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Accepted Caretaker Application | YellowMilk


Level 1
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Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

What is your time zone?:

Describe your activity on the server:
I am taking my courses online right now, so I am really active. I try to get on as often as I can, whenever I can. I can be online everyday and have been in love with roleplaying here recently, so would like to continue but as a caretaker. I’m usually playing and hopping on throughout the day.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
No, I have not been banned before.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I will do my very best to be actively roleplaying on this character.

School Employee Role you are applying for?:
I would like to apply for the Caretaker role, to fulfil the duties of a Caretaker on school grounds.

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
Caretakers have a lot of different duties on the school grounds, some of these include; keeping the school safe, watching over the students and keeping an eye on things, making sure the school is ready for inspection, keeping all rooms and areas clean and tidy, sorting out behaviour issues, assisting staff, etc. Caretakers are the heart and soul of the team, helping those that need it, giving assistance to other faculty members, and putting all hands on deck to keeping the school a clean, positive and happy learning space. Caretakers can help defuse fights, any acts of violence and sort out any issues that may affect the other students at the school. One part of the job I am most excited for, if accepted, is to be able to help mop the floors around the school and classrooms. Keeping everything spotless and clean is the number one priority of my character. She does not like a messy area. Finally, keeping the bathrooms hygienic and clean is always a concern to take on as a caretaker.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I have a lot of experience in roleplay as I have been roleplaying a lot of my life. What started out with roleplaying in the houses of Call of Duty. Ended in being something I still enjoy to this day. I have roleplayed on different games like Roblox, Minecraft, Call of Duty, etc. On SchoolRP, I have multiple characters I have enjoyed roleplaying on. I would like to think that these characters are unique and allow me to roleplay in different ways, with different people. I have Felicity Yamatasha, Emily Brown, a bird character, Jennifer Smith and I am hoping to get some more!

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
School faction is one of the most important factions, in my opinion. It is one of the main reasons people choose to roleplay here, since it is a School roleplay server. I have found the community in the school faction are so lovely to be around, so fun to be around and look to be a tight nit group. I would like to be a part of that and experience roleplaying with these people as faculty. It may seem weird, but I am actually really passionate about the caretaker role, I find that my most enjoyment is through roleplaying as a janitor or caretaker. This might seem strange, but I love making what might look like a mundane role or character, a fun and complex character! Everything I do as caretaker, would be with passion and enjoyment. Something as simple as mopping floors, I would turn into a fun experience in roleplay for me and those around me.

I love the idea of interacting with students, especially newer students. I would like to be one of those people that are able to show them around the server in character, be a helpful hand as a faculty member and encourage those around me to do so too. The experience in the faction is another reason I would like to join, this would be my first faction and I would love for it to be caretaker. I have no means of leaving this faction, as I said before, it is my favourite faction.

Additionally, I love taking on different tasks, this role would be perfect for that. I am very active right now and would love a role to take on whilst being active, it will give me something to do.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
I have not made any other applications so far.

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
Grade 12



During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:
Abuella would approach the situation and give out 2 verbal warnings before threatening a detention. If this continues, Abuella would hand over the detention. Through this, Abuella would remain calm and together, she will also remain non-bias in situations. If this behaviour continues though, after the student has received a detention, she would forward the situation along to an SLT member. Below I will give a /me example of her approaching the situation.

/me clears her throat, her once smiling face, slowly turns into a frown. “What is happening over here? Can somebody please explain to me, why the group of you are causing a scene?” Her voice is well spoken and clear as she stands there, still on the spot.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
Abuella would approach them immediately and split the two students up from fighting, she would then hand detentions to both of them. Fighting and assault on school grounds is never permitted for any reason. After the detention, she would tell them to go their separate ways, if this continues or they disresect/not listen to her. She would warn them with SLT, if continued, she would inform SLT of the situation for it to be taken further.

/me hands a red slip with the words ‘DETENTION’ on it. It would be clearly dated and timed for today after school. “You will be seeing me, after school. Do I make myself clear?”

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
She would pull them aside and speak to them about this. She would not want to do it in front of the students or a crowd. She would let them know that they cannot be doing what they are doing and remind them of the rules set by faculty. If they continue and ignore her, she would inform a head of department or an SLT member that is available.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
Abuella is a friendly face, she would interact positively with other faculty members in the breakroom. However, she is NEVER off duty. She takes pride in her job and it is her life. She would be mopping and cleaning the faculty room whilst socialising with the others. She would check up on everyone, offer them coffee or tea and make sure they are alright. She takes great care for those around her and acts as a grandma to everyone. She would make sure everyone has eaten and drank something so that they are ready for the day, she is not scared to cook up something in the faculty lounge for those that haven’t eaten!

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

- /me begins to mop the floors, making sure no area was left untouched. She starts humming to herself as she mops, making them sparkle! “Mind the wet floors dears, they are a little slippery at the moment. You too poppet!” She looked towards the girl standing near the wet floor.

Upset Student - /me pauses for a moment, assessing the students emotions. “What ever is the matter with you cherry cupcake? What has got you so down today? Would you like a little chat? We can have a little cuppa and a chat if you’d like.”

ILL Student - /me looks towards them with sympathy.. “Oh deary me, deary, deary me.. You do not look so well buttercup.. Let’s get you to the nurses office? Okay poppins?” she would offer her hand towards the student to take them over to the nurse.


In-Character Section

Full Name (First & Last only):

Abuella Yamatasha

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Preferred Name:
Ms Yamatasha / Abuella for faculty

Age (Minimum is 25):


Academic Degree:

Child Psychology



Known Languages:
Japanese, English

Abuella grew up in Karakura, back in 1963, she has been here for as long as she remembers. She grew up with her mother and father, they were quite a close family. Her mother was a caretaker for a school nearby and her father worked as a judge in the government. She had a brother too. For her 6th birthday, her mother bought her a brand new mop. She called this mop, ‘Moppy’. This was because Abuella would always be mopping around the floors and using their mops.. She wasn’t the best at mopping yet, but that would later change when she met a man in an alleyway that gave her a mop license for 100,000 yen. To this day, the mop license hangs in her room.

At the age of 19 she moved to Sappora for the bigger opportunities that were found there. She found a Womens Junior College and University that she got a placement in. This was a really big opportunity for her, but she was upset to leave her family for a while. A few years before this, her mother and father had adopted a child, which was her new sister. She had a lot of love for her sister, and it was a difficult move, but it had to be done. At college she studied health care and beauty.

Later, she graduated from college and moved back to Karakura to reconnect with her family and friends. Here she took on higher courses in culinary and child psychology.

Motivation for Joining KHS (Character perspective):
She was glad to find a school that needed caretakers, this was always a dream of hers and for the place near her to be looking at hiring them, it was a dream come true! As well as that, she had adopted two children under the names of Ben and Felicity Yamatasha, after adopting them, she needed to find a new career and get back into the working business to keep their family afloat. She felt drawn to this community as she used to have friends that worked here and Ben and Felicity Yamatasha spoke highly about the school they were attending. It would be perfect for her to work and be able to keep an eye out for Ben and Felicity. They were.. Special. They were not the smartest children she has encountered and wanted to keep a close watch on that. She had a lot of love for the both of them and this job would allow her to keep an eye out and fulfil her dreams of being a caretaker.

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
I am incredibly passionate about this role as caretaker, I really do find joy in roleplaying this sort of thing. I would make every task, however mundane, a fun and exciting experience!
I am quite experienced in this department as I know people in this faction. This meaning, I know a lot of the commands, how to deal with certain situations and how to roleplay in this faction properly.
As an outgoing person, I believe I will be able to communicate a lot with both faculty and students.



Additional notes about your application:
I will sell my soul for this job.

Abuella may be 85 years old, but she lives like she is 20. Her hips are not stopping any time soon.

Do you have any questions?: None

Thank you for reading! :)
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Level 204
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead
Congratulations on being accepted & Thank you for submitting your application!

- Please DM me on Discord or ping me in #help in the Academics discord, linking your accepted application to get started!!

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