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CandySean's 3rd Police Application! ! !


Level 12
IGN (In Game Name): CandySean
Previous Bans: I have had multiple past bans, which all have either been proven false, I've been proven innocent, or an appeal by me has been accepted.

Describe your activity on the server: I am on almost daily depending on what is going on, If not then It's 3-4 days a week.

Do you have Discord? Yes, I do! It is EmojiEnthusiast#9112.

Do you have a microphone? Yes, I do.

List your current and past applications:

- Shop Owner - Denied

- Five Shop Worker Applications, 3 Security, 2 Waiter [Brew Cafe, Beans and Creams, 11/7, MacFromage, And Red House] - All Accepted

- Police Application #1 - Accepted!

- Police Application #2 - Accepted!

What is your motivation for applying?: I would like to reapply for yes, the third time as the first time, I had left for the Kazekage, which was a big mistake made from me. The second time was due to a ban which I have now been unbanned from which I will not get into depth to. I just feel like I wanna come back because for a majority of SchoolRP, the police has been a big thing for me. It was my first major job as in having a tag for this job. I also feel that this is really where I'm meant to be as I've made so many good friends and loyal people that have stuck with me ever since I resigned from the first time. So many people are nice enough to be able to talk to me even after what has happened to me. Also, many people have gotten me to reapply. Such as cloud_divider, a current applicant, Aania, Police Captain, Kelvin... Yeah, you know him. And all of my other friends and the entirety of the Force. The people which have gotten me to reapply the most are my closest friends.

Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct? Yes, I understand them very well due to being a two time Officer.

What are the Police ranks? Cadet, Patrol Officer, Corporal, Sergeant, Lieutenant, Vice Head Lieutenant, Head Lieutenant, Captain, Commissioner.

[Other Ranks include - SAT aka Special Assault Team - Investigators - K9?]

What knowledge do you have of Police Work. Yes, I have quite a bit of knowledge of both sides of the spectrum in regards of roleplay when coming to GangRP, as for the Kazekage which was the biggest gang for a while, and being a Police Officer twice, reaching the rank of Sergeant and Corporal twice. I have lots of knowledge on Police Work too as I also play as Police on other roleplay servers and games and, I also would wish to become a Police Officer in the real world which is a big reason I do things in regards of the Police.

Why are Police important to SchoolRP? They are important as they maintain the peace in the roleplay side of the server, as for staff, they deal with Out-Of-Character things and warn / ban / moderate the server. The Police deal with crimes such as Homicides, Assaults, Harassment, and other things. They are also very important because without a Police Force, the server would be going to shit with people running around with weapons killing people like it's nothing. Though, the crime rate has dropped drastically ever since the Kage has been disbanded and the Black Market has stopped dealing a lot of weapons, the police are still a big essential to the city of Karakura.

IC Section
Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique? What he's like on the and off the job? Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?
Sean Gray is a male standing at 6'4 and weighing about 180 LBS. He has the pattern of pink and blue hair, resembling Cotton Candy. He'd be an aggressive yet nice to little amounts of people. He devotes his life to the Police, doing anything he can to help as a civilian, and yes, he's extremely nice to the police as most of them are still very good friends of him. He's a very confident and skilled male, being pansexual, though, people keep thinking he is gay due to his nickname Annabell Sturm had gave him. He'd have a family of about 6 with a full of about 30. He'd also be quite inspirational and people would look up to him at times, though, he doesn't think of himself as


Sean was born in Canada, Ontario. He lived with his parents and he had a half blood brother. When he was 11, Sean started to realize strange activities from his parents. He went into their room one time and found bags of drugs. He then found out that they were addicts so he avoided them for a while. This made his feel very lonely because he never wanted to talk to them. When he was 13 and about to go to high school, he received devastating news that his parents died from a drug overdose. He was very upset and stayed alone for a while. He did not know what he wanted to do anymore. He then moved to Karakura, Japan to make friends and start a new life with people he never knew. The first friend he made was a guy named Lemon who died when Sean was 15. When Sean got a job as 11/7 security, he realized how scary Karakura was. He always wanted to leave but never could because of the friends his made. He decided to take the fact that it won't change so he found ways to defend himself. When he was 17, he got 5 jobs and wanted to pursue a career as a cop or someone that can help Karakura be a better place. He couldn't think about it too much because he never felt as if he was ready for the job as an officer of any sorts. Sean really found a love for the color pink and blue. He then got the name Cotton Candy. After a while, he felt as if he was very ready for the job. He had become very mature and more serious. He went on to follow his career as hopefully becoming a police officer for Karakura. This lasted for about 6 months when the male decided to resign from the force, coincidentally, when he would be needed the most, also known as the times of the Kage. After Kage had disbanded after attacking KPD with the large amount of about 100 people, Sean Gray then decided once again to reapply to the Police in which he had thought would be his life job. This only turned out to him being fired at a point for going on a vacation for too long without notifying superior ranks. In this time of Police, he had reached the rank of Corporal. He had come back after two years from his non-notified LOA / vacation to America. He then returned again as which today, is the day he reapplied to the Police Force for the third time in which he hopes it should just be the last time he applies.

SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name:
Sean Gray
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr
Given Name(s): Sean Gay
Preferred Name: Sean / Gay

Age: 27
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: Christian
Marital Status: In current relationship, though, if accepted... Uhh... Single.

Nationality: White
Current Location: Karakura

SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training:
Working Experience: 7-8 Past Shop Jobs + 2x Police Officer

Academic Degree: Graduated with a Master

Year of Graduation:
Criminal Justice + Law Enforcement
Minor(s): Criminology

Native Languages: English.
Other Languages:

Extra Notes: Due to Sean's very recent arrest, I probably will not be playing Police on him.
Last edited:


Level 185
News Lead
-After a vote held between officers, the conclusion is that you are fit for the role as P.O.
Welcome to the force once more, cadet!

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