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BusinessRp Would make an amazing chef! | BusinessRp's Chef Application!!


Level 2
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?: BusinessRp

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): businessrp

How old are you? (Optional): N/A

What is your time zone?: Central Standard Time | CST

Describe your activity on the server: I am usually always active, engaging in roleplay by interacting with other players while aswell contributing to the overall experince of roleplay. I always make an effort to stay involved, collaborate with others, and help create a fun eviroment for everyone while on the server.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: Yes I acknowledge that if im inactive, I will be demoted.

School Employee Role you are applying for?: Chef

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for: As a chef, my responsibility is to prepare meals for both students and college students, ensuring that they receive a well good, fresh meal, with the highest quality of food, every day. Aswell than just cooking, I am responsible for overseeing kitchen supplies, making sure ingredients are fresh, and properly stored. Maintaining the food quality and safety is a top priority to ensure that every meal served meets a high standard and liking for the high school students and college students.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
While I don’t have any experience in chef roleplay, I have a strong interest in roleplaying in general and I am eager to learn and develop in this area. I have participated in different kinds of roleplay scenarios in the past, which has helped me understand roleplay more as a whole.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:

I want to join the School Employee faction because it offers a unique opportunity to enhance my roleplay experience. Being a part of staff would allow me to engage with other characters in a more professional way, more than I could as a student. Overall, I believe this role will help me grow as a roleplayer while contributing to the server in one way or another.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:



What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
Grade-12 on both of my character slots.



During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:
My character would handle this with a firm but composed demeanor, ensuring that the student understands their behavior is unacceptable. He would start by addressing the student, with a steady but authoritative voice, “Young man, this kind of behavior is unacceptable; disrespecting others, especially if they are working to serve you, is not tolerated. If something is bothering you, I would be happy to work with you on your problems, but insults will not get you anywhere.” If the student continues to lash out and escalate the situation further, my character will have to warn them. He would lower his voice, trying to give it a more authoritative tone than before, “I am warning you now—this is your last chance to correct your attitude. If you continue this behavior, I will have no choice but to report it. I suggest you think carefully about your next words.” Should the student finally calm down, my character would shake his head and return to his work as before. However, if the student continues, he would follow through with his previous warning.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
Seeing the two students throwing punches in the hallway, I would immediately recognize that I can’t break up a fight between two students alone. Without hesitation, I’d reach for my radio, quickly calling in the incident to alert other staff members or teachers that may be near that area. My main priority would be to stop the fight before it escalates further, so after making the call, I would rush toward them. I would raise my voice so they could hear me over the commotion, I’d shout, “BOTH OF YOU STOP THIS RIGHT NOW! IF YOU DON’T, YOU’LL BE IN SERIOUS TROUBLE DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?” My tone would be sharp and authoritative, making it clear that their actions won’t be tolerated. I would keep my stance firm, ensuring they understand that continuing this fight will only make things worse for them. If they respond by backing away from each other, I’d take control of the situation, giving them both a strict warning, “If I ever catch either of you fighting again, you’ll be sent straight to detention with no excuses.” However, if they ignore my warning and keep throwing punches, I wouldn’t hesitate to step between them, I wouldn’t hesitate to step between them, raising my voice even louder than before attempting to break their focus on each other. Hopefully, by this point, some additional staff members or teachers would arrive to help, and de-escalate the situation, making sure neither students get seriously hurt.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
If I noticed a fellow school employee acting inappropriately or doing something dangerous on the job, I wouldn't, hesitate to step in. Ensuring the safety of the students and staff is my top priority, and reckless behavior could lead to serious consequences. I would first approach the employee directly, keeping my tone firm but professional. “Hey, do you realize what you’re doing? You’re putting yourself in a bad situation, but you’re also endangering the students. If this keeps up, someone is going to get hurt or worse.” I’d make it clear that their actions are unacceptable and they need to stop immediately. At the same time I would grab and report the situation, providing as much detail as possible so other staff members and administrators could intervene if necessary. By saying, “We have a situation involving an employee acting inappropriately and dangerously. I am requesting immediate support.” The safety of the school environment is something I take seriously, and I wouldn't allow reckless behavior to go unchecked.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
In the employee break room, he would keep things relaxed, and enjoyable for other workers. If the mood is light and employee's are chatting, he would join for a bit of small talk, exchanging jokes or casual stories to keep things enjoyable for both party's. He’s not the type to overshare but keeps conversations friendly between his co-workers, making sure to get along with everyone.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:


He’d start making a traditional balanced bento box, washing his hands thoroughly at the sink before drying them off and preparing the ingredients for a balanced and visually appealing bento. First, he took a small colander and rinsed off fresh produce g****s, cherry tomatoes, a crisp Fuji apple, and a small carrot, setting them aside to drain while he focused on the base of the meal. Moving to the cabinet, he grabbed a bag of short grain rice, measuring out the perfect portion before rinsing it three times to remove excess starch. He then set it to cook on low heat in the pot of simmering water, ensuring each grain of rice would turn out fluffy and soft. As the gentle sound of bubbling filled the kitchen, he pulled out a small pack of boneless chicken tenders from the fridge. Using a sharp knife, he cut them into bite sized pieces, before seasoning them lightly with salt, soy sauce, and a touch of garlic powder before placing them on a hot skillet. The aroma of golden, crispy chicken filled the kitchen, signaling that it is cooked to perfection. With the protein ready for the bento, he quickly returned to the produce. Using a small paring knife he would peel the carrot before cutting it into small thin decorative flower shapes. The apples were sliced into elegant crescent pieces, while the g****s were kept left whole. The cherry tomatoes, vibrant and plump, were sliced into smaller pieces. Once the rice was finished cooking, he fluffed it gently with a wooden paddle and molded it into small rice balls, sprinkling a touch of furikake seasoning over the top. Finally, he arranged the bento box with care and precision, placing the rice balls on one corner, the crispy chicken beside it , and the fresh fruits and vegetables neatly in the remaining spaces. Before closing the lid, he tucked in a small handwritten note, “No matter how tough the day gets, you've got this!”


He would roll up his sleeves, as he stood before all the neatly arranged ingredients, he was mentally preparing for the task ahead, re-doing each action over and over, in his mind. He’d sigh, as he reached into his duffle bag, pulling out a set of knives out of it. He moved with ease, almost as the wind itself, chopping, stirring, and placing his dish on the plates, before the students, as he stepped back, he would serve all the students, each one plate.


As he cracked his knuckles, before stepping up to the stove, rolling his sleeves up as the rick aroma of simmering broth filled the kitchen. As the deep, golden liquid had been slowly cooking for hours, it would be extracting every ounce of flavor from the bones and seasonings. As he would reach for a bundle of fresh noodles, carefully lowering them into the boiling pot. Once the noodles were fully in the pot, he would start to slowly stir, steam rose around him as he stirred, he would ensure they were cooked to the perfect texture, soft, but yet with a slight bite. While waiting, he turned his attention to the chashu pork, as he placed each trip of chashu pork on a hot pan until the edges were a beautiful brown color. The sizzling was satisfying, the scent mouthwatering. With his precise hands, he ladled the steaming broth into a deep bowl, following with the noodles. He gently arranged the toppings, tender pork, a soft boiled egg sliced in half, crispr nori, fresh scallions, and a sprinkle of sesame seed. As he took a deep breath, showed the finished product to the students, who had been waiting for their meal


In-Character Section
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

Full Name (First & Last only):
"My first and last name? Well my first name is Shirai, and for my last name it is Yakazuki"

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
"I would like my title to be Mr."

Preferred Name:
"I would like to be preferred as Mr. Shirai"

Age (Minimum is 25):
"I am 28 years old"

"I am a male"

Academic Degree:
"I have a Master's"

"My Major was Culinary Arts"

"My minors where Fine Arts, and history"

"My native nationality is Japanese"

Known Languages:
"I only know Japanese for now"

Shirai Yakazuki was born and raised in Osaka, Japan, and in a middle class family with a deep appreciation for food. His parents would own a small but well respected izakaya, where he would have spent most of his childhood in, watching his parents cook and serve customers. From a young age, he would have developed a passion for the culinary arts, he’d often be experimenting in the kitchen under his parents directions. However as he got older, he would struggle to whether follow in his family steps and become a cook, somewhere, anywhere or carve his own path. During his teenage years, Shirai was known for his sharp tongue, and rebellious nature, he would often be found getting in trouble in school. Despite his mischief, he excelled at home, while finding comfort in cooking. His passion became an outlet, a different way to express himself when words would fail. Wanting to improve himself outside his family’s restaurant, he took various part time jobs in different eateries, while gaining experience in various cuisines and work enviroments. After graduating high school, Shirai decided to attend a culinary academy in Tokyo where he sharpened his skills in professional cooking. However, the city life came with its own challenges. Competition was fierce, and he would often be clashing with instructors due to his stubborn attitude. Despite this, his talent was undeniable, and he quickly made a name for himself among his peers. Upon completing his studies, he worked under a renowned chef at a high end restaurant. However, the strict and high pressure environment conflicted with his free nature, leading him to leave in search of something fulfilling. He would return to his roots, seeking a place where he could cook with passion rather than perfection, of course he wanted all of his meals to be perfect no matter what. Eventually, Shirai found himself in karakura, where he would take up a position as a chef, in the highschool, and college setting of the school. This job offered him a balance between structure and creativity, allowing him to prepare meals while also interacting with students. Though he may come off as cold or dry, his dedication for this job is clear in every dish prepared by him.

Motivation for Joining What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?: (Character perspective):
From my character’s perspective, I would believe that his motive of joining the school as a chef would likely originate from the desire to cook with passion rather than to be confined by the expectations of a high end restaurant like before. He really values creativity and the ability to somehow connect with people through food. While a school setting for him would allow him to be creative with his food, but still have pride in his crafts, while having freedom to prepare however he would want he's meals to be made

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
I believe I should be accepted over other applications as I will always be online on the server, and I believe that more chefs should be online, as I don't see many or any at all online, sometimes people actually want to get there food, but there's no chef online, well I would be that chef, that chef that is online almost all the time. And so this is why I believe I should be accepted over other applications.


Thank you for reviewing my application for whoever does! Aswell sorry if anything is Miss spelled as this application was mostly done through my phone.

Additional notes about your application:
No additional notes.
Do you have any questions?:
I don't have any further questions.​
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