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Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:


Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

Do you have a microphone?:
Yes, but I would prefer not to use it.

How old are you? (Optional):

What is your time zone?:
My time zone is Central European Summer Time (GMT+2).

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I do acknowledge that if am inactive in this role I will lose it.

Describe your activity on the server:
I usually try to stay on at least a few hours a day, even though some days I may be on for only 1 or 2 hours I usually try to stay on 3 to 4 hours a day. I don't really take vacations so i usually find some time to log into the server. With school, I stay mostly on during the weekends because of schoolwork during the week, even though I still put a few hours into the server, but now that it is summer I shouldn't have any problems staying on for more. I spend most of my time walking around, maybe looking for some friends, but usually just trying to socialize and spread positivity.

Do you have any previous bans?:
Yes, unfortunately, I do. I was banned once for a week around a year ago when I was still getting started with Srp for talking about a sensitive topic once with a doctor. I regret doing that and I have learned my lesson as I haven't committed any violation of rules ever since.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
[Grade-12] [18 years old]


What subject are you applying to teach?:

I am applying to teach Art, in particular Art and Image with a particular focus on Graphic and Pictorial Disciplines. I am also researching to learn a bit of Sculpture to be able to teach that as well.

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:
I have a lot of reasons for wanting to become an art teacher, in particular, I wanted to dedicate my character to a teacher that I have actually had in real life, and that I am basing my whole character on. I have also felt like my roleplays have been getting kind of still and repetitive, since I haven't found myself enjoying most activities available for my current position in character, like sports or GangRp. I was thinking about trying something new and interesting and seeing that it is quite common for certain periods to have no classes being hosted for the lack of teachers, I thought I might give it a shot. have always had a lot of respect for all sorts of teachers as I believe they have one of the most important jobs on this earth, both in SchoolRp and in real life. I have also always liked helping, and teaching others the way to become a better individual, whether it was through studying and hard work, or through accepting that not everything has a solution. I like the idea of passing down my knowledge to a younger generation, or just to someone who might really need someone else to talk to. I have had good teachers in my life irl, in particular my 5th-grade math teacher, who I am basing my whole character on. He taught me what it meant to be kind and to follow my passion which was art, and now I am still practicing at an art school in Italy, as I am soon to graduate it. I have experienced what a good teacher can do to someone, but I have also seen firsthand how not every teacher is qualified to handle the responsibility of a child's future, which is why I want to be there for that one person that needs it, because if I don't do it then someone who is not able to might be forced to do it. I hope that I manage to make a difference in someone, at least one person.

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT & If your application is accepted, you may have to undergo teacher training?:
Yes, I do understand that I am only getting started with my training journey and that I will have to undergo teacher training.

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:
The logs are a register that tracks the number of classes that a teacher hosts every month. It is used to monitor the activity of a teacher and to establish the paycheck of every teacher through the amount of their amount of activity and potential bonuses like acting as surveillance during detentions.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
Even though being a strict teacher is not what I like to do, the class needs to be taken seriously.

1. First of all there needs to be a high level of respect for not only the teacher but for anyone in class. No making fun of others, no bullying, no interrupting others and no violence must be enacted during class.

2. No electronic devices or contact with anyone outside of the class will be tolerated without permission or surveillance from a superior unless allowed by the head teacher or in the case of an emergency.

3. No getting out of class without permission, that includes having to use the restroom.

4. Everybody must be engaged with the class, if somebody is not interested in the activity he is always allowed to leave as long as he doesn't cause any trouble or bother anyone.

5. Everyone must be having fun, to assure this there will be 5-10 minute breaks where talking will be allowed and where sometimes the teacher will tell a story or play a song on the guitar or just let the kids rest for a bit.

Any violation of these rules may or may not be punished accordingly to the gravity of the rule broken.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I don't really know if that counts but my main experiences with roleplay could probably be the comics that I used to write and have been writing for at this point around 6 years where character dialogue and different personalities interacting were required for everything to work as intended. As for actually roleplaying on the spot in places like Discord or even SchoolRp I have little experience but am curious about trying and seeing what improvised roleplay like the one applied in this server really looks like.

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:

- HD
↳ Meaning:
HD stands for "Head of Department"
↳ Description: the Head of Department is the highest ranking in the faculty system as only the most experienced teachers are allowed to achieve this rank. Other than normal teaching duties like hosting classes and surveilling the children. This is the person who is responsible for the leadership of the teachers within a given department or subject area. They help to set the direction that the department goes in and often provide instructional leadership and expertise to the teachers within that department.

- QT
↳ Meaning:
QT stands for "Qualified Teacher"
↳ Description: A qualified teacher is someone who has completed all of the required training and education to be deemed a qualified teacher, as well as having passed all of the necessary assessments and exams that go along with being a teacher. This person is entrusted with the responsibility of teaching and supervising students within a classroom setting and is expected to act as an individual who can facilitate learning and development within his/her students. They usually have more liberty over their classes too and are usually the ones who are allowed to host their classes outside of the class.

↳ Meaning:
NQT stands for "Newly Qualified Teacher"
↳ Description: A newly qualified teacher is someone who is less experienced than a qualified teacher and that is newer to the job and has recently completed all of the necessary training and education needed to be considered certified and authorized to teach. While still gaining experience and learning on the job, this person is still responsible for supervising and teaching students within a classroom setting. This person is expected to be a professional in his/her role and be trusted to teach students in an efficient and effective manner that facilitates learning and development within his/her students.

- UT
↳ Meaning:
UT stands for "Unqualified Teacher"
↳ Description: An unqualified teacher is a teacher who hasn't fully undergone the teacher training program and is not that experienced or used to handling the responsibility of a class. For them to host a class, it is usually required for supervision from a higher-up to be present.

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

Teachers are an essential part of any society. They serve many purposes, but their primary purpose is to educate. This includes providing students with academic knowledge, but also teaching them how to be productive and well-adjusted members of society. They also help students develop critical thinking skills and instill values that will serve them well in life. They encourage critical thinking and open-mindedness and help students to develop creativity and original thinking. They also help to instill a sense of discipline, responsibility, and hard work, which are important qualities in any person. Teachers are truly dedicated, hard-working, and selfless individuals who deserve the utmost respect.

Teachers teach through a variety of ways, depending on the age level and the subject being taught. Some educators will use traditional methods such as lecturing, while others will employ more creative and interactive methods such as discussion or hands-on activities. Each teacher has their own style of educating, and their teaching methods are tailored toward the individual students, the curriculum, and the content of the course. What works well for one teacher, class, or subject may not be beneficial to another, so teachers will always work with discretion and care when deciding the best teaching methods for their students and their course. Me, personally, I enjoy the more interactive and practical way of teaching, following every student's needs and desires and trying to involve everyone in fun activities that can almost trick the students into believing that they aren't even working.

There are many different ways that teachers teach, and each teacher has their own style. In their spare time, they often spend time grading papers, planning lessons, or meeting with students. They also attend professional development training to stay up to date on the latest techniques and trends in education. Other than that they can of course have their own private life, that they may dedicate to their hobbies, passions, following their studies, or to their family. At the end of the day, teachers need not only to be good at helping shape the minds of the younger generation but also need to be functioning adults that can serve as role models for others on what to achieve by following the school system.

Newly Qualified Teachers in-game can earn up to ¥350k per Ooc month by reaching a minimum of 10 classes hosted in the month, while Qualified Teachers can earn up to ¥400k per month, while also gaining the ability to make up to ¥50k in bonuses per 5 extra classes hosted in the same month, with a limit of 3 claimable bonuses within the same month.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:
SchoolRp is a place where players engage in a school-based roleplay in the town of Karakura. It's great that new players can join and attend classes hosted by teachers, who play an important role in guiding and welcoming students into the server.

Having teachers as a foundation is crucial for players to fully engage in the school aspect of the roleplay and make the experience more enjoyable. Without them, students may not have as many interactions and may wander around the school with little purpose. Teachers can help keep the school grounds lively and give students the opportunity to meet new friends. In addition to social interactions, teachers also play a role in educating their students for college exams and teaching them more about the town of Karakura. Overall, teachers are an essential part of the SRP experience and help make it a fun and engaging place to be.

Teachers are some of the most hard-working and least appreciated members of our society, both in SRP and in real life. But it's not the salary or respect that draws them to their profession. The thing is, kids are the future! In a sense, teachers raise the next generation. Without teachers, there would be no doctors, no scientists or entrepreneurs. They are the foundation for a successful society.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:
Karakura High School works on the MoSCoW system, which stands for "Must Have", "Could Have", "Should Have", "Wouldn't or Would Have".

Character Knowledge

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. How does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What are their plan for the future?

Robert "Bob" Ross is a rather tall individual, standing at 6'2 (188 cm) and weighing 185 lbs (around 83 kg). He was rather athletic, especially for his age as he was soon reaching his 40s. He had brown curly hair, that almost looked like a wig on his head and a short curly beard on his chin, and some visible curly chest hair from his shirt. He liked to wear bright-colored clothing that wasn't too fancy or complex but rather more humble and cheap, sometimes people would even think that he was homeless from just looking at him. He always wore a bright smile and seemed to be always happy and relaxed, never making any sudden movements and always seeming calm and comfortable, even in situations when one would probably panic.

He always wore a smile and seemed to be happy all of the time, even in moments of sadness or anger, he always tried to hide it and remain positive as he didn't want to spread a bad mood around other students and co-workers. He was very calm and quiet, sometimes a bit too much as he would tend to be ignored sometimes, but was otherwise always a wholesome and positive figure to look up to. He liked helping others, inspiring others to be better, to hope. He never raised his voice and never screamed, because he didn't like to. Some even thought he had some kind of disease or a problem with his lungs that stopped him from raising his voice too much when in reality he has always been like this; he has never liked to raise his voice and use fear or intimidation to make others do as he wishes to. He is always calm, kind, and empathetic toward others and loves to help.

Bob has many passions, in particular, art. He has studied photography, animation, writing, acting, movie directing and writing, comic book writing, and sculpting in the past, but his specialty and main focus is imagery painting. In particular, he likes to doodle everything that he sees which is why he can usually be seen carrying a sketchbook, usually full of little drawings of stuff that he sees while walking around. He also likes to paint, in particular with watercolors, but he likes to try different mediums and sometimes even mixes them. He also likes animals, in particular dogs but any animal really. He sees them as the purest creatures of nature, as those who can't feel remorse or jealousy, that don't manipulate and that would never kill their own species out of greed. He also likes nature in general, as he is often seen taking walks alone at parks or even in the middle of forests if he can. He is also proficient in Karate, Judo, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and even studied MMA and Kendo for a bit, but he is generally interested in martial arts and combat sports in general, as they were his first passion back in his teenage years. The last thing is that he likes to help others, to make others happy, as it is what makes him happy as well.

He is in it to help others, especially students as he believes that this is their most crucial age and wants to help them as best as he can to find their passions and follow them. He doesn't like to raise his voice or be strict with students as he believes that they are smart enough to know what is right. He doesn't like to treat students like inferiors or brats but more like other humans as he likes to put himself down to their level (sometimes literally doing so by kneeling down) and helping them on a personal level because he doesn't do this job for the money or for the fame, but because he genuinely believes in a better world and wishes to help others reach it. He always tried to be friendly with teachers too, trying to befriend anyone he saw and always trying to help.

He still hasn't gotten married, because he is still waiting for that one true love to spark, even though he hasn't found it yet, and he isn't particularly searching for it either. He has no real family or friends here in Japan, so he can be often seen alone, usually doodling, maybe in nature.


/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:
As I approached the group, they kept swearing at each other. I stopped and started listening to what they were arguing about. After a few minutes of listening, I interrupted and told them that it wasn't healthy to yell and swear at each other and that they should talk things out, respectfully. If they didn't like what I was saying and kept arguing with each other, ignoring me. I got frustrated, and told them to pay attention, that we needed a healthy environment to get our classwork done.
They still yelled at each other, and I got fed up. I took a second to recompose myself. I put on a friendly, smiling face, and re-approached the group of students. I reminded them of the importance of being respectful, positive, and polite to others, and that by working together, we would all get our work done much quicker and easier. They seemed more receptive this time and eventually stopped swearing and arguing. I smiled, proud that I was able to resolve the conflict by keeping everyone calm and polite.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
I take a second to think about the situation. The class is probably distracted, so I decide to do something to grab their attention. I get everyone's focus on me by yelling "everyone, everyone, hello? Hello?!" Everyone looks and listens. I continue by asking if they like to draw or paint. I ask if they would like to do a fun project where they can use their creativity and make something using materials I bring in. I tell the class they will each be able to draw a scene of their choosing, using materials like markers, crayons, colored pencils, and paint. Everyone gets a chance to express their creativity and paint something they're passionate about, and we will keep them on the walls to show what a wonderful job they did.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:
As an introvert who likes to doodle, I often find myself spending time alone in the teacher's lounge. I like getting time to myself, and I find it peaceful to sit and think, or draw something on a sketchpad. I will always make a point to be courteous and polite to other teachers, but I generally like to stick to myself and stay out of other people's way.
I am usually quiet and observant. I like to listen to what other teachers have to say and take in their words and advice. I can't help but notice that there are often different factions, with teachers forming little groups and cliques, and I find myself staying out of them and sitting alone. This doesn't mean I don't like any of the teachers, it just means that I have my own interests and personality. If I am ever approached by another teacher, I welcome the conversation and enjoy getting to know them better.

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

I would enter the classroom, and take a moment to observe everyone talking to each other. I know from my years of teaching that the best way to get attention is to be interesting and engaging. I walk up to the front of the room and greet the students. "Hello, I'm your new teacher Mr Ross, but you can call me Bob. I will be your teacher today, if anyone has any questions, do not hesitate to ask". I stay friendly and positive, making sure to be patient and understanding as everyone slowly warms up to me.

/me would begin by taking some clay and forming it into a rough shape of a human body. I then begin to sculpt and carve the different features of the human body, focusing on the details. I use several different tools to add depth and detail, and I work carefully to create my vision. This process takes a lot of time and patience, but by the end, the sculpture looks like a human being, complete with facial features and details. It's not that much of an impressive piece of artwork, but the students seem to appreciate the time and effort that went into creating it and look like they were paying attention and understood the process.

/me I walk around the room, distributing small canvases to each student. I make sure there is enough room for everyone to work comfortably, and explain the project in detail: "Today we are gonna do something different than usual, I want to see what you can do on your own, so today I'm not giving you an instruction on what to do, just put the colors that you want in the way that you wish to and remember to have fun". The students all seem interested and excited to start, and I make sure every student has everything they need to complete their project. Once everyone has everything they need, I give some final tips and instructions, and then I walk around the room, monitoring progress and helping anyone who needs it.

/me Class is about to end as there are only 10 minutes left until lunch. I would begin collecting all the pencils and other art materials from the desks, tables, and floor, making sure to keep an eye on the students as I do so. I make sure that everyone is putting away their supplies and packing up neatly, and that there are no messes for me to clean up. I continue doing this until the room is clean and ready for the next class. This way, I can ensure that the room will be nice and clean by the time the next class starts, making it easier for everyone to learn and be comfortable.

/* Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and his/her previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended. Make sure this is over 300 words. Remove this comment after posting.*/

On May 8, 1981, Robert "Bob" Ross was born in Venice, Italy, a charming city. Growing up in this historically vibrant atmosphere, he was continually surrounded by the beauty of art, architecture, and the quiet rivers that meandered through the town. Bob's family, a renowned painter herself, instilled in him an intense appreciation for the wonders of painting from an early age. As a child, Bob spent countless hours observing his mom at her easel, mesmerized by the way she transformed a blank sheet into a world of colors and emotions. He was captivated by the way she used her paint to express her innermost thoughts and feelings, giving life to her mind. It was through his family's effect that Bob discovered his personal passion for art. At the age of 25, Bob completed the Fine Arts Academy (an art university) in Venice, having honed his abilities and acquired a strong understanding of various creative strategies. He nevertheless had a strong urge to travel the globe and engage himself in various cultures. Fuelled by a sense of adventure and a longing for knowledge, Bob embarked on an amazing journey that would shape his life in unexpected ways. Bob made the decision to live as a homeless person for the following two years, relocating to various areas and crossing continents. During his wanderings, he stumbled upon martial arts dojos and became fascinated by the skill, grace, and beliefs that accompanied these old methods. Guided by his attention, Bob embraced this new avenue of self-discovery, learning numerous martial art styles, including Karate, Muhay Thai, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Judo, some MMA, and even Kendo, along his wandering way. After years of traveling, Bob found comfort in Karakura, Japan. His spirit was moved by the serene environment, rich cultural heritage, and ingrained reverence for the arts and the natural world. Bob made the decision to relocate to Karakura, incorporating traditional Chinese art varieties into his own creative expressions. Bob taught private art lessons in Karakura for the following few years, passing along his passion and knowledge to a select group of committed students. He treasured these private teaching sessions because they allowed him to get to know his students personally and support their creative endeavors. As Bob approached his 42nd birthday, a realization hit him: he had been lucky to have amazing educators who had inspired him to become a better person and artist. He was aware that not all young people had the same good fortune, though. It was this recognition that fueled Bob's decision to apply for a teaching position at Karakura High School, aiming to be the guiding light that he wished he had encountered during his own early years. Despite his inherent shyness and shy nature, Bob's authentic passion for art and training radiated through his every brushstroke and heartfelt conversation. Behind Bob's actually - existing smile and infectious optimism lies a deeply personal tale that shaped his character. Tragically, at a younger age, Bob lost his beloved younger sibling. This painful experience taught him the delicacy of life and the importance of cherishing every moment. In honoring his friend's memory, Bob vowed to distribute pleasure, love, and ideas through his skill and teaching, embodying the spirit of resilience and hope. Bob's apparently boundless happiness and quiet demeanor may be attributed to his real desire to boost and bring joy to others. He finds comfort in sharing his creative abilities, bringing light to the life of his pupils, and igniting their own emotions. Bob exudes comfort and compassion that envelops those around him, encouraging them to accept their own possibilities and find beauty in the world. Bob Ross, the art instructor with an incredible journey, continues to inspire and nourish young heads at Karakura High School. Through his delicate guidance, steadfast devotion, and viral love for art, he endeavors to ignite a spark in every scholar, just as his own instructors had done for him. And as Bob brushes colors onto his cloth, he weaves along stories of resilience, sympathy, and the transformative energy of art, leaving an indelible mark on the life he touches.

In-Character Information
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only):

My name is "Robert Ross", but people call me "Bob" for short

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
I would rather people just call me by my name but if that's not possible then "Mr" will do fine

Given Name(s):
people call me "Bob" for short

Preferred Name:
I usually prefer people calling me "Bob"

Age (Minimum is 27):
I am currently 42 years old

I am a male

Religious Denomination:
That's a tricky question, i don't really identify in a certain religion and do not practice any either but if I am more into Buddhism and have been learning about it for a while now.

Marital Status:
Currently still single

I have an Italian nationality

Current Location:
I currently live in Karakura, Japan

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years):

6 years

Academic Degree:
Bachelor's degree in Fine Arts

Year of Graduation:

Fine Arts


Native Languages:
My native language is Italian

Other Languages:
I speak English and Japanese fluently

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?:
No, I don't

/*You may leave this blank*/

Additional notes about your application:

I know that this probably doesn't matter but I just wanted to say I'm actually an artist in real life who is still going to art school here in Venice, Italy, and would like to bring a more accurate experience regarding the teaching of art in high schools.

Also, I am basing his personality over both Perrito from **** in Boots 2 and my late 5th-grade math teacher, who is what made me who i am today and that helped me get learn to follow my art passions
Perrito (2).png

Do you have any questions?:

Screenshot 2023-06-04 174004.png


Level 108
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
Thank you for applying! Your application was wonderful! However,

  • The subject you applied for is currently capped

Please feel free to work on the application until the next wave of applications!

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