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Car with 4 seats.. does not act like it has 4 seats..

Alice Kelice

Level 1
In Srp, I have a Bently Jeep with 4 seats, which should be able to fit 4 people according to the seating. but it does not and instead act like there's one seat. I have unlocked the car and I'm pretty sure its bugged and stuck as a one-seater unless I'm missing something. Could you fix this or replace the car with a new one? I do not think it has any upgrades at all, just a normal Bently. I'm not sure how I'm supposed to take any screenshots or anything of this, but if you want to dm me or anything to ask about screenshots and tell me what I need I can give my discord somehow.


Level 311
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There seems to be an issue with the way this car is configured - We'll look into fixing it​

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