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Accepted Blossom789 | Chef Application


Level 11
What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

How old are you? (Optional):

What is your time zone?:
Eastern Stranded Time (EST)

Describe your activity on the server:

Having joined the server School Role Play late last year (2022), I believe that my activity within the server is active. I am online for around 2-6 hours daily, Almost never having been seen offline for more then 3 days. I describe myself as a person whom is very serious about getting online and role playing each day.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:

School Employee Role you are applying for?:

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:

Having Observed the chef's on what they do and how it is done, Here are some of the things I would describe the chef role. The chef would arrive at the Cafeteria at least 15 ic minutes prior to the time of Breakfast and/or Lunchtime. The chef's are to prepare and provide a healthy meal/Full meal for the students of KHS. The chef would make an intercom advertising that they will be serving at the cafeteria. Breakfast would often contain a BTL or ham sandwich along with a fruit and beverage, This would be served at 8:00 AM - 8:30 AM. As for lunch, The main course of the meal depends on what day of the week it is! For example Taco Tuesday followed by Wurst Wednesday! Lunch time would take place between the times of 12:35 PM - 1:20 PM. The chef's would hand out the meal to each student. Every student must only take one serving. The chef would also keep a steady eye on the line to ensure no Students cut in front or hop back into line. The chef is not only needed in the Cafeteria. Chef’s could help supervise the halls of KHS ensuring that no fights or unacceptable behavior is taking place within the school.

What experience, in general, do you have in role play?
Having Joined the server as mentioned above in late 2022, I believe I have a good understanding of the meaning of "Role play" and how to use it in a proper way. In the online community of School Role Play. I have a firm understanding of how to use commands (/it, /me, etc. . .) and how they are properly used. For example, /me is used for actions, '/me she slipped her shoes off upon stepping into the house.' Having read the rules of School Role Play provided for me on the website, I fully understand how to properly RP situations and definitions, (Fear RP, Fail RP, etc. . .) I fully understand the consequences if rules are broken and to resolve/report the problem if any of the rules listed on the website are broken. In addition to this, I have joined 2 sports teams (Specifically Basketball hs female and currently col female), cubs (Fourmer sports club member) and just had fun with roleplaying this out. This shows my experience in roleplay and to show that I am indeed knowledgeble and familiar with the server and its terminology.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
I strongly believe that joining the school employee faction would be an amazing experience. I have always desired joining the school employee faction for some time now and have finally built up confidence to write up an application. Having seen what other Faculty members do has inspired myself to want to join in on the fun! I figured that the chef role would be an amazing place to put my confidence and the inspiration I gained to work. I have asked a few of the chef’s what they thought of the job, and some advice if I where to be selected for the role. This majorly inspired me to write a application to furfill my urge and desire to be a chef in KHS. Having a chef character would be an exciting job to role play and commit to School Role Play. Where you can engage in the world of being a faculty member and even tell some naughty kids off for misbehaving. It would be an honor to behold such an experience. The students would be lining up in front of a smiling chef providing them with the delicious meal. It would be so fun to see the students role play out all the adventurous scenarios that make the community of School Role Play fun! It would also be a great way to improve on my role play skills by experiencing different roles. Most importantly it would make me a lot more confident to experience and try new things. As a quote that always keeps myself motivated to try new things says: "To learn something new, You need to try new things and not be afraid to be wrong" -Roy T. Bennett.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
Primary: [Collage] [Basketball]


/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:

Seeing the student using such foul language and all the assaults being thrown at her, She would look the student directly into the eye tilting her head a wee bit intently making a harmless impression. In a firm but respectful tone, She would then say, "May I remind you to see that your language is school appropriate. This is your first warning unless you want detention, If you have an issue with anything please tell me or another faculty member instead of Calling me pathetic." She would then continue with her own business. If the student continued to throw the insults, She would then tape a detention slip to their shirt saying "see you in detention". She would then quietly radio in with the other members to be aware, if any further occurrence continued.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
Seeing the two Students throwing punches at each other, Faelon would blink once processing what was happening before hurrying over to the students on heavy feet. She would then weave her hands in between the two, placing herself in the middle, Separating them. Saying in a firm tone, "Alright that is enough!" She would then call for another faculty member over her radio for back up if required. Faelon would then shoo away the students watching the fight, if there were any. She would then ask the first student to explain how the fight had started before then asking the second to explain his share of the story. Hearing both sides of the story, she would then rub the underneath of her chin as she helped resolve the brawl. If required she would look into the footage from the security cameras that are positioned around the school. She then concluded the fight, taping both students a detention slip on their shirts, Saying wearily, "See you both in detention" before taking them both to the nurses office. She would wait to ensure that both students did not restart the fight until the nurse came to assist the two.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
Seeing the employee acting rather rationally, Faelon would swipe a hand over her forehead in confusion. She then would walk on heavy feat towards the employee, Stopping directly in front of the employee looking them directly in the eye. With a firm but respectful tone Faelon would speak,"Pardon me, But I do not think your actions are very appropriate within the school. If you need assistance with anything I am here to help." If the employee continued to use the inappropriate behavior, Faelon would then take a deep breath before reporting the member to the head of the department, Explaining the situation in great detail. then taking the professor to a more isolated area. Then with a more firm voice, Faelon would say. "You can not act that way in this school, This is a bad influence on the kids and shines a bad light on the school." When the higher up arrived, Faelon would not speak a word or gossip about the event as she then continued with the rest of the day.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
In the employee break room, Faelon would lounge on the couch with a cup of chai latte in her hand. She would wearily inspect the room for anything that would be interesting. If seeing magazines on the counter, Faelon would then get up off the couch and stroll over to where the magazines lay. She would pick up the first one she saw making a slight crackle of the paper, Faelon would casually walk back to the couch and with a sigh, Faelon would sit down. Relaxing her body. She would then lift the paper to her face and look at the title and then began scanning through the paper. On other days, She would look up to the nearest employee to strike up a lovely conversation, "How are you on this lovely day?" sipping her chai latte every few moments. She would often act professionally and modest. Finally after the bell rang and it was time to continue the day, Faelon would bid her acquaintance goodbye. Straightening her back she forced herself up off the couch and walk out of the break room.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

As Faelon stood in front of the counter, She grabbed another of the lunch trays that she had just prepared not too long ago. She would carefully slide the freshly prepared lunch tray across the counter to the student that appeared in front of her! She would say in her rushed but gentle voice, " Enjoy and have a great day!" She swiped the bead of sweat that trickled down her forehead off with the back of her gloved hand, She then beckoned the next student to come forward.

/me "Hm?" Faelon turned around without lifting her right foot quickly to face the students on her sneakers causing them to make a small squeak, She smiled at the students that had came up to her as she was passing through the school halls, She scanned the faces of the students, As she then put her hand on her hip implying that she was all ears. In her naturally gentle voice she would say, "May I help you bunch?" Before shifting her weight to her left foot and tilting her head in curiosity of what the students may ask or tell her!

/me Faelon squinted across the hall, Recognizing the familiar face of one of the teacher's she had met in the break room, She strolled up to the Teacher with a bright smile and a shine in her eye. "Hullo there!" Faelon would bow in respect to the individual. She would say in a tone that implied she was trying to start up a friendly conversation. "How are you on this fine day?" She would shift her weight from one foot to the other in a sign of slight nervousness. She then outstretched her hand for a humble handshake.


In-Character Section
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

Full Name (First & Last only):

Faelon Mochizuki

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Preferred Name:
Fae or Faelon!

Age (Minimum is 25):


Academic Degree:
Bachelors Degree

Culinary Arts

Physical Education


Known Languages:


Early Life:

Faelon Mochizuki's life began in the region of Tokachi , Japan. Born on the 24th of July, 1995. Her parents, Both modest and hardworking, Taught Faelon a strong sense of discipline and a strong work ethic from an early age. Her father, being a fisherman, Was always out at sea. Faelon missed her father dearly on every trip he voyaged. Gone for as long as 4 months at a time, Faelon was mainly raised by her Mother who was a tailor. although her mother may as well have been a chef if she had set her mind to it. Making the best dishes from the fish Faelon's father brought home. Faelon often helps her Mother to prepare the dishes, In return her mother would educate her on the culinary arts. Faelon started off chopping fresh produce from her mother's garden, Having her mother guide her hand with every precise chop. As time went on, Faelon began preparing simple but humble recipe's with her mother's guidance. By the time Faelon turned 8, Her life took an 180 degree turn for the worse. On her father's last voyage in the year of 2003, Her father's fishing boat went missing after the Tokachi earthquake struck at an eye watering 8.3 on the Richter scale causing a tsunami to overtake the boat. When Faelon's mother received the devastating news on her husband and his crew's disappearance, Caused a significant amount of grief. What once was a home of the humble and modest family of the Mochizuki's, Was filled with sorrow. Her mother, having little pay to support both Faelon and herself, Made the forlorn division to give Faelon up for adoption in hopes a better life would come in the future for her. Faelon, Just 8 years old, being placed in an orphanage was very hard for Faelon. Before her mother let her go, She made Faelon promise one thing. To keep learning of the culinary arts which Faelon was well passionate for.

Preteen years:
As the years came and went, Faelon's passion for the culinary arts became stronger than ever. Determined to keep her promise to her mother, Faelon studied many food's, Learning about the ones that gave nourishment to the body. Faelon was often given permission by the orphanage staff to use the kitchen. Often they would watch Faelon cook like a professional, As they like to say about her. Every single dime that was earned was collected for her long lasting dream of attending culinary school. By the time Faelon was 14, She had taken the available culinary arts courses in school, Never missing an opportunity to show off her skills. Faelon also developed a small knack for history and physical education. Often the orphanage would ask Faelon to cook the dishes, In return would be allowance to contribute to her dream of culinary arts school. She was more than happy to take place in such an extraordinary position within the orphanage. She would often watch over the children, She soon developed a skill for caring for the kids. In the month of April, Faelon's life took another unexpected turn. The Director of the Orphanage summoned Faelon to his office where she would revive life changing news. A family requested to adopt Faelon. As she walked into the office and saw the strange family lurking beside the desk of the director, Faelon instantly inferred that she was getting adopted. She was correct, The Fujii family wanted her. They must have been in their late 30's from the looks of it. Behind the two adults was a girl about Faelon's age, The Fujii's Daughter by the name of Keiko. After accepting the Fujii's adoption request Faelon requested that she not have a surname change. For she still believed her biological mother would return and search for Faelon. As Faelon was leaving the doors of the orphanage, She looked back once more. "Time for a new home" she murmured to herself before getting into the Fujii's vehicle and driving away to a new chapter in her life.

Teenage years:
Upon the arrival of the home, Faelon could instantly sense something was off about these people, The way they acted, down to the very way the Fujii's looked at Faelon. Keiko was no better. She looked at Faelon in a strange way that seemed to scream, "You should not have come here. . ." The Fujii's sure enough started to show their true colors. Impeling Faelon to cook the meals daily. It became very clear that they had only adopted Faelon to use her. For all the efforts Faelon put into the house and food, She got nothing in return. Keiko and Faelon where barely fed. In order to survive Faelon smuggled some extra food into Keiko and Faelon's shared room. Many days where nothing but harsh beatings and verbal abuse, the abuse became so exteam that her friends started to take realization of the struggles Faelon was facing. Little did they know it was much worse then they had imagined. years rolled by and it was the final year of high school, Faelon was 18 years old. Faelon was struggling to keep up. Even her culinary teacher noticed her tiredness and bruising. After class one day the culinary teacher summoned her after class, The teacher asked her what the matter was. Faelon broke down and explained the situation in heavy tears. after she finished the last word, The teacher wiped the tears from her eyes. "Stay with me", The teacher offered, "And Keiko too."

Faelon, now just turning 24, Received a job as a chef in the fine dining restaurant of Kozue. After her culinary teacher has helped raise the rest of the funds to enroll her into culinary school. She graduated from the school with many honors. Years later after working at Kozue, She was now 28 years old. On a sunny day Faelon received a letter from none other than Keiko who had moved away to Karakura a few years back for a better life. As Faelon scanned through the letter, Her eyes immediately caught sight of the part that there was a school that was looking for a chef. Keiko offered to take Faelon in for the time being if she had received the job. Faelon immediately wrote Keiko back, Accepting the invite to the mysterious town of Karakura. At the airport a week later, Faelon hugged the teacher goodbye with a tinge of sorrow and gratitude towards them. She then whispered "I shall never forget your kindness towards me, thank you". After they parted, Her flight was called. Faelon walked onto the long line of individuals, Looking back only once before she boarded the plane. As she then took a seat, Faelon glanced out the window letting the sun rays tinged her face. Faelon thought, "this is not the end of my story, this is a new chapter".

Motivation for Joining KHS:
There are countless reasons why I, an experienced chef, should have the ability to join KHS as one of the Chefs. Having the experience of working at the Kozue restaurant prior to moving to Karakura, I have always desired to work and delicate my skills to a place where they would be appreciated and put to great use. Joining KHS staff would be a dream come true. This is why I have mainly moved to Karakura from my home in Tokachi. I have always had this dream to be a star chef working in a healthy environment. This would also be a great way to put my people skills to good use! Another motivation is that i have had the dream of working in an environment that has appreciation to my skills. This is why I am more then motivated to join KHS as a chef! I am more then hopeful that I could make KHS a safer and better place, And healthier to with my amazing culinary skills! This is a part of my life that I am willing and able to take. I have prepared for this my whole life. When I received a letter from my stepsister detailing that there was a school in need of a chef, I knew spontaneously that I was the one ment for the job. Its all about taking risks to improve. As one of my favorite quotes I practically live by states, "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take!" -Wayne Gretzky

Do you have any previous experience working in a school environment? If so, please elaborate (If not, respond with "N/A"):

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:

I believe that I, Being Faelon Mochizuki, Should be accepted over the other applicants applying for the job of KHS chef. I have a great talent at working and communicating with individuals. Even if they are being naughty, I shall handle them in the most appropriate way possible. I am very merciful but am strict and firm when required to be. I show a sign of grace and confidence every step I take. I believe that a good environment with a cheerful and loving chef and staff is a great quality to have. And of course the freshly prepared dishes served at the cafeteria too! A goal i have created for myself is to inspire the kids of karakura high school just as I have been inspired by my peers and loved ones. I want to make the school a better place where the students are willing to learn and feel like they are in a safe environment. It would be amazing to see the students come and feel free to talk to me or whatever they need assistance with, I am here. I feel that the students and myself will have an amazing opportunity to show and express themselves and their interests. This job is not only for my experience, It is to pass on these experiences with others who are willing to listen. Showing off my talent and skills working with the students of KHS is also why i should be accepted above all. I believe everyone has a fair chance at getting accepted as a chef in the end. And if I do not get accepted it will only make me more humble to do better next time! There is always room for improvement as they say! I am willing to take feedback if given and will be open minded of my surroundings. I speak from my heart, therefore I will not be intimidated by anything thrown in my way.


/*You may leave this blank*/

Additional notes about your application:

The Events of the Tokachi Earthquake Mentioned in the backstory, was a real event that took place in 2003 by the way. I have put a great deal of research into this Application to make it as realistic and accurate as possible!
And just so no one gets the wrong idea that i misspelled hello, She usually says Hullo instead!
My application may be short, But I believe it is quality over quantity.

Do you have any questions?:
Last edited:


Level 343
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your application! Welcome to the School Employee faction.
What happens now?
Once you have been given your roles in the Academics Discord where you can access materials for your role, you may request the in-game tag with an Admin+.

* If you have further questions, feel free to contact me via the employee channels in Academics Discord.

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