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Brandon "Eight" Kekantsu || Biography 2


Level 37

Basic information:

~Brandon "Eight" Kekantsu~ Infront of you stands a 6'3 feet male with blue eyes, he'd be 24 years old and the college captain of the baseball team. The blue strype in his hair resembles his spartan pride and how much he cared for his team and spartan friends. The number 8 would be tatooed on his right hand upon inspecting his chest it'd become clear that he had a scar made by a blade how this got here remains unknown, he could also often be spotted making youtube videos!

General Appearance
Brandon would be at a height of 6'3 feet together with this he'd have extremely muscular arms and abs. He would also be wearring glasses and carrying a baseball bag over his shoulder very often. Brandon would be very kind to most of the people that he meets. He would not like to hurt anyone unless this was nescessary. He does however get very protective towards the ones he cares about most. His voice would sound charming.

The spartan captain, has an athletic build with a passion for sports, previously a member of the swim-team, he quickly found himself looking for new things, like the baseball team, where he has been for the last 2 years playing baseball, his friends like to call him eight from time to time, which is his preferred title, as this referrs to his youtube channel where he makes a lot of good content! ( The_8eight - YouTube ) He can mostly be spotted wearing his spartan uniform of the team to show off his spartan pride again! If not that then he'd wear the jacked of his proudly owned corporation: The misfits corp. itself!








Brandon who was born in Belgium in 2002, had a very easy life with his sisters and his parents called wim Kekantsu Janet Kekantsu Sarah Kekantsu and his twin Scarlet Kekantsu. He was always a highscoring student in both pre- and highschool. His friends would look up at him as this kid who only cares about good grades and nothing else. This all changed however when Brandon wanted to move to a different country in order to go to a different school so he could find a harder challenge for himself as he found himself relaxed most of the time instead of studying. He'd also always feel like classes were very boring as everything the teachers told him were or useless in his opinion or he already read about it or he had studied the exact same thing before. So once he was 18 and decided to leave the house to go to a different country his sister Sarah and his parents Wim and Janet followed due to them being both very supportive of him and overprotective. When the day arrived where he had to choose where to go to school to he landed on a highschool and community college in Karukara upon spotting this and doing further research over it's history he would only find positive things and the next week they were on a plane straight to Japan. Upon entering Karukara he would come a cross a lot of different activities from sports to clubs to even lawtype activities Though whilst he wasn't interested at first, he quickly came around to join a ton of sports. It didn't take long before he became a huge fan of swimming, volleyball and baseball. Though sticking to the nerdy title he received from his previous highschool friends he didn't want to put his sport-skills to the test and rather stick to his grades. This however would change as soon as he graduated to college: in one of the early days of his bachelor membership he would imediatly get into the swim-team. As much as this hyped him up he soon realised you could only be in one team at a time so he had to chose between either the baseball-team, the swim-team or the volleyball team. He later chose the baseball-team as this was his favorite sport. This is also where Brandon has made a ton of new friends and even a best friend. Around this time at his 20th birthday he would receive a present from his mom. Not expecting anything big he'd open up the cardboard box and would be surprised noticing the box itself was moving! When he opened the box a beautifull black-white colored cat would jump out. The cat would have a tiny beard together with a black mask formed by the patterns of his black-white furr which kind of made him look like a character who goes by the name of "Zorro". Because of this the cat was imediatly called Zorro by it's new owner. These 2 would become amazing friends in the future and would become inseperatable.Brandon lives happily with his loved once in Karukara and is greatfull for his parents letting him move to Japan.

Upon moving to Japan Brandon would find himself in the yakuza, this went on untill he almost lost his life at the hands of Kishi where he now has a left over scar on his chest from one of the naginata's. After the events of what took down that night, Brandon took an oath to never fight crime anymore, as he joined the yakuza only to help them destroy all other gangs! This led to him being inspired to be a cop one day, getting one internship after the other, going up in the ranks in school from bachelor all the way up to PHD creating a public figure for himself, leading to him checking out new teams, one of them being baseball, where he'd stay in for a very long time in the end becoming the captian, looking out for the team as if his own family!

However this didn't come with challenges, the gang war wasn't the only trauma he went through, it was a close relative to him who caused him to break his trust with humanity, slipping behind his back trying to get him into trouble, but mostly, trying to kill him... This marked the end of Brandon's trust, even sharking it for a little while with the team, untill one day he tried again, he tried getting closer and closer, untill one day it would happen again, ending in Brandon trying to get falsely diagnosed with depression in hopes of being able to feel happy again with this medication, he hopes to one day regain his trust, but in this moment in time, the baseball team is all that he has

Later his family moved back to Belgium believing it to have been a waste of time, leaving Brandon and his cat, all alone by himself in Karakura.

This story is about a captain who has lost everything close to him, but the team he is in.


"life is like a baseball it's round and it has endless possibilities of how it should be played or thrown"

"hitting a bobcat is great but hitting a baseball is even better!"

"you don't need bitches when you have homeruns!"

"I ain't got no home to run to anymore so I'll just run to the next base!"

Note from brandon:


Brandon "EIGHT" Kekantsu
[ADULT] Janet Kekantsu
[GRADE-10][JOURNALIST] Sarah Kekantsu
[Lawyer] Daigatsu Kekantsu
[Cat] Zorro



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Level 104
When he opened the box a beautifull black-white colored cat would jump out.
ZORRO IS SO CUTE! [Kumiko met Zorro]
Upon moving to Japan Brandon would find himself in the yakuza, this went on untill he almost lost his life at the hands of Kishi where he now has a left over scar on his chest from one of the naginata's. After the events of what took down that night, Brandon took an oath to never fight crime anymore,
As I'm reading this I'm trying to process the fact that he is literally a male version of Kumi, they are so similar XD
as he joined the yakuza only to help them destroy all other gangs!
This is so similar to Kumiko's gang life backstory wtfff XD
he hopes to one day regain his trust, but in this moment in time, the baseball team is all that he has
ight bro ight, i want to hug this character, this is so sad :(
leaving Brandon and his cat, all alone by himself in Karakura.
NOOO </3 zorro is so cool tho ong, some people kinda suck at times, so i'd wanna be alone with the kitty too! XD

I love this biography so much, I can't wait to read future edits homie!


Level 37
Thread starter
ZORRO IS SO CUTE! [Kumiko met Zorro]

As I'm reading this I'm trying to process the fact that he is literally a male version of Kumi, they are so similar XD

This is so similar to Kumiko's gang life backstory wtfff XD

ight bro ight, i want to hug this character, this is so sad :(

NOOO </3 zorro is so cool tho ong, some people kinda suck at times, so i'd wanna be alone with the kitty too! XD

I love this biography so much, I can't wait to read future edits homie!

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