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CATLOVER_10's Math Teacher Application

Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:
Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
Do you have a microphone?:
What is your time zone?:
My Time zone is EST

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I understand if I'm inactive, I will be demoted.

Describe your activity on the server:
I love playing on the server so I usually spend 3-4 hours on the server. I usually DetailRP with some friends or I just hang out with whoever I meet across the server. I have 2 characters on the server, that are both in the Aiuchi Family, Daisuke Aiuchi-Jager and Isamu Aiuchi. I've been playing since about 3 months ago and have been enjoying my time here.

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server:
1. Missing Furniture Application [ACCEPTED]
2. Missing Motorbike [ACCEPTED]
3. Missing Red Motorbike[ACCEPTED]
4. Lost Inventory #2 [ACCEPTED]
5. Lost Inventory #1 [DENIED]
6.French Language Application [ACCEPTED]

What are your current roles on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
Primary Slot: [Grade 12] Isamu Aiuchi
Secondary Slot: [Grade 12] Daisuke Aiuchi-Jager


What subject are you applying to teach?:
I am applying to teach Math, specifically Algebra 1, and Geometry. I will sometimes include moments of basic math like, Multiplication and Division. This will also include DetailRP of writing on the board with the chalk, and ItemRP shapes and objects for Geometry related equations. These objects will also aid fun activities like calculating volume of a cake.

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:
I've been playing SchoolRP for quite some time and I feel like my mood for GangRP is dying out. I am applying for a faction instead because it will be awhile since they die down, and there's multiple different opportunities in the teaching faction. For example, you could make friends, and even learn about other things within SchoolRP like the lore behind the school but also the community within the Teachers and School Faculty. Also after seeing Horrorabbit getting into the Teaching faction, I've been inspired by them, so I made it my duty to get in the faction as well so I can say I accomplished something as well!

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT; Do you understand if your application is accepted, you will have to undergo teacher training?
Yes I understand I am applying for the role of Unqualified Teacher (UT), and will go through training.

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:
Teacher logs are used to keep track of how many classes are hosted and distributed correctly to all teachers, but also to make sure quota is met.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
Most rules varies between each teacher other than respect and common sense, but these are my rules as a teacher!

1). Participating within the class is encouraged and so is engaging with others, you may speak freely if you have a question, and that is on a topic related to the stuff being taught.

2). Even though you are encouraged to speak freely, you must be friendly to your peers and everyone around you. This includes being respectful when the teachers talk, and not interrupting them or talking while they are. Once they are finished talking, you may add on after that.

3). Bullying and disrespect will not be tolerated, if found bullying a classmate, a detention will be issued immediately to the person, it is important to have a friendly and healthy conversation with the people around you.

4). Phones are not permitted in the classroom, and are preferred to be turned off when inside the classroom. It is best not to interrupt the class when in session. Unless told otherwise by an authority figure, you may not have your phone out.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
SRP is my first roleplay server to start with. A friend introduced me to this server and I slowly started to love the sense of RP and playing with others. I’ve been playing for around 3 months now, and learned multiple things about the server. I learned how to DetailRP, GangRP and also multiple different things across the server. As much as I love DetailRPing I also gangRP’d multiple times for my gang, and used that experience to expand my knowledge with RP situations. I’ve also Roleplayed on FiveM for a little, and got to know the basic ropes of the roleplay community within GTA V. Most of my experiences with DetailRP are with my current GangRP character, Daisuke Jager-Aiuchi, I GangRP on him all the time, and enjoyed the community within it a lot. I think the important part of roleplaying is having fun, and making things interesting. Before SRP I wasn’t a big fan of writing much, but once I found this server, I fell in love with detailing most of my actions, and continued to write things just like this application.

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:
- HD

Meaning: Head Of Department
Description: The head of department is usually considered the "Leader" of the department or section. They are usually a person who has been in the field for a reasonable amount of time and has enough experience within the department. They are usually the higher-ups in the chain of command, they are an authority figure for every rank beneath them. They are also the managers of the branch, and they should make sure the lower levels of the branch are in order.

- QT
Meaning: Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: Someone who has been in the field for quite sometime and has been successful enough to earn the title. They've completed their training and set a good example for their fellow co-workers and students. They usually aid the unqualified teachers and are considered authority figures for them. Once you achieve the role of QT, you can make upwards of ¥400,000.

Meaning: Not Qualified Teacher
Description: A Newly Qualified Teacher is someone who has finished the basic training and has understood the basic ropes and environment of his field. They could make upwards of ¥350,000. They are still considered new but far more experienced than the UT.

- UT
Meaning: Unqualified Teacher
Description: An unqualified teacher is someone who was newly hired to the department and has just received the basic training or hasn't received it yet. Their higher-ups, including NQT, QT, and HD are often helping the UT learn the basic ropes of the department, and the new environment.

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

Teachers are essential both in-game and out, they show authority within the school and someone to look up to and respect. Without teachers the school will be utter chaos, with no sense of purpose or authority. They are meant to educate the next generation on things that happened in the past or anything they need to learn for the life ahead of them, without this students would grow worse and worse over time. Teachers in the game would make a base level of ¥300,000, NQTs would make ¥350,000, and QT’s would make ¥400,000. After that every 5 classes that are hosted is ¥50,000, with the maximum being ¥500,000. The teacher’s role is supposed to educate a student to their fullest potential, but still engage with them and have fun. They should feel that it is fun to learn and not “It’s boring to learn.” During their free time they might choose to plan out assignments or focus on making assignments, or just have fun as a teacher hanging out with their co-workers. Teachers should maintain a positive attitude and manner even outside of to set a good example to students around them.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:
Teachers are vital to the success of the server, since the server is based off school, there should be teachers in the game, and for the functionality of the server too. It adds a sense of realism throughout the server and shows an authority figure throughout the server. Without a teacher, the school will be in utter chaos, and the server would have little to no plot.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:
The school follows the system of MoSCoW.
Must Have: All the requirements that are necessary for a successful lesson.
Should Have: Requirements that are important for a lesson but not necessary.
Could Have: Requirements that are nice to have, but have a much smaller impact.
Will Not Have: All the requirements that have been recognized as not a priority.

Character Information

Describe the character: How do they look and act? What makes them unique and different?
Isamu Aiuchi is a 6’3” Japanese male with short coffee hair and dark brown eyes. There would be a scar on the top of his left eye extending down to the bottom of his eye. He’d seem neat and formal, with luscious hair that would flow from the top of his head to his neck. His nails would be taken care of, they were cut to the shortest extent possible, and his skin would be slightly tanned.
He would spend most of his time outside and around nature, he would be a serious, but also calm person that respects everyone around him, he insures that he makes everyone feel safe but also making sure he takes his life seriously and not foolishly. Isamu would be described as an ambiverted person, he would enjoy talking to people during the day, but when it hits night, he find peace within his own diary and nature beyond his house. He is gentle soul that takes life seriously but loves everyone around him, taking them for granted.

What is their outlook on students and their co-workers?
Isamu Aiuchi treats everyone with respect and love, hoping they would return it back at one point or another. He also views them as someone who he can get support from, but also give support to them when in aid. He has a passion for this job, and will do anything to make sure his students and co-workers feel safe and respected within the community.

What are their plans for the future?
Isamu would love to climb the ranks within his own department of teaching, but he would also love to find a partner, even though he’s peaceful person he would like to not be lonely for the rest of his life. He would live in a Japanese house that fills his interests with nature and plants but also room to fit his hobbies, like writing and photography. He has no dream no live in luxury, but he would love to donate to charity, and live off the normal day to day basis.


You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:

Issue them a warning to stop cursing and swearing, making sure to tell why it's bad to curse in the school. If they are caught again swearing or cursing, You issue them all a detention for the reason "Cursing, and Swearing, within school grounds." Isamu likes to stay as a kind and loving person, but if he finds a gang of people who want to ruin his day, he would find no problem in issuing them all a detention as he will abide by the rule book.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
Isamu, is rare to raise his voice on a student or anybody to say the least, he would state once or twice for the class to settle down. If the class doesn't settle down, he would directly approach the students that are causing a ruckus, and speak to them, or issue them a warning or detention. If further assistance is needed, he would go on the radio and ask for some assistance in dealing with the teenagers in his classroom.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:
Isamu would spend his time either planning out his classes or grading assignments from his classes. Instead of those if he was tired, he would be napping, taking his time off reading a book or strolling the campus. When he's awake, he would spend time watering the plants around campus since he loves nature and makes sure that it is his responsibility to water and take care of the plants.

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

/me he would open the drawers under his desk, frantically searching for a piece of chalk. He would rummage the depths of his drawer messing up the neatly stacked papers and pencils within the drawer. He would shove his entire arm in the drawer before finding a single piece of chalk. "AHAA!, I FOUND YOU!" He would quickly remove his hand from the drawer. He would slowly stand up with the small piece of chalk in his right hand. Isamu would turn around to the chalk board and start writing the daily objective of today's class. "Welcome to Mr. Aiuchi's Math Class..."

/me Isamu would turn to the children in his class and state, "What is first?, Exponents or Multiplication in the form of PEMDAS?" "Yes, that's right. Exponents are always first unless there is parentheses." He would turn back to the chalkboard, and raise his right hand up to the top of the board. His left hand would be resting by his radio, making sure it was tight into his pocket. He would swiftly start writing the math equations on the board, before turning in front of the students. " I expect you guys to finish these problems before the end of class please!"

/me he would go into his storage closet, looking for the stack of assignments he had made from earlier. He would find them messed up and untidy, He would pick them up off the floor and stack them in a neat pile. He would continue to do this with the rest of his papers that were in a mess. Once he was done, he picked up the papers from the ground and neatly set them into the storage cabinet. He would go through the cabinet next to it finding a leftover chip bag. He would grab the chip bag and start savoring all the chips from the bag as an afternoon snack. "This is slowly turning into a great day!"

/me he would observe his classroom from afar, in a shocked state, he would stand still like a rock. He would find junk all over the place, with leftover papers scattered over the ground and trash left on desks. He would almost flip out in sadness, he couldn't dare to see his classroom in this state, since he treasured his classroom. He would quickly locate the broom in his classroom and start sweeping the gunk and trash on the floor, making sure the classroom was in a spotless manner. He would go around the desks picking up the leftover scraps of paper and trash and slowly pick them up and chuck them into the trash can, acting like a basketball player while doing so.


Isamu would grow up on the edge of poverty, he would be taking everything he sees for granted. He would start his journey with his parents in the streets of Kamagasaki, Japan. His parents we’re working day to night, trying to feed Isamu and themselves, everyday. As he stood there everyday, he smiled and granted their kindness towards him.

At the age of 8, he was reluctantly given up by his parents. He knew that all they wanted for him is to live a normal life, and not a life where you had to struggle to get food on a plate. Once he was taken to an orphanage, he would find himself in a deep, dark and alone world. Isamu could almost relate to nothing after that, it was like his parents were everything, and without them it was giant void of nothingness.

He would grow a passion for math, and science to fill this pit of sadness, Isamu would dream to become a good person one day, and to help out the people in need. He wanted dearly for the people around him to feel safe and not go through his pain that he felt that day. Isamu worked hard to achieve the top of the class, and desired to be the smart one out of his group. Everyday he would come back from school, and either study or write in his diary ever since that moment.

At the young age of 14, he was taken out of the orphanage, and go into the hand of the Aiuchi’s. There he would feel that he would be back home with the loving hand of his mother. He would grow up into a person who cared about everyone around him, no matter what they did, he always gave second chances and time to improve as a better person.

Later in high school, he would pursue his dream of becoming a math teacher that gave fun opportunities and chances to all his students. He would love all his teachers that truly cared about him and his future, and took the people around him granted. Slowly that pit of nothingness turned into love for his new parents and friends.

Nevertheless, he would continue his dedication towards his studies and pursue university to get a better education and understanding of his dream job. Isamu would persevere through his times in university, and despite the shadow lurking around him, he ventured onwards to make people’s lives better. While his time in university he found his undying love for plants and nature, he was surrounded by the spirits of the nature always when he walked around his campus.

After college, Isamu would go back to the times where everything was enjoyable and worthwhile. He would find his dream place back in Karakura Highschool, where his next gaze was set onto being a loving teacher.

In-Character Information

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only): Isamu Aiuchi

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr

Given Name(s): Isamu
Preferred Name: Isamu

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Religious Denomination: Shinto
Marital Status: Never Married

Nationality: Japanese
Current Location: Karakura, Japan

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience:
Four Years

Academic Degree: Bachelor’s Degree
Year of Graduation: 2020

Major(s): Mathematics Education
Minors: Teaching and Education

Native Languages: Japanese
Other Languages: French

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?:
N / A


Additional notes about your application:

Thank you for your time and consideration, I hope you had fun reading this application!

Do you have any questions?:
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