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CeruleanRocket's BMD Application #2 | "In Her Umbra; Deimos Awaits."


Level 11


IGN: (Please also list any of your alternate accounts)

Ceruleanrocket - Main/Account Applying on.

CyanRocket - Alt

CerealboxRocket - Alt

Describe your activity on the server:

To begin with, I’ve been a part of this server for quite some time now. Coming up to my fourth year this January! I’ve taken some breaks here and there throughout this time but I’ve always come back and chosen to throw myself into the deep end and get as involved with the community as I can. From being heavily involved with gangrp/crimerp for the first two years of my playtime, To joining EMS, KPD, creating UMBRA which I’m happy to say is still standing and operating under its new owner to now as of recently becoming a part of the town faction. Its safe to say I’m an extremely active player and will continue to be so throughout my time here.

As an adult, I do have outside responsibilities which has led to me creating a schedule.
Every day; From 8pm GMT to 3am GMT I will always be available for. My work is 6am to 6/7 pm but with it being a job where overtime can sometimes occur, I figured giving myself that extra hour just incase. Unless stated otherwise, This does not waver.

Specify your Discord username (USER#0000) and if you have a microphone:

Yes, I have a microphone and I am happy to talk in VC's ; Ceruleanrocket

Specify your country of origin and time zone:

I am Irish, living in the UK - GMT.

What are your motivations in applying for the black market dealer role?:

As you can see by the title, this is not my first time applying for this role. After being heavily involved in criminalrp for the server, and as of last month being accepted once again as a Bounty Hunter, It’s been a long goal of mine to finally reach BMD status. I’ve had my time as a B.A twice, once for oZinth when he was criminal lead and a second time for Tearliner. I really enjoy the community and find it such an interesting and unique role. I feel like this faction has so much more to be done to it, and has only really had a small taste of what sort of twists and plots it could take on. With the lore being such a vast and open ended creation, It leaves room to the imagination on what sort of other opponents we could go up against in terms of event ideas and story-lines.
Since I had already been apart of the B.A community, I created many friendships and memories through it. I suppose it's purely nostalgic, but thats another huge factor for my motivation on wanting to join the BMD, to create further memories and even reminisce with some of the older time players still apart of the team. Although I've always had an involvement in creating a criminally charged storyline with my characters, I cannot give myself all of the credit for what drove me to apply in the first place. My first ever interactions with BMD were all thanks to Revra, Fredtastic and Tearliner/Springwood. Without these guys I would not have nearly the amount of knowledge that I do now, and I had to give them the shout out they deserved, even though they are no longer apart of the community.

What helps you to stand out from other applicants & what can you uniquely provide to the team?:

Something I believe helps me stand out is why I’m here. I’m not a power-hungry or bloodthirsty player. I truly adore creating stories and plots to what I get involved in and strongly believe I can bring that to this role. With my extensive knowledge towards the server and the communities within it, I believe there is something everywhere that can be tied back to the BMD and give them the events they need to really input just the kind of control and hold they have on the town ICly.

To add onto this, My involvement within the BMD community is also something I believe helps me stand out. As it currently stands, I have been a Bounty hunter for a very long time, since Tearliner and FIfa set it up, and was a part of the BM projects group for the faction as well, helping with Voice acting roles and providing my own extensive Ideas. I’ve had my time aswell as a B.a which was extremely enjoyable. I’ve also had my suggestions become a part of the faction that we all know and love to this day. One example of this would be my suggestion for custom weapons to be purchased through BMD.

What previous experience do you have in working with a team?:

A very long and extensive experience. From Akihito, Kaku-kai, Ems, kpd, Shopkeeper and my workers I considered a team, Town hall, Bounty hunter and Black market Associate ; I am well attuned to working alongside people as well as working as an independent.
My most well known and notable character, Skylar Tsu has Been Involved in both helping manage the infamous Fight club where she was originally instituted as a security officer. She proved her worth and strength and was able to move around within the faculty, gaining the experience of both bar-tending as well as hosting the club openings. Being in charge and ability to give orders even in seemingly overwhelming cases has always been a great ability of mine which I would like to say I have proven here at SRP.
It doesn't just stop there however. Furthering onto this, starting out in the lowest of lows during the early months of Akihito, Skylar worked her way up, proving her worth to people such as the infamous Ryuu Tashiro, Mike Akihito and Zheng Tsu. After pushing her way through all other thugs, she crawled her way through a promotion up to soldier where she brought forward ideas that helped benefit the clan, creating more role-playing scenarios and helped build up character development for the clan. She had successfully taken down 4 out of 9 Triad members, a Chinese rivalling gang that Akihito had been forced to deal with.

Not only was her trust examined numerous times but her fighting techniques and courage in pressured situations was never unnoticed. Both Ic and OOCly, I had received many rewards and words of gratitude that I will always hold dearly. And yet it didn't end there. During an Event between Akihito and the exposure on Ikigai, one of the first of its kinds; Skylar had to delve undercover into unknown territory.

The Kaku-Kai gang. Not only had she run in with these members on occasions and was a known threat, she had still managed to worm her way with words and convinced the former lead John Tokugawa to let her join the community. She had to work hard in order to earn the respect of the members there, and within 2 weeks she was made the co-lead of the special ops unit that was rooted deep within the gang, only known to few. Within this, she was forced to cover up her tracks, send coded messages and walk onto enemy territory, and report back to Higher-ups. All of this, and still kept her loyalty to her founding station of Akihito, reporting to its captain and later soon, leader Ryuu Tashiro.

Although her involvement within the Crime community may seem full up, I never stopped there. With small involvements with the art community of SRP, being privileged enough to earn a spot within the EMS faction and early days promotion to Attending, to then moving forward into the Shopkeeper world and being able to create a old style bar that was heavily influenced with the idea of being a Continental of sorts; A safety spot where all criminals of every type, and all government workers can sit and enjoy their evening in harmony. And that’s exactly what I achieved which I’m more than proud of. I was able to create my spot within the KPD faction too, working up the ranks to a Detective Constable. I would have adored staying in there longer but due to health issues, I wasn’t able to but regardless I still enjoyed my time. I was then able to be a part of the Bounty hunter community and my B.A role was still standing strong to now a Judge for the town hall faction.

I have incredibly unique and diverse characters from a sociopathic, serial killing huntress, to a poorly postured blue haired grump, my range with characters is distinct and diverse but my pride and joy [no matter how much I say I despise her] will forever be Skylar T. Tsu.

What suggestions do you have to help better the crime faction?:

As previously mentioned; I’ve had my fair share of suggestions be previously or currently implemented within the crime faction.

My first suggestion would be to create a harder time for ‘Crate hunters’. At this moment in time there are countless of them, to which I’ve come to grow rather perplexed at. There's an extreme lack of fear factor for the black market, and considering these crate hunters are individuals linked to gangs; That makes no sense to me. Something like making them unclickable for anyone not with the BMD role, anything that would halt the theft. Even if they are trying to steal a crate, have it so that they must FearRP once a Black market dealer is present and must leave the tools there.

Another suggestion, which is primarily for the BMD and BMDA’s specifically, would be to hold meetings more regularly. This allows everyone to debrief and share intel on what is going on within the town or within gangs, and then everyone can come to a collaborative understanding of what needs to be done. It makes for more of a team sharing exercise and brings the community that small bit closer. Back as a B.A, we very rarely got to meet some of the Black market dealers, and even as it stands now; They aren’t being used nearly as much. B.A’s are assets that should be taken full advantage of, as they are players who actively roam around the town and see the most that goes on.

And for another suggestion; Creating further items for the Crime clinic. To be more specific, What if they sold typically prescribed medication such as Morphine, high-level pain meds for patients with heavy injuries to buy off them without needing to be put through the main hospital database. In order to avoid gaining a fine from KPD for carrying unprescribed medication, the labelling can be scribbled off in the description of the item, and a fake Prescription paper can be handed. Essentially under the table medication. It would allow for more unique chances to RP with the crime clinic and seems the most realistic with their job quota.
Obviously this must come with a risk. EMS workers are able to check if the prescription paper is valid or not [fake or real] and the penalty should be the same as a fake ID.

Finally, my last suggestion is more so an item. One of my old friends who no longer plays this server, had a character heavily interested in the inner workings of herbs and plants. Not of course in your typical gardening sense but for poisonous ****tails to be used. At the time, we were only briefly touching on the subject of which plants could induce a poisonous toxicant that could be used to knock someone out, and they eventually got their own custom of a vial hairclip pin that had been filled with a poison to do just that. I think the item would increase a lot more interesting and unique characters who want to have those silly quirk hobbies as well as taking a less aggressive, slamming a bat to someone's head to knock them out. But how would we execute it? The plant I am referring to is one called 'Sedum' or otherwise known as wall pepper or stonecrop. Used in the ancient times to induce sleep, wrapping the herb up in a thin cloth and placing it underneath their pillow; Modern day research shows that it was an entirely poisonous plant, and was actually so toxic it was placing someone into a forced sleeping state.

With it being such a high-stake Item, I believe the seed of a Sedum plant should be only purchasable through the KBM or even crime-clinic, and then the individual must wait for it to grow. This could take maybe 2 OOC weeks to grow to a substantial size in order to be used. For it's profile, it would look like this;

Sedum Seed.

Price: ¥100,000
Range: 1 block
KO: 1 hit [10 00C MINUTE TIMER]
Muggable: Yes.
Permission: Majors/kidnapping.

Are you familiar with all rules pertaining to weapon profiles, combat, permissions, and player conduct on the server?:

With how consistently the rules tweak and change since I’ve been a part of SRP, I’ve made it a prominent goal of mine to remain as aware of them as I possibly can. It helps me not only avoid having to redo any situations due to my own faults, but allows me to teach other players who might possibly not be so well known on the topics. Within crime and gangrp, there is two styles of fighting. We have Rolling method; Where individuals take orderly turns to /roll out of a certain number [75,100,150,200] for their action.
For an example, here's a short and simple scenario between player A and player B:

Player A: Raises their fist up, drawing it back before attempting to land a clear strike jab at player B's nose.
player A[presumed adult] /Roll 150 - results in a 108 roll.
Player B [presumed adult] /roll 150 - Results in 74.
Player A won the roll, which means the punch landed.

Player A: Raises their fist up, drawing it back before attempting to land a clear strike jab at player B's nose.
player A[presumed adult] /Roll 150 - results in a 100 roll.
Player B [presumed adult] /roll 150 - Results in 150 roll.
Player A's punch did not land, and therefore no painrp is needed from Player B. Easy stuff.

A key note to mention however, Is the amount you roll changes based off of the age.
18+ characters must roll out of 150.
16 and 17 year olds roll out of 100
12 to 15 roll out of 75.
The only exception here, is KPD roll out of 200.

For P2L, this means Play 2 lose. What this means is that two players will go head to head with typically a detailed action [This does not mean it needs to be lengthy, just an action can suffice] but with in mind who their character is. Typically, during these sort of fights; Players will use specified areas of skill that the character has, showcasing their strengths whilst also their weaknesses so as to not powerplay. Here's an example!

- Credits to VLPDQNE for the p2l spar <3

Typically, Within a P2L You attack, dodge, attack, take a hit, attack, dodge. Its a sequence that allows equal opportunity but of course, It also needs to be factored in just WHO your character is too. Things like age, experience, fight style compatibility, physical and mental ailments all need to be factored in when taking part.

For weapon profiles, Here are all the ones I know and have memorised in an organised table.

Public WeaponProfile
1 block
2 hits to KO
Not muggable (Unless hands cut/K.O.)
Due to the cheapness of this item, they're usually purchased by newer gangrpers as a starter tool. For characters who prefer a fist fight and not messing with fickle blades or bats, these allow for a close combat range knock out .
PIPE WRENCH:¥115,000
1 block
2 hits to KO
- This is one of two legal purchasable weapons that can be held openly (unless baiting permissions). Police are probable to search your character if a pipe wrench is present, however.
Pipe wrenches (Although legal) are typically used for breaking open doors. Though they can be used as a brunt force weapon, they are also handled by 'mechanic' characters as a way to subside search from police.
3 blocks
2 hits to KO
- This is one of two legal purchasable weapons that can be held openly (unless baiting permissions). Police are probable to search your character if a baseball bat is present, however.
Quite commonly used, Most players within gangrp/crimerp typically use these when wanting to have a weapon on them that they can easily explain to a police officer it is simply for baseball practice. With only two swings needed, it is definitely a well used tool.
2 blocks
Unable to K.O.
Not muggable. (Unless hands cut/K.O.)
Though more on the expensive side; P-k's are an easy to use blade by causing quick and easy short puncture wounds. Since the blade itself isn't too large, it doesn't cause any extensive damage, but damage nonetheless.
Unverified Gang Weapons:Profile:
2 blocks
2 hits to KO
- This is one of two weapons in which you can break open a door (if you have permissions) without rolling to break and enter.
- Minors (to attack)
- Majors (to break open doors)
A more exclusive item for those who have reached unverified status, these are a much more efficiently used tool compared to the pipe wrench but they will be taken as a weapon on hand and are not legal to carry.
1 block
Unable to K.O.
Not Muggable (Unless hands cut/K.O.)
- This is the only weapon that can disarm any other weapon, regardless of if it is muggable or not. The only exception to this is that the sai cannot disarm a spiked bat, metal baseball bat, spiked gloves, or a fireaxe.
A unique weapon, used primarily for a defence tactic in disarming even the most difficult of items; This is more commonly used by experienced players with a good level of knowledge on fighting styles in weapon combat.
2 blocks
Unable to K.O.
Not Muggable (Unless hands cut/K.O.)
- This weapon can remove body parts when knocked out.
Compared to its little brother, the Pocket knife, this is a far more damaging blade. With it's clean cut edge and slight serration, it's pricey but well worth the purchase. A quick entry would capable of damaging internal organs for a long time.
Verified Gang Weapons: Profile:
2 blocks
Unable to K.O.
- This is one of two weapons in which you can break open a door (if you have permissions) without rolling to break and enter.
- This weapon can remove body parts when knocked out.
- Majors (to attack)
- Majors (to break open doors)
Though uncommonly bought by only the most experienced players, This brutal weapon is for messy destruction. With a large splatter radius on any opponent, or choppy workings on doors, it's definitely a killer's tool.
3 blocks
Unable to K.O.
Not muggable (Unless hands cut/K.O.)
- This weapon can remove body parts when knocked out.
The most commonly used, a Katana will have any opponent on edge and nervous when one of these is pulled out. With a long range attack compared to other blades, it's definitely a weapon for only the most experienced of users, needing some high level of training.
SPIKED BAT¥400,000
2 blocks
1 hit
Compared to the regular metal bat, this weapon has long lasting effects and a quick knock out to add ontop. With the spikes penetrating the side of the temple, not only will you be having a nice long nap; The concussion afterwards is not a pretty sight.
4 blocks
Unable to K.O.
The rarest weapon seen around; It's high price purchase, incredibly long range and needing the most skilled hands of them all to truly use - I'd leave this weapon to the real professionals. It has a large rubber gripped handle to accompany the wooden pole, with the top end being that of a triangular butcher knife.

There is plenty more to add here, but these are some of our main weapons used here on SRP.

Here at SRP there are a huge wave of various weapons and ways to use them, but due to this - there also comes permission to use situations. To my understanding, we have Minors, Majors and then consented KPS.

Minor Permission: Full extent is to KO with motive, here are some examples below of what motivates acting upon Minor Permissions;
Threats - If a character or multiple characters decide to threaten harm to you a loved one or family member, you are allowed to to act upon Minor permissions.
Minor Assault - If any character physically attack one of your own character's or a family member's, you may retaliate with Minor permissions.
Theft/Scamming - If any character try to scam or mug any item/money off of you, you man retaliate with Minor permissions.
110 Called - If any character chooses to contact the emergency hotline whilst in the middle of a criminal act and you are fined, you may act on Minor permissions.
Trespassing - If an unwanted visitor walks onto your property and refuses to leave after being told to, you may act on Minor permissions.

Major/Kidnapping Permission: Full extent is the ability to break a bone with each instance of permission you possess on that character. Any Major permissions earned, you also receive Kidnapping permissions. Here are the set examples bellow;
KO - If any character knock out your character unconscious, you gain Major Permissions.
Bone break - In the event that a bone is fractured/broken during a fight, you gain Major permissions.
110 Called - If any character calls for KPD and your character is arrested due to it, you gain Major permissions.
Trapping - If someone is confining you to a space or room and not permitting you to leave, you may make a minimum of 1 attempt to escape before gaining Major Permissions.
Mugging - If an item or weapon is mugged off of your character you gain major permissions. The exception to this rule is if the mugged item was previously stolen off the character taking it back, you do not gain Major permissions.
Hitman - If someone places a hit on your character, you gain permissions to use Majors against the person/group attacking you and the person who placed the hit.
Stunblaster -
If a KPD officer successfully stuns your character unmasked, you gain Major Permissions.
Arrested - If you are arrested by a cop for a felon charge, you gain Major Permissions
Major assault - If you are Majorly assaulted, you gain Major Permissions.
Kidnapped - If you are taken from one location forcefully to another, you may make 1 minimum attempt to try and escape before you gain Major permissions on those kidnapping you and on those assisting.

Are you familiar with that if you leave the black market at any point, the black market lead will have permanent kill permissions on your character?:

I acknowledge that the BML will gain KPS on my character and look forward to the day when I can RP that out.

Are you familiar with that if your character(s) is/are killed or permanently arrested twice, you will be removed from the black market?:

I am, and I'll be working hard to make sure KPD never catches me. I'm grateful for my inner KPD knowledge, so hopefully I can avoid this. I'd also only ever give KPS to someone worthy of creating a decent story and motive for it.

Are you familiar with that you cannot reveal any out-of-character plans or potential addition to the black market to others?:

I am well aware, and can assure you I prefer to keep things between the faction and will not leak anything further.

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Full Legal Name:

'Skylar' T. Tsu.

The birth name of Skylar is Hanabara.

Criminal Alias:

I have gone by many names.

From my trenches was the title of Bastet. The ancient Egyptian Goddess of the saviours, and of war. She healed what she killed.

As I grew of age, and the times changed my moral compass with every passing step, I out grew this name. Thus earning me the title of Apollo, Greek God of the sun, light, Music, Prophecy and beauty. I held onto this title for quite sometime; Over a decade perhaps. But alas, they are dead. And along came my new stance.

Deimos is my new alias. The Greek God; Personified Terror and dread. My moral compass has turned south.

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What caused such a drastic change? For Skylar, a highly valued tool is the gifted name bestowed onto her from her late captain and Oyabun of Akihito. Their; Alias's and codenames were a gift upon initiation. They were decided based on personality, what they stood for, how they act and perceive themself. Bastet and Apollo was highly endearing. It was the first moment she felt a strong sense of worth and belonging, being apart of a team working together to enforce corrections. Apollo was the name that had lasted the longest. It was a sign that her limits were beginning to become noticeable and practically shining through, but more-so that they were a necessity, as the sun is to earth. A joint pairing that it could not live without. Over the years of having the name, It grew to become more and more known; Speculation grew - Who was behind the mask of Apollo? Few had the luxury of knowing. But the wrong crowd was slowly getting a bit too nosy for her liking. She knew she needed a new Identity and with the timing of the KBM looking for a new dealer, what better opportunity than to get a new change?

So thats what she did. Announcing the death of Apollo in public forums of Ikigai, Deimos came to life with one goal and aspect in mind. To let ruthlessness shine through. No more second guessing or chances. No more holding back. Apollo was a woman who thought too hard about the 'what if's' during her planning. Deimos is the woman that her father wished to of created, But never could. Skylar was merely completing the process. Becoming the nightmare she prayed daily to never reach.

But then why Deimos? As you can see, since she has been a criminal of Karakura, a common theme has always been within the Greek gods as alias's. From the feline cat, young, youthful, ready to heal all she harmed, be a treater rather than a traitor. Then as maturity arose, it developed to Apollo, a renowned Olympian, trying to climb the highest rankings, making a staple of her style, a signature to her criminal acts. But that still leaves Deimos. The personified terror and dread. Everyone and everything outside of family is no longer a friend of mere acquaintance but an asset, a tool- to be used for later. The name dawned on her that with her signature style being set in stone with the pavement of Apollo, now she needed a face. A physical apparition for everyone to view. She had already gained the respect she craved for, something her father lacked severely of as he ruled on; With the satisfaction that she had won that over him, now it was time to dish back some, becoming the terrorising war - weapon he crafted from such a early stage to her youth.

Thus, starting the reign of DEIMOS.

Age & Occupation: (Note: if you become a black market dealer, you will be permitted the Adult role)

I'm Thirty-six. To the public-eye, I am a mere business owner of the company Kurieta; A tattoo and training organisation built and set on the ideals of creation, creating new people and new designs.

Behind the curtain however, I am and always have been a mercenary, working for the Bounty Hunter team for years.

Gender & Marital Status:

Female - She/her
In a relationship.

Ethnicity & Race:

Half Irish, Half Japanese.

Skylar was born and raised in County Louth, Dundalk ; Ireland. Her father, Patrick Rose was the owner of a well established, highly sought after brewery that was also tied to his Mafia business. His wife, Aoki Tachibana-Rose, was a nurse at the local hospital who was Japanese. Though Skylar herself never discovered this, Aoki was apart of a Russian Mob from Moscow. A secret spy for the Rose clan mafia.

Mixed race - Caucasian, East Asian.

Known Languages:

Gaelic; My first language, the mother tongue to my place of birth.

English; My second language, commonly more used in this day of age in my home.

Japanese; Third Language, taught to me by my mother, Born but not raised in Kyoto, Japan.

Korean; From my 6 years spent in South Korea, Busan. My forth language taught to me by my Guardian, the late Mr and Mrs Choi.

Chinese Mandarin; My fifth and final language was bestowed the knowledge of by my adopted family.

Former Associations/Occupations:

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From the beginning.

- Akihito clan.

After being tossed off at the docks at sixteen years old, I knew I had to try and discover a way to live. The only life I had ever been taught and enforced to live by was through battle after battle. After two weeks of scouting out the lands of Karakura, I spotted two individuals handing out business cards with a bright golden dragon emblem on the back. It was there I discovered the Yakuza clan, run by the former Oyabun - Mike Akihito. I spent three years with them, before being sent off as a spy for a gang.

- Kaku-Kai.

It was a late entry towards the gang. Most of its members were young, delinquent kids searching for trouble. It's hierarchy was of older status, but despite the diversity in members and low numbers, it was a very safe group of individuals. No one stepped out of line or made betrayals like I had to witness in the clan before; They prided themselves on the family aspect, always having one anothers backs. Then the war broke out. Our opponent, Bonten; Had a constant rivalry over turf, insults and personal beef towards groups of people. We lost three members that day. I managed to survive and was quickly brought back to Akihito, after the gang decided to disband after the war came to its end.

- Cashier/ Security.

I worked for endless amounts of shops, doing small fickle jobs for everyone, everywhere. In my young head, I imagined that if I had plenty of contacts and knew endless of individuals, the information would eventually come in useful. And most certainly was.

- Fight club Security Manager.

I had been a member of Fight club for over two months before the owner decided to designate myself as the overseer to the other security workers. This meant It was my job to make sure they were working correctly, and no one was abusing their title. I shortly left this job four months after gaining this promotion, as the Akihito clan was at war with the Chinese Triad. I wanted to set my priorities straight, and thus quit a lot of jobs.

- Loan Shark.

After earning myself a promotion within the ranking system of Akihito, I was placed in charge of the loan and security business, alongside my partner Aki Masahiko. It was our job to make sure every loan that came out was paid off, and every shop was protected under Akihito name. It was also around this time that I had a meeting with the former Police Commissioner, who granted permission to train their new cadets in combat/self defence.

- B.A / B.H.

I wanted to develop further, climb the ranks of the underworld. My shadow was growing darker and with no way of seeing straight ahead of what may lie, I needed to create it myself. I met with the former black market lead, and became her associate after discussing a business idea with them. From there, I made sure to make myself a prominent name alongside my new Alias. I had been going by Bastet for far too long and felt out grown of the name, thus birthed Apollo. From here I applied for the Bounty hunters, determined to regain what I was created for; A mercenary. Assassin. Killer.

I did just that.

- Shopkeeper.

I'd always wanted to have a detrimental role. Something that screamed ruler, or owner. The highest level of authority. So I created Umbra. A quaint, kept to the side, Bar and gambling joint. But on writing, on paper - It was far more. The grounds of a Continental, designed for every and all citizen to have a safe drink. That meant no arrests, no fights, no blood shed. Cops, Doctors, killers all sat at a bar. Its like the run up to a shit joke.

- Cop.

During my time as a shopkeeper I had abandoned my post as a Black market associate. Fickle matters, but after growing bored; I decided to reach out again after sending off my hand crafted blade to get formally papered and taxed. I hadn't realised the new and current Leader would be the one to greet me, but once delivered with a hit of his own, an 'easy' pathway to gain my position back; Led me to joining the police.


I had to kill Yeager Schwarz.

I had only expected to be a mere cadet, but after some mindless eyelash flutters and some drinks, I managed to worm my way in straight away to a fully fledged Police officer. I even received promotion, and developed a 'relationship' with the Commissioner who had confessed and asked to court me. It made my job far easier.

At the time, I had unfortunately not completed the mission. Yeager was attacked by a separate group which led to amnesia. I 'retired' from my post and went back to Umbra.

I can say now with a smile, He's dead.

- Business Owner.

I had learnt how to tattoo and pierce the human body at a very young age. After finding my time to be rather dull in-between hits, I decided to open up my own business known as Kurieta. I implemented a training section where individuals can be trained and taught on several different aspects. From proper business etiquette, to which bone snaps the easiest ; Kurieta's main job is to create a better, newer, and prouder individual then to whoever it was that entered first.


As it currently stands I am still a Bounty Hunter. I have no plan to leave it either.

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Highest Level of Education:

Majors: [Masters degree]

Management Information Systems and Services, Biomedical Engineering.


Psychology, Creative writing Literature, fine - Art and design

After studying relentlessly for Bachelor examinations, Skylar was gifted the ample opportunity to showcase her prior talents in arts from her high school years and push them forward into her new start as a College student. With a love and passion for the ability to create in dead set silence and focused atmosphere, creative writing and fine arts were a top priority to start with. But alas, with her deeply woven innerworkings still all laying with the Yakuza clan, Skylar decided it would be best to pick up a topic alongside her satisfactory hobbies that would allow her further knowledge on what makes individuals tick.

Moving forward, Skylar passed with flying colours; Earning herself a solid B+ grade, and a spot with the Master classes of College. From here, she took her majors in Management Information Systems and Services. What a weird change around right? But unfortunately, the time spent getting to dilly-dally on the hobbies she truly longed for was well passed it's due date. With her now reaching young adult ages, Skylar needed to truly lock down the functioning world and what would gain her the high end rankings. Surprisingly, for such a small talker; Skylar is an incredible motivator and public speaker. Thanks to the relentless training on business ettiquette and management information from the College classes, it's no wonder she excelled so far in her career.

But did it stop there? No. Skylar retook the year. Thats right, She had requested to resit the entire academic year and learn a whole new Major; Biomedical Engineering. From here, not only was she able to lock down on how every fibre, cell and enzyme worked within the body, but learnt exactly what broke the body down and what repaired it. Without even realising it, Skylar became a formidable enemy to have. A killer, with the knowledge or a Bio-medic Engineer.

Physical/Mental Ailments: (If inapplicable, put N/A)

This was the first illness to ever develop at just a very young age. Due to the harsh environments of growing up, Skylar quickly developed a lack of trust and love in other's, any feeling of attachment just simply never being there. Due to the events that took place when she was 9, Skylar developed a twitch in her wrist and cold sweats at the mention of fire or anything that resembles a fire-axe. Even more so, she despises Roses of any kind, not even baring to look at them.

Of course this is just simply the beginning of her trauma, as later down the line much more vivid hallucinations of drowning, the event's of the gang war, along with the death of a close friend constantly playing out through her mind when stressed or in-front of a reflective surface. She has been prescribed medicine [Setraline] And takes them regularly.

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Depressive Mania:

With the consistent battle of coping with all her trauma and wrong doing's, Skylar often finds herself in low moods; Constantly feeling not good enough or a 'failure' is a common emotion which results in aggressive outbursts at random points. Along with this, she has a nasty habit of self-punishment. A habit she developed when she was just a child from her parents. When Ever the young woman would do something out of line, Her parents would punish her by removing meal time privileges or even worse, force her to none stop train with the other members of the mafia in combat until she was nothing but bruises and pulp. Now, as an adult skylar often punishes herself by not eating, or overworking herself to an absurd level.

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A possible side-effect of her PTSD, Skylar very rarely can get to sleep. Even when she does, the constant night terrors often leave her waking up every 30 minutes to an hour, causing extreme frustration. She more time's then not simply refuses to sleep, powering through the nights by upping her work load to keep herself busy. When she does sleep, she takes 5 to 10 minute power naps through out the day, though it barely helps.

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Known Family Members: (If inapplicable, put N/A)

Patrick Rose {FATHER} [DEAD]
"It's not my fault I have your eyes. But with them, I see you for what you truly are. Lay disturbed in your ashes; Unsettled with your work forever incomplete.

Aoki Tachibana {MOTHER} [DEAD]

"No matter what you did, You honoured your cause and took it till your last breath. I will hold your love closely."

Aoifie Tachibana-Rose {TRIPLET SISTER} [DEAD]
"A simple I miss you does not suffice enough. May your memory live on."

'Kei' Tachibana-Rose {TRIPLET BROTHER} [ALIVE]

"I'm sorry, Hiro. I turned out to be the monster you tried so hard to hold back. Promise to not look t me for hope or life any longer. You already out-shined me."

Kamaryn Kosuki-Tsu | {SON} [ALIVE]

"My pride, blood and anchor. Your growth continues to amaze me. May harm never come your way; Or bring carnage to their fucking doorstep."

"I can't thank you enough for taking me in and under your care. I admire your strong willed characteristics and the fact you save lives in such a crime ridden town, is admirable."

Zheng Tsu| {UNCLE} [ALIVE]
"I would say he is someone I would label ‘friend’ although he is now my cousin. Formally my Lieutenant and soldier group lead, he has helped me a lot. With both laughs, cries and many more moments shared together, I will continue to show you that your respect for me will not go to waste."

Yui Tsu | [Aunt] [ALIVE]
"From your respected high grounds, you gave my uncle the life he deserved. Don't be too harsh on him, he still has much to learn about family."

Shoji Kosuki | [Boyfriend] [ALIVE]
"For what it's worth, I'm happy to have met you. A fool always falls back to foley."

Yaban Heddo | [Girlfriend] [ALIVE]
"I won't be able to meet your expectations of me, for I am too highly held in your view. Just promise to keep your patience, I will always wander to your side."

Yo Soo-jin Kosuki- Heddo [Daughter] [ALIVE]
"Though you aren't my flesh and blood, You will always be my child. I can see my influence on you and can only hope you'll become a far greater version."

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Describe your character's appearance to the greatest detail:

Skylar was a woman of great stature, her overall height reaching 6'3. At nothing short of a simple glance, it wasn't difficult to tell that she was built up, her muscles being well worked on. Her long wavy red hair that reached down to her mid thigh; It would be swooped over her forehead, barely hiding a large acidic burn scar that took over a large proportion of her right face, followed by a small cut scar that dragged down from the centre of her cheek to just below her jawline.

On closer inspection of the young woman's shoulder, a subtle x would be tattooed in grey over a distorted scar of what once was a Rose. The rest of her body would be covered in what appeared to be blade slash scars, each one having a different pigmentation, showing they didnt all occur at the same time.

To those lucky enough to catch a glimpse of the young woman's back, would be horrified to see a deeply carved up scarring of skin, shaped into the familiar Akihito dragon, from the pin you would see from individuals who wandered the streets of Karakura. For tattoos, she had a full sleeve of a Yakuza inspired spider lily bush, a full thigh of branches, spider lily stems and thorns connecting one another, a single black band on her bicep and a dagger on her right calf that would be matching with her twin brother, Kei. There would be a black to red gradient crescent moon on the front of her neck, the former symbol emblem to Umbra. On her upper ribcage, a completed tally mark. Her face seemed to rarely move or falter from a blank and unreadable expression, she spoke with a light Irish accent that was rather deep for a woman. It was a soothing voice, one that unknown to most could sing a melodic tune. When walking past Skylar, one would get a scent of apple and coconut, sometimes coated with a Saint Laurent 'Opium' perfume. Skylar's hands were on the larger scale like the rest of her. Her long knobbly knuckled' fingers had a constant hue of yellow and purple that trailed along her knuckles, as-well as missing her left pinkie, the scar on the remaining stub looking fully healed and rather old looking, though it was often seen with a metallic prosthetic ontop. As for her right hand, following similarly; Skylar was missing the very tip of her wedding finger. The woman had a a greyish blue set of eyes, that once in sunlight would show their true beauty. The bright eyes complimented her rather pale and grayish under-toned skin. Skylar was also well equipped with some piercings! A black studded jewel would be placed on the left hand-side of her lip, along with 8 piercings on each ear, one on the centre of her tongue, and another on her right eyebrow. Skylar also had a long, jagged Lightning strike bolted scar running down her left arm that had burst through the black arm band tattoo, creating a bled out effect. It runs up along her shoulder too.

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Fragarach - Hand Crafted Great sword.

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[All credits to the respected artists. Myself, Madoxa, Houndrats, Prozy, GuttedValentine, Malenia Lithium.]

Fragarach, A stapled symbol of Skylar's hard work. Along side a dear friend, Sif; The two sat down and hand crafted our their own forged blades. Skylar went with a greatsword, for its thicker width and larger damage, where as sif aimed for a longsword, wanting reach over all. It's her prised possession and is only ever used for special circumstances.

Retractable Arm Machete - Fang.

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As a mercenary, creating a signature weapon that was unique and specifically tailored to her fighting style was a top priority, And as she found herself learning more about mechanics and the functionality of mechanisms, the idea of something being hidden before using it slowly became plausible. There was countless of failed attempts. Buttons falling off, inner workings not connecting, the blade not hiding well enough. Eventually she had finally narrowed it down, and thus was born her fanged tooth.

She has many more tailored, hand crafted weapons. From her Naginata, to a spiked metallic black bat. Skylar's ideas showed no boundaries, and will continue to create till her dying breath.

Describe your character's personality to the greatest detail:

How I would describe my own character in one word would be; Layered. Skylar learnt in her youth to never show display of emotion of any kind. That it was a show of vulnerability, and would hold her back from doing what she needs. During her early development stages however, traumatic inputs from her life lead to what I now refer to as 'The layered faces'.

Layer 1, the outer shell:

As passer-by's take their brief stares over towards our imposing woman; They are met with a narrowed, hawk like stare. A 'deadset' gaze that's cold, maliced. For body language, Skylar keeps her head directly straight forward, and every step she makes is tight, dooming and controlled, as if she's the CEO of the world. Her whole demeanour is a designed, well toned intimidation technique. With every stare you get this feeling in the back of your throat that a simple slip up could lead your life to rest. Often, most younger individuals being introduced to Skylar tend to shake and tremble before she even gets a word out.

Layer 2, Her inner mind:

Skylar is at first and foremost, A work prioritised woman. Having grown up in a family Mafia, to then shoved into the deep end of a Yakuza life; Placing her loyalties on blood oath'd companions is all she's ever been taught. She's an extremely calculative individual with a high intellectual stance and therefore will never do anything she deems to be a waste of time, or futile. She's constantly doing everything for some reason or another, and it is extremely out of character for her to move past this point. Her walls are tightly built up, and has gained countless of backlash due to shoving individuals back from getting any closer. Past experiences have created an extreme high stance of mistrust, and therefore she judges everyone with the mindset of 'Hate first, learn later.' With this in mind, She never allows her emotions to control her. Despite dealing with temperament's on occasion, they will only ever drive her words to such an extent but never in action. Not unless her family is threatened. Then she starts wars.

Layer 3, Recognition:

Despite such industrial walls and securities that shroud her heart; Skylar has a clutch on those who must be recognised for their efforts. As a woman who grew up through some of the worst imaginable pain, She doesn't dare bat an eyelid away from those travelling down a dangerous path. Though its impossible to understand what is going on behind such a still-statue, monotonal expression, She gives subtle help where she deems it needed. This is what led to her becoming a business owner. Despite having no real feeling for what happens to people after witnessing so many pointless deaths; Skylar will always try and make sure they at least live an honourable life. For those are things she holds onto the closest. Honour, and Loyalty.

Layer 4, Family:

This in particular is a rare face, and as it implies; It is only shown to those she calls 'family.' Through her blunt, honest nature and yakuza coded lifestyle, Skylar is actually deep down a very generous individual. She grew up without a penny to her name, and from there has since grown towards the millions. After being an onlooker as to what greed and obsession can create people into, she strives to remain humble in her acts, and delivers out to the poor or less earning. Towards her family, she is like any other mother, being truthful and gentle with her teachings. Insuring that the wrong path is never formed, and keeping all her children with the mentality that if you're have the ambition and pride to succeed, You can remain honourable through out life.

Layer 5, Inner child:

The final face. One only caught in brief glimpses at her worst moments that come as little as snow would in summer. Beyond rarity. When the weight of the world on her back cracks that extra mile, and finally all caves in. A woman so disgusted, harmed and beyond discomforted by simple, gentle touch she finds it hard to even stand still; And yet craves it like she's spent a life time in the desert, starved, thirsty for anything warming. She adores animals, and won't ever dare harm them. They aren't exposed to the cruelness she's witnessed, and will cherish each one she finds regardless of its looks. Skylar cannot judge, anyone on how they choose to dress, look or style themselves ; Even with the confidence in her abilities she's always second guessing her appearance. No amount of random confessions from acquaintances, or loving words from her lovers will break that mindset that her body is nothing but a scarred, ancient temple. She's a deeply thought provoked individual. A woman of thousands of layers, but here was just the main 5.

Some words from those who have met her on more than one occasion:

"Scary. She always gave off vibes like she could and would hurt you if given the slightest inclination. I know she's more than that, but I almost purely interacted with her for business."
- Autumn.

"Skylar Tsu, Ehh.. Now this ones an odd beginner; Throughout all the thick and thin we've been through together, Skylar has shown her tremendous physical strength, yet its obvious she shields herself with an outer-shell to enact as a protective layer like it's protecting from the freezing cold; by building a barrier of its own material; Sometimes replying with a colder and more desolate reply to cut herself off short, That is not Skylar, That isn't the women I've loved, Deeper down; Through that shell you see her truth; She's sensitive, delicate, Her loyalty shows no bounds, Determined; Caring and loving; Of course with the outer shell she still is just as protective, I prefer her truth; The way I look at her; its as if my eyes are full of wonder of the world when staring at her sparkling with my head shooting off like fireworks; hearing her laughter, No hearing her. It makes my heart swell like an allergic reaction that i dont want to go away, every beat of my heart reminds what I've been through alongside Skylar, From Sadness, Hatred, to Love, No one knows a fucking thing about her if you think she's scary, or if you treat her like a monster, you can fuck right off. If anything Skylar Tsu is a princess; refined, beautiful. all the words racing through my mind makes this difficult to determine just perfectly"
- Shoji. [simp]

"Miss Red, one who stands out among many. If I'm being honest— I've seen her before I genuinely met her. A lady full of pride, sure she can be a bit ****y with it but I admire her honour and dedication she puts into everything. — A perfect fit for the Heddo, see if I knew her before all this I would have taken a shot! But, hey, she is not my type.

I like to view her as a feather of a bird, in all honesty she'd slash my throat if I compared that to her. It's not a symbol of weak hearted but— a symbol of her strength away from anyone else's. A feather from a red flame, or should I say bird? Flame seems a bit traumatizing if her body is full of them. Mm, oh bird! Yeah bird, a red one. Duh."

A feather that flew away for its own good, a feather full of colour and pride— sure enough it'd be seen as weakhearted or simply light but, she's nothing like that. A feather that Skylar reminds me of, one that is sturdy— one that was full of its own beauty and blood. That's what Skylar is. Don't tell Heddo I said that, she may think I'm a whore for going for her lover."
- Yaqi.

"Skylar? I could write a good 10 pages or more on my perspective of her. At first, she was terrifying, she gave that sharp cold energy no matter the person, unless family of course. When I met her it was on terms I didn't wish, but I admired her for her courage and strength. Time passed and eventually things got better, I learnt more things about her and noticed she resembles one of my favourite animals sometimes, they are fast and quick to do the Job; no personal feelings! But they have their naturally caring side too but only limited to a few. She's built tall as a wall, and it's near impossible to break, while some succeed others do not. Skylar's always been the loyal and protective type, making sure those she cares mostly about are out of harms way, a simple injury? She wants their name or any information possible. People inside the job see her as this person who shows no mercy at people's feet. Outside her job she's someone different, she separates her two lives easily, I personally see her as sweet and caring along with the loyal and protective status, since the moment she helped me with a situation, we got closer and she's family. Even then, you always have to keep your guard up around her, you never know what her next move is, she could get a phone call and be gone the next second. She's got people looking up at her and looking out for her, but she fights her own battles willingly and never gives up, that's why I adore her even if she stresses me out sometimes with her work life... hence why I always say to her to stay safe."
- Yaban.

"She’s the kind of person whose been hardened by a lifetime of criminal indulgence and brutal police work, seeing the worst of humanity first hand. A redhead with a tough, muscular build, with a plethora of scars that tell a story of what she’s been through. She’s cold, calculating, and not one to waste words. It’s hard to know her true self, keeping it locked away behind a wall of professionalism and mistrust. She’s seen too much to let her guard down, even around people she works with"
- Kosei.

"Skylar Tsu is a diamond shrouded in shadows, When I first encountered her, I mistook her for a mere marionette, lifeless, devoid of spirit but as I plunged deeper into somewhat of a .. Friendship, I suppose she was the puppet master all along, orchestrating her own sick twisted macabre dance. Trapping those whom dare get closer to her in a web or lies. I am proud to call her my underling.. Truly, Divine."
- Lori.

"At first she reminded me of some sort of government worker. Serious and professional to a fault. However- as is often the case, her seriousness was a result of what I can only assume was horrific circumstances in her past. A callous response product of blisters formed by years of misfortune. Skylar Tsu is a tragedy, a Faustian bargain, but someone else had made the deal for her. I just- wish I could understand what makes her tick."
- Yuta.

"Skylar? Oh, she’s amazing. I mean, she’s my best friend’s mom, so obviously, I LOVE her. She’s got this great heart, and she’s so calm..... and steady—it’s impossible not to respect her. But—uh—she’s also terrifying. Like, genuinely. Ya know how some people just have this presence? Yeah, that’s Skylar. She’s so strong, it’s unreal. Her muscles could probably crush steel, and if she ever ran at me? Nope, I’m out. I’d be sprinting, and I hateee running. LIKE THIS ONE TIME.... Yoon and I totes ran from her and she started kicking the estate door down! I'm certain there is a foot imprint in the door now...
100/10 on the horrifying chart."
But here’s the thing—if I was ever in real trouble, like, deep, scary trouble? Skylar would be the first person I’d go to, but don't tell my Mom that. There is just no question to it! She’d just... show up, flex a little, and whoever was messing with me would REGRET every decision that led them there. So, yeah, I adore her—just, from a safe distance unless it’s an emergency!"
- Nanami.

“Oh.. my mumma? Well.. Errr Skylar-! I met her a while ago and she’s always been the best.. don’t tell anyone she’s my favorite.. She’s always super helpful even with my dumb homework questions. or when she does my hair in the mornings! I don’t think anyone ever could be better than her and if they are i’ll hunt them down personally. heh. is she scary though? YEA! Scariest glare award was made just for her with a pretty label and even a bow on it! Not that she’s.. uhm- disrespectful? like a scary uhhh commander.. “drop down and give me 20!!” kind.. you know? When I get in trouble with my momma and she calls Skylar I run to my room and pray…. I fear the Kami’s couldn’t save me from her wrath anyway. I love Skylar very much, and wanna be just like her when I'm more grown up, I think I'm on the right path; I even beat her in an arm wrestle!!!! I've never met someone so strong and I'm very proud of call myself a Tsu.”
- Yo-soojin.

"Oh! Skylar is one of the strongest people I know! Quite fierce and brave too! She’s not cold hearted though, she can be very sweet if you are too.”
- Masuyo.

“Skylar Tsu? You mean the flaming Cheeto hot head woman who looks like she’s been through 4 different cases of arson, 7 cases of assault with a deadly weapon all while she’s eaten protein powder by the bucketful, beefing at the gym? Her?”
- Ryousetsu.

"My mom is a badass that taught me everything I know! I love her so much. More than she will ever know, but I gotta act cool and mysterious so she keeps wanting my attention"
- Kamaryn.

"She's a hard worker, she's loyal. You can depend on her to have your back, or to keep her mouth shut. She works in the interest of those she deems worthy of it, worthy of giving a damn about. That's what made her so special, she's always strived to become top dog without stepping on the feet of the real superiors. She was one of Akihito's greatest assets, in my opinion." There was a considerable pause.
He cleared his throat. "I think it'd be a mistake to not take her in. That's my final piece."
- Hyousuke.

"Skylar Tachibana Tsu. An interesting woman, indeed. Once involved with my first high-profile client and later suspected corrupt police commissioner, I had always wondered what the nature of their relationship was. Or her relationship with a sociopath I sincerely detested. Both people I failed to catch. I have reason to believe that she at least *used to* be involved in shady dealings, but it would be no surprise if she had been adept at blending in with the shadows. But, of course, it would be unfair to assume guilt by association... I'm not nearly involved enough to know how terrifying she can be, or shady, for that matter. Although, I did see her throw a punch so hard at her punching bag, it had felt like the room was shaking. If I were to discover she *was* involved in any Machiavellian plots, I would have investigated her covertly, and told no one. That aside, she's a very good bartender - and you know what they say: never piss off your bartender, or something..."
- Goemon.

Honourable mentions for trying:



Describe your character's backstory to the greatest detail: (200+ words minimum)

[hahahaha... so.]

[These are as linked forums posts because there is PHYSICALLY TOO MUCH to copy paste over here. It's a 6k+ story.]

Describe an interaction that your character may have as a black market dealer: (This can be anything — a weapon deal, an event they may be involved in, or maybe an interaction with a gang)

A formed click, loud in its echoed cavern, did her tongue flick to the roof of her mouth. The metallic ball that sat upon the centre, ricocheting off the supple skin. Contorted expression, every passing second grew on her face of impatience, wondering, waiting. Their call hadn’t long been hauled through. A simple Pocket knife and a gas mask. So what was this hold up? A restless mind of uncertainty, that formidable dread that always hung loosely behind her like a ghost attached to its familiar that this time, maybe this time was the final call. The one to end it all. A crackle popped from the joints in her shoulders as she rolled them back, hoping to loosen up the weight bearing down.

Skylar promptly held her breath, eying the ladder as clumpered footsteps approached the entryway. It was only one set of footsteps, so her breath slowly released in one solid, warming flow, bouncing back across her face from the sheltered encasing of her mask. A feeling all too well familiar against her cold, doll-like skin. Not the typical doll, without an inch of imperfection. This one was cracked, stained and riddled with impurities.

Alas, our buyer had finally presented themselves. A jet-black suit, tailored with velvet fabric, slicked and refined. To his hands, leathered golden gloves; Though noticeably, the knuckled edges were cracked and scuffed. Well used, to put plain. Her eyes drifted around further, narrowing in at what other details could be seen. Their head clearly wore a balaclava, hiding their neck and hair from view, with of course a standardised Ballistic mask, but it was fresh. There wasn’t a single scuff or dent, nor rustage to the edges. Either it was new or well kept.

Their walk was suave, not strongly pursued but it had that model feel to it, like this was their runway, and Skylar was just an audience. Her head flopped to the side, smelling out the arrogance that brought through the air, hidden through the wreckage that was the Sewers. Using the dimly lit tunnel, Skylar could only grasp a hold of the Umbra around her, and do what was bestowed to her.


A flat fall of syllables, each one with a bitter taste, a cursed robotic code to forever restate. The man before her did not answer right away. Instead he seemed to take his time, evaluating and deciding. Deciding what exactly, She wasn't sure. But she knew the body language all too well. Though the mask hid their identity, the plotting was clear as day.

Finally they spoke. The mask muffled their voice with that all too irritating distortion. "Evening Deimos! I'm Unburo."

Skylar could almost make out the shit-eating grin that slid across his teeth with every word. Pride. Ego. Those were the first evaluations and he'd only shared four words. "Confirm the order." Every word mimicked a punch. Con. Firm. The. Or. Der. Like a drum on every beat, smacking down against the cow skin with theatrical thuds of immanent danger. A low, drawn out sigh cascaded from behind the mask, accompanied by a purposeful 'haah' to add on to his performance. Our female's eyes narrowed in with sharper intent, question after question rolling around her mind.

"Oh why must you be so cold~ Can't we get to know each other- Lets not be on bad terms, hmm?" His head would tilt to the side, faking a voice of offense that whined and drowned in her ear. A twitch flickered beneath her heavy eyebags, crushing down her eyebrows towards one another. She had already been agitated before he'd even arrived, and some how; They've managed to anger her further.

Industrial, thick leathered military official boots clunked forward. Each step vibrated with a loud boom through out the tunnel as she made her way forward, order in hand. Her voice lowered to a dangerous level, seething in her spot.

"I've got work to do. Hurry up."

Short and to the point. No useless heap of insults thrown or futile enragement pushed further. Skylar hated wasting her words on strangers she had no reason to be involved with. She spoke less at work, leaving words to a minimum. Short but precise. Their head would tilt to the right, glancing up to her looming height.

"A pocket knife and a gas mask doll."


There was that nickname, brought back to her ears. Every individual to ever mutter it towards her direction sent a wave of rushing, crashing aggression through every orifice of her veins; Every fibre and atom of her being suddenly craving the sweet tension of blood between her teeth. With that thought in mind, Skylar sharply inhaled; A long drawn out hiss sucked in through her lips before shoving the items directly to his chest. Of course, the blade wasn't pointed directly to harm them, but the action had noticeably caused their body to jolt and tense under the circumstances. Their hand slowly came up to clutch the items, wavering in hesitation with his following words.

"You're everything they said you'd be..."

His voice was docile, dainty. As if the façade from a mere moment ago had been so easily washed away from one threatening act. Pathetic, really.

But that lead the question. Who was discussing her name? How often was she brought to topic, so much so that his voice almost held a solemn attitude. Was she living up to expectations?

The more the words danced around her mind, the more questions followed behind like it's pied piper. How many questions left with open answers. A constant spiral. But alas, Deimos wouldn't question. Mustn't tempt the curious. So therefore she refrained.

"Go." And with that, she turned on her heel.

Our masked man, watched as her back faded out of view, though the distancing clicks of leathered, steeled heels could still be heard through out the echoing tunnels. Daunting and yet somehow alluring. He'd slip the items inside his blazer, gripping, white knuckled to the rope of the ladder as he'd hurl himself out towards the empty streets of Karakura.

With the mask off, the wind floating through the silk-like strands of golden dust, Our individual took his strides of power along the boulevard.

Badge in hand.

Describe any other additional information that is notable in considering your character for the role of a black market dealer: (If inapplicable, put N/A)

I wouldn't class this as notable, but During the creation of this application, I took a brief look over my first ever BMD one for some inspiration. It [weirdly] brought a smile to my face looking back at just how much my character has grown and developed even from back then, and she was STILL very different as a character from when I first brought her to SRP. Despite whatever happens I'm so so proud of the routes she's taken, and I hope to further push her story towards bigger and better things!


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