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[C] Sean's Council Application


Level 12
What is your Minecraft Username?:

Past warns/kicks/bans?:
Several Warns (2016 - 2020) - None Active
Temporary Ban (2016 - 2017?) - Minge Push resulting in RDM
Permanent Ban (2021) - Major Player Toxicity

Note: All of these bans have been appealed & accepted

What is your timezone?: EST

Do you have Discord (if so, what is your Discord tag)?: API#6925

Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server? (Approved, Denied & Pending):

Police Application x6 - Accepted
HS Student Council Application x1 - Accepted
Staff Application x1 - Accepted
Hospital Application x1 - Accepted
Helper Application x1 - Accepted
Language Applications x4 - Accepted
Shop Owner x1 - Denied
Police Application x1 - Denied

Note: I could not find the links to several of these, I apologize for that

Describe your activity on the server?: I am online on a daily basis for about 1 - 2 hours, possibly more depending on what I find to do. However, if I do get a position in the student council, I can guarantee that my activity will be much more prominent

Are you aware that inactivity for more than 15 days without an inactivity log will result in removal from the council?: Yes, I acknowledge this and will do so if I have to

What is the student council?:
The student council is a select group of students who have chosen to take on the role of being the role model of students, taking on several responsibilities that other students would not even think about like monitoring the school, enforcing the rules, and even choosing the candidates for student of the month. These students have been chosen to represent the students and make sure that the school is in the best shape it can be in

Who or what brought you to apply for the student council? (e.g. a friend, colleague, etc): I was originally brought to the idea of student council by my friends who spoke about their experience and it seemed very enjoyable. The main reason I am applying now is because I had no time to do it before and I did not want to take up a spot I would not use a lot. Because of this, I stepped down from my position as a councilor. Now with a more open schedule and more time to spend on SRP, I wish to come back.

What does the school council of Karakura do?: The student councils in both Highschool & College are there to maintain the integrity of the public reputation of the school. Whether this be following the rules or helping in maintaining order during school events, they’re there to ensure that the school is in the best shape it can be in.

How would you describe your work ethic?: Trying to remain professional at all times when it must be done is a minimum standard for the personality and nature of the members of the council. Due to this, I can ensure that when school is in session or when the council is being publicly displayed, I can promise that I will be responsible, dedicated, and work with the people I have around me no matter the situation.

What interests you the most about the student council?: I believe one of the most interesting things overall is the people. I made a few friends in my time in council and even got closer with pre-existing friends such as Sylcian and Music. The community of all the members is quite welcoming and I miss it quite a bit. It’s also something that I rarely do, academic sort of roleplays. The only times I have ever been fully invested in the school aspect of the server was my time in council & football team, and the council has only made me even more interested in coming back and enjoying the school roleplay factor.

Do you have past experience in roleplaying (if so, summarize your experience)?: I have lots of experience in roleplay. Overall, I have dedicated several years to the server, trying out all sorts of new things. These ranged from student council, to college football, to my very, very long time in the Karakura Police Department. I have even spent a long majority of time in the past exposing myself to gang roleplay. All of which has had an impact on my stance on the server and my experiences. I plan on continuing to try new things, but I still would like to hold onto something that I enjoyed which was student council.

----- SCENARIOS -----
You are on the student council and a member submits an awful idea. What do you do?:
You should be able to take in the consideration of all the other ideas that the other members give, including bad ones. If it’s bad, you should try to come up with a better idea and take a calm approach, giving your opinion and some constructive criticism. Additionally, you should let them explain their side so it is not one sided. Try getting everyone else's opinions too as the council should be working as a team to come up with new ideas to improve stuff. Overall, taking a calm and composed approach is a lot better than just rejecting the idea and forcing your opinion onto them.

In a situation where you propose an idea, and everyone else dislikes it. How would you go about this?: There is always room for improvement to any idea, so there should be no reason to be upset by it. I’ll take my time and think about what is wrong with it and what is right, adjusting the idea. I would also get the input by everyone else and ask what they don’t like about it. There will always be times when people don’t like your ideas and you have to accept that, which is what I would do. Improvement will be made to the idea and can be reintroduced to the team another time.

There is a split decision on an idea. The councilors begin to debate if the idea should be accepted. As time goes on, the debate turns into an argument! How do you handle the situation?: I think the best solution is to not contribute to this. As shouting over everyone would not be a good solution as it'd just fade out, I believe consulting one person at a time and telling them to stay quiet to calm down the situation would be the best thing to do. Keeping situations calm and composed, making sure the team can run smoothly and actually communicate effectively is very important. Because of this, keeping discussions running smoothly and taking turns talking is a good way to start.

A councilor is stirring up problems and bullying students on school grounds! What would you do?: Getting evidence of this is important, so you should have medal installed which helps recording sessions including clips. Upon getting evidence, you should report this to the president / vice-president of your student council. If it is one of the higher ups in council starting issues and bullying students, this should be brought up to the faction lead immediately or anybody who has the power and authority to deal with them.

The council president says something you completely disagree with, how would you combat this?: As this is another member of the council, president or not, you should respect their idea and allow them to continue explaining. From there, you should lay down your own input in a calm and friendly way. At the end of the day, this is your president and what can be seen as your ‘boss’ at the time being. They should respect you and other councilors thoughts and take them into consideration. After this, the council and the president should take time reconstructing whatever the disagreeance was on to get to a point where everyone can agree on it.

There’s a staggering amount of tension/drama between two councilors. It’s beginning to affect their work ethic; how would you try to help?: This sort of behavior should not be going on with anyone in any group. Teachers, professors, and student council. All of these professions are meant to be working as a team. If any drama is going on and it begins to affect their work ethic and causes issues, this should be reported to the vice president / president of the council(s) depending on who it is. From there, if you see anything else, you should keep the higher ups further updated on what is going on and if it is becoming bigger.

There’s a school faculty member abusing their power on school grounds! What do you do?:
This situation should be immediately reported to a member of SLT, more specifically the SLT of the corresponding professors / teachers. (Any teachers should be reported to the Vice Principal / Principal and the professors should be reported to the Dean / Vice Dean). No matter if they are your friends or make some sort of bribe, it is your job to keep the integrity of the school intact. If this member stays and it shows that they were never punished or changed, it will show off to students that this is the behavior which is normalized which it is not.

Your friend has been given detention and has asked you to get them out of trouble. What do you do?: Favoritism cannot be done in council, especially when dealing with situations including friends. Upon them asking, you should deny this request and immediately alert whoever gave them the punishment so they can further decide what they want to do. Of course, your friendships are important and should be taken into consideration. However, it is also your job to make sure that these things do not slide even if you have to be seen as strict or ‘unfair’. As long as you know your work is the best and that you are doing the right thing, is what matters.

Character Name:
Nikolai Kuznetsov

Character Gender: Male

Character Age: 20

Character phone-number: 314-467-730

Brief summary of how they act- your character’s personality: I have always tried to be an open minded person. However, sometimes, it doesn't work out the best. My reputation isn't the best but I've absolutely tried to make a better person of myself which I believe there are a few people who can vouch that I have improved in all parts of myself. Both my respect and personality, I have tried very hard to improve to be a better person overall. I believe I'm a team player, somebody who is confident in their work and can respect people.

Character appearance/attire: A Russian Male who stood at the height of 6’2, with what seemed to be messy blonde hair with a pink streak going down the side front. He had fairly pale skin with a mainly casual sense of fashion. However, he seems to be quite flexible with what he wears.

What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?: I don’t have quite the experience that others may have who are looking for this position, but I did have a position as a council member of the fraternity house. Of course, they aren’t the same, nowhere near the same, but it was worth mentioning. I think that it’s an amazing place to start and be able to use as a reference in case I would like to pursue a career path which includes something that the council could help in. I’m willing to be absolutely dedicated to this role and put in my best effort, though. You guys probably hear this hundreds of times from other people, but I will make sure only my best work goes out to what I do in the council.

Why do you want this position?: I want this position to try something new. I have spent most of my time doing not a lot of things. For the most part, I spent a lot of time doing stuff, on my time on the football team. I left the country for a while and have only recently returned. However, I’m ready to try something new and I thought my first stop would be trying out the council. I don’t have the same experience as other applicants might, but I am absolutely ready to show that I deserve a spot on the team.

What interests you the most about student council?: The most interesting thing to me is the work they do overall. To see so many students so invested in their work in the council, and taking it as seriously as they do is quite inspiring. It’s something that I would like to be a part of too. They seem to be a close community, and make sure they do the best job they can which is something I would like to join. It is something I haven’t tried and I think it’d be an amazing learning experience from the fellow members of the council.

What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?: With my open schedule and time, I can ensure that I’ll be around the school campus often, enforcing all the rules and reporting back anything I need to to the correct authority, whether this be the teachers or even members of SLT. I will also be sure to ask questions if I need any help to make sure I can get the job perfectly done. I can ensure stability will be in my work and I will work efficiently with my colleagues.​


Level 169
Senior Admin
College Sports Lead
Event Coordinator
Congratulations! After both the council presidents and I have reviewed your application we decided to accept it!
To get your roles on the Karakura Academics discord applied ping @Tippie#6666 in #help, for the roles in-game you can either DM me or paste the link of this application in /help. Welcome to the student council!

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