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Accepted CakeRP's P.A. Teacher Application


Level 60
What is your Minecraft username?:
CakieRP ( Applying on )

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

Do you have a microphone?:
Yes, I do.

What is your time zone?:

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes I do.

Describe your activity on the server:
My activity and experience on the server goes far back! I am currently on the College track team, and I have been a part of the professor faction twice and receptionist once. When you look at my background you can tell I have so much experience in the school faction. So this shows my passion with teaching and so much more. I am normally on all the time on the weekends, and I am on from 4pm est to about 10pm est on school days. Now that it is becoming summer break, I will be on all the time.

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server:
I have so many but I feel as if, I do not have the amount of time to link every application.

What are your current roles on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
College Masters Track

Highschool Council [Will leave if i get in]


What subject are you applying to teach?:

I am applying to teach Preforming Arts.

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:
My motivation for applying is that this is something I want to do when I graduate high school. I am going into the teaching field in college and this helps me gain that experience I need. I also want to meet new people on the faction and overall have more fun in the server with new RP chances. I just want to be more active within the server hence why I am applying for factions and community teams. I have so much passion for this server and nothing will change with that.

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT?
Yes, I do.

Do you understand if your application is accepted, you will have to undergo teacher training?:
Yes, I do.

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:
Teacher class logs keep track of whos hosting a class and how many classes said person has. It ensures that the said teacher is keeping up with quota and allows the paychecks to be the right amount.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:

No phones! [!] A big poster in the classroom would read [!] Phones are a distraction to learning, so they will need to be put away immediately when you enter my room.

No fights, verbal assaulting and no threats.

No horse play. This is a learning environment not a playground.

No talking while I give the lessons. If your caught talking after multiple warnings it will be a detention.

No eating. Treat my room and rules with respect. IF i tell you no eating you do not eat, I do not need rats or bugs in my classroom.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I have been roleplaying in Minecraft servers for quite some time. I know all the rules for this server and I admit when I am doing wrong. I fully understand the meaning of role-play and it is not something to get mad over or toxic about. Roleplaying is supposed to be fun and something you enjoy to do. When I got banned a couple times in 2020, I took time to read the rules and make sure I did not repeat those actions ever again. I have stayed clean with my history and only have had good run ins with staff. I love to develop character lore and backstory. That is very important to me while playing SRP. If you do not have good character lore or a good backstory to your character, what's the point of even roleplaying If you keep creating more and more characters. There is a lot to role-play and very many key factors to having successful role-plays. I always stick with one character and devolve them into something big. Using characters you do not care about is not good roleplaying skills either. I was a former professor twice, so I have the gist of working in the school faction and the teaching. I was also a receptionist as stated earlier, so I am still very active within the school faction. Now I am currently apart of the track team and I am a high school councilor. All of this shows my experience in roleplay and why I am applying today.

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:
- HD
↳ Meaning: Head of Department
↳ Description:

Head of department is the teacher who overseers their subject. This role requires a lot of responsibility along with commitment. They need to manage staff in the department and help train others. They need to make sure everything is running smoothly in their department, and make sure no one is doing anything wrong.

- QT
↳ Meaning: Qualified Teacher
↳ Description:

This role is for the players who are in the faction for a while. This also represents the people who have worked hard for months and earned their role. They have more experience then a NQT as they have been teaching longer but are basically the same role.

↳ Meaning: : Newly Qualified Teacher
↳ Description:

This role is for the people who prove their motivation to be in the faction and go above and beyond. They show themselves by earning quota for months in a row.

- UT
↳ Meaning: Unqualified Teacher
↳ Description:

This is for the people who have just been accepted into the faction. They need to go through training and prove themselves to their HD that they are motivated and worthy enough to pertain the role NQT. Once they prove themselves, they will be promoted in the up-and-coming wave.
Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.


The new teachers get a base paycheck of 350,000 yen. Qualified teachers get a paycheck of 400,000 yen. Once someone finishes their quota. They will get 50,000 for every 5 extra classes they do tallying up to 500,000 yen.

Teacher class logs.
To host a class the command in game will be, /class call [Room Number] [Period].

This will send a command to Academic discord bot and will show up saying the class was claimed. This is so that four people only have one period. You will have chances for period 3 and 4.

To give a player detention, you use the command /detention [ign] [Reason]
You need to give 3 warnings before handing out a detention unless, the action is required immediate detention.

Announcing classes.
To announce a class, you use the /intercom command.
I will provide an example of what it should look like.
/intercom "&7&oThe loud mic would turn on.. with a brief pause. A person would begin speaking! &fHello students it is Mr. Shigglebottom here, I will be hosting a preforming arts class periods 3 and 4 in room [room number] . I hope to see you there!. &7&oThe intercom would cut off after the class announcement.

Faculty Reports
To report someone to the SLT you need to do the following. Go into faculty reports channel, follow the format and submit!

Bulletin Board
The grading system for the bulletin board looks like the following!



To start off heres an example on how to use it.


Mr. Shigglebottoms Preforming Art's Class.​

"Hello students! You all did great on your last quiz! Well some of you at least. I will now post the grades on my board so you know if you passed or

[Player Name] [Comment about their work]

[Player Name] [Comment about their work]​

Lesson Planning in spare time.

Teachers in their spare time in real life, do lesson planning. They focus on one topic for the day and then plan out the rest when they get home. Teachers need to prepare their lesson plans for the week ahead of time in order to be successful. Some teachers take the opportunity during summer to start some of their lessons in order to be ahead of schedule.


Of course teachers need their vacation! They have to deal with students for about 275 days a year. The only real time off they get is the weekends and the summer. They really need to go places with family and make the most out of life.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:

Teachers are important to SRP because they are there to teach. They may not know everything, but they are trying their best. We need to appreciate the people who take the time out of their days to teach in SRP. Hell, teachers in SRP teach better than some teachers that are real teachers. They are also here to be supportive to people and help them threw the journey of srp.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:

MoSCo Method (Must have, could have, should have)

Character Information

Describe the character: How do they look and act? What makes them unique and different?

What makes Drew unique and different is that he does not get angry when a student yells or does something mean to him. He just continues to be nice and respectful. He was born and raised to be a good person and will continue to do so. He has had family come from all sorts of jobs such as Police, EMS, Government. Keep in mind that this is back in France. He knew when he came here he had to continue their legacy and prove to be a respectful man.

Drew acts with professionalism and courage. He treats everyone he meets with respect and is willing to meet new people in his life. He loves making friends and gathering memories to share with everyone he meets. Drew is very kind and caring as well. He will give his life to make someone happy and not be upset. Drew also loves to make people laugh and enjoy life.

Drew stands at 6'5 and seems like a scary guy but when you get to know him, he's the nicest man ever. He has the biggest heart and loves to spread positivity. As soon as he sees someone in need, he springs into action and helps them with whatever they need. Whether it's paying for food or just giving them money to survive. Once he knows that said person is ok and does not need further assistance, he gives them his number and if they need to contact him they can.

Drews physical features show who he is. He has a friendly smile and continues to spread smiles and happiness all over. He has maroon curly hair and sometimes gets made fun of for his hair, but he does not let that stop him from having a good life.

What is their outlook on students and their co-workers?

Drew's outlook on co workers is that they are friends to him. He will do anything to please his co workers since that is where he feels hes juidged the most. When he proves to his co workers that he has a good attitude and is amazing to work with, he will feel as if he has done a job well done. Until than he is going to build bonds and relationships with all of his co workers. Drew cares for his co workers and wants the best for them as well. So he will be there for them in their good times and bad times. He will try to make outstanding memories with everyone because he knows life is short. So he needs to make the best of everything he comes across.

Drew looks at the students as if they were his kids. He shows them a tremendous amount of respect. Even if he gets disrespected by them, he will still look at them the same as he would anyone else. Drew tries to form a bond with students and show them down the right path. Even if he fails to turn them down the right path, he will still try to bond with them and show them the right way even if they do not listen to him. He would hate to see students get in trouble with the law or with the school. He is very caring towards the students and just wants the best for them. Once he knows the students are going down the right path, he knows he did his job correctly and will continue to do it for years to come.

What are their plans for the future?

Drew's plans for the future are to get married and meet the love of his life. He wants to eventually have kids and just enjoy life. But for now, he plans to work himself up in the teacher community and progress through the ranks. He plans to be in the teaching phase until he's told to retire. But for now, Drew wants to make the best of life and impress his fellow coworkers by doing an outstanding job as a teacher. Drew plans to be there for his fellow coworkers and students whether they like it or not. Drew knows that life is short so he wants to live the fullest life he can. Once he has all these good memories with friends and family, he knows he need to keep making more and more. Family is everything to Drew so he will not take it lightly.


You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:

I would personally deescalate the situation. I would take the student to another room, and ask them what their issue is and try to figure it out. I will calm them down, if they need a moment to their self, I will let them be for a few moments. I will then go into the room where I left them and continue to figure it out. I would ask other students, why this student was getting mad and heated. Once finding detail about the situation, I will go back to the student, to see if they have calmed down. Once they are calm, I will have a very calming conversation, to show them that they are not in trouble and will not get a punishment. I would spend a couple minutes talking to the student and making their day better. I would tell them, I am there for them and if they need anything to contact me. I would then let them out of the room, seeing that they are calmed down and go back to having an amazing day. At the end of the situation, I would document everything and just keep it as a note to myself of what occurred in the situation.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:

If no one was listening in my class, I would continue to tell everyone to be quiet. If they continue not to listen, I would tell them that if they want to be disruptive to go in the hallway and stay out of my class room. Once this happens and they continue not to listen, I would get on my radio and get some assistance to quiet down the class. Whether it be SLT or more teachers that are available. If it was to be SLT, I would have that SLT member talk to the students and hopefully explain why they need to be quiet and not be disruptive. Once this is done, I would hopefully get back to my lesson ad continue teaching for the period.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:

I am calm and relaxed in the break room. I would make sure my fellow workers are good and do not need anything before I start my shift. I would spark some conversation as well. I would enjoy the time I have with the employees, because time fly's by when your working. I would see if any of my fellow friends/workers need breakfast and I would go by them all something to eat. I would also bring in coffee for everyone and just be as friendly as possible in general. I would have enjoyable conversations with everyone as well. I would just be happy and energetic. This is what I would do in the school break room.

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

Would shuffle his papers around and stack the papers on his desk. He would then grab a sharpie and mark each paper one by one grading them. He would next put each paper in lowest grade to highest grade form.


stretching his right arm upward, a small yawn would escape Drew's mouth as it hung slightly open as he stretched. Meeting his free hand up with his stretched one, he’d interlock his fingers and turn them outward until he heard them pop, loudly. Dropping his hands back to the desk, he’d roll her shoulders out clockwise before finally returning his gaze at the students before him.


as his gaze drifted toward the student in front of him, Drew would gently put his pen down and clear her throat. “Good morning! Do you have your homework?” After taking a moment to process what was said, Drew would quickly swivel on his chair to hook his fingers around a drawer handle, then pull it open. Carefully putting the papers handed to him in the homework bin, he’d close it with his free hand and swiftly turn back to the student with a big smile. &f”Go sit back down!” After watching the student sit down, he’d pick his pen back up to resume the grading..


as the student spoke, Drew would nod while quickly scrambling for a pen and notepad. Eventually, after rummaging through a couple drawers, he’d retrieve what he'd required and place the notepad open on the desk. Biting the cap of the pen, Drew would yank the pen’s body out as to expose the nib. A couple “Uh-huuuhh..” and “Repeat that?''s would escape his mouth as he scribbled down the information being told to him. Finishing his last sentence, he’d quickly place the lid back on the pen and place it horizontally in front of him. “Alright, all good to go! I’ll call for you once I am done grading your project!


Through my life experiences, and travesties I've undergone, I've survived through it all. My dad dying, the family maid dying, and one of my brothers leaving the country. . This is where the story begins.

I was born in Paris, France,1997 My name is Drew Cherie Higglebottom , Jasmine… Mother's middle name. I started life in France as a football player. For seven years I played football, I remember how I felt when that ball went flying into the air. It was a brush off my shoulders, a relieve of the drama at home. It wasn't that type of drama, at least. My mother and father used to be so in love, but the more I wasn't around with football, the more they'd go out and goof off. Parents doing the least expected: Un-Parenting.

I would spend the hours alone, no realities, no friends, but I had books. I had stories. I had football. I flipped through the fantasies for years until I realized I could make them a reality. I don't have to dream about having friends, I could just make friends. I don't have to kick the stress of being alone anymore.

My parents never homeschooled me, but they sent me to a public school for once. I was outgoing, friendly, I made numerous amount of friends at school. Primary school was the best.

By highschool, my three siblings were born in 2015. Triplets.

Remember how I said my mother and father went and goofed off so much? That explains it.

Accidental twins, an entire pregnancy ruined their marriage.

Because of this, my mother and father just buried themselves in work, hiring our maid, Anya Takashi. She was a young, but wonderful women from Tokyo, Japan. She needed a host family and my parents gladly took her in.

She raised the triplets with me and taught me how to be a caretaker. I learned social skills from her, and life skills. I was excentric to come home to someone who cared about my education and well-being!

Eventually… My Father got arrested, as he would be smuggling birds in and out of the country.

He favorited Manon, one of the triplets, and me and my other siblings weren't home to see his arrest. My brother was so traumatized for a while.

remember him staying in his room for hours… But because of the timing, I was moving out due to graduation. I didn't have the time, or really anything to say goodbye to him with.

The last day I spent, we all went out for icecream with the Triplets. I said goodbye to all my highschool friends.

I left the country for a bit, to go to Tokyo, Japan. The university there gave me the opportunity to do college football, and to gain knowledge on children. Football made me realize I loved being a cute little kid. Why not teach them or maybe care for them even, someday?

My degree went further as I pursued it my education and started a masters degree in accounting and business office specialist. It really helped me learn how to use computers and interact with money, in case I ever got a desk job.

I was practically an expert in it.

Around age 23, I finally finished the teaching degree and accounting degree. I felt overwhelmed with success.

Living in Japan was fun, but my siblings were just about to graduate high school in a year or two. They were 15. I moved back because I wanted to be with my family, only to learn mother had cancer, and I never knew. Father passed away in jail, and our maid? She was caring for the bills, the triplets and the family the entire time. A way for her to pay her respects, her way to repay us for taking her in.

In Paris, I got really into animals and writing, leaving football behind me for once.

Manon, a brother of mine, would teach me the wonders of creatures on this earth. I was fascinated by it all, that I joined a writing welfare for animals poet group. A group all about writing, but writing about animals and poems about the world.

I returned home to celebrate my engagement and show off. My siblings were not all there, manon headed off to college in Brazil with his bird, whitelist my other siblings flew in to France just to visit. They were all over the map, from my knowledge.

We all kept in touch with letters and our life progressed onward.

My marriage succeeded, it being a ten year surprising story! Just like the ones I read in my bedtime fairy tales… My stories.

However… His heart never worked properly as it should have. By age she 26, passed away due to heart failure.

My family was in grieving at this time, as my maid, Anya, the woman who helped raise everyone, also passed away. We all were devistated.

Together, the triplets, mother and I all moved to Tokyo, Japan. We lived there for a while, but we needed a change of scenery.

Moving again after the anniversary of both their deaths, we came across Karakura, Japan.

By then, I was age 25.

And for the past 4-5 years we've lived here. Job to job, paycheck to paycheck, we eventually made a living here. Small businesses in writing, and selling things. Eventually, Manon moved to Karakura, Japan for his job. We lived all over Karakura as a family and if one of us were to pass away, I'm sure we'd still live here…instead of running from death.

In-Character Information

(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only):

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):


Given Name(s):

Drew Shigglebottom

Preferred Name:


Age (Minimum is 25):




Religious Denomination:


Marital Status:




Current Location:

Karakura, Japan.

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years):

Drews work experience is15 years. Started at the age of 18 in high school working at a daycare. He then continued through his career through college working as a teaching assistant in a middle school. Now he's 33 and looking to become a full time teacher.

Academic Degree:


Year of Graduation:





Educational Studies.

Native Languages:


Other Languages:


Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?:

Last edited:


Level 108
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
Welcome to the Teacher Faction! You will begin as an Unqualified teacher (UT)

You will be given your roles in the Academics Discord and afterward will be pinged regarding teacher training. Once your training is complete, you will be allowed to start your own classes!

If you have any questions, please DM me or contact me through the teacher channels in the Academics Discord.

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