Level 2
What's your Minecraft Username?: Nrider
What's the title of your suggestion?: Car doors - CrimeRP
What's your suggestion?:
This suggestion wont be that detailed. Although i believe this would change the gangRP a bit more and make it also more fun. Considering the fact gangRPers doesnt have any delay if they have car next to them. Then i was thinking that if someone is using car while theyre commiting a crime, i believe it would be more than appropriate for the specific owner of the car to action to that they have left their car doors open. Realistically itll take you also atleast 7-16 seconds to open doors, get in the car close doors & start engine.
How will this benefit the server and community?:
If this would be a thing then i believe that itll be easier to act on every set of perms & constant escaping from set of perms.
What's the title of your suggestion?: Car doors - CrimeRP
What's your suggestion?:
This suggestion wont be that detailed. Although i believe this would change the gangRP a bit more and make it also more fun. Considering the fact gangRPers doesnt have any delay if they have car next to them. Then i was thinking that if someone is using car while theyre commiting a crime, i believe it would be more than appropriate for the specific owner of the car to action to that they have left their car doors open. Realistically itll take you also atleast 7-16 seconds to open doors, get in the car close doors & start engine.
How will this benefit the server and community?:
If this would be a thing then i believe that itll be easier to act on every set of perms & constant escaping from set of perms.