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Accepted bueom's Psychiatrist Application | #bheom4ems?!


Level 61
Event Team


Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):

bueom (APPLYING) | bheom (MAIN) | bheomie (ALT)

What is your discord username?

Describe your activity on the server:

Regarding activity within SRP as a whole; I am quite fairly active on my main account 'bheom,’ yet as well as my alternative account ‘bheomie.’ I am often seen on my main account roaming as a staff, being online for at minimum two hours to over four. Weekdays currently are rather up and down with regarding activity, having school causing it to be less frequent than weekends. Where being said, two to six hours for weekdays and around five to nine hours. Though, in the summer once I am off school, activity will surely be sky rocketing! Below is the current schedule of my regularly hours on SRP.

3PM - 9:30PM
3PM - 12AM | 1:30PM - 12AM
2PM - 9PM

What is your timezone?:
Residing in Canada, EST timezone.

List your current and past applications:


List your current roles on the server:
bheom [HELPER] [EVENT] - BMD | Cat | Highschool | Photographer | Adult | Highschool
bheomie - College Masters, Male Spartan Basketball | Highschool
bueom - Highschool | Highschool

What experiences do you have with roleplay?:

My experience goes a long way; around half of my life- over 9 years now. I had grown up watching roleplayers, youtubers who would create MCRP series- I always found myself fond of roleplaying. I have always been a fan of youtubers such as LDshadowlady, Aphmau, ItsFunneh, Little Kelly and Carly, Stampy, and so on. I had started on fake Minecraft apps to real Minecraft! I had roleplayed on a server called LifeBoat on Bedrock to where it lead to realms.. This eventually died down on me where I switched onto Roblox where I had done maaaaany school related roleplays- I had used that platform to roleplay for 8 years now! From Minecraft to Roblox to ending up on Discord which lead me to find my writing styles within roleplay, constantly using Tupperbox. Eventually I had caught my attention into going back into roleplay where I found SchoolRP! At first it was a joke to join, but I slowly caved in and found myself back in my roots.

As for SRP as an overall example; I have been on this server for a year now to where I have experienced many different scenarios with different people. I have a passion for detailRP no matter the genre of roleplay, it could be romance, crime, to even recovery. Regarding roleplays on here, I am known for roleplaying a few characters- making myself known through out IC interactions!

What is your motivation for applying?
EMs had always brought out to me, it was something that was there that had caught my attention. I had mentioned this in one of my applications that I was always intrigued into psychiatry. Coming from someone who would ICLY have interactions with someone in the psychiatry department- I enjoyed the experience. I had always been interested into EMs by how much they use detail, as well as how they make their characters. Though, specifically psychiatry does interest me in general as I do take a liking into studying mentality, whether it being mental health, disorders, how people think, etc. They do a lot of typing and ways to help out other players; most people tend not to read through it but I always found it so interesting where I read through the appends. I love the detail placed into their work and want to do the same.

Which role are you applying for?
Psychiatrist | This is for Seonha heh, #bheomfan

What knowledge do you have of the roles within the Hospital Faction?
Although I have no experience within medical field or even much of the faction itself- it did just intrigue me, this is like my basic run down definitions of what I know. Though! I do intend to learn more as I go, it all seems heavily interesting. The hospital faction- all the roles are ensured to help out characters and players through out the server.

Rokku Heddo? The director is the overall lead of the entire faction, the one who manages and runs the entirety as a whole. The director is like the conductor of a play- the one who runs the entiiiire show!


Doctors fall along with the many roles like surgeons, the doctors help patients physically- whether it being simple check ups to even reconstructing the body. From small bandages to sewing in stitches, the doctors are the on hands workers within the factions. They deal with many things such as prosthetics, lost limbs, stitches, stabbings, wounds from minor to major, to even small things as X-ray scans.


The ones who deal with the mind, rather than hands on- more so there for you and everyone else. Ones who deal with the mentality, with the writings and the mind developing. They help the emotions and mentality- the thoughts and pain inside. The psychiatrists are there who study into mental disorders, everything within the inside of the brain- what goes on in there. They not only do therapy and diagnosing, they provide help in the Happy Pills center, they assist at the front desk too!


These are the superheroes, the ones on scene- on sight! They often are trained to be out there, being able to patrol whether it being in the ambulance or walking. Paramedics are overall first hand responders, as well as they take care of outside of the hospital. They are there to help aid those from emergency calls such as bear injuries!


The sweet hearted ones, the ones who care deeply for animals. These are trained to take care and aid animals, whether it being from small patching up to even helping aid a broken bone. The veterinarians are there for the animals, trained to where animals become the patients.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?

I completely acknowledge this! It is a needed thing after all.

x_ (1).png


Character’s Full Name:

“My name is Yōroi Hino”

Character’s Gender and Pronouns:
Male | He/Him

Character’s Age (if accepted):

“Mm, I’m 36 years old. Born in 1988.”

Character’s Academic Background:

“I’m a Ph. D graduate, graduated from Kyushu Medical University with a diploma in Medical Science.”

Character’s Nationality:

“I am Japanese, from Ishigaki, Japan, the Kyushu region.”

Character’s Marital Status:

“I’m a widowed father, two kids.”

Character’s Religious Denomination:

“I have no beliefs but come from a family that believes in Shintoism.”

Character’s Spoken Languages:

Character Backstory:
“It feels like a blur, watching the waves with a cold breeze- it feels as if you’re there.”

Kyushu region, Ishigaki, Japan. Like a never ending beach, living a surreal life. A view like a dream- the tropical seas and blue sky. It was like paradise, everything felt so perfect. A mother and a father, a loving family. The Hino family, consisting of- Mrs. Tomiju, Mr. Masao and their son and daughter Yōroi Hino and Tomomi Hino. Yōroi who was yet to hold the Hino name, the eldest son who was to continue on the legacy of the Hino surname.

“I wished to be like my parents, follow their footsteps like in the sand on the beach.”

A family that had no wronging, a loving relationship between the two sweethearts. Like any normal character- he was nothing more but the ‘perfect’ son. His whole life was perfect, paradise home- sunny days to keep him lively. Yōroi, the boy who was so endeared in their love, keeping himself adored by the ones that guided him through out the sands. His dreams were what his parents wanted that they couldn’t have, his footsteps were the ones that followed along the faded. His parents lost their dreams they aspired to become because of Yōroi, Yōroi had became their new dream- and his dreams became theirs. He wanted to be the brother that his sister would consider a 'hero,' he wanted to be the one his family relied on.

Band-aiding the heart; the dreams. As his footsteps only followed for his parents- it lead to him falling into medical life. A boy who was simply fond of how health worked, he had started from playing with his toys acting as if they were hurt- to where he ended up pursuing high school courses. So melted into their dreams to where he had no other aspirations but to make them happy. Paradise and happiness, that was his whole life definition- so perfect even the girl of ‘his dreams’ happened to come into his life.

From strangers to rivals; rivalry love in paradise. Two students who were academic rivals that were simply nothing more but strangers to two lovers in the sand. Momoko Tsuyuri, the one he hated most but ended up falling dearly for. Students who wished to be the best, the two would constantly bicker and fight for who spoke first. The two pursued the highest roles, whether it being student council or even the top of their classes. Eye to eye, word for word.

“It’s quite a story how your mother and I met.”

From their ‘old married couple’ fights to where it did lead to love. The bickering only brought them closer, like a string pulled them to be drawn in by the other. From end of high school to leading into university- they were simply inseparable. The two had attended in Kyushu Medical University of Medicine. Working hard late nights, studying together. Yōroi who focused his works within General Surgery, his patience plated onto his work. Constant notebooks that piled his room, up at midnight to cram in work. His expenses placed into his studies, everything to become what his parents wished to become. Momoko who had placed her studies and focus on psychiatry as they moved into university, the two were always seen on campus in the library- working together and assisting each other with their class notes. Books and papers piling up, pens and highlighters used. Yōroi was never caught out of his fixation on his work, constantly working rather than focusing on his general social life- he was a quiet student but was very outgoing with his studies. Eventually, as the two reached the ends of their studies- graduation came. Hino had graduated with a Ph.D. in Medical Science, his effort in good work.

From graduation to even moving in with each other. Two lovers that dearly adored each other, they were stuck like glue. The season of Cherry Blossoms, where spring comes and flowers bloom. So endeared, love in the air. Their love deep like trees, two trees that grew in the same area- in hopes to become the biggest, yet their branches as they grew intertwined. In the spring; the cherry blossoms bloomed. At 23 years old; a new generation had started.

“And then you two came, Taizō and Izanami.”

A loving family; that’s what he got, he followed his parents footsteps- he had his own family to dream for. Continuing into his medical studies, using his care for his own family. Perfect. Paradise, the only thing that was left for the doctor was to call it official. The string that’d tie their family together, to make the string that pulled them together to never pull apart.

“I lost my dreams, what was I to do next? What was next after that string got cut?”

Just before being engaged, the other cherry blossom was cut down. Their string was pulled apart too far yet being so close- Momoko had passed. A crash in the rain, like thunder striking the tree. It was the day he wished to propose, the day he wished never happened. Seeing her cold face; holding her hand without a feeling to it. It was like her love had an expiring date, but expired too soon. Yōroi felt sick to his stomach, sobbing and crying in front of what was said to be his perfect family. Momoko’s passing left Yōroi's heart cold and fragile- he felt so sick he isolated himself away from his family. His dreams crumbled and shattered; pieces like a puzzle, a puzzle he couldn’t bear to piece together. The twins he had lost their mother, they lost their fathers spark. He drifted from them in grief, it left the twins he had without a proper figure by their side. His parents that had taken him and his children back into their roof, a poor soul. He couldn’t bear continuing his studies- he couldn’t keep himself up without wishing for everything to make sense and to rewind back to paradise.

"My brother fell so deep in his thoughts, it hurt to watch him crumble." - T. H.

His dreams crumbled, he felt like there was a blockage in his life. The grief killed his soul, his everything. She was his everything. But his kids? They were who represented her, the eyes of hers, the cheeky soft smile on their faces. He missed her, but he missed his kids. Yōroiknew he needed to be the father for them, the grief humbled him.

“I was so selfish of my own grief- I didn’t realize my own kids. Truly I feel guilty even if it had been a few years.”

The grief stayed on his back, but the grief brought him back up. The thoughts that roamed his mind were his children and the word, ‘what would Momoko do?’ And so, he relived that moment, what would she do? He kept himself going for her, for Taizo, for Izanami. Yōroi had eventually got out of that stage of grief in hopes not to go through any more, he slowly became more connected with his children again- becoming their father once again. This was the last he’d ever leave them like that, they were his everything now, his dreams. Her dreams. Yōroi had slowly got back into medical studies, doing his studies at home- drawing into psychiatry the way Momoko did. His studies focused on what he was doing in university- going back into what was his ‘top’ moments. Being the top student- not for himself, but for his family. The dream he started, the dream he continued. Hino slowly leaned into studying what his partner studied, following into more psychiatry here and there- understanding why Momoko was so caring. After all that grief, the loss, the mental health of his family slowly draining out- he wanted to be the one to be there. He wanted to long on her dreams, to be there, to help. Yōroi had applied for a few jobs around Japan, in hopes for his medical school studies to slowly work its magic.

“Thirty two. What a year that was Momoko, hm? The kids were nine since you last saw them, now- they’re in high school! Big thirteen! Isn’t it wonderful?”

Karakura, present time. It had been four years since Momoko’s passing, Yōroi had became more focused on himself and his family. The small family he had; he brought them across Japan heading to the Karakura region along with his sister. To where now, the Hino’s reside. Karakura where his ancestor bloodline resided in, a place that was just stories to both Yōroi and Tomomi- to where it became 'home.' Applications through out Karakura city, where specifically he was caught intrigued by the Karakura Emergency Hospital, long nights of work- all to work up to an application. This was for his new dreams, her dreams, their dreams. A psychiatrist application. Maybe all he needed was a small push to a second chance to pop up.

“Ah, Karakura. I heard there’s a beach here like home!”

What is your character’s medical speciality? Why did they choose this focus?

General Surgery

“I never had much of a reason when I first studied into what I wanted to be, but slowly as time went by- I realized I wanted to be the person that other doctors called for, the one who was called to assist and help. Someone who would ‘fix’ everything to make it so and so- better. - The whole procedures during internships in school seemed quite cool how they worked with fixing someones body.”

What medical residencies did your character take after medical school?

“My partner had studied psychiatry, I never understood why she did it- it always felt rather boring on my end. But yet, after her passing, the grief we suffered and the issues that followed up- I understood all the things she did. All those checking ins, everything. I wanted to understand more of people’s emotions even my own, maybe understanding people and talking to them would make them feel content with their lives. Here we are now; I have applied to become a psychiatrist, just for her.”

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?

“I do not, unless- an internship counts. It was a simple ‘simulation’ for the students, we were brought into medical field to understand how much doctors and psychiatrist go through in a day, what they do, what procedures they work around with. I had went in a health department where they had worked with children, procedures with trauma, physically and mentally.”

Has your character completed any additional schooling?

Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique? How would they be perceived by others?

Yōroi Hino, a man who was truly a sheep in wolf’s clothing. An appearance that was quite a shocker compared to his overall person, a muscular man with an irking aura that followed his figure. Tattoos that plastered upon his toned figure, a rich scent that glazed over his porcelain skin. His face looked rather young despite his age; you’d likely guess he was in his late 20s than 30s. A man who portrayed sharp features, like a sculpture in a museum. Chiseled and perfect. His skin remained clear- no wrinkles in sight, a maintained skin routine for his age! Hino seemed heavily intimidating, his neutral face looked as if he were simply judging your every move- like a phantom watching over your shoulder. The man emitted a menacing demeanor, some could say he looked frightening but some that got to understand him would realize- he is quite the opposite.

Hino was simply a lamb who looked quite different from his others. A sweet hearted man with no intentions of harm, if anything, he only had the intentions to help out. The man was often mistaken as rude and intimidating but genuinely was a soft person- a complete empathetic guy! Yōroi was awfully apologetic, maybe it was all that mannerism.. A well respected person, a prestigious man.

How does your character act on and off duty?

Depending who he was with- whether being with a patient or anyone within the faction, he was a well respected man. A well mannered person, he kept himself attentive at all times- a core listener. Someone who stayed patient and on top of everything. Yōroi was one to speak after the other person spoke, he made sure to be efficient and understanding through his work. Yōroi would often keep to himself rather than speak out of his personal life, the only mentions would be his family but never of him. He circled his attention towards his family, co-workers and patients. A trustworthy man he was, written perfectly like he came out of a book.

The man was shown to be a phantom that simply haunted over people, an appearance that caught most off guard off duty- like a ‘jumpscare.’ The man off duty focused on his family rather than any other relationships, he tried to keep his work life private from his personal. Off duty he was a stay at home father, he did all that cooking and cleaning- he was perfectly written. The man simply was a sweet heart whether in his workplace or not, he was a calm- collective man. A respectful person to the public, often seen- well.. Never really! Yōroi kept himself stuck around at home which made him almost a ghost in the city, he chose not to go out as much- being a complete ‘lost child’ when he was outdoor with his family.

Does your character function better on their own or with others?
Hino worked well in both ways, he was simply independent when he worked by himself. Yōroi was simply used to being an independent person- working hard on his own, he was a child who never asked for assistance. If anything, he refused to ask for help- being someone who went around whatever he did not understand. Though, he was someone who worked well with others, everyone relied on people- it never hurt to be in a group. Yōroi just preferred being on his own, thinking that he can do it all!

What plans does your character have for the future?

"For the future? I choose not to think of the future anymore, it rushes time when you pick a path for yourself. If anything, think of what you wish to see than what you wish specifically for. I do hope that my children grow happy and healthy, maybe- just maybe, that we three can move on from the past. The future is something I truly find a fuzzy topic, I just wish and hope for the best- nothing more, nothing less. No matter what path life takes me, I am sure we can work around it to make it worth going for."


Level 237
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator

Thank you for taking the time to apply, we hope you are excited to hear that you have been accepted! You will be contacted in regards to setting up your roles shortly.

- In order to proceed, you will need to join the Karakura Emergency discord (CLICK HERE) to receive your roles.
- You will also need to be online in order to receive an introduction and the necessary equipment to carry out your duties as a Hospital Worker.

If you need any further assistance, feel free to privately message me - 6pancake - via discord and we will solve any inquiries you may have.

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