wasting his time where he could be planning a lesson in there. He would also be doing something either a piece of art of organizing pencils in his bag or attempting to make his bag semi-organized and not clatter when he tries to move a fiber.

Provide at least four detailed descriptions of your character inside a classroom:

/me He looks around his endlessly seeming classroom to see the numbers of the students. '' Welcome to art with Mr. Watcher Are we going to have a good lesson? Yes, we indeed are!'' '' Now please turn off all devices, and I don't mean on silent. I want that phone off if you wish to talk. Whisper to your peers about the topic'' He would take a sigh after that mouthful of a sentence and take a sip of his coffee before writing on the board what we would learn from this lesson. After that, he asked the class, ''Please take a sketchbook and listen to my instructions before doing anything. ''If you wish to take notes, do them in your sketchbook, but leave space for the drawing itself.'' Mr. Watcher took a deep breath after that and started the topic off by saying what subject they would study.

/me Carefully sitting down on his chair, tired of teaching for the day, he dragged the papers over to be in front of him and started marking with a green pen the class. Drawings, neatness, and little notes about what they did well in the sketch and what they could improve on. As he progresses, paper by paper, he takes a sip of coffee for each of the three papers marked. Logging on a notes app about the expected grades that students will receive if they take the exam. But then he notices a tiny detail that is in each art piece. They haven't added enough detail. I went through that with them before I handed them the papers, didn't I? I raise my voice. ''Class, please remember, next time you commit to a piece of art, add detail to the piece if you use pencil; same with paint'' ''Also, please hand in assignments in the next 20 minutes. Thank you!''

/me He takes out his planner, deeply considering what his next lesson should be, and an idea pops up in his mind about clay. Hmm, that may be a good idea. He scribbles down the plan for the lesson about how clay is formed and its purposes. Less of a practical lesson, but the students need to research before doing a piece of art, don't they? After that, we would start the clay project. He stops thinking when he figures out a good lesson, then goes back to marking the papers handed to him by the students. He clears his throat before saying, ''Class, please hand in your assignments now. If you are not finished, then hand it in after class''. As the students hand in their assignments, trudging back to their seats, Benicious' hears the sweet sound of the bell, wishing a good break for his students.

/me He takes a deep breath before trying to break up the fight between the two students. He raises his voice, saying, ''If you two do not stop, you will be kicked, and SLT may hear of this'' When they stop fighting, if they don't, they will be kicked, and SLT will be called to talk to the individuals. I will ask them both to talk to me after class to discuss their behaviour. When they talk to me, I will tell them why what they did was wrong and how punishment is inevitable, and if this continues, there will be punishment, but it's a warning now. '' If I see this again, there will be no warning that you will be removed.


Spoiler Message: Backstory

Benicious Watcher was born in Naples, Italy, into a poor, depressing, low-class, and low-income family. He was the oldest of eight dreadful children. He was heavily ignored by his parents and siblings as an outcast at a young age. His grandparents were nice to him, though, and tried to provide for him where his parents failed to. His grandparents only came around once or twice a year due to the poor conditions they lived in. He always kept in mind that I must honour my ancestors. In primary school, Benicious excelled in the arts and humanities, getting straight A's since first grade. He made friends slowly who were simple-minded and just did not want to be in school. With these friends, he explored the countryside with them, having many talks after school while walking home into the sunset. Even though life was good before going to Karakura in school, at home it was hell and the devils heaven, and the grandparents saved up to finish his primary education and get him to Japan in Karakura, where he was able to become a foreign student.

In Karkura, he made many friends and socialised way easier, but with no place to live, he lived in any place needed in seventh grade, mostly with his friends. In eighth grade, he moved into a dorm to help him sleep better and adjust to life. During this darkest point in his life, he learned to self-discipline himself and make himself useful to society. While learning self-discipline, his grades excelled above expectations. His life was turning around until. He received a text from his mom saying that his grandparents died in a car crash. Benicious was devastated beyond belief and was in tears for two days. But he knew one thing: He must go on; he must continue to fill the canvas of his painting.

Even though I was going through a deep sense of never-ending darkness that seemed as endless as the universe, he sought help from his friends for therapy, constantly talking and trying to become happier. It didn't work, as people tore him up alive like a sandwich. After that, he sought proper help by talking to a friend who was very close to him from primary school and who Benicious Watcher was born in Naples, Italy, into a poor, depressing, low-class, and low-income family. He was the oldest of eight dreadful children. He was heavily ignored by his parents and siblings as an outcast at a young age. His grandparents were nice to him, though, and tried to provide for him where his parents failed to. His grandparents only came around once or twice a year due to the poor conditions they lived in. He always kept in mind that I must honour my ancestors. In primary school, Benicious excelled in the arts and humanities, getting straight A's since first grade. He made friends slowly who were simple-minded and just did not want to be in school. With these friends, he explored the countryside with them, having many talks after school while walking home into the sunset. Even though life was good before going to Karakura in school, at home it was hell and the devils heaven, and the grandparents saved up to finish his primary education and get him to Japan in Karakura, where he was able to become a foreign student.

In Karkura, he made many friends and socialised way easier, but with no place to live, he lived in any place needed in seventh grade Karakura too. They talked for what seemed like an eternity, talking deeply about life, with Benicious feeling less alone in his struggle for life and his deep mourning of the deaths of his grandparents. He always tried to stay positive through this stoney period of his miserable life.

After a long, eternal session of depression, Benicious jumped out of the hole that was sadness. After the pain that his begings were, it was time to excel and talk more for Benicious. So he started with grades, attempting to be good at math. Yep, it didn't work. English? Nope Technology? Yeah, kind of. Physical Education? Nope, performing arts? Yep, that was great. Art? Yes, that worked well due to his love for the finer things in life and how detailed things can be.

Benicious attempted to talk to his peers, but it didn't really work that well due to being an outcast and, to other people, a sad, depression-filled bag that needs therapy. Overall, Benicious kept positive and found a small group of his peers that accepted him and how he acts most of the time. After this small development, he continued to do what he did with that group again and again to make more friends. For sure, he made friends, but he needs to develop a relationship with a study.

Through time, he developed a very fine and two-sided relationship with art, being a lover of the subject for a while due to his knowing he could do whatever with the developing painting that he sketched and painted on. To him, art was a free subject that housed all creativity and opportunity in studies, and the subject could improve his grades in all subjects due to his patience. Not only was his artistic capability growing, but his mental stability and patience grew to such an extent that nothing (besides his mother) could break him. Art project by art project Benicious' skills in the subject had increasingly grown at an unexpected rate, while in other subjects he was averaging 40%–60%, while in art he was exceeding all expectations.

It was a cold morning in Karakura when he received a phone call from his friend, ''Benicious You know you're jobless and fresh out of college. Go get a job'' He was a tad bit rude, but he had a point, didn't he? He remembered something, though. When he was in 7th grade, the teachers were an inspiration to him; his young mind was shaped by them. So why not become a teacher then
College was a blur for the young man; it was a repeating cycle for him, nothing really changing besides his large, ever-extensive development in many subjects; it was more of a get-over-it sort of thing for Benicious. Though he didn't give up in the bush of college, he strode through the struggle that he had to go through ever so slowly. He may have adapted and became more of a powerhouse, but he was still great at being creative but down to earth at the same time. Due to his patience, he had started a small business where he assisted in the very study, which was art. He helped all his classmates for a simple 5k yen, which word grew through the college of his little business. It was repeated over and over again by many parties.

Benicious repeated this process all through college until graduating after getting his degree and anything along those lines. After college, he went back to Naples to study further for a few more years to get more experience in the study of Catholicism. This denomination grew his interest as it was one of the main denominations of Christianity. Even though he was brought up in a Christian family, he was never really interested during his infancy and youth, but in early adulthood he found interest in the religion.?

In-Character Information

(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you.)

Section #1, Personal Details

Full Name (First and Last Only
): ‘’Benicious Watcher’’

Title (Mr., Mrs., Miss): ‘’Mr. Watcher’’

Given Name(s): ‘’N/A’’

Preferred Name: ‘’Benicious, but I prefer Sir in the classroom.’’

Age (the minimum is 25): ‘’Am I 36? Yep, I think I am!’’

Gender: Male

Religious Denomination: ‘’I mean, I call myself Catholic. But let's face it. That ain't true.’’

Marital Status: ‘’Single’’

Nationality: Italian-British

Current Location: ‘’Why, it's nice, isn't it? Karakura?’’

Section #2, Academic Details

Working Experience (number of years):

Academic Degree: ‘’Bachelors’’

Year of Graduation: ‘’Class of 2006’’

Major(s): ‘’Fine Art, Education’’

Minors: ‘’History, Human Geography and Religious Studies’’

Native Languages: ‘’Japanese and Italian’’

Other Languages: ‘’N/A’’

Do you have a TEFL, TESOL, or CELTA certificate? ‘’N/A’’​

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Thanks for reading.
Additional notes about your application:

Do you have any questions?
Last edited:


Level 112
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
Thank you for applying! However, after careful consideration, I have decided to deny your application
  • Your application lacked detail in comparison to some others.​

Please feel free to reapply! Any questions regarding your application, please DM me on discord.​

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