Level 38
Player Information
What is your Minecraft username?:
BoyfriendXML / StonerGoat
Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
How old are you?:
What is your time zone?:
Describe your activity on the server:
Overall I have been going online every moment I can at times in the afternoon on days I am fully free while I am in college in real life and at night, which I personally believe would benefit the server in getting wanted accessories for those who spend more time on the server in later times. Nonetheless, I am very constantly online roleplaying as my very first character, Azrael Dae, a character I continued to rewrite and a character that has changed since the old days of Takeshima. A character that's had a long break and a character that has looked for his own help outside of Karakura.
Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
No. I have never been banned.
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
I fully acknowledge that if I am inactive I will be demoted, as this is common sense for every kind of role on the server.
Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
Accepted Applications
Denied Applications
What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):
[ALT] BoyfriendXML (The account I plan on using.)
Shop Information
What shop are you applying for?:
Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?:
I would like to become a shopkeeper of the server because I have had multiple instances of experiences where I have roleplayed as one, and I believe I am still capable of owning a shop while utilizing that experience as well as some real life experience working. There are many people on the server at later times in the day/night where there are little to no people online. Most times, the shops will be closed, but I believe with my current motivations I would be capable of opening one at both those times and in the day depending on the schedule.
I'd also like my character to plan his future accordingly especially after keeping him off the server for awhile. As he graduated college and moved away from Karakura for a bit to see how he would develop moving towards his decision in opening a shop in the city. After college he had a strengthened knowledge of business that he would not utilize, although he'd keep it in mind for a few years as he gained experience as a manager elsewhere in Japan, while he'd do his best to rebuild his mental strength to finally quit and return to his roots.
What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:
My current plans with the shop consist of utilizing its current aesthetic as a small oriental shop that maintains a cozy attitude within. Though at first being dull and boring, letting it be an open door shop would be my main goal as my character would be generous in passing on the founder's legacy although he knows what little history the owner has -- He enjoys the idea of owning a traditionally cozy little store during the days and nights.
Although my character plans on reusing aspects of the shop, he would eventually want to change further things in the future whenever he pleases, perhaps slice of life means of change as he'd likely want to make the inside a little easier to navigate with linear shelves in the inside, albeit keeping the registers' aesthetic completely as they look a bit realistic like many other small accessory stores in Japan. Of course, he would need to empty out and clean out the more personal aspects of the building as the previous owner has left. But leaving room with a old shop with plenty of opportunity would leave Azrael motivation to tidy up the place even better and add his personal aspects to the building.
Why will you use the same design in contrast to changing it completely?
He would understand that failing to live up to these social expectations is what leads to shame in the current society, and perhaps going as far as changing almost everything to fit his own needs from the outside may make him feel like he is disrespecting the previous owner, in which he would love to try his best in keeping the shop in its best condition while changing what needs to be changed.
What will you sell in your shop? How will such items be delivered?:
Azrael, the shop owner, plans on selling similar accessories that have been sold within the shop, but will introduce the sale of cellular devices in the case he sees others who live without a device, other than that, ensuring stock goes out to the public safely and thoroughly at least everyday would be his primary plan as he'd hire people to work in with him. He would ensure only the people who respect the work environment aspect and someone who respects the rules as someone capable of delivering wonderful customer service to residents, students and everyone alike. Perhaps the possibility of adding custom and unique items such as unisex jewelry that all people could wear, perhaps even selling bracelets and necklaces that reflect close relationships. This may be a big possibility to bring more traction towards the shop's goal in being a successful, little shop in the town of Karakura.
Examples of Items
How many employees do you plan to have? How will the hiring process work?:
Azrael's staff will consist of chosen applicants that are interviewed based on the application's information such as; Work Experience, Skills, Personal Information, and maybe even ask questions such as how the applicant may have dealt with certain situations to find the ideal employees and managers for his establishment.
His staff consists of;
4 x Cashiers
Preferably two cashiers working and switching out with the other two. Two cashiers should be online during appropriate times and more. An easy position to fill when carrying the right requirements to push through as a worker.
2 x Managers
Managers will be responsible in collecting money and ensuring inventory to make sure everything has been sold properly so that everyone gets equally paid.
1 x Shop Owner
Shop owner (Azrael) will distribute pay bi-weekly to ensure everything is aligned with a constructed payroll in order for all managers and cashiers are compensated properly.
What is your Minecraft username?:
BoyfriendXML / StonerGoat
Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
How old are you?:
What is your time zone?:
Describe your activity on the server:
Overall I have been going online every moment I can at times in the afternoon on days I am fully free while I am in college in real life and at night, which I personally believe would benefit the server in getting wanted accessories for those who spend more time on the server in later times. Nonetheless, I am very constantly online roleplaying as my very first character, Azrael Dae, a character I continued to rewrite and a character that has changed since the old days of Takeshima. A character that's had a long break and a character that has looked for his own help outside of Karakura.
Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
No. I have never been banned.
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
I fully acknowledge that if I am inactive I will be demoted, as this is common sense for every kind of role on the server.
Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
Accepted Applications’s-3d-modelling-application.45653/’s-height-application.39984/
DaddyBarlos's College Professor Application
Basic Information What is your Minecraft Username?: DaddyBarlos How old are you?: I am 17 years old. Do you have any previous bans?: No. I do not have any bans. What Country are you from?: I am from the United States. Do you have Discord (if so, what is your discord username?): I do have a...
[ACCEPTED] GoatRP's Shop 7 Application
IGN: GoatRP Previous applications: Spanish Language[ACCEPTED] Kazuo’s Dual Wielding Knowledge[ACCEPTED] Korean Language[ACCEPTED] Ocarina Application[DENIED] Carlos’ Singing Voice[ACCEPTED] Carlos’ Contacts and Defective Eyesight[ACCEPTED] Previous warns/kicks/bans: Kicked/Warned by...
Accepted - Barlocide's School Mentor Application
[OOC section] In-Game Name: Barlocide [Typeicide] School Employee Role you are Applying For: I will be applying for School Mentor. How often do you log onto the server?: 8-10 hours a day depending on what I am doing. Do you have discord? Yes. And I have joined the Karakura Academics discord...
Denied Applications
What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):
[ALT] BoyfriendXML (The account I plan on using.)
Shop Information
What shop are you applying for?:
Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?:
I would like to become a shopkeeper of the server because I have had multiple instances of experiences where I have roleplayed as one, and I believe I am still capable of owning a shop while utilizing that experience as well as some real life experience working. There are many people on the server at later times in the day/night where there are little to no people online. Most times, the shops will be closed, but I believe with my current motivations I would be capable of opening one at both those times and in the day depending on the schedule.
I'd also like my character to plan his future accordingly especially after keeping him off the server for awhile. As he graduated college and moved away from Karakura for a bit to see how he would develop moving towards his decision in opening a shop in the city. After college he had a strengthened knowledge of business that he would not utilize, although he'd keep it in mind for a few years as he gained experience as a manager elsewhere in Japan, while he'd do his best to rebuild his mental strength to finally quit and return to his roots.
What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:
My current plans with the shop consist of utilizing its current aesthetic as a small oriental shop that maintains a cozy attitude within. Though at first being dull and boring, letting it be an open door shop would be my main goal as my character would be generous in passing on the founder's legacy although he knows what little history the owner has -- He enjoys the idea of owning a traditionally cozy little store during the days and nights.
Although my character plans on reusing aspects of the shop, he would eventually want to change further things in the future whenever he pleases, perhaps slice of life means of change as he'd likely want to make the inside a little easier to navigate with linear shelves in the inside, albeit keeping the registers' aesthetic completely as they look a bit realistic like many other small accessory stores in Japan. Of course, he would need to empty out and clean out the more personal aspects of the building as the previous owner has left. But leaving room with a old shop with plenty of opportunity would leave Azrael motivation to tidy up the place even better and add his personal aspects to the building.
Why will you use the same design in contrast to changing it completely?
As Azrael grew throughout the years moving intensely from Takeshima, all the way to Karakura, and then quietly in Kyoto to escape and strengthen his mental and financial mind, Azrael would grow accustomed to the idea of respecting one's values so as long as they are morally correct. As he learns of the traditional idea of respect within Japanese culture, he would honor any of the previous owners and ensure that the store looks the same on the outside than it does in the inside. Seeing the amount of disrespect within the city of Karakura nowadays, Azrael would utilize these learnings to hold on to as many values the old owner had carried by emphasizing the simple big level of respect that one could easily make friends with a stranger and become closer and closer, all while he'd practice public propriety — by showing a proper face in public as expected socially.He would understand that failing to live up to these social expectations is what leads to shame in the current society, and perhaps going as far as changing almost everything to fit his own needs from the outside may make him feel like he is disrespecting the previous owner, in which he would love to try his best in keeping the shop in its best condition while changing what needs to be changed.
What will you sell in your shop? How will such items be delivered?:
Azrael, the shop owner, plans on selling similar accessories that have been sold within the shop, but will introduce the sale of cellular devices in the case he sees others who live without a device, other than that, ensuring stock goes out to the public safely and thoroughly at least everyday would be his primary plan as he'd hire people to work in with him. He would ensure only the people who respect the work environment aspect and someone who respects the rules as someone capable of delivering wonderful customer service to residents, students and everyone alike. Perhaps the possibility of adding custom and unique items such as unisex jewelry that all people could wear, perhaps even selling bracelets and necklaces that reflect close relationships. This may be a big possibility to bring more traction towards the shop's goal in being a successful, little shop in the town of Karakura.
Examples of Items
How many employees do you plan to have? How will the hiring process work?:
Azrael's staff will consist of chosen applicants that are interviewed based on the application's information such as; Work Experience, Skills, Personal Information, and maybe even ask questions such as how the applicant may have dealt with certain situations to find the ideal employees and managers for his establishment.
His staff consists of;
4 x Cashiers
Preferably two cashiers working and switching out with the other two. Two cashiers should be online during appropriate times and more. An easy position to fill when carrying the right requirements to push through as a worker.
2 x Managers
Managers will be responsible in collecting money and ensuring inventory to make sure everything has been sold properly so that everyone gets equally paid.
1 x Shop Owner
Shop owner (Azrael) will distribute pay bi-weekly to ensure everything is aligned with a constructed payroll in order for all managers and cashiers are compensated properly.
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