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BunniiMimii's Nurse Application


Level 0
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

What is your Minecraft Username?:BunniiMimii

How old are you?:17

Do you have any previous or ongoing bans?: I currently do not have any previous or recent bans.

What country are you from?:United States, California

Do you have Discord?: I do have a discord, It's (dinobunnii#5360)

How long have you played the server for?:

31 days, 2 Hours (AR Check)

List your current and past applications:

Korean Language Application (Denied)

Nurse Application (Waiting)

What is your motivation for applying?:

My motivation for applying would be the roleplay itself, I really enjoy roleplaying and I feel as if having a job in the roleplay would really widen my experience in the game/roleplay. When I’m older I want to be a the****** but nurses also help people out so if I can help people out in any way I would be glad to do it.

What do you know about medical practice?:

My aunt was a Nurse and she would tell me all the things she did as a nurse, Personally I loved hearing all the good things she would do for people. I want to be just like my aunt and help people just like she did.

What are the basic color codes in a medical emergency and hospital?:

Code Red - This code means that there is a fire in the hospital.

Code Blue - There is a medical emergency occurring within the hospital.

Code Black - Most often indicates a bomb threat.

Code Pink- Missing or abducted infant or child.

Code Orange - Is a Hazardous material or spill incident.

Code Silver - Active Shooter/Shooting.

Code Yellow -A pending emergency or external disaster.

Code Brown - This means a severe weather disaster.

Code White - This means to have an Evacuation.

Code Green - Means Emergency Activation.

Code Violet: Violent/Combative Individual

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: Yes I completely understand, I will try my best to be active on the server so that this doesn’t happen.

Are you aware that each position has a minimum age limit: I am aware of the age limit for the positions - (N: 23, D: 25, S: 28)

(Key: N = Nurse, D = Doctor, S = Surgeon)

In-Character (IC) Section


How is your character during and off the job? During the job my character will be nice and kind to everyone around her. She wants to make people feel better in their current state, She will do this so that they focus on being cheerful and not about the pain they are in. Off the job she's exactly the same but has a little more of a problem to socialize with people. With strangers she tries her best to be kind to them even if they tell her to go away or stop talking to them, she continues to be nice/kind to them. In any situations Hitomi will try her best to make people feel happy.

What do they look like? Hitomi Helvete has two toned hair, Meaning half her hair is blue and the other side is brown. She's 5'1 and has two different colored eyes, one of her eyes is brown and the other one is grey due to her eye becoming blind by an injury she got when she was 6.

Do they have any mental or physical illnesses? Hitomi does not have any mental or physical illnesses, She is in perfect health.

What makes your character unique?

Hitomi Helvete is a very kind hearted person who forgives people very easily. She enjoys helping people out, this makes her very happy to see that people are doing well/happy. While most of her friends aren’t the best, She still enjoys being around them because they make her extremely happy and it helps with her social skills with talking to people and being around large groups of people.

Hitomi Helvete was never a Helvete, Her last name used to be Takahashi. She was born and raised in Tokyo,Japan. Her father was Korean and her mother was Japanese, The two fell in love with each other in college when Hitomi’s father went abroad to Japan to become a doctor. Her mother was going to Medical school to become a nurse, This is the main reason Hitomi wanted to become a nurse and help people. Her parents fell in love with each other, they were together for 6 years and married after that. The two had 3 kids before bringing Hitomi into the world. When Hitomi was born, she was born with Heterochromia and two toned hair. Her siblings didn’t get along with her that well, they would always tease her about her hair and eyes how they were strange. Her eldest sister who was jealous that she was getting a lot of attention for it from her family made her very angry with Hitomi. Her parents had an emergency call to the Hospital which meant they had to leave the kids home alone, this was okay because the eldest was there to watch over them. Hitomi was 6 at the time while the eldest was 12, As Hitomi played with her 8 year old brother the eldest went to the kitchen to get water that had been boiling for dinner, She walked towards Hitomi with pure anger and threw the water at Hitomi’s left eye. The two other siblings ran to their room, but as the eldest stood over Hitomi, She looked at her eldest sister and told her she was sorry. This is what makes Hitomi very unique she forgives people very easily, even after getting badly hurt by her eldest sister she forgave her for doing such a horrible thing to her, She hope to help people feel as if they aren’t alone and that they are worth something.

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Full Name: Hitomi Helvete

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Miss

Given Name(s): Hitomi

Preferred Name: Mimi

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Religious Denomination: Atheist

Marital Status:Single


Current Location:Karakura, Japan

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Years of Residency: Almost 3 years

Working Experience:2 weeks

Academic Degree:Two-year Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN)

Year of Graduation:2019



Native Languages:Japanese/Korean

Other Languages:N/A

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