Level 13
IGN: xitamix_ii
Describe your activity on the server:
I'm and old yet returning player, I joined SRP in 2017 but that is recorded on a different website based account of "MikaKittyPurr" from when I was younger.
I graduated highschool in 2024 of May and I currently only really work weekends.
So Im available weekdays aka 5 days a week.
Specify your Discord username (USER#0000) and if you have a microphone: xitamix_ii
and I do have a microphone, a good one it's a fifine with a moveable stand.
Specify your country of origin and time zone: USA, GA
I'm EST and my sleep schedule is a little messy but Im usually awake during afternoon or midnight is most common to find me awake.
What are your motivations in applying for the black market dealer role?: I want to enjoy criminal rp again but Im not ready to GangRP yet... I dont think I want to join a gang but I do enjoy criminal rp and slowly merge back into it.
What helps you to stand out from other applicants & what can you uniquely provide to the team?: Im a very old player and have been apart of SRP for a long time I played 2017-2018 and then 2020-2022, and now coming back in late 2024
What previous experience do you have in working with a team?: I have a job irl and i have to cooperate with co-workers irl so I have experience outside of the online world for working with people.
What suggestions do you have to help better the crime faction?: I suggest trying to bring back some of the old rules of GangRP because it felt better and made more sense to me in my opinion, because rule of aggression related to how irl is, if u have a hatred with someone it should be valid to have like for example minors on someone who has built a bad reputation with you. This would also put ur self at risk because if u act on Minors for having hatred for them, then they get privileges to use majors on you. And I feel like it shouldnt be something passed unless it's relative to the person u pass perms to. Like for example passing perms u get on a cop, all GangRPers hate cops so it's relative to pass. But if it's someone the other person doesn't know then the perms would be invalid.
Are you familiar with all rules pertaining to weapon profiles, combat, permissions, and player conduct on the server?: I am mostly familiar, I would have to look over alot of the weapons again since I did take a long break from srp.
Are you familiar with that if you leave the black market at any point, the black market lead will have permanent kill permissions on your character?: Yes I am aware since I am an old player.
Are you familiar with that if your character(s) is/are killed or permanently arrested twice, you will be removed from the black market?: yes, i am aware.
Are you familiar with that you cannot reveal any out-of-character plans or potential addition to the black market to others?: yes, I am aware
Full Legal Name: Zephira Eckstein
Criminal Alias: Krolik
Age & Occupation: (Currently 18 - Grade 12) if I do gain privileges to being apart of the BM then I would probably wish to be 23 years old and have occupation as BM
Gender & Marital Status: Female, and Alone
Ethnicity & Race: German
Known Languages: Greek & German
Former Associations/Occupations: N/A (new character since I am recently returning)
Highest Level of Education: Grade - 12
Physical/Mental Ailments: Zephira is a weird one, even tho she was raised with nice parents she had a weird fascination with blood at a young age and is a mix between Sadistic and Masochistic and enjoys the beauty of blood. (Kinda a Psychopath)
Known Family Members: Miss & Mister Eckstein (Haven't bothered to give parent names yet or anything since I recently made this character)
Describe your character's appearance to the greatest detail: A 5'2ft albino girl with pale white skin and silky white hair with the ends of her hair stained with blood from when she was little. And half of one side of her bangs were also dyed black. Her eyes also appeared to be red due to the lack of pigment in her eyes, due to no pigment, her eyes are red because of her blood. She was a bit fit and was one of those people you would call "the kid at the back of the class" because of how she dressed.
Describe your character's personality to the greatest detail: sweet and caring but yet greedy for her own desires and self pleasure. Appearingly Narcissistic hiding a devilish nature behind sweet sugar coated kindness.
Describe your character's backstory to the greatest detail: Zephira grew up in Germany with her parents. She grew up very sweet, kind, and innocent. They had a pet dog named Fresquo, Zephira loves this dog alot. They would always play together and she would cuddle him to sleep at night as a little kid. By time she was 9, Fresquo got loose and a car ran him over, Zephira was distraught at first but very quickly changed. She longingly stared at the blood seeping out of the dog, staring at her beloved dog's blood with admiration. Her parents became a bit disturbed and terrified of the reaction Zephira gave. She wanted a way to keep something of the dog she loved to cherish and asked to have a vial of blood from her dog made into a ring to keep memory of him. By time she was 16 she traveled abroad to Karakura, Japan because of how beautiful it always was. And she had a deep love for Spider Lily's because of how similar it appeared to look like blood. She saw it as beautiful. When she learned that it was placed on graves to prevent animals from digging up the dead bodies of people they buried she fell in an even deeper love for the Spider Lily. As she stayed in Karakura longer, she began to realize how high the crime rates were and decided to stay in Karakura even after Highschool.
Describe an interaction that your character may have as a black market dealer: Zephira would most likely be in a common situation of selling things like fake IDs and weapons or even Ballistic masks to some way shape or form of criminals and make sure to keep a high guard on anybody at all time unknowing if a criminal would try and attempt to attack her and most likely have her own weapon on hand for defensive purposed just incase she were attacked from any reason. She wouldnt dare to be mean or toxic is any way since she wanted to be a good salesman and keep peace while in trade. Any sort of violence would be self-defensive if needed.
Describe any other additional information that is notable in considering your character for the role of a black market dealer: I have made sure to mature over the time I have been away from SRP and I have been working on myself as much as possible. I know I have a perm ban on my record but that was a bit of a long time ago, not too long, but long enough for me to have changed and matured. I regret any and all past actions I've made on SRP. I just want to come back to feel nostalgia and have a safe place to relax after a long day of work irl (work as in both job & school, starting college in spring but Im also rn doing coursea to get an IT certificate) I know I have a bad record on SRP but I want to make a new slate. Please consider me. And thank you for taking your time to read my application, I know alot of people could possibly be applying but I really want something that is criminal rp without having to join any gangs.
IGN: xitamix_ii
Describe your activity on the server:
I'm and old yet returning player, I joined SRP in 2017 but that is recorded on a different website based account of "MikaKittyPurr" from when I was younger.
I graduated highschool in 2024 of May and I currently only really work weekends.
So Im available weekdays aka 5 days a week.
Specify your Discord username (USER#0000) and if you have a microphone: xitamix_ii
and I do have a microphone, a good one it's a fifine with a moveable stand.
Specify your country of origin and time zone: USA, GA
I'm EST and my sleep schedule is a little messy but Im usually awake during afternoon or midnight is most common to find me awake.
What are your motivations in applying for the black market dealer role?: I want to enjoy criminal rp again but Im not ready to GangRP yet... I dont think I want to join a gang but I do enjoy criminal rp and slowly merge back into it.
What helps you to stand out from other applicants & what can you uniquely provide to the team?: Im a very old player and have been apart of SRP for a long time I played 2017-2018 and then 2020-2022, and now coming back in late 2024
What previous experience do you have in working with a team?: I have a job irl and i have to cooperate with co-workers irl so I have experience outside of the online world for working with people.
What suggestions do you have to help better the crime faction?: I suggest trying to bring back some of the old rules of GangRP because it felt better and made more sense to me in my opinion, because rule of aggression related to how irl is, if u have a hatred with someone it should be valid to have like for example minors on someone who has built a bad reputation with you. This would also put ur self at risk because if u act on Minors for having hatred for them, then they get privileges to use majors on you. And I feel like it shouldnt be something passed unless it's relative to the person u pass perms to. Like for example passing perms u get on a cop, all GangRPers hate cops so it's relative to pass. But if it's someone the other person doesn't know then the perms would be invalid.
Are you familiar with all rules pertaining to weapon profiles, combat, permissions, and player conduct on the server?: I am mostly familiar, I would have to look over alot of the weapons again since I did take a long break from srp.
Are you familiar with that if you leave the black market at any point, the black market lead will have permanent kill permissions on your character?: Yes I am aware since I am an old player.
Are you familiar with that if your character(s) is/are killed or permanently arrested twice, you will be removed from the black market?: yes, i am aware.
Are you familiar with that you cannot reveal any out-of-character plans or potential addition to the black market to others?: yes, I am aware
Full Legal Name: Zephira Eckstein
Criminal Alias: Krolik
Age & Occupation: (Currently 18 - Grade 12) if I do gain privileges to being apart of the BM then I would probably wish to be 23 years old and have occupation as BM
Gender & Marital Status: Female, and Alone
Ethnicity & Race: German
Known Languages: Greek & German
Former Associations/Occupations: N/A (new character since I am recently returning)
Highest Level of Education: Grade - 12
Physical/Mental Ailments: Zephira is a weird one, even tho she was raised with nice parents she had a weird fascination with blood at a young age and is a mix between Sadistic and Masochistic and enjoys the beauty of blood. (Kinda a Psychopath)
Known Family Members: Miss & Mister Eckstein (Haven't bothered to give parent names yet or anything since I recently made this character)
Describe your character's appearance to the greatest detail: A 5'2ft albino girl with pale white skin and silky white hair with the ends of her hair stained with blood from when she was little. And half of one side of her bangs were also dyed black. Her eyes also appeared to be red due to the lack of pigment in her eyes, due to no pigment, her eyes are red because of her blood. She was a bit fit and was one of those people you would call "the kid at the back of the class" because of how she dressed.
Describe your character's personality to the greatest detail: sweet and caring but yet greedy for her own desires and self pleasure. Appearingly Narcissistic hiding a devilish nature behind sweet sugar coated kindness.
Describe your character's backstory to the greatest detail: Zephira grew up in Germany with her parents. She grew up very sweet, kind, and innocent. They had a pet dog named Fresquo, Zephira loves this dog alot. They would always play together and she would cuddle him to sleep at night as a little kid. By time she was 9, Fresquo got loose and a car ran him over, Zephira was distraught at first but very quickly changed. She longingly stared at the blood seeping out of the dog, staring at her beloved dog's blood with admiration. Her parents became a bit disturbed and terrified of the reaction Zephira gave. She wanted a way to keep something of the dog she loved to cherish and asked to have a vial of blood from her dog made into a ring to keep memory of him. By time she was 16 she traveled abroad to Karakura, Japan because of how beautiful it always was. And she had a deep love for Spider Lily's because of how similar it appeared to look like blood. She saw it as beautiful. When she learned that it was placed on graves to prevent animals from digging up the dead bodies of people they buried she fell in an even deeper love for the Spider Lily. As she stayed in Karakura longer, she began to realize how high the crime rates were and decided to stay in Karakura even after Highschool.
Describe an interaction that your character may have as a black market dealer: Zephira would most likely be in a common situation of selling things like fake IDs and weapons or even Ballistic masks to some way shape or form of criminals and make sure to keep a high guard on anybody at all time unknowing if a criminal would try and attempt to attack her and most likely have her own weapon on hand for defensive purposed just incase she were attacked from any reason. She wouldnt dare to be mean or toxic is any way since she wanted to be a good salesman and keep peace while in trade. Any sort of violence would be self-defensive if needed.
Describe any other additional information that is notable in considering your character for the role of a black market dealer: I have made sure to mature over the time I have been away from SRP and I have been working on myself as much as possible. I know I have a perm ban on my record but that was a bit of a long time ago, not too long, but long enough for me to have changed and matured. I regret any and all past actions I've made on SRP. I just want to come back to feel nostalgia and have a safe place to relax after a long day of work irl (work as in both job & school, starting college in spring but Im also rn doing coursea to get an IT certificate) I know I have a bad record on SRP but I want to make a new slate. Please consider me. And thank you for taking your time to read my application, I know alot of people could possibly be applying but I really want something that is criminal rp without having to join any gangs.