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Denied Biology Teacher Application

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Level 1
Describe your activity on the server:

My activity on this server is pretty active when i go to camp I let others know that i am going to camp, but when i'm not at camp I try to make it on as much as possible.

Previous bans/kicks/warnings:

I have one, but that was a mistake it was another gamer blaming it on me.

Do you have TeamSpeak (You need TeamSpeak)?:

Yes I do but I only use it when I need to

Do you have a microphone?:

Yes I do have one

Do you have any ranks? Whether donator, teacher, animal? If so, list them:

No I do not

What is your motivation for applying?:

my motivation for applying is to get to know new people, keep the action on the server alive, and to keep the roleplaying alive. But most importantly to have fun with my friends.

Summarize your previous experience for being a teacher:

I work at a restaurant, I bus, host, and run food. I also volunteer at my elementary and middle school. I help the teachers with their students and I help teach math. I do also want to become a teacher after college. I get really good grades, and I have never gotten in trouble at school.

Have you read & understood the "Please Read Before Applying" post?

yes I have

Your Teacher's Name (Mr. Ducks):

Mrs. Rose

Your Teacher's Age:

28 years old

Your Teachers Subject:

Biology teacher

Describe your teachers physical appearance:

She is medium sized, with a fit body, and has a good sense in fashion. Always wears high heels with all her outfits. She has wonderful blue eyes and has long blond hair.


The teachers fill an important role on the server, can you describe what it may be?

My teacher is at this school to keep the roleplaying going, discipline, shape, and make friends with their students. She is not here to make fun of, or ruin the time for their students. This server is to create fun for others and yourself.

What do you know about teachers as a whole?

They come in all types of attitudes, they can be mean, rude, happy, or just plain weird. But most importantly this are at schools to educate their students and create a safe environment for others.

Briefly summarize what your teacher thinks about the school and students as a whole.

Mrs. Rose thinks of her students as her family, she treats them with respect and kindness, she never yells at them unless she needs to. (she hates yelling). She believes that the school should be kept clean and never to have trash lying around. (she treats any school as it is her home)

How was your teacher like before it was a teacher?

She was pretty much the same, in college she was always nice to HER teachers and anybody around her, she loved school and college.

Does your character differ personality wise? How does that affect the characters around you?

Mrs. Rose is very happy around a lot of kids and she loves interacting with them and making them feel better about themselves as a whole. The way she affects characters around her is by being kind and gentle with them, not rude and loud.

From your perspective as of right now, identify one thing you would change about the Teacher rank. Why would you change that?

I think the Teacher Rank is fine right now!! I think that they should be able to call lockdowns or fire drills if they need to.


You are a Teacher teaching a class, one of the students throws a spitball at you. What do you do?:

I would locate the student and tell them to knock it off, if they don't stop I will give them a warning, and if they don't stop after that. I will discipline them as I see fit. (detention, report, or just a long talk.)

You are a teacher once again; your whole class is messing around and not listening to you, what do you do.:

I will tell them to settle down politely, if they dont settle down i will raise my voice enough so they can hear me.

You are a teacher, again, your class has just started. How would you greet your students?:

“Hello, Hello, Hello, and welcome to Biology!! My name is Mrs. Rose and I will be your Biology teacher for the year. Now let's start with Attendance.....” /me takes attendance


*announcement* ladies and gentlemen this is a lockdown please go to your safe spot.

Mrs. Rose: Okay class be quiet and walk over to the corner of the classroom.

(/me turns off light and a tear rolls down her eye)

Kevin: I'm scared Mrs. Rose!!

Mrs. Rose: It's okay everything will be alright, just remain quiet.

(/me ushers kids into corner)

(/me closes blinds and fast walks over to the kids)

Mrs. Rose: Okay everyone just stay quiet and wait for the all clear.

Little Rosie: What happens if he comes in here? (cries softly)

Mrs. Rose: He won't come in here we have locked the doors.

(/me walks over to the door quietly and checks lock.)

Mrs. Rose: it's okay the door is locked we are safe.

*announcement* We are all clear please resume all class activities.*

(/me walks over shaking and turns on all the lights.)

Mrs. Rose: I love you guys and you did great just relax for the rest of the class.


When Mrs. Rose was in her kindergarten years she was always asking the teacher if they needed help with the class. She was the best student they could ever have. When she got into middle school she ran for class president, and head of the TEP (Teachers Education Program). She made it into both of them. When she got into highschool she ran for the same things again, she sadly didn't get the Class president, but she go into TEP as the president. She had perfect grades all the way through Elementary, Middle, and High school. When she graduated she got into Babson College in boston and got a teachers degree. From then on she has denied 15 teachers offers, and she has gotten an email asking her to come to YHS! She is hoping to get into this wonderful school as a Biology teacher.

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