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Bubbles' Councillor Application!

Wrath ⛥

Level 99


What is your Minecraft Username?:
My username is Econ0m1c!

Past warns/kicks/bans?:
I have a few very minor warnings, mostly entirely accidents led my misconception, I, of course, will always try my best to avoid any sort of misdemeanor in the future, as I have always been.
In the meantime of this application being put up, I have received a singular ban due to a misunderstanding.
I hope to never receive another punishment again, and this shall hopefully be a one-time occurrence, accident or not.

What is your timezone?:

Do you have Discord?:
Yes! My discord is ancient god (self diagnosed)#2057

Don’t question it.

Links to all past and present applications on the server?:

Art Teacher Application
JSL Application
German Application
An initial unlinkable german application.
Russian Application
College rank request
Height Request
French request
Third Language Application
2nd third language application
Latin Application

Previous council application
JSL application [Incorrect format]
First Russian application
Height request
Height Request #2

[at least they said it was good]

Describe your activity on the server?:
Though lately, I’ve been more inactive, due to personal reasons and a feeling of discomfort within the server, I’ve noticed myself spacing away quite a bit the past few days, however, I’d like a change, something to offer me more responsibility in my duties on SRP, like the Councilor role I’m currently seeking after. When fixated and dedicated to SRP, I play VERY actively, almost any time I get free time, which is usually just when I’m out of school [After 3pm. EST] to whenever I decide to sleep.

[Note: I have not been particularly active on this account as of late due to ICly reasons, which I will find a way to resolve ASAP in the case I must uphold this position.]

List your accounts and roles on this server?:
Econ0m1c is my alternate account I am planning to apply on, and currently is a Grade-8.

If possible, I’d like to keep the greenie/Grade-8 rank on my alternative account in order to fit in with my character’s story, otherwise, it is still alright and I completely understand if this is not possible while maintaining the Councillor role.

Castrle is my main account, and I am presently a grade-10 on it.

Are you aware that inactivity for more than 15 days without an inactivity log will result in removal from the council?:
Yes, I understand that inactivity, as a counsillor is unacceptable, seeing as maintaining this role, is very important to the school environment and plays a key role in the environment as a role model and an active part of the student community.


What is student council and what do they do?:
The school council is a group of key students who offer support, planning, and dedication to their school environment, working for progress, moral improvement, and discipline within the school, often planning events, enforcing the rules on campus, and ensuring everything going on is progressing smoothly. The school council is a dedicated group of students, often patrolling the halls and taking on similar responsibilities to the teachers whilst still remaining a student, disciplining their fellow students unprejudicedly with masks, attire in general, or other various demonstrations of misconduct, carrying the ability to issue detentions to students and a status that must be respected.

What motivated you to apply for council?:
I’ve Sought after the Council position before and has still remained something to intrigue me and seek after. I’ve previously made an application, which was at the time, denied, hence I am trying again as the position still interests me, and still fits my character/s very well. I want to contribute to the team of councilors by being a productive member, as I aim to be a dedicated member of SRP and make friends without the involvement of illegal ICly activities that I have no interest in. I want to help out around SRP, the council, the faculty, and wherever I can in general.
A big part of my motivation to apply for councilor is because I want to be someone active in the community, and known for the attitude I want to put out there, someone helpful and kind, ICly and OOCly. I want to be someone trusted with the role ICly of a councillor to help contribute to this, and I will always try my best to be a good member, whether the circumstances be in-character or out-of-character.

Are you aware that you’ll be having to use your creativity and teamwork ethic within the student council?:
Of course! I’d love to have the opportunity to use my more creative side within the council, I would love to dedicate some time to come up with ideas and provide inspiration or otherwise for events within the school and to contribute as many ideas and events to the council as I can. I am a very creative person, hence why I started roleplaying in the first place, often feeling unlimited creative potential, so, you know, need to channel that somewhere, right?

Can you list the roles in council along with others roles that might be important to council?:
Notable positions/roles within the council would likely be the President, of course, Vice President, The Secretary, Treasurer, And the Councillors!
Otherwise important roles that strike importance to council members would of course be the teachers, the professors, the Dean, Vice Deans, and Principals. Other faculty members like Caretakers, Librarians, Receptionists, Chefs, and Nurses are also of course very important to our duties, and to be treated with respect at all times within our duties.


You’re patrolling the school and you walk by two girls verbally harassing each other, but they didn't pay mind to you. What do you think is the correct way to go about this?

Bubbles quickly approached the females, typing something on his phone, noting the aggression in their body language and the blatant unfriendly tone in the words that exited their mouths, swiftly taking action and stepping up next to them. The male, unable to directly yell, raise his voice or speak up to get their attention, stomped his foot on the ground a few times, a jarring bell noise emitting from his shoes to get their attention, and as they looked up to the tiny male, his arms were crossed before he held up his phone, revealing a message on the screen!
'I don't wanna issue any punishments! but could you stop arguing, please? I'm sure you can come to a better solution than arguing!! ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა [seriously though if you keep fighting ill probably have to give you detention, and nobody wants that]'
A warm, wide smile would be revealed as the tiny male lowered his phone. "okay?" He'd whisper in confirmation, persisting in getting the two to come to a resolution through the words on his screen or otherwise, or at the very least stop arguing, issuing detention if he'd exceeded the warnings!

A student refuses to take their mask off after you’ve brought up detention and they’ve run away! What do you do?
Bubbles was very determined, his face twisting into a small challenged expression, seeing it as more of a game than directly a hunt, darting around the school to relocate the student to once again inform them. He'd be almost unwavering in the face of the challenge. Bubbles would search around the school, asking fellow students, faculty, or anyone else if they may have seen the student, of course, maintaining his own duties along the way of accomplishing his goal! If the student was relocated, he'd issue them detention, informing them once again to remove their mask and informing them of the consequences, and maybe even the reasons why not to wear a mask, likely through a pre-typed message on his phone through Text To Speech or showing them the screen itself.
"Hey!! don't run away!! I don't wanna have to chase after you, there's no reason to wear a mask anyways!! it's against school rules! (。Ó﹏Ò。) I still have to give you detention for running away!!1 But I'll forgive you!! you have to take off the mask tho! just a small request, i'd love to see ur face anyways!! I'm sure you're very cool looking!! so don't wear a mask to cover ur face!! besides, it’s still against the school rules, so its double bad! ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪ follow the rules, ok? Otherwise!! Why come to school, right? It was fun finding you, id prefer not to do it again, though, I have stuff to do, after all!!'

There seems to be a councilor abusing their powers! They’re being exceptionally mean to a student, causing the student to be defensive or scared. How would you step in?

Bubbles once again very quickly approached the situation, it's key to act swiftly, after all! He'd be abrupt and confrontational, not exactly having a sense of fear or hesitance for the sake of the afflicted student. He'd observe, however, before stepping in as quick, unsure of the dynamic between the two, however! upon evaluating the nature of the encounter, he'd take charge, a jolting bell noise ringing out as he stomped one of his shoes against the ground to get their attention, pausing a moment to type on his phone what he wanted to say, before raising it to their face!
'Hey! You're not supposed to be doing this, you know! remember you're a councillor, okay? We're like superheros!ᕙ( •̀ ᗜ •́ )ᕗ don't treat people like that.. If you're gonna be this mean I might have to tell a higher up! but stop, okay, please? (。•ˇ‸ˇ•。)'
He'd hold out his phone allowing them to read and implying it'd be preferred if they simply left the situation before he'd moved to tend to the victim, taking care to listen and gain insight to the situation, taking proper measures, and alerting a higher up if deemed necessary.

You seemed to miss a few pieces of information during a meeting, how would you go about getting that information?
Bubbles, unfortunately, had missed the last meeting due to personal information, so of course, it was his responsibility to retain the information that he may have missed during the meeting! He approached the situation calmly, of course! nothing to be too stressed over! He'd ask a fellow councilor he'd deemed having gone to the meeting, or asking the group in general if he could have a run-down of the events by someone who'd volunteer to do so, making no particularly big deal out of it and preparing ideas for next time, or coming up with his own ideas to add onto what was discussed!

A teacher/receptionist has told you or done something that goes against what you were trained by your higher-ups. How would you react to this?
Bubbles thought to himself about this intricately, before approaching the teacher, questioning their behavior intensely, trying to understand an underlying purpose behind such a rule break, not understanding why they were going against what was taught! If for an inappropriate reason, Bubbles would most likely calmly inform them of their mistake, hoping to come to an understanding of the simple error! However, if a conflict is stirred, he would most likely back out out of the knowledge of incapability in his position, instead calling for a higher authority for assistance, unable to handle it himself in this situation.

Please provide a detailed event that a club or council can use as a future event to showcase your creativity!:

Hi i came up with two ideas, couldnt decide between them, here’s both, please appreciate me.

Schoolwide Picnic/field day Concept
Event concept #1
Phase 1
The event would start in the middle of a regular school day, but however, planned, seeing as there would need to be a bit of building involved in advance, setting up a lovely area somewhere, perhaps in the zen garden or somewhere deep into the forest for a more enchanting aesthetic!
Blankets made out with carpets and wool, and many many flowers made out around the blankets, places deliberately, creating a beautiful area to bring participators of the event to, including baskets of food and baskets in general, the area decorated with berries, various food items, etc, picnic tables! perhaps some roleplayable mi****mes are set up where you can roll and roleplay to determine the output, run by participators and the runners of the event, maybe even having small prizes like stuffed animals for those who managed to get a special roll.

Phase 2! Sorta!
Planned for around lunchtime on an active day of SRP, and an event notification would be sent out, containing the following;
[!] Teacher, Faculty, and Councillors gather students to the back of the school, seeming to be preparing the peers for a field trip somewhere [!]
With, of course, faculty notified of the event in advance, alongside the place and where it is located, presumably in the forest, once a decent amount of students have gathered, they’d begin to couple together, beginning the walk into the forest with the students keeping up, following along the teachers into the forest, where the picnic area is set up, allowing the students to investigate and question a moment before sending out a new event message, revealing what was happening!
[!] Deep in the forest, laid out a previously made picnic location for the students, blankets laid across the green fluffy grass, food set out for students to enjoy together and feast on for lunch, and games set up for students when they weren’t eating, earning small prizes like a stuffed animal or trinket! Feel free to just spend time catching up with your friends, if desired, have fun for today’s field day, you are not required to stay within school grounds for today’s event, of course. [!]

Phase 3!
The day would continue as such, allowing students a fun, free day to do as they pleased, faculty doing damage control if necessary, and trying the best everyone can to create a calm relaxed atmosphere for the school picnic, allowing students to eventually split off their own ways from their own choice without any real notification to do so.
I’m sure this event would also be a fantastic way to make new friends with it’s free-er nature, allowing students to progress through the event as they please, and generally offering a different experience to everyone, icly-wise, if they choose to participate.


Science fair/Show concept
Event concept #2
On the SRP discord, a new announcement is delivered, revealing a new event; A science fair!
Students are encouraged to join a science-club run event, allowing them to showcase a project they’re encouraged to work on in advance, showcasing their knowledge on whatever they may have created, from reactive crayon drawings to intricately developed chemically reactions to even robotics! Which of course, will likely be rated, and may the people with the best ratings get a secret surprise for their contribution! Of course, this would all require the gym to be decorated for such an event, tables left empty for students to action out their projects, and the science club preparing for their own plans, which ideally would be a small science show, set up to display cool tricks, usually relating to science, of course!

The event!
The event itself would consist of students being encouraged to gather at the tables, doing /its of their project, encouraging detailrp and a variety of different projects to be displayed, allowing individuality, of course, in what they may select as their project and their unique descriptions of it! Not only would this encourage detailing out, even if it is itemrp, but it would also likely encourage roleplaying out the preparation of their projects, maybe even in groups of people, which of course, is completely valid and even encouraged!

Selected judges would go around, observing people’s actions and fairly rating their projects, likely with a few sillies here and there within the actions, and ask questions, what is it? How did you do it? Why did you choose it? Etc. Eventually, The judges gather off to the side, discussing each’s top result and the winners of the Science fair, allowing the Science club to do their own show in the meantime in order to give the judges the downtime needed when of course, they’ve come to their result, they’d get up to the stage, announcing the winners and likely rewarding them meanwhile in compensation for their efforts, perhaps even some sort of special members for those who did amazing work as well!

Wrapping up!
Once the event felt completed, it was time to start wrapping up! Allowing the students to converse for a while before the event itself began to wrap up, likely including an event notification to indicate so!


Character Name:
Casper ‘Bubbles’ Adelaide

Prefers only being called Bubbles, in replacement to his first name.

Character Gender:

Character Age:

[If possible, otherwise, please adjust it to the minimal possibility]

Character phone-number:
+81 [030] - 450 - 6501

Brief summary of how they act/ your character’s personality:
My Character’s Biography, which may be useful upon the reading of this application.

Bubbles was a very very optimistic and positive person, rarely seeming to be sad or down due to his innocent nature, almost like sunshine and energy itself inhabited the child. He’d be a rule follower, always very obedient to teachers and faculty, even if being rather silly whilst doing so, Unintentional or not. Bubbles was also deaf, though he’s learned to smoothly interact with those around himself in Karakura, through lipreading, body language, and JSL if available. He’d occasionally utilize TTS, or speak vocally, with a bit of struggle, of course, but usually found methods to avoid that due to the struggle it typically caused him.

“I am very cool!!! And I’d be a very cool and awesome councillor, too!”

Character appearance/attire:

“I like blue a lot!”
Bubbles stature rested at a minuscule 4’0, looking up to you with demanding but determined ocean blue eyes, seeming to be brimming with innocence and adoration for those around himself, and looking vaguely like a squirtle if you squint hard enough from a distance after playing 6 hours straight of pokemon go.
He’d usually wear somehow positive blue clothing, with bright blue hair fluffing down to his shoulders, almost always buzzing entirely with an extensive amount of energy.

What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:
“I think that I’ll be a VERY amazing councillor!! I love helping people, and I’m good at sometimes telling people what to not do! And also following rules! I also really like following rules sometimes, why would I want to break them, anyways!? But- I love sharing ideas!! And kindness, and making friends! And I will be a very cool and amazing councillor, of course!”

Why do you want this position?:
“I want the position of being a very cool councillor because they’re like the minis superheroes of the school! I want to be like them, and I’d be a great one, too! I want to help out the school, and protect my other super cool classmates, and make friends in the process! Who wouldn’t want to? I can also help spread knowledge of the rules of the school!! Since I think that a lot of people don’t know them from all the people I’ve seen not follow them, so I can help!”

What interests you the most about student council?:
“I think that being able to help people is really cool, not only that, but you can make sure everyone is okay and keep others from breaking the rules! Because breaking the rules is very bad! So I don’t want people to do that! I want to be able to make friends, and attend classes, and be able to help out a lot around the school! Because I like helping out! It would all be very, very cool, I think! And I can’t wait to see what it’s like to be a councillor, and help the other ones!”

What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:
“Well, I’m always a pretty safe and fun person, preventing people from breaking rules always makes things very safe, like fighting, and other bad things! I want to make a lot of friends, which of course, being around me would be very fun, of course! And, I could always be very fun to people, too, since I am super cool, and do super cool fun things, like, always! I want to make things more fun, and always safe! Like a fun superhero!”
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Level 211

- Welcome, again, to the team! Contact: cen#5204 on discord for more information.​

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