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Accepted CakeRP’s Professor Application #2


Level 72

What is your Minecraft username?:


What is your time zone?:

What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats)

Link all previous applications you made on the server:
I have plenty of applications but just do not have time to put them.

Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
My activity varies from when I am able to get on. If it is the weekend, I can play for hours at a time. If it is the weekday I’m normally able to get on after high school which is 4 pm EST.

Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:
My roleply expierencws includes the following

Professor- I was in the professor faction before so I have plenty of experience in the faction. I was in the professor faction from The end of July to the end of October. I know how to do the classes right and handle them accordingly. I have the best knowledge as I learned from the best faction leader in my opinion. I need to get into more factions on SRP and feel like joining back to the professor faction is the best start as I have the most knowledge and experience in here.

School Employe Receptionist- I was a receptionist from the beginning of July to the end of July. This adds to my experience of being in the school faction part of SRP. I was very active within both school factions.

I felt like these two were the main stuff to write down but I have plenty of experience with other roleplay styles.

What are your current roles on SchoolRP:
College Masters
Grade 12
What is the subject you want to teach?:
Physical Education


What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:

My motivation for becoming a professor is that I would like to join back to the faction and have fun in roleplay. I can prove that I still have what it takes to be a professor and that I can do my classes correctly and just be a good person. I also want to increase my chances of joining other factions and this is a good place to start off with that. I love roleplaying on SRP and being in a faction makes it more fun and makes me become more active on SRP again. Being in a faction also means I can meet new people along the way and inspire them as well. I want to try to promote more people to apply for factions so they can have more fun as well. I also just want to build character backstory and character development as well. Being in a faction is a good way to build character lore and all this other amazing features for a character. I want to host fun classes and prevent fights etc around the school. My goal is to promote a safe learning environment for students to enjoy.

Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:

I will do a class of dodge ball. This is so students get some good exercise and work out their muscle bones. I am a P.E. teacher after all. We will go over the topic and what today's lesson is. I will have it so every time I host it’s a different topic each time. One week I will do sports week and another week would be some different P.E. topic. I will make sure the students are in good shape and stay healthy! I might even give them healthy snacks as well!

I will do a day of laps around the school for 2 periods. I will make sure the students build up their leg muscles and get a good work out for the day. They will be able to learn how to get in a good work out if they do not already do it. I will show them the purpose of work outs and if you do not work out or do anything, you can have so much health problems. The students will hopefully understand the meaning of workouts by the time I end these work outs.

Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:

Have a beach day with the students. This mean's taking the students too the beach and doing mini relay races. There will be more physical activities as well. We will also be doing swim laps at the water park and ocean. We will be doing races on the beach to see who's the fastest where we will use a stop watch to time each person who races. I will also make sure everyone has the right outfits for swimming and racing on the beach. This will prove to me that I have the best students who know how to do these activities. If they don't I will personally sit down with them in a group while everyone has fun at the beach! I will not keep them for long, just going over if they have any questions before letting them off to go have fun. Once the class period ends, we will meet back at the main entrance of the beach and head back to the school! I would take the students back to the beach next period I am hosting, and we will do more activities that time too. They will pretty much be the same but for less time. I will ask students before class ends how they enjoyed the field trip in both periods and how I can make it better. I always take students advice really good and use it to improve my classes and field trips in the future. With the students help, I know that my classes will become better because their feedback is always the best and most helpful. This is instead of me coming up with ways to make it better as the students might get bored of my ideas. I will also let the students pick more field trips that relate to physical education and let them chose where we go next. Of course I would ask in advance for the field trip meaning I would have to have my students tell me in advance. This concludes my field trip and these fun ideas I have.


Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?

Kaliyah would see all this going down, she would come up and ask the spartans what is going on? If the spartans said nothing or stayed silent, Kaliyah would ask the bobcat what is going on. Once the bobcat told Kaliyah everything, Kaliyah would tell the spartans to leave the bobcat alone and not mess with him. Kaliyah just wants to descolate the situation instead of making things worse. Kaliyah would also take a note of the Spartans names and write them down on her little notebook, just so she knows if they do anything again she has them on record. Kaliyah would basically be the good guy letting them all off with a warning because she does not like to see peoples records get ruined over something silly. For the spartans good, possibly clean record to be ruined over them bossing a bobcat around would not be right to give them a detention right away. Kaliyah would tell the bobcat jock if he has anymore trouble with this specific group to come find me right away in my classroom. If the spartans repeat their actions Kaliyah would then hand out detention slips, since she did warn them not to do it or else there would be some further punishment for their actions. This is how Kaliyah would handle this type of situation.

Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
Kaliyah would talk to the student about his behavior and tell him he really needs to focus on his task other than talking. Kaliyah would then watch the student very closely to make sure he does his task and does not keep talking. If the student keeps talking and asking questions for no reason Kaliyah would tell him to stop doing all this unneeded stuff before I make you stay here until school closes. Kaliyah would keep reminding the student this to make him do his task quicker. Kaliyah does not like when students act up in detention because it wastes his time at home with his friends and family. She wants students to do their tasks quickly but make sure they do it right. This is so they do not have to end up re doing anything because of a quickly done task. Kaliyah would also explain to the student the detention room rules and make sure he does not repeat these actions.

Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?
Kaliyah would end up telling the cheerleaders to put the phones away and stop causing a disruption. If these cheerleaders continued Kaliyah would end up taking their phones until the end of class, this is to make sure they can not keep playing songs and doing whatever else they are doing on their devices. The part about calling students out in class, Kaliyah would tell them to stop harassing and calling out students in her classroom. Kaliyah would tell them it is not ok and makes students feel down about themselves in the process. Kaliyah would make sure the cheerleaders stay quiet for the rest of the class so no more problems occur. This is so she can get her class moving on with the topic at hand. It would not be good if they got nothing done because of these cheerleaders. Kaliyah would make the cheerleaders also do laps around the gym to have them think about their actions. Kaliyah would then also have them explain to him in a group why their actions were wrong and why they did not stop when she asked. She would have the students play basketball while he sorted out the cheerleaders and made sure they understood her classroom rules. Kaliyah would also ask the cheerleaders why they chose to do this today and explain to them that the behavior she has seen is not acceptable at all. Kaliyah would tell them that their behavior and actions will get them no where in life and they need to grow up and be mature about these things. Kaliyah would also explain that bullying and calling out other students might not end well.

Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
Kaliyah would run up to the situation and attempt to break it up. If this failed Kaliyah would use her radio and all for help. Once more school faculty arrived, Kaliyah and the others would quickly desolate the situation. Kaliyah would ask the students why they were fighting and how it started. If no one said anything Kaliyah would get a caretaker to review the CCTV if the fight was captured on the cameras. Once Kaliyah saw who instigated it, she would go back and give the students one more chance to come clean about how it started. If no one came clean about the situation, Kaliyah would give the students a detention slip. Kaliyah would explain to them why they received detention and why their actions were wrong. If the students did tell Kaliyah who instigated it, but did not say why the certain student instigated it, Kaliyah would take the student who instigated it to a different area and ask why he did this. When the student told Kaliyah why he did this, Kaliyah would explain to him that it is not right to attack someone over a little reason. Kaliyah would hand the student detention and explain that his actions were wrong and why they were wrong. Kaliyah would go back with the other student and explain to them all that fighting is not allowed and to stay away from each other, so nothing further happens between the two groups. Kaliyah would then let them all off and go on their ways. Kaliyah would then go on her way closely listening to the radio to make sure nothing happens between those two groups again.


Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?

Kaliyah is 5’2 and does not weigh much but she is respectful and her goal is to become a professor for the school. She is kind and cool with everyone she meets. She is very professional on duty and off duty still. Kaliyah has very colorful hair with a shale of the heart. She is dark skin toned and her hair is very long and curly. Kaliyah’s plan for the future is to get married become a professor and make plenty of new friends.

Kaliyah wants to have kids and start a family. This is because when she dies she wants her legacy to live on. Her outlook on co workers is she respects them all and her outlook on the students is she will show them respect but if she makes them mad she will let them know but will not yell.

Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Make sure this is over 100 words.

Through my life experiences, and travesties I've undergone, I've survived through it all. My dad dying, the family maid dying, and one of my brothers leaving the country. . This is where the story begins.

I was born in Paris, France,1997 My name is Kaliyah Jasmine Andreev… Jasmine… Mother's middle name. I started life in France as a football player. For seven years I played football, I remember how I felt when that ball went flying into the air. It was a brush off my shoulders, a relieve of the drama at home. It wasn't that type of drama, at least. My mother and father used to be so in love, but the more I wasn't around with football, the more they'd go out and goof off. Parents doing the least expected: Un-Parenting.
I would spend the hours alone, no realities, no friends, but I had books. I had stories. I had football. I flipped through the fantasies for years until I realized I could make them a reality. I don't have to dream about having friends, I could just make friends. I don't have to kick the stress of being alone anymore.

My parents never homeschooled me, but they sent me to a public school for once. I was outgoing, friendly, I made numerous amount of friends at school. Primary school was the best.
By highschool, my three siblings were born in 2015. Triplets.
Remember how I said my mother and father went and goofed off so much? That explains it.
Accidental twins, an entire pregnancy ruined their marriage.
Because of this, my mother and father just buried themselves in work, hiring our maid, Anya Takashi. She was a young, but wonderful women from Tokyo, Japan. She needed a host family and my parents gladly took her in.
She raised the triplets with me and taught me how to be a caretaker. I learned social skills from her, and life skills. I was excentric to come home to someone who cared about my education and well-being!
Eventually… My Father got arrested, as he would be smuggling birds in and out of the country.
He favorited Manon, one of the triplets, and me and my other siblings weren't home to see his arrest. My brother was so traumatized for a while.

remember him staying in his room for hours… But because of the timing, I was moving out due to graduation. I didn't have the time, or really anything to say goodbye to him with.
The last day I spent, we all went out for icecream with the Triplets. I said goodbye to all my highschool friends.

I left the country for a bit, to go to Tokyo, Japan. The university there gave me the opportunity to do college football, and to gain knowledge on children. Football made me realize I loved being a cute little kid. Why not teach them or maybe care for them even, someday?
My degree went further as I pursued it my education and started a masters degree in accounting and business office specialist. It really helped me learn how to use computers and interact with money, in case I ever got a desk job.
I was practically an expert in it.
Around age 23, I finally finished the teaching degree and accounting degree. I felt overwhelmed with success.
Living in Japan was fun, but my siblings were just about to graduate high school in a year or two. They were 15. I moved back because I wanted to be with my family, only to learn mother had cancer, and I never knew. Father passed away in jail, and our maid? She was caring for the bills, the triplets and the family the entire time. A way for her to pay her respects, her way to repay us for taking her in.
In Paris, I got really into animals and writing, leaving football behind me for once.
Manon, a brother of mine, would teach me the wonders of creatures on this earth. I was fascinated by it all, that I joined a writing welfare for animals poet group. A group all about writing, but writing about animals and poems about the world.

I returned home to celebrate my engagement and show off. My siblings were not all there, manon headed off to college in Brazil with his bird, whitelist my other siblings flew in to France just to visit. They were all over the map, from my knowledge.
We all kept in touch with letters and our life progressed onward.
My marriage succeeded, it being a ten year surprising story! Just like the ones I read in my bedtime fairy tales… My stories.
However… His heart never worked properly as it should have. By age she 26, passed away due to heart failure.
My family was in grieving at this time, as my maid, Anya, the woman who helped raise everyone, also passed away. We all were devistated.
Together, the triplets, mother and I all moved to Tokyo, Japan. We lived there for a while, but we needed a change of scenery.
Moving again after the anniversary of both their deaths, we came across Karakura, Japan.
By then, I was age 25.
And for the past 4-5 years we've lived here. Job to job, paycheck to paycheck, we eventually made a living here. Small businesses in writing, and selling things. Eventually, Manon moved to Karakura, Japan for his job. We lived all over Karakura as a family and if one of us were to pass away, I'm sure we'd still live here…instead of running from death.

(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you, replace the underscores [ _ ] with your answers)


Full Name:
Kaliyah Andreev

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Ms. Andreev
Given Name(s):

Preferred Name:
Around co workers Kaliyah and around the students Ms. Andreev.

Age: 27.

Gender & pronouns:

Religious Denomination:

Marital Status:

Current Location:
Kaurakura Jalan
SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years):

6 years
Working Experience (# of years):
6 years
Academic Degree:
Year of Graduation:
Native Languages:
Other Languages:
Preferred Teaching Subject:
physical education.
Last edited:


Level 99
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
Congratulations, please make sure you're in the Karakura Academics discord, and ping me in #help (@muffincats) to receive your role. You can request your role in game by making a ticket. If you are not in the discord please make sure to join

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