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Bring Back AU Events!


Level 10
What's your Minecraft Username?: yozb
What's the title of your suggestion?: Bring Back AU Events!

What's your suggestion?:
Bring back SRP's AU events!

A long time ago, SRP use to host AU (Alternate Universe) events. Players were able to bring their characters to an alternate reality of Karakura (via the event server), in which normally-unrealistic scenarios were brought to life. (For instance, the Zombie Outbreak AU Event, or the Purge AU Event). It's been over 2 years since we've had an AU event: They were incredibly fun and its sad to see them out of the scene for so long.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
Give the players something fresh to look forward to! These events were always excitingly ambitious and allowed players to engage in them way more than typical events do.


Level 29
I think it would be cool if they were brought back, at least once a year, as a treat. Heck, the events proxy still exists (the NPC to access it is hidden down the stairs at the hub), so I don't think they were ever meant to disappear completely.

That being said, I do think that SRP's improving "mainline" events needs to be given priority. I do not mean to bash on the Events team, as I am sure running an event is a lot of work, but a custom build and some shopkeepers visiting does not an event make. Give us stories to engage us!


Level 166
Community Team
Lore Team
You are always welcomed to give your ideas about AU Events / Events in general to any Event Member or the Coordinator!


Level 194
I would love to see more of the AU events as I have missed the chance to attend any when they did happen, but they may bring them back eventually if the general event server has not been removed.


Level 61
Event Team
If you have any ideas you wish to be talked about within event team, feel free to DM me! I'm all ears for events, also do apply for event team too!


Level 21
Community Team
Event Team
Lowkey I've never seen the event server used during my entire time here.
Must be rare.
But I feel you, I'd love to see it used.
I'll throw an AU idea around that sounds generally similar in theme to the ones you've mentioned and see what happens!

AU events, it would seem to me, are very rich for opportunities to give folks a story they can engage with/new opportunities for RP.


Level 143
I remember one time where there was a survival games event where everybody got dropped on an island after a cruise ship crashed and it was a fight to the death between everyone's beloved characters (i camped the escape plane with my friend and ensured that survivor number was as low as possible). my favorite part is when they gave everyone access to the /gamemode command in order to give everyone survival, and I used my heightened intelligence 200IQ giga chad brain to /gamemode creative and give my friend and I a bunch of OP items (like notch apples). and nobody suspected a thing B^)

there was also the zombie apocalypse event, where even though my friend was a survivor he somehow got his hands on a police drone strike and accidentally used it inside of the survivors' rescue zone, killing the few remaining players near the end of the event.

anyway yeah do these more


Level 137
I would love to play in an medieval or edo period Karakura! I'm sure that would create massive demands on the build team, so I lack confidence in suggesting it! But I'd like to experience an AU event too!

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