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CakeRP´s KPD application.


Level 72
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):

CakieRP ( Account applying on )

Discord Name & Tag:

Which timezone are you in?
List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:

Describe your activity on the server:

My activity on the server is off and on. Whenever I am in school I wont be on from 8 am to 3:40 pm est. This is Mondays to Fridays and Saturday and Sunday I am on majority of the day. I am currently on college track and highschool council. I will end up leaving one of my current factions for KPD if accepted. I previously was a school receptionist and professor twice. I was very active in both and will continue to be active on the server.

What is your motivation for applying?:
My motivation for applying is pretty simple. I want to improve my experience in SRP and just add to my faction list. I also want to meet new people and have fun. As a councillor and College track member, I feel I have a good amount of RP experience needed to work in the KPD faction. As also being a professor twice and a school employee, this can boost my chances of becoming a KPD. I know I have concerns about the history on the server but in my opinion that is in the past. I have not been in trouble with SRP staff for 2+ years. When I was looking for factions, I felt like this would be the best one for me as I want new experience on police work since I am looking to join the academy for police when I am older. I am also trying to go to medical school to be a paramedic. Being able to join KPD will give me a huge advantage in life when I do get older.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
There are many divisions when it comes to the KPD. I will list the following and give a short but descriptive brief of each role.The commissioner is the boss and is responsible for overseeing the department. They are there to take complaints, promote people, demote people, and just enforce every procedure. He is the key part to making the KPD successful. If he does not do his job properly then you will not have a successful department. Cadets are the new recruits into KPD. They go out on patrols when they have a patrol officer to take them. They are in the station to take reports and complaints at the front desk. Once the cadets prove themselves and pass the test. This is to prove they know how to be a police officer and will do the job properly. You always need proper people in your faction and need to make sure they are doing things right. Once they pass the test they become patrol officers. Patrol officers go on patrol in groups and just patrol the city when needed. They are there to make sure everyone is safe and there is no crime going on. Patrol officers are just the normal officers. They do not have any special privileges over anyone. The corporals are there to help cadets and patrol officers learn the ways of KPD. The corporal is the next step to become a higher ranking officer. Sergeants are the type off officers who have proved themselves by surpassing each ranking. Now here is equipment. The taser is to tase running subjects. This is one of the key equipment uses for the department as it is the main use to subdue subjects. Tranquilizers are used to mainly if a person is being very combative. But it is mainly used on animals if they are aggressive and attacking people. The radio is used the best way to communicate with the team. Gas masks are used to hide your face in dangerous situations along with the swat attire. If there is a dangerous situation with lets say weapons involved KPD will get in swat gear and the gas mask and go arrest the subjects. These outfit uses are used to protect the identity of KPD.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?

Police are important to SRP because they are there to stop gangs and much more. They are to keep control of the city and just overall be there to help the karakura citizens. They need to answer complaints and file reports. They are to attend trials to be able to protect the government and citizens attending trials. SRP police are also to stand guard during government speeches and make sure that no one tries to attack the government and start protests. Without the KPD karakura would not be a safe place.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
Yes I acknowledge.

In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?:

Drew Shigglebottom

How old is your character (if accepted)?:
My character will be 30 years old.

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
Drew is a male and his pronouns are he/him.

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:
College Masters.

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
Drew knows french and korean.

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Drew always stands tall and proud. He has curly maroon hair and always wears a nice cologne. Drew always dresses with respect and respects the citizens and his co workers. He always tries to impress people. One thing you notice about Drew is that he has a french accent and talks like a business man. He has an athletic build and is 190 pounds. Drew is known to be a gentle giant and a very kind person. His smile and attitude to people always show his personality right away. When you talk to Drew he always addresses the person and bows down as part of his culture. Drew is dark skinned and is very good looking. Drew is kind to everyone including people he may not like. It is just how he was raised to be.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?.
He respects everyone and will do what is told. He is known for his exceptional work ethic and his ability to be professional. He takes pride in what he does for a living and will not stop until he gets the job done. Drew always maintains a healthy relationship with his peers. He jokes around a lot but knows how to control himself when someone is not enjoying his joking. Drew likes to spend time with his family and friends as well even on the job. He pays frequent visits to them. When Drew is not working he is an adventurous guy. He likes engage in community events and much more involving the community. Drew plans to get married at some point and start a family.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
Drew´s outlook on co workers is that he works very well with his co workers. He likes to help them and ask questions. Once he gets to know his co-workers better he will be more talkative to them. Drew likes to work as a team and show his leadership skills. While he can work alone, he just prefers to work with others. He can get easily distracted by not working with other people.

What's your character's backstory? Through my life experiences, and travesties I've undergone, I've survived through it all. My dad dying, the family maid dying, and one of my brothers leaving the country. . This is where the story begins.I was born in Paris, France,1997 My name is Drew Cherie Higglebottom , Jasmine… Mother's middle name. I started life in France as a football player. For seven years I played football, I remember how I felt when that ball went flying into the air. It was a brush off my shoulders, a relieve of the drama at home. It wasn't that type of drama, at least. My mother and father used to be so in love, but the more I wasn't around with football, the more they'd go out and goof off. Parents doing the least expected: Un-Parenting.I would spend the hours alone, no realities, no friends, but I had books. I had stories. I had football. I flipped through the fantasies for years until I realized I could make them a reality. I don't have to dream about having friends, I could just make friends. I don't have to kick the stress of being alone anymore. My parents never homeschooled me, but they sent me to a public school for once. I was outgoing, friendly, and I made numerous friends at school. Primary school was the best. By highschool, my three siblings were born in 2015. Triplets. Remember how I said my mother and father went and goofed off so much? That explains it. Accidental twins, an entire pregnancy ruined their marriage.Because of this, my mother and father just buried themselves in work, hiring our maid, Anya Takashi. She was a young, but wonderful woman from Tokyo, Japan. She needed a host family and my parents gladly took her in. She raised the triplets with me and taught me how to be a caretaker. I learned social skills from her, and life skills. I was excentric to come home to someone who cared about my education and well-being! Eventually… My Father got arrested, as he would be smuggling birds in and out of the country. He favored Manon, one of the triplets, and me and my other siblings weren't home to see his arrest. My brother was so traumatized for a while. Remember him staying in his room for hours… But because of the timing, I was moving out due to graduation. I didn't have the time, or really anything to say goodbye to him with. The last day I spent, we all went out for ice cream with the Triplets. I said goodbye to all my highschool friends. I left the country for a bit, to go to Tokyo, Japan. The university there gave me the opportunity to do college football, and to gain knowledge on children. Football made me realize I loved being a cute little kid. Why not teach them or maybe care for them even, someday? My degree went further as I pursued my education and started a masters degree in accounting and business office specialist. It really helped me learn how to use computers and interact with money, in case I ever got a desk job. I was practically an expert in it. Around age 23, I finally finished the teaching degree and accounting degree. I felt overwhelmed with success. Living in Japan was fun, but my siblings were just about to graduate high school in a year or two. They were 15. I moved back because I wanted to be with my family, only to learn mother had cancer, and I never knew. Father passed away in jail, and our maid? She was caring for the bills, the triplets and the family the entire time. A way for her to pay her respects, her way to repay us for taking her in. In Paris, I got really into animals and writing, leaving football behind me for once. Manon, a brother of mine, would teach me the wonders of creatures on this earth. I was fascinated by it all, that I joined a writing welfare for animals poet group. A group all about writing, but writing about animals and poems about the world. I returned home to celebrate my engagement and show off. My siblings were not all there, manon headed off to college in Brazil with his bird, whitelist my other siblings flew in to France just to visit. They were all over the map, from my knowledge. We all kept in touch with letters and our life progressed onward. My marriage succeeded, it being a ten year surprising story! Just like the ones I read in my bedtime fairy tales… My stories. However… His heart never worked properly as it should have. By age 26, passed away due to heart failure.My family was grieving at this time, as my maid, Anya, the woman who helped raise everyone, also passed away. We all were devastated. Together, the triplets, mother and I all moved to Tokyo, Japan. We lived there for a while, but we needed a change of scenery. Moving again after the anniversary of both their deaths, we came across Karakura, Japan. By then, I was 25. And for the past 4-5 years we've lived here. Job to job, paycheck to paycheck, we eventually made a living here. Small businesses in writing, and selling things. Eventually, Manon moved to Karakura, Japan for his job. We lived all over Karakura as a family and if one of us were to pass away, I'm sure we'd still live here…instead of running from death.

General knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?

No a pocket knife is illegal and you will get arrested for possession of illegal weaponary.

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
Wooden Cane

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?

If I see my co-worker physically abusing an inmate, I would immediately jump in and turn on my bodycam. I would then break up the scuffle and have the officer sit down while I called for assistance and a higherup. I would show my supervisor my bodycam footage and explain my side of the story. I would try to explain to the officer that he can not attack inmates even though they can make you mad and just feel rage.

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
If I see my co-worker being assaulted, I would press my panic button and radio for all officers for back up. Once done I would pull out my baton or taser and subdue then subject. Once the scene is controlled, I would apply cuffs to the attacker and arrest them for assault. I would next get medical employees to check on my fellow officer. Once that's all finished, I would head back to the station give the subject his arrest information and then ask if he pleads guilty or not guilty. Once he does his plea, I will give him his bail and how long he will be in jail.

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
I would first warn the commissioner about the co-worker being corrupt and helping criminal organizations. Once this is done I would see if the commissioner can hold a meeting with other officers and try to get evidence on this officer. We would go undercover and gather as much intel on the gang and officer as we can. Once this is done I would submit my report with the gathered evidence and hopefully it is enough to take the subject in to jail for corruption. We would also attempt to take in the gang members to jail for gang affiliation and other charges if needed.

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?

Drew would be so relaxed and say ¨No, now you are being charged with bribery” ¨You should have not tried to bribe me and you would not have had a extra charge.¨
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Level 343
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team has decided
to unfortunately deny your application to join our faction.

Why have I been denied?
We appreciate your efforts and your motivation to join our faction, but we have
made this decision based on the following reason(s)
Thank you for applying, however your application has been denied on the basis of your applications detail & reputation.

What can I do to increase my chances to be accepted?
The fact that you've been denied this time doesn't mean that you can't be accepted
anymore! If you're interested, below are some pieces of advice that could improve
your chances to be accepted during future application waves.
- Please use to better expand your knowledge of what KPD does for your next application.
- We suggest applying for other factions / community teams to improve how other players see you and to boost your chances at becoming apart of KPD.

Due to the large influx of applications, any DMs concerning your application
will be ignored or referred back to this response. Remember that this decision
is a collective agreement between all the higher-ups in the faction, meaning
that this decision hasn't been taken by one single player.

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