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Bryan Phineas Rogers Biography.


Level 0
Bryan Phineas Rogers

Screenshot 2024-07-23 162043.png

First Name:
Second Name :

Preferred Name:




5'10 / 180cm

154lbs / 69kg

Athletic Tone Build

Skin Color:

Eye Color:
Ocean Blue

Hair Style:
Wavy short hair.

Hair Color:
Dark Brown Hair

Has a glass right eye, a deep scar underneath.

Place of Birth:
USA Texas



Sexual Orientation:

Religious Beliefs:

Political Beliefs:
He thinks that a strong and capable leader would be able to bring this world to peace.


Bryan is a friendly and protective guy. He usually has a humorous personality making jokes wherever he goes. He tries to be passive most of the time and doesn't really care what people think about him.

He has ADHD.

Character Voice:
He has a Texas accent.

He usually carries his phone and a eyepatch.

Usually seen wearing his Jacket and red hoodie.
Wears a red, black and white track suit on occasions.
He also wears a black coat on occasions.

He loves swimming and cooking.

He can play guitar and drums. He also has a bit of a singing voice. He also knows how to cooking.

He makes jokes when he is uncomfortable and scared.


Father: Arthur Rogers
Mother: Rebecca Rogers
Step Mom: Honoka Shibori-Rogers
Sister: Samantha Rogers
Step Sister(He does not know about her): Adrienne Dianne Shibori-Rogers.


PART 1 : The boy who lost his eye.

Bryan's origins trace back to Texas, USA, where he was born. His father, a Texan, and his mother, originally from Los Angeles, relocated to LA shortly after Bryan's birth, settling into a pleasant neighborhood. Their early years were filled with joy, but tragedy soon struck. Bryan's mother, Rebecca Rogers, tragically lost her life when she inadvertently wandered into a dangerous area and encountered violence. Her death, caused by gunshot wounds to the chest and neck, left a profound impact on the family. Following Rebecca's death, Bryan's father, Arthur Rogers, underwent a transformation. Overcome with grief and struggling to cope, he became increasingly distant and prone to bouts of aggression. Bryan's older sister, Samantha Rogers, moved to New York City, seeking solace away from the turmoil brewing at home. Arthur's demeanor grew more unpredictable over time. Often returning home late, either inebriated or exhausted, he lashed out on one occasion when Bryan confronted him during a drunken outburst. In a fit of rage, he accidentally struck Bryan with a bottle, leaving a permanent scar across Bryan's right eye. The injury cost Bryan his vision in that eye, a loss he concealed from Samantha during her visits, attributing it to a simple accident. After a prolonged recovery in the hospital, Bryan returned home wearing an eyepatch. He was surprised to find his father preparing for a move to Japan, spurred by a newfound relationship and a desire to provide Bryan with a fresh start at Karakura High School.

PART 2 : The separation.
After bidding farewell to his friends in LA, Bryan and his father embarked on a journey to Japan. The transition was marked by Bryan's introduction to his soon-to-be stepmother, Honoka Shibori-Rogers, whose engagement to his father had prompted their move. Bryan noticed a stark change in his father's demeanor around Honoka—a facade of a man unfamiliar to Bryan, as if he were playing a role rather than being himself. Months passed, and Arthur decided to show Bryan around Karakura, the new city that would be Bryan's home. During their outing, Arthur provided Bryan with a sum of yen and arranged for his accommodation in Karakura, explaining that this might be their last meeting. He expressed regret for his past actions, especially for the incident that cost Bryan his eye, and left without even sharing a hug—a painful farewell that left Bryan grappling with mixed emotions. Alone in a new city at just 14 years old, Bryan faced considerable challenges. Determined to make ends meet, he took on odd jobs—mowing lawns, cleaning houses—and continued a hobby he shared with Samantha by fishing and selling his catch in Karakura. Despite the hardships, Bryan persevered, driven by the necessity to survive and the hope of forging a future for himself. As Bryan prepared to start classes at Karakura High School, a defining moment arrived. On his way to school, he encountered a girl in distress, being harassed by a masked assailant. Bryan instinctively rushed to her aid, only to find himself outmatched and overpowered. Together, they managed to escape the threat, and through this shared ordeal, a bond of friendship formed between them.

PART 3 : Karakura
Several years passed in Karakura, where Bryan gradually settled into his new life. He made numerous friends and even found his first love, a relationship that brought joy until an unexpected turn. A close friend confessed her feelings for Bryan, leading to a dangerous obsession. In a tragic twist, she attempted to harm Bryan's girlfriend and tragically ended her own life. This traumatic event forced Bryan to mature quickly and grapple with his identity. The departure of his girlfriend, who returned to Saudi Arabia during their sophomore year, left Bryan devastated and struggling with depression. Determined to find solace and perspective, Bryan saved up enough money to visit his sister Samantha in New York. Their reunion brought temporary comfort, but Bryan eventually returned to Karakura, carrying the weight of his experiences. In the midst of his challenges, Bryan found a steadfast friend who became his closest companion over the years. As they approached their senior year, they faced a pivotal decision when offered a chance to join a local gang. Reluctantly, Bryan agreed, hoping to maintain their bond. Their first task was to intimidate a younger student, but Bryan's discomfort grew as his friend crossed moral boundaries. Choosing integrity over peer pressure, Bryan convinced his friend to leave the gang, marking a crucial turning point in their lives.However, fate dealt Bryan another blow when he briefly left Karakura, only to return and discover his best friend had tragically passed away. The loss, coupled with the departure of everyone he had known in Karakura, left Bryan feeling adrift in a city that once held promise but now echoed with memories of both joy and sorrow.

PART 4 : The Present
Bryan has now returned to Karakura to continue his story... He has removed his eyepatch as a result of confidence and replaced his old eye with a new glass eye. Who knows what awaits in Bryan's future?...

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