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Bluu's Police Application.

Carson Lee

Level 2
IGN (In Game Name): AltuhCantPVP

Previous bans:
1, I was very stupid and made a mistake, will not happen in the future.

Describe your activity on the server:
On the SchoolRP Minecraft server, I am very active, I am on all days a week, approx. 7-9 hours each day. Sometimes I might not be online due to homework, studying, etc.. I hope to be active as much as possible.

Do you have Discord? Yes, Altuh#2096

Do you have a microphone? No

List your current and past applications: None.

What is your motivation for applying?: When I was a bit younger I always wanted to be a Police Officer, I would ask my parents if I could ever become one I was just so eager to become a Police Officer. And up till now, I still want to become a Police Officer and it has always been my dream job. I feel like it would be really cool to get a feel of it in SchoolRP.

Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct? I do.

What are the Police ranks?
Head Lieutenant
Vice Head Lieutenant
Patrol officers

What knowledge do you have of Police Work.
I don't have much knowledge of Police work mainly due to the fact that I have never been involved in the Police Force and never really have talked about it. I really hope to learn and live the life of a Police Officer in SchoolRP and get a good experience. I shall not just gain knowledge from becoming a Police Officer, but I shall also handle crimes and GangRP. I also want to become a Police Officer in real life so this would be good to see roughly what it is like.

Why are Police important to SchoolRP? Police are important in order to maintain peace in the SchoolRP server. They, stop crimes, assault, homicides, self abuse and many more to be listed. It is very important that police are in the server because it isn't a member of staff's job to deal with these crimes, etc. And that is why Police Officers are important in the SchoolRP Minecraft server.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject of being demoted if accepted at any given time? I do.

Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?
My characters name is, Carson Smith, he is 26 years of age and can be very strict at needed moments. He stands at a height of 6'2" and is very muscular. He is always willing to meet new people and connect with them. He is very unique to any Police Officer because he will do anything to help his friends, family and civilians. His life is becoming a Police Officer and wants the job not to abuse his power, but to maintain peace within the world.

What he's like on the and off the job? On and off the job, Carson is very confident and willing. He will always make sure whatever tasks lay ahead that they will always be completed, he will reach his goals. He is capable of looking after himself off the job but a helping hand is always accepted. On the job, Carson likes to make sure everyone is happy. He looks ahead for others and wants to help out always, like every Police Officer should do.

Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future? Carson will always look up at his co-workers taking inspiration and always trying his best and keeping notes. He is very fond of his co-workers, because he loves to have someone beside him helping him, despite the mistakes he may make, Carson will always try his absolute hardest to learn from them. For the future Carson does not really have any plans, he wants to be in the Police for as long as he can and then hopefully live a long, happy, and a rollercoaster of a life.

Carson Smith was born and raised in the United Kingdom, Wales. From a young age he lived with his parents and brother. He would always play with his toy Police cars when a young one. His first school was Linddlw nursery, he would later on lose his Dad in a car crash and miss parts of school due to family issues. He later moved into a Primary School and got through that like any other child his age. At the age of 12, High school didn't treat him nicely. He would get bullied for practically everything about him. (His height, how big his nose is, anything you could possibly think of). He had one main friend in High school, it was his best friend Joseph. Joseph was a very talented writer, speaker and overall was an amazing student. His family then ended up becoming poor after his mum losing her job and 15 year old Carson wanted to make a difference. At the age of 18, Carson Lee moved to Karakura in Japan to achieve his hope of becoming a Police Officer. He went to college to get an A-Level in Criminology and Law and then carried on to university to get a degree in Criminal Justice and Criminology. And now wants to become a Police Officer in Karakura.

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Full Name:
Carson Smith
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr
Given Name(s): Carson
Preferred Name: Carson
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: Atheist
Marital Status: Single
Nationality: British
Current Location: Karajura, Japan.

SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training:
2 years
Working Experience: 5 years

Academic Degree: Criminology, and Criminal Justice

Year of Graduation: 2018
Major(s): Criminology
Minor(s): Criminal Justice

Native Languages: //
Other Languages: //
Last edited:


Level 185
News Lead
-After a vote held between officers, the conclusion is that you are fit for the role as P.O.
Welcome to the force, cadet!

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