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Denied chancywancywoo | Doctor Application


Level 4

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):


What is your discord name & tag?:

Previous bans:

Describe your activity on the server:
I’m usually online for a few hours a day, depending on the classes I have each day and the amount of studying I need to get done. Usually, 2-4 hours during the week, and oftentimes a bit more on the weekends.

What is your timezone?:

List your current and past applications:
JSL Application - Denied
JSL Application - Accepted
Reporter Application - Denied
Russian Application - Accepted
Reporter Application - Denied
Greek Application - Accepted
Professor Application - Accepted
Service Animal Application - Accepted
Mandarin Application - Accepted

What experiences do you have with roleplay?:
Before joining SRP, I had little to no experience with roleplay. However, on SRP, I’ve roleplayed with several different characters and engaged in many different kinds of roleplay, such as CombatRP and GangRP, roleplaying with school sports teams and clubs, and even my time roleplaying as a professor with one of my characters. I’d like to say I’ve built up some experience with roleplay, and I only hope to expand and learn more.

What is your motivation for applying?
I want to engage in many different forms of roleplay, and try something new. Since leaving the Academics faction and returning from my hiatus back to SRP, I’ve been wanting to join a different faction and try something I haven’t done before, and I really think I would enjoy and thrive in the Hospital faction. I also think I would fit in well.

Which role are you applying for?
(Surgeon, Doctor, or Psychiatrist):


What knowledge do you have of Hospital Work?
ICly, there are three departments within the hospital: Psychiatrists, Doctors, and Surgeons. OOCly, my knowledge of hospital work is very minimal. I only know what I’ve personally experienced when it comes to hospital work and procedures. I know that hospital workers’ jobs are to care for sick and injured patients and save their lives without bias or prejudice. Doctors are primarily responsible for diagnosing and treating physical injuries and illnesses. They also order imaging tests such as x-rays, ultrasounds, and MRIs. I do have a very good knowledge of how the body works and functions, how to care for injuries, and some kinds of medications and how they interact with the body and what they’re for. I know this because of the biology degree I’m working towards in university, and I’ve taken a lot of notes. I also read anatomy & physiology textbooks for fun, as that’s the subject my character taught ICly for a time.

Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to being demoted at any given time if accepted?
Yes, I do.

Do you acknowledge that by applying for this role, you agree to be 100% dedicated to the Hospital Staff role?
Yes, I understand. Being undedicated would not be an issue.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?

Do you acknowledge that you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
Yes. Taking IC situations OOCly is not something I do.​

In-Character (IC) Section

Character’s Full Name:

Michal Hasuke

Character’s Gender and Pronouns:
Male, He/Him

Character’s Age (if accepted):

Character’s Academic Background

Bachelor’s Degree in Biology with a minor in chemistry
Master’s Degree in Medical Sciences

Character’s Nationality:
Greek, Polish

Character’s Marital Status:

Character’s Religious Denomination:

Character’s Spoken Languages:
Japanese, Greek (need to apply for it to be added on this account as I’m transferring this character over from my main. Will apply for it later)

Backstory (100+ Words)
Michal was born in Athens, Greece. He never knew his parents, and was an only child. All he knew of them was that they had died in a car accident and left him an orphan. He was in foster care for a short time before his foster family decided to adopt him, in which he stayed with them until he graduated high school. Michal did well and was a generally well behaved kid, excelling in his academics and getting along well with people his age. His senior year of high school, he decided he wanted to become a doctor, and worked harder than ever before. However, he did want to take some time for himself before going straight to college. He wanted to find out more about his roots - and where he came from. So he did some digging. After months of research and hunting down information, all he was able to find was that his family was part Polish, and that he had some extended family living there. He decided to take a trip to Poland, only intending to stay for a short while, but eventually a short while became a few months, then a few years. He felt tied and connected to his family roots, and he enjoyed spending time with his extended family and learning all he could about his parents. He never expected to like it there so much, so he called it home. A year after moving to Poland, he met his husband Rajmund, and they got married a year later, then decided to move back to Greece. Michal and Rajmund eventually decided to adopt a child, and so they contacted a couple in Greece for some help with that since they were friends with them. This Greek couple agreed to have a child for them to adopt when they're born, during these months of waiting they prepared a room and a plan to move to Japan as soon as they adopted this new member of their family. It turned out that the couple who had a baby for them had twins and so called upon them to come over and pick them up, the only thing is that Michal and Rajmund couldn't afford to keep 2 babies, neither could the other couple. With that they took 1 child each and went home, they named their little girl Haru because it was a Japanese orientated name they found on google that they liked. Due to financial problems, they could not move to Japan like they had planned for another 5 years! They saved and saved the entire time until they were finally able to move there. When they moved, Michal and Rajmund had already taught themselves Japanese within that 5 year timeframe and they were in the process of teaching Haru Japanese as well. She seemed to struggle at first but eventually she got it throughout her school years, in which she had complained about bullies. Michal and Rajmund of course went to the school to try and fix this, it was quite difficult though since the kids had taught themselves how to hide their troublesome ways. It wasn't too bad though, Haru got into a few fights but it was never something so bad that someone should worry about it, especially since Haru could handle herself pretty well despite her little temper. It wasn't too bad until they received a phone call from their local hospital who explained that Haru had been mauled by a dog, Michal and Rajmund of course rushed right over to see her. It turned out that she got rabies from the dog and they thought that Haru was going to die, but it turned out it was a misdiagnosis and she was going to be fine! Haru gave Michal and Rajmund a scare but she thrived through school afterwards, she was moved to another school since the kids there were teasing her with their family dogs in order to scare her which wasn't ok at all. After not having any attention drawn to her in her new school, Michal and Rajmund watched proudly as she grew and improved with her learning and education, they watched her become interested in boys and watched her move out to achieve her dreams! It wasn’t until after Haru graduated from high school and she was all set that he made any moves towards his career. He decided to first pursue a degree in biology from the University of Tokyo, then moved on to get his master’s in medical sciences. It took him a bit longer than most, possibly having to do with being a bit of an older age than the rest. Currently, Michal is back in Karakura with his husband Rajmund, waiting for the next steps in his career while enjoying supporting their daughter Haru as she succeeds in her life.


What is your character’s medical speciality? Why did they choose this focus?

(Ensure this is appropriate to the position you have chosen)
Michal’s specialty is in Emergency Medicine, and it is truly his passion. He learned that he works quite well on his feet, and enjoys the thrill of fast-paced, risky situations, and he thrives when making difficult judgment calls.

What medical residencies did your character take after medical school?
Michal did 3 and a half years of residency at the University of Tokyo Hospital.

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?
Yes! After he finished his residency, he worked at that same hospital he did his residency at for a year as a doctor! Since he excelled on his feet and specialized in Emergency Medicine, he spent most of his time in the Emergency Room treating incoming traumas.

Has your character completed any additional schooling?


Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique?

Michal stood at average height, around 5’8. He had shoulder-length, curly red hair that often found itself in little tangles throughout the day. He had bright blue eyes that lit up when he talked about something he was passionate about, and he had freckles just under his eyes and across the bridge of his nose. Michal was a very laid back person, a man of few words. However, when he did speak, it was usually only with kindness. Based off appearance alone, he looked very harmless and non-threatening.

How does your character act on and off duty?
On Duty:
Michal would be quick on his feet, always moving around and making sure everything he needed to get done got done. No matter how long he’d been working or how exhausted he was, he always had a smile on his face, ready to help whoever walked into those hospital doors. To him, nothing meant more than saving lives.

Off Duty:
When off duty, the softer, laid back side of Michal is seen. He likes to cook in his spare time, and will often go around town passing out sandwiches to people. He also likes to spend any spare time with his family, especially his husband Rajmund and their daughter, Haru.

Does your character function better on their own or with others?
Michal does well with both, but when given the option, he will always choose to work with others. His perspective is that two heads is always better than one. He likes receiving and providing feedback to make things better. Michal is very capable of working on his own, but he prefers having a network of people to bounce ideas on.

What plans does your character have for the future?
Unlike most people, Michal doesn’t have any defined plans for the future - he takes things day by day. Just being able to support and provide for his family while also doing his passion by saving lives everyday is all he could ever dream of. He is a little self-conscious of this fact, but tries to focus on his own goals instead of what he thinks he should be working towards in comparison to other people.

How is your character perceived by others? How does it contrast with their perception of themself?
Michal has always been perceived by others as a ‘softie’ and was bullied for it for a short time in high school. He is very quiet at times, opting to observe instead of head straight into the action, but once he gets a feel for what’s going on, he will jump into any conversation! Michal is very optimistic and always sees the bright side of things, even when he shouldn’t. He is also a very emotional man. Usually, he doesn’t show these deep emotions to people unless they really get to know him first. Many people look up to him as an inspiration or a father figure.
Michal doesn’t think too much of himself. He sees himself as a very average man, and he’s okay with that. He’s glad to have accomplished all he has in his life, and is proud of himself for moving forward through the hard times. His perception of himself isn’t very different from the perception other people have of him.​


Level 233
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator

Thank you for taking the time to apply, however, we have decided to deny this application due to the following reasons:

- You have not logged into one of your registered accounts in two OOC weeks.

If you need any further assistance, feel free to privately message me - 4lx. - via discord, and we will solve any inquiries you may have.

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