IGN: _Saltyyy_
VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Pink Boba & 2 Pink Coco Chanel Hangbags
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I Right clicked my boba onto the floor and it turned to a glitched block- as for the bats I forgot to make an app way back when but they both turned to bats when I right clicked them while I had both in hand. (This time i'll leave the items in my inven so they can be disposed up please and thank you.)
VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Pink Boba & 2 Pink Coco Chanel Hangbags
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I Right clicked my boba onto the floor and it turned to a glitched block- as for the bats I forgot to make an app way back when but they both turned to bats when I right clicked them while I had both in hand. (This time i'll leave the items in my inven so they can be disposed up please and thank you.)