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Bruce J. Kennedy's Biography


Level 1
Basic Information

First Name: Bruce
Surname: Kennedy

Preferred Name: Bruce

Aliases: N/A

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Height: 6'1" (185 cm)

Weight: 187 lbs (85 Kilograms)

Build: Muscular, but nothing excessive.

Skin Color: Pale white, indicating a lack of direct sunlight.

Eye Color: Black

Hair Color: Black

Fashion: Bruce always opts for anything fitting. He likes ‘tactical,’ meaning his oversized trench coat that ripples due to his size and height, mixed with a black short-sleeve shirt and long cargo pants, although not hesitating to dress in fancy attires.

Abnormalities: None to the naked eye. He'd have a two big scars as diagonal lines on his back, intersecting to make the shape of an X.

Date of Birth: 11th of August, 2006

Place of Birth: Bucharest, Romania.

Nationality: Romanian

Race: White

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Religious Beliefs: While he has the orthodox belief in god, he has a tendency of thinking about things logically.

Political Beliefs: Bruce has no political beliefs or affiliations.

General Appearance

Appearance: He stands at 6'1" with his back straight and his shoulders behind him. He'd have a muscular, toned physique while having pale skin and usually bags around his eyes. His steps are quiet, you could walk in a hall with him behind you without noticing, he has great mastery of stealth despite his size. He tends to wear a trench coat over a compressed shirt, making sure he's ready for most events.

Personality: Teasing, he'd have quite a long attention span complimented by his usually quiet being, coming off as a good listener. Knowing lots about psychology, he's obviously not afraid to pull strings to get what he wants or needs, obviously meaning he's also ambitious overall.

Diseases/Illness: Chronic Insomnia.

Character Voice:
He has a deep voice, speaking with breaking rapport tonality, always making him sound certain.

He'd conceal a glock 17 in one of his pockets, quite well, really. He'd also carry a switchblade with him, also concealed. He'd also usually have his phone with him.

Clothes: He'd usually wear a huge trench coat above a black compressed shirt and some cargo pants.

Hobbies: He loves skydiving, loves anything that can give him an adrenaline rush, really.

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: He has an addiction for adrenaline, for feeling that he's in trouble, for being in tough situations.

Skills: Stealth- Having played lots of airsoft when he was little, he knows a lot about camoumflage and about being quiet.
Fighting- He's practiced several martial arts, he can perfectly use almost all martial arts.

Sniping- He knows a lot about sniper rifles, can zero a scope in less than 3 minutes perfectly due to his experience.

Quirks: Sometimes you'd catch him whispering to himself, or keeping voice logs in Latin.

Family: Bruce suffers from trauma inflicted by his mother, but his dad would be the one that'd protect him, and help him when he did need help while his mom would get drunk at night and apolagize by day, Bruce grew tired of the constant apologies that were immidiately voided night after night. Both his parents eventually died in a plane crash.

Backstory: Due to the history he has with his mother, he either gets anxious, aggressive or just spaces out when someone mentions the word 'mother'. By day, when his mom wasn't busy getting drunk and his father wasn't busy protecting him from his mother, he'd actually live a good life. However the hatred for his mother only grew as she told his father, who would trust her by day to make him work more academically, and his father would listen, Bruce only got more enraged due to the fact that he immidiately realised it was his mom telling his dad all this, probably because Bruce wouldn't listen to her. Growing up, his hatred for his mother only grew, even after the death of both his parents in a plane crash.

Bruce had to take care and maintain his father's company, which was looking good at the moment besides the fact that he now had to make sure everyone was doing the right thing, which was a bit hard because not many people would be able to seriously take a teenager as authority, but he never got mad or anything, because he knew them all. But he quickly got tired, and understood he wouldn't be able to live like this much longer, therefore he gave the company to his deceased father's friend, before leaving to Japan.

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