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Biography Hiwari d. Dameji

First Name: Hiwari
Surname: Deidala

Preferred Name: "Sectemsempra"

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 102 LBS

Build: slender

Skin Color: very pale

Eye Color: Gray

Hair Style: messy / styleless

Hair Color: Black

Fashion: Black and white

Abnormalities: He demonstrates extreme violence at times he gets mad

Date of Birth: Monday Oct 2nd 2001

Place of Birth: Moscow Russia

Nationality: Russian

Race: Russian

General Appearance

Appearance: a slender male who is very tall, he has midnight black hair and endless Gray eyes

Personality: Dark


Character Voice:
he talks with a soft and sharp voice

he has no equipment on him
Clothes: White or Black sweater or White Or black shirt, either torn black jeans or blue jeans

Hobbies: Astronomy

Skills: math, science, astronomy, reading, writing

Quirks: he was born with an insane amount of intellect and a Massively fast learning speed

Family: He is an orphan / loaner not part of a family

Backstory: Hiwari is a young Genius who was born in russia, he doesn't know that well japanese and mostly speaks his home lnguage. when he was young his Family was murdeered, now he just spends his time reading or studying, he was treated horribly by his adopted parents, he was taken to the orphenage once again and was bullied alot, he has had a horrible past and just stares at his books reading, he is always respectful and kind though, many people know nothing about him, he has no friends and doesn't make them despite him being a very kind person, normaly he runs fron people and hides. despite this he demonstrates caring acts. everyone mis judge him, he is hapily to help people and never starts fights. he will stand up for anyone who is kind for him and even people who tease or even hurt him.

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