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bmblxbee | Priest Application


Level 12
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IGN (In-Game Name):
bmblxbee (applying on)
Zoey159 (main)

What is your discord username?:
beeloved. | my display name is bee

What is your timezone?:

Describe your activity on the server:
During the summer, I had an unholy amount of freetime and was on rather frequently! Unfortunately, school has since started, and so my active hours have had to be reduced…. Luckily for this faction, I’m still rather active; on any given day, I can manage anywhere from 2-8 hours online. . It all just depends on what I have going on!

~9:30am - ~11:00pm
Free time; All day!
10:00am - 4:00pm
4:30pm - ~11:00pm
Free time + Coursework
9:00am - 4/5:00pm
4/5:00pm - 11:00pm
Free time!
~9:30am - 2:00pm
Free time!
2:00pm - 4:00pm
4:30pm - ~11:00pm
Free time + Coursework
9:00am - 5:00pm
5:30pm - ~11:00pm
Free time + Coursework
~9:30am - ~11:00pm
Free time; All day!
~9:30am - ~11:00pm
Free time; All day!

Currently, I hold only one other role on the server: on my main, I'm the Council faction's college president. This faction alone requires me to remain active and engaged, which I do. Despite the responsibilities I hold within that faction, I will have no issue remaining active on my alt account, and within the Shrine faction! Balancing my activity between both will be no issue; in fact, it may cause me to be more active, if anything! Should I require time off, the faction lead will absolutely be made aware, and a log will be put in.

List your current roles on the server:
  • PRIMARY: [College][B][President] Euterpe Crane
  • SECONDARY: [Grade-8] Chiha Nekotani
  • SECONDARY: [Grade-12] Bee Maisel
  • SECONDARY: Empty!
  • PRIMARY: [Grade-12] Nami Amenomori
  • SECONDARY: [Grade-11] Ieshige Kamibayashiyama
I will be switching Nami to my 2nd slot, should I be accepted.

Link any previous applications:

What position are you applying for (Maiden or Priest)?
I’m applying for one of the available Priest positions.

What is your motivation for applying?
Much like my character, as you will read later, I need a change.

Throughout my entire time here on SRP, I’ve never once held an out-of-school role. Which is saying something, because I’ve been here for, what, two years? Three? I’ve worked my way through the various student roles, trying out for teams (viciously failing those), joining clubs, and applying for the Student Council, of which I’m happily one of the reigning presidents.

But never an ‘adult’ role or faction!

I suppose I’m partially to blame for it; I’m rather picky. I considered one of the law-y factions, but I just never felt a gut calling. I’ve considered and even written up applications for both KPD and EMS, but never really had the guts to submit them, whether that be out of fear of the selection process or just general uninterest. Shopkeeper I applied for a couple times, and will be refining my application to make it just right for the future.

But the Shrine faction has stood out the most, if I really think about it. I think it’s kind of overlooked, really… Not enough people talk about it, and even less participate in it. But I’ve never heard anything bad about it. In fact, all of the people I’ve spoken to have talked it up! And I really want the shot at participating within it. I applied previously, and got denied. . Which was probably deserved. I could have put more effort into it, I’ll be the first to admit that. And so I’m now applying again, with the hope of it finally sticking.

I suppose I want the opportunity to talk to different people, and to engage in a different type of roleplay. Being a student’s fun, don’t get me wrong, but it’s awfully restricting. You can only do certain things, and roleplay certain ways. Really, I think I need a different set of restrictions. Something different, something fun. And I firmly believe Shrine can offer that to me. The people within it are wonderful, and the concepts of working around the place and engaging in the exclusive roleplay that happens there absolutely draws my eye! I want to be able to engage with the Shrine itself from a different lens and role.

Deep down, I also want the opportunity to roleplay a different kind of character, one that only the Shrine can offer me. I’ve been working on the character that I’m applying with for quite some time now, and this faction is the perfect place for him.

Sooooo. . Yeah! TLDR: I need a change, need a different set of roleplay lenses, and a different character. xx

What do you currently know about Shintoism? Are you willing to learn more about it?
But no means do I know everything there is to know about Shintoism itself – I’m far from being an expert! But I have educated myself on a thing or two.
  • Shintoism is, in itself, an ancient religion founded in Japan. Many of the beliefs within Shintoism are founded in the natural world – it’s believed that deities/spirits known as Kami are found within nature. I suppose this classifies it as polytheistic.
  • The Kami inhibit nearly everything, from things within nature, to landscapes and locations themselves.
  • There are many ideals held within this religion, but one of the biggest is the idea of purity. This ideal stems from the concept of good and evil; pure and impure. It’s believed that all beings are born pure, and that it’s our actions that lead us to become impure … That sort of thing. You’ll find many different purification rituals that you can perform to rid yourself of impurities – in fact, right before entering the monastery, you need to perform one of them!
  • Like many other religions, there are plenty of Rites of Passage. One common one actually occurs at weddings: those who follow the religion pronounce their wedding vows to the Kami. Outside of that, many tend to be age related.
  • Shintoism certainly doesn’t lack in the holiday department either, considering they have plenty of festivals and ceremonies throughout the year.
  • I’d argue a big part of the religion also has to deal with structures, like many others. Torii gates are something we can see all over Karakura (and Japan!), as well as purifying wells known as temizuya. The monastery is considered a structure, and there are various shrines located allll around.
Like I said earlier, I’m not an expert: I have much to learn! I’m more than willing to learn more about Shintoism.

Character Full Name:
‘ My name is Ieshige Kamibayashiyama. ‘

Character Title:
‘ Mr., though I’d prefer just my name. . ‘

Character Age:
‘ As of now, I’m twenty-eight. ‘

Character Marital Status:
‘ Single. ‘

Character Nationality:
‘ Japanese. ‘

Degree/Certifications (If applicable):
‘ Attached is my university transcript. ‘
University of Tokyo - Associates in Legal Studies
University of Tokyo - Minor in Religious Studies
Kyoto University - Law Program

‘ I type better than I speak. . I do apologize. ‘
Ieshige Kamibayashiyama, I, was born within the Nagano prefecture to a middle-class family. We didn’t vacation every year, but I had a stable roof over my head, and meals thrice daily. I was educated within my town's local school district, and socialized in various clubs throughout my time. Most notably was music -- I play the bamboo flute.

Ever since I was young, I’ve held a fondness for my culture and religion. Every Wednesday and Saturday, my Ma would take me up to one of the nearby monasteries, the one that was only a short ride from our home. It was a twice-weekly trip for worship, of course, but I always found myself roped into doing something around the grounds. I cannot lie, the lifestyle lived within those grounds was something I always found myself longing for. It was, in simple words, beautiful. Wake up, tend to the grounds, pray, eat your meals, sleep. . Repeat. Truly, who wouldn't love such a devoted lifestyle? Especially when you get to share it with the rest of the community.

Unfortunately for me, my parents didn’t agree. Upon my secondary school graduation, I was pushed into college; forced into finding a respectable career that would do me some good. So, I went for law; too soft to be a policeman, too squeamish to be a doctor. Besides, at least I’d be learning something important there, right? Learning right from wrong, what to do and what not to do. . Ten years spent balancing a part-time job, schooling, programs and apprenticeships. Those are ten years I'll never get back, ten years utterly wasted.

I’d just finished my apprenticeship in a law firm when Karakura caught my eye. I moved to find a job in the law industry here, but. . I just never went through with the interviews. I cannot bear to live a life full of regret. I visited the monastery here on my very first day, and I fell in love. I fell in love with the scenery, with the buildings; the people within the grounds, and the opportunity to do a job I would never regret. And so, here I am submitting an application.

How does your character act around shrine grounds? How do they interact with guests and other staff?
Ieshige is. . Careful. He isn’t an overly social being, but by no means is he disrespectful. He treats the shrine grounds as they should be treated: respectfully, carefully, fully knowing how sacred they are. He tends to things he may see to be off, an overturned pot here, dirty stones there. He ensures the gardens aren’t overrun by weeds, and that children aren’t running around all crazed and wild. Every morning and every night he prays to the kami, thanking them for what they may have offered throughout the day. Ieshige makes sure that offerings get offered, and that the place is generally tidy.

But with people. . Sheesh, he’s a whole different story! I said earlier that he wasn’t overly social, and that may be an understatement. He doesn’t dislike being in others’ presence, he’ll happily stand within a group and observe. But he isn’t chatty. If he’s asked something, he’ll respond. If ritual words need to be spoken, he will speak them. But small talk? Boy, who’s she?! It isn’t something he firmly grasps or cares for. He doesn’t understand why anybody would want to fill the air with useless chatter. Don’t others enjoy the peace and quiet? No, just him?

Not very chatty, but not disrespectful. Unless somebody crosses him in a way that causes him to lose respect for them, he treats everybody equally and how he’d want to be treated. Fellow staff members and guests alike!

You see a guest jumping around the roofs of the building and overall disrespecting shrine grounds, how would your character handle it?
Well, well, well. . Misbehavior within the shrine! That’s not something Ieshige appreciates, now is it? Should he see anybody disrespecting the grounds, he’ll happily tell them to knock it off. They shouldn’t be treating the shrine like they are, no?

‘ You – yes, you. Just why are you jumping around on our beautiful buildings? They were just redone, you know. . Step down, please; these are sacred grounds, you ought to treat them as such. This disrespect isn’t welcome. . ‘ - probably Ieshige.

He won’t yell at somebody. . That isn’t in his blood! He doesn’t have the heart to do such a thing. But he’ll certainly tell them off. This kind of behavior is utterly unacceptable, and by no means can it continue. Really, who on Earth are they to disrespect the grounds? Should they listen, he’ll have them swear to never do such a thing again. If they go back on that promise, or don’t listen to him, well. . Perhaps a lifelong ban from their grounds should be considered. . .

Kidding. Or, perhaps he’s not. We’ll never know.

Why does your character want to become a shrine maiden/priest?
Ieshige Kamibayashiyama needs a change.

He’s a man who’s always been devoted to the kami, who’s spent the entirety of his life lost in his devotion, and who plans to spend the rest of it lost, too.

Unfortunately for him, his parents had other plans; while many parents would find dedicating your life to a monastery to be an absolute honor, Ieshige’s did not. They wanted a different life for him, a successful one. They wanted him to become a doctor, a lawyer, perhaps an officer of the law. Something that would earn him a lot of money, and allow them to retire from their own jobs early. And so, straight out of secondary school, they pushed him into a pristine university to study.

He studied law, finding it to be the most interesting out of his options given. He was too kindhearted to work as an officer, he thought, and far too squeamish to become a doctor. Psychiatry was a close option, but once again his kind heart took over. Besides, at least he’d be learning something beneficial with law. . Studying the laws of Japan and it’s many prefectures, what to do and what not to do. Things to keep him out of trouble. But, as the Mitsue-Shiro can attest to with the knowledge of his application, law didn’t stick. He graduated, yes, and was even in the top 5% of his class. But he couldn’t bring himself to finish any job interviews, or even attend them, for that matter. Ieshige simply couldn’t bear it; how could he force himself into a life he would hate? Into a job that would bring him no pleasure, no joy, and instead dig him into a well of despair?

Where’s his self preservation?

Job interviews brought him to Karakura, considering the rate of their illegal activities, and indirectly brought him to the Shinsei Seinaru Monastery. See, he’d visited the shrine on his very first day. He went there to clear his head, to pray. But instead, he fell in love. He fell in love with the history, the scenery, the architecture and buildings. . Ieshige fell further into love with the idea of lifelong devotion. And now here he is, submitting his Priest application. While others may serve the shrine as a placeholder, or as an easy way out of the stereotypical life, Ieshige wishes to serve for different reasons. This isn't the easy way out for him, quite the latter, actually; this is the path that will drive a wedge between him and his family, his lifeline, and throw the routine he'd previously lived far off. But, it will also provide him with a new lifeline, and one he desperately needs.

Ieshige Kamibayashiyama needs a change from his previous life; he needs to devote himself once more to the kami, body and soul.
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