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Billy Graves ⚜ Character Biography


Level 31
Billy Graves Theme Song

Basic Information

First Name:


Preferred Name:






Billy is a rather sculptured man working out every day before school, The man even has a 6 pack. Billy would also have both his arms tattoo's with roses and thorns creating his sleeved tattoo.

Skin Color:

Billy's skin tone is rather tanned.

Eye Color:

Billy's eyes would be blue

Hair Style:

Billy's hair style would be rather messy however, it sits rather nicely. His hair is rather long going down to his upper back and his upper chest.

Hair Color:

Billy first had red hair the same as his brothers however, Billy dyed his hair blonde to stand out from his brothers and sisters.


Billy's fashion is a little revealing due to him just loving his own body and he enjoys showing it off, Just adds to his ****y attitude.

Date of Birth:


Place of Birth:

California, America





General Appearance


Billy would have rather long blonde hair with both his ears pierced. Billy would also have a burn mark under his eye left and up his upper left chest due to him being struck twice by lightening. Billy's eyes would be a greenish blue just adding to his rather attractive features.


Billy is a calm and open-minded person, He enjoys having banter, He's the type to get everyone Drunk at the end of the night if a party was happening, He's a caring person towards his loved ones and friends. However, Billy can act ****y towards people If he’s in a “jolly” mood, Billy doesn’t care about what people say or do to him but he does have his limits to how much he can really take day to day. Damien can also take situations too far when he's with his team by getting into fights and much much more. People do see him as a fuck boy which Billy has kind of taken that on board as well as a personality trate.

Character Voice:

Billy Graves talks with a rather calm yet soft toned voice,

Dean Graves - Father

"I hate you with all my guts, I'm glad we were all able to escape your abuse!"

Bryson Graves - Older Brother
"I do care about you brother, but you're in a fucked up place right now... I'm still confused why you wanted to beat the shit out of me that day... Please speak to me more... I love you brother, but if you try and fight me again I will beat the shit out of you even though you scare the fuck out of me. Love you Bryson."

Braylen Graves - Older Brother
"You're cool."

Brayden Graves - Older Brother
"Thanks for giving me your football Jacket, It means a lot!"

Natalina Graves - Sister (Same age)
"Sometimes you can be annoying when you're hanging out with Victoria but other than that you're chill also umm Thanks for helping me out with Ging."

Victoria Graves - Older Sister.
"You're so annoying but I love you.... I guess."

Shion Graves - Older Brother
"You're cool, You are also the one who inspired me to get tattoo's so thank you!"


Billy Graves was born on the 5th of May 2006 in the rather hot state of California with his abuse father yet caring and loving siblings. One day the Graves children made a plan to escape the fathers abuse and they all decided to buy a plan ticket away from California and head to a town called "Karakura" unfortunately Billy was the last sibling to leave yet arriving in Karakura with an already black eye due to the last beating he got from his father. Stepping into Karakura Billy looked around in amazement at what a beautiful city he had landed in, With Billy already having his long red hair the same as his brothers and sisters it was rather easy for some of the residence to know who Billy was or the family he was apart off, some people liked Billy when they first seen him (Most females) some even hated him due to his Older brothers passed. (Bryson Graves) Due to the attention that Billy was getting and that he wasn't even used to it he decided to try and sleep around with multiple females. Billy was enjoy the attention until one female came along and her name was Ging Tadashi, She had rather dark blue hair that fell passed her waist. Billy actually took a liking to her however, he didn't want to stop messing around as he would call it with other females yet one day, Billy and Ging were talking and Ging then told Billy that she liked him and Billy didn't really know what to say so he said that he was still speaking to other females and this is where the story of the "FUCK BOY BILLY GRAVES ARK" began. Billy told Ging he didn't want a relationship as he was just wanting to sleep around with as many females as possible, Ging of course didn't take this rather well and slapped him in the face and just walked away. Of course Bryson had to see his younger brother getting slapped by a female and he just stood there and laughed at Billy. Billy just turned and looked at him with a "What?" kind of face on. This drama between Billy and Ging went on for a while until a dude named Don Blackwell came along. Don and Billy would end up having a fight due to Billy being jealous and thinking those two made out in his apartment so Billy walked out and walked to the Dorms where he met up with his friend Manabi, a girl who was apart of the college female football team. Billy and her got on rather well so Billy went to her and explained the entire thing to them and out of nowhere, Don and Ging come walking to the Dorms and like a devil on Billy's shoulder Manabi tells Billy to fight him so that's exactly what Billy does however, Billy had strapped his guitar to him before he left his apartment so Billy walked over to Don before starting to shove him and speaking to him Don tried to punch Billy however, Billy ducked the punch and swung his guitar over his shoulder holding it by the head of the guitar and just smashed the body of his guitar against the head of Don. Billy hasn't seen Don around since that moment... Did he kill Don Blackwell... We will never know... Oh dear... Oh well anyway.

Seeing that everyone within his family had the red hair he thought of a chance to change his look and stand out from the rest of his family. SO Billy leaves the family home and just buys some blonde hair dye and proceeds to dye his hair blonde. Now having his hair Blonde Billy stands out from the rest of his family, Billy actually enjoys the new look of him and seems like it also brings in more females towards him that Billy enjoys.


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